A fighter loyal to Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad hangs his picture as fellow fighters rest by a Syrian national flag after gaining control of the area in Deir al-Adas, a town south of Damascus, Daraa countryside on February 10, 2015.Reuters
Written by Valentin Vasilescu; Originally appeared at Veterans Today
The Syrian Arab Army, with a strength of 125 000 soldiers, fighting since nearly six years against 200 000 so-called “insurgents” who are in fact 90% of the Islamist mercenaries armed, trained and paid for by foreign Governments and their intelligence services. At the beginning of this war of national defense, the Syrian Arab Army has committed a series of errors that allowed mercenaries to get their hands on 1/3 of its combat equipment and 45% of its ammunition depots.
The Syrian Arab Army has lost more than 40,000 troops who could not be replaced by voluntary reservists, since 75% of the national territory had been occupied by the Islamists. Subsequently, especially with the arrival of the Iranian instructors, Hezbollah and the Russians, and the delivery of modern combat equipment, the effectiveness of the Syrian Arab Army has increased exponentially [[1]]. During the liberation of the city of Aleppo by the Syrian army, a key role was played by Russian special forces – Spetsnaz operations [[2]]. Although the Syrian Arab Army has regained the initiative and launched an offensive in several directions, she is not yet able to put an end to the war of national liberation, by a quick victory.
The reason for this is the dispersion of large units of the Syrian Arab Army on several fronts. Therefore, the balance of forces is still in favour of the Islamists. Despite the fact that they have lost close to 100,000 men, killed in Syrian and Russian air raids and ground fighting, they still receive many recruits introduced by the border not controlled by the Syrian army. Mercenaries form groups in different parts of Syria, where they dug a maze of hundreds of kilometres of galleries, tunnels, shelters and bunkers camouflaged by the vegetation that serve as warehouses of food, fuel, ammunition and ammunition production workshop.
In these underground shelters hide also heavy weapons and tanks and artillery [[3]]. Many of these terrorist groups could not be surrounded by the Syrian army and could continue to receive arms, ammunition and recruits from outside the Syria. Al Manar [[4]], based on articles from the international press, has published a statement of situation of terrorist groups other than the Islamic State and units Kurdish, as well as the areas where they operate. We find, in the South of Syria (Daraa governorate) and the region of Quneitra, active groups of the South Front and the movement Islamist al-Muthanna, allied to the Islamic State.
Both have been created and funded by the center of military operations from Amman (Jordan), subordinate to the CIA. After having eliminated Kadhafi, MI6, the CIA and the DGSE would have brought mercenaries from the Libya, to train them in military bases in Jordan and Turkey to the specific conditions of the Syria. These groups control a large part of the Jordanian-Syrian border are composed of 38000 mercenaries.
In the suburbs of Damascus, and to the East of the desert area of Qalamoun, operate groups of Islamic mercenaries of the Legion al-Rahman, Jaish al-Islam and the Brigade of the Martyrs of Islam created and financed by Saudi Arabia and the Qatar. Founder of Jaish al-Islam, Zahran Alloush, was killed in a Russian air raid.
These two groups in the center of the Syria totaling 40 000 fighters.
In the governorate of Aleppo in the North of the Syria, we find the Front of the Levant (Jabhat al-Shamiyah), which frequently uses American anti-tank Tow missiles provided by the Saudi Arabia, introduced through the border with the Turkey. Always in the Northwest of the governorate of Aleppo, there are group Nour al – Din al-Zenke paid and armed by the CIA through the center of military operations from Amman. There is another group operating in Aleppo governorate, it is the Brigade Sultan Murad, a branch of the army Syrian Turkmenistan (STO), supported by Turkey, who took part in the Euphrates shield operation.
In total, 11 000 Islamist mercenaries operating in the Aleppo governorate. In Idlib governorate, in the North-West of the Syria, there is the Brigade of Falcons of the mountain, formed in Saudi Arabia and the Qatar. Command of the brigade is provided by officers of the special forces of some Western countries and the Arabian peninsula, the flow of information is provided by the CIA through a center of military operations in Turkey. The brigade operates in cooperation with the al-Nusra and Syrian Ahrar al-Sham, against the Arab Army. Idlib governorate in the 13th division, equipped with Tow anti-tank missiles and completely funded by the Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The most powerful group in the Idlib governorate is Ahrar al-sham, funded by Saudi Arabia and with instructors of the special forces of some Western countries.
There is also the al-Nusra (the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda). The al-Nusra is supported by the United States and Britain. The mercenaries in the governorate are 29 000 and totally control the border with the Turkey. In the governorates of Aleppo and Hama, we find the North Division, which cooperates with the Group Jaish al-Nasr and another group the Legion Sham / Faylaq al-Sham. The Sham Legion units participated in operation shield of the Euphrates in northern Syria, alongside the Turkish army. The three groups include more than 10,000 mercenaries. In Idlib and Latakia governorate is the 1st Division, consisting of 2800 mercenaries, armed with anti-tank weapons provided by the United States.
Latakia has also the Turkmen Syrian army (STO)), supported by Turkey, with a membership of 5000 fighters. The algorithm of steps to improve relations with the Turkey applied by the president Vladimir Poutine, after the attack on the Russian bomber Su-24 by Turkish aviation, has led to the reopening of the construction projects of the Turkish Stream pipeline and construction of Turkish nuclear power plants, and support for the president Erdogan during the military coup of the summer 2016 [[5]]. It is clear that the Russia, instead of going to the confrontation, tried to align the Turkey to its policy towards the Syria. If the presidents Putin and Erdogan fall on an agreement on the future of the Syria, the change in the balance of forces for the support of the Syrian Arab Army could come from the Turkey.
President Recep Erdogan could prohibit training and entry into the governorate of Idlib in Syria of mercenaries recruited by MI6, the CIA, the DGSE and the GID of the Saudi Arabia, from the border of the Turkey and Aleppo. At the same time, the Turkmen Syrian army, supported by Turkey, should rally the Syrian Government and the Turkish army could launch cooperation on a large scale with the Syrian army. The 7th and 2nd Corps of the Turkish army could take over of the Syrian Arab Army for control of the North of the Syria to isolate and stop any movement of the Islamic State or the Kurdish units. This would allow the 2nd and 3rd Syrian Arab army corps (divisions 1, 3 and 11 tanks, Division mechanized 4, 10, 14, 15 brigade and special forces Tigers) to focus on a single operation, the cleaning of the North, Center and West of Syria (governorates of Aleppo, Idlib. Hama and Homs) mercenaries.
This operation would be completed in four months at the most, i.e. exactly at the time where it is expected that the Iraqi city of Mosul would be released from the Islamic State. In June 2017, a new large-scale operation could be triggered for the elimination of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, an operation in which the Syrian army would be supported by the Russian contingent, Hezbollah, the Iran, the Turkish army, the Iraqi army, the operation being coordinated by the Russia.
[1] Le retour de l’Armée arabe syrienne (http://www.voltairenet.org/article190577.html ).
[2] Le rôle des Spetsnaz dans la libération d’Alep (http://reseauinternational.net/le-role-des-spetsnaz-dans-la-liberation-dalep/
[3] Les guerres de Libye et de Syrie : les points communs et les différences (http://reseauinternational.net/les-guerres-en-libye-et-en-syrie-les-points-communs-et-les-differences/).
[4] Qui combat vraiment en Syrie: la liste noire de la honte de l’Occident ( http://french.almanar.com.lb/177043# ).
[5] Pourquoi Erdogan est-il devenu anti-euro-atlantiste ? ( http://reseauinternational.net/pourquoi-erdogan-est-il-devenu-anti-euro-atlantiste/).
Read more at http://reseauinternational.net/comment-pourrait-se-terminer-le-conflit-en-syrie-en-2017/#6zzxA02reRvGRzQR.99
Gotta partition it; there are more Iranian mercenaries than Syrian troops, the Syrians can’t defend half of the country even with gigantic amounts of foreign help, let alone all of it so they’ve got to give some of it up. I liked the line where apparently the army can’t replace manpower due to 3/4s of the country’s land being in enemy hands, despite that being nonsense; the government controls the majority of the population! They could easily replace the men with the millions available but Arabs have no stones, they don’t want to defend their own nation so they don’t deserve to keep all of it, especially when the Kurds are fighting hard and risking their necks for progress, as opposed to the Syrians fleeing at the first sign of trouble, even struggling/stalemating when they’ve got total dominance over powerless, besieged pockets. The north should go to the Kurds without a doubt, they’ve earned it and a buffer from Turkey is essential. At least Assad can be sure of those 2 never working together! With a Syrian Kurdistan, who knows, maybe a Turkish Kurdistan can happen, depriving Turkey of a quarter of its population, decimating it as Turkey did to Syria.
Anywho, the only chance of Israel feeling a measure of safety is if Syria is weakened both in land mass, economy and population, and what with Iran/Syria/Hezbollah’s takeover of Lebanon and subsequent Israeli harassment (causing wars), this alliance needs to be weakened. They can still win the Syrian war of course but the chances of further conflict with Israel as well as Sunni neighbours is lessened if it’s not total victory. The important thing is all sides saving face in some way, only that will end the bloodshed.
Remember that everyone else in the world have noticed how all the oil from Iraq went trough the Kurdish areas, and in a way that can not be seen as anything but being a contributor to IS/ISIS, in stead of fighting the bastards.
Syria belongs to Syria and it shall remain so.
Glad to see you back. The ISUS oil trade is over. Most of the oil trucks are gone. Kurds and TU/FSA are pushing from the north. This may bode well for SAA. ISUS has to many fronts to cover!
Barzani is Erdogan little pet dog.
It is not gonna happen.Also the number of Iranians and Hezbollah are is far lesser than the numbers of Syrian troops.You are right about SAA being very incompetent.This is mistake of the Syria leadership.
How can you say “SAA being very incompetent”. Did you not follow the news about the taking of Aleppo? Some formations are better than others, do you think they are all NDF! Are you still pissed off about the fall of Palmyra. Do you realize how much front line must be covered with limited resources?
Iran and Russia fault for the Palmya fall anyway, he seems to be pro Iranian bias.
It were not the Syrians taking Aleppo, it was mostly shia militia and Iranian guards. As far as the Army is concerned, the shrinking of an army of almost 300.000 men in 2010 to 125.000 in 2017 while at war and while in command of a population of some 10 million is not a sign of large and overall control, command and performance.
Actually, the SAA were a very low quality force before this started, so even if they’ve improved substantially, they probably still aren’t that good, overall.
Sure NDF are more like national guaurd. But SAA in Deir Ezzor are more like 101st holding out in Bastogne to fuck up the German offensive towards Antwerp. Have they held out for 4 years?
Well, actually it’s being held by the 104th Republican Guard Airborne Brigade, as it happens, and they are of much higher quality than ordinary SAA.
Ironically, however, Bastogne is another US myth. The 101st was backed up by enough other troops, including an absurd amount of artillery, that they actually outnumbered the German attackers, whose depleted formations have had their numbers much exaggerated in English-language history books, in much the same manner that English-language histories of the Ardennes Offensive have tended to exaggerate overall German strength, vastly exaggerate German losses, and then compare those exaggerated numbers to the strengths and losses of only some of the total Allied units involved in the fighting while trying to give them impression those are the total for all of them.
I don’t know whether you are expressing disagreement or merely being humorous, but well-played, in either case.
It is no secret to anyone that Israel is the driving force behind all the mayhem in Syria, but the question is why. Syria was no threat to Israel before the war and neither was Hezbollah. It has the capability to respond to an attack but has no capability to follow through with an incursion into Israel. Could it be that this is all about weakening Hezbollah’s defensive capabilities, by destroying its support base, in preparation for another go at the Lebanon portion of biblical Israel?
israel needs land.
I explained why, very clearly, if you read my comment; the Syrians funneled masses of Palestinian refugees into Lebanon, who caused a war with Lebanese Christians (who were previously the majority in Lebanon) and won, taking over the country as well as Hezbollah being the dominant military force there. Hezbollah, being a radical Islamic, foreign backed power are basically the equivalent of Al Nusra in Syria today; foreign backed radicals, it’s the same situation really, foreigners being where they don’t belong, backed by people with no business interfering in another country. Hezbollah started not one but two wars with Israel, all with Syrian and Iranian backing, you still don’t think that Israel was justified in undertaking actions that would weaken this alliance that drives towards its destruction?
That is such a pile of bull excrement that I am amazed that you have the nerve to print it, even with a pseudonym. The only truthful thing you say is: “foreigners being where they don’t belong,” That is the history of Israel, and its future if Zionism has its way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Lebanon
Every word that I typed was factual, just because you don’t like being confronted with the truth, that doesn’t make it false. Get over yourself and accept that Iran, Syria and Hezbollah’s actions brought this conflict upon themselves.
And your link immediately proves what I typed.
Suppose we let the readers decide.
Were you dropped on your head as a baby? It has nothing to do with what people on this page decide to believe, facts are facts, undeniable, historically recorded events that happened without a doubt, your disbelief because they completely disrupt your worldview has no bearing whatsoever on the truths they tell.
Were you circumcised at the wrong end? This is a discussion group. I know that you would prefer that everyone here just accept your unreferenced version of history without doing their own research, but most of the readers here understand that that is just one of the key objectives of hasbara.
Hahahaha, a discussion group, you still think that you can deny facts and be taken seriously! “Unreferenced”?
You could look literally anywhere to find this information. Google Black September to start off with.
“Without doing their own research”?
You’ve had time to do your own research, a whole day in fact to google for a few minutes but you’re happy to stay completely ignorant and act like my information is opinion based, you’re a joke mate. A typical Muslim/luvvie that is content with knowing nothing and even being arrogant about it over someone that knows what he’s talking about.
Well it does actually make Israel look good as I said, what with its Muslim neighbours working together to take over a Christian majority nation and afterwards attack Israel more than once. But as a typical Muslim, you can’t handle facts because they destroy your entire worldview, they make you feel small and stupid to know that your opinions are completely wrong, to know that your side is the evil one, the enemy, and that the country you hate are saints by comparison and justified in their actions, inflicting upon Syria exactly what Syria and its allies inflicted upon Lebanon.
“….that the country you hate are saints by comparison and justified in their actions, inflicting upon Syria exactly what Syria and its allies inflicted upon Lebanon.” Ahhh! So you acknowledge that Israel is behind the turmoil in Syria. It seems we have come full circle.
I acknowledged that in my first comment, do you not even know what this discussion is about? I’m making this pretty plain, I think this is the 3rd time I’ve stated this, read my first comment (I would say again but you evidently never read it a first time). Of course Israel is one among many behind the Syrian war, this whole thread is about how Syria/Iran/Hezbollah is getting what they previously gave. They overthrew Lebanon with radicals and now Israel among others are doing the same back to Syria, with Iranian soldiers and Hezbollah reaping what they sowed in Lebanon.
And you have no qualms about all the suffering that you have caused to the millions of innocent Syrians, and about throwing the remainder to the purgatory of life under ISIS and Al Nusra. And you expect us to believe that you did this because of what the Syrian government did to your neighbor, when you show not the least bit of compassion for the innocent Palestinians in your midst? Do you really expect people to swallow that?
What do you mean that I have caused? I’m not Israeli, I’m just not a Muslim/luvvie.
As I said, Syria did the exact same thing to Lebanon, this war is their chickens coming home to roost. “Innocent Palestinians”, you mean the terrorists right? They belong in Jordan and the like, where they came from (they only moved to Israel as Jews started building the nation up).
Actually, it was mass arrival of PLO militants that destabilized the multi ethnic Lebanese state and led to the Lebanese civil war. The PLO were forced out of Jordan in 1970 by the military – ‘Black September’ – after they got way out of control and tried to create their own state in Jordan. In contrast, Hezbollah are an actual native Lebanese political and military party, that developed out of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. When the IDF launched a full scale invasion of Lebanon, to rout out those very same PLO militants. The IDF were tactically successful and the PLO left for Tunisia in ships under international supervision, however, many Palestinians remained in refugee camps. Hezbollah developed as a response by southern Lebanese shia based around the Bekka Valley, who were deeply outraged by the IDF’s incursion and continued ‘security corridor’ occupation of southern Lebanese territory from 1982 – 2000. In 1979, Iran had a shia revolution, and keen to export their model quickly become the patrons of the nascent Lebanese shia movement. That is how Israel tactically defeated Arafat’s PLO, but in the process, strategically created a far more organized and deadly enemy, in the Hezbollah resistance movement to the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon.
A mass arrival that occurred solely because Syria let it. The civil war occurring because of this, because of Syria and Iran wanting to turn Lebanon into a Muslim controlled state. Israel supported the Christian Lebanese, who were dominant before the invasion by the PLO and had every right of asking Israel for help to reclaim their country.
Iran/Syria had no right, after already taking over the country, to deny the Christians the right to take back their nation, Hezbollah had no moral right because their side was completely in the wrong. Like you said, Israel were hunting the PLO invaders and Hezbollah wanted to stop Israel from doing this, so they were wrong; this imagined sense that Hezbollah are righteous is laughable. And after what the Shia alliance had done, an occupation to further protect the clearly vulnerable Christians was understandable.
This is what usually always happens when Israel develops OCD over a particular enemy. They go all out to destroy said enemy, and in doing so almost always end with a worse enemy. They tried so hard to destroy Arafat’s PLO they turned a blind eye to the rise of Hamas as they did ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing. They went all out trying to kick out the PLO from Lebanon they’re now stuck with Hezbollah. Now they’re trying to get rid of Assad in order to get rid of Hezbollah and again the enemy of their enemy (ISIS) is now suddenly their friend. Until they’re the next bogeyman and the whole cycle starts again.
Israel has no long term vision other then fight the latest symptom of the disease its causing.Well, once it had, but that particular Israeli prime minister quickly paid for that mistake with his life.
Since even you can’t figure out why Israel would start this war, its probably did not. There are plenty of real reasons for this war. Its basically, Shia vs Sunni, as is happening in Iraq, Yemen, and even in Iran. Its no big secret that the two factions have been at odds for over 1000 years. Hisballah is not a real factor in this, they are just playing the Shia part in the tragedy. Any result of this war is bad for Israel. They were much better off with Asad in charge and quiet at the northern border. The Russians giving Syria a new air defense missiles is just one example.
Nonsense. Unlike Israel, Syria is a secular state. Sunni and shia got along fine, and for the most part, still do, just as they generally did in Iraq before 2003. Sorry to disappoint you, but the Sunni/Shia issue is not a factor in this conflict except where it is applied by surrogates.
I don’t think even you believe what you wrote. Syria is an ״as if” secular state run by a Shia minority. As soon as the sunnies wanted some freedom and rights, all hell broke loose with both sides killing each other, with support of their coreligionists in Iran and Saudia. At the same time, each side claims to be the real natives and that the other side is controlled by zionists. This is a Syrian internal issue and they need to work it out with their neighbors and stop blaming everyone else.
Refer to warmingmyth (above). “This is a Syrian internal issue and they need to work it out with their neighbors and stop blaming everyone else.” That is an oxymoron (a contradiction). And if Israel believes that it is an internal Syrian issue, then tell us what the Israeli adviser was doing in the bunker in Aleppo. https://southfront.org/breaking-14-us-led-coalition-military-advisers-captured-by-syrian-special-forces-in-aleppo/
Sound like fake news to me. It was only reported by one source. Also no mention in the Hebrew press. If an Israeli was really captured, the Israeli press would be all over it. Also, if an Israeli was in Syria, he wouldn’t be hanging with all those Saudies. Nice try though.
No Israeli media would dare to print such a story without government clearance.
Haha. Stop showing your ignorance. Israel press has no one problem reporting news from foreign sources. Where is this so called Israeli? If Syria had him would his face be in the news? What better way to show that Isarel is involved. What about the so called American. Where is his picture? you think an Israeli would carry his papers saying “I’m shlomo the Israeli ?״. It appears appears the Syrians are learning about fake news from their Russian allies.
Why has the Israeli government not commented on the story. Why has Israeli media not debunked the story? What better way to undermine the Syrian government than to show that it is disseminating fake news?
Actually Israel and Saudi Arabia are getting closer all the time – though due to a net negative – mutual aversion to Iran – rather than any genuine affection. There is a de-facto alliance now between Saudi’s and Israel against Iran, and also as Saudi’s grasp around for regional friends having lost influence in Lebanon in last years. Saudi policies to undermine both Iraq’s and Syria’s governments and their links to Iran were also aligned with Israeli interests. That the Saudi policies directed against their near neighbors were so incompetently and disastrously executed, creating swathes of uncontrollable sectarian militants, doesn’t alter that initial fact. The Russian’s bombed a military control room in north Aleppo in late 2016 as response to the USAF attack on Deir Azzor that killed 100 SAA soldiers and acted as spearhead allowing major ISIS assault on SAA positions. In that control room, it was widely reported, there were various Saudi, US, Israeli, British and Turkish intelligence officials and observers. Israeli intelligence most certainly cooperates with Saudi and Turkish intelligence with regard to Syria.
Agreed! — as exemplified by the Alawite ( a branch of Shia) Al-Assad and his wife who comes from a Sunni family. That is without going into the mixture within the Syrian government and cabinet who are overwelmingly Sunni.
i think you over generalized that root of war is between shia and “sunni”, sunni doesnt have war and imperial mentality, you actually refer wahabi as a sunni, and both are pretty different in any kind of religious thinking and tradition.
You should read the reports of Shia’s now repopulating areas that where Sunnis lived. This is an intentional action by the Syrian’s government.
(Just google the gardian article, 2017-jan-13) irans syria project pushing population shifts to increase influence
The Hezbollah leader Nasrallah certainly believes this to be the case. He has stated that he sees the Syrian war as straight extension of 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli conflict. As Israel knows that incursions into south Lebanon are no longer a walk in the park after 2006 with their tank losses and their reverses experienced. Nasrallah concluded IDF calculates that attacking Hezbollah directly is now too costly – and indeed the Israeli’s have stated they no longer see Hezbollah as a mere militia but as an actual army. Nasrallah further stated that Israel have simply redirected their sights and opted to attack and destroy Syria in an attempt to break the logistic land bridge that allows Hezbollah to get supplies from Syria and Iran. Hence Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria.
It’s obvious ur a noob to the situation, still have pre-trump thinking, and have kurdish leanings. Heres the truth of the situation: Not gonna happen. This is whats gonna happen: After trump gets into office, after a month or two a massive US bombing operation will occur in Iraq. Once the iraqi’s take mosul, trump will declare victory and pull out. All US support for ISIS, Kurds, and FSA will END. Why? Because erdoghan and putin say so, and they all suck anyways… The Iraqi’s already said that they will run into syria after taking mosul. The Iraqi’s and SAA both will move into all remaining parts of syria and iraq. The kurds, being the little backstabbers they are(and devout communists) will complain and attack the SAA and Iraqi’s. They will attempt to land grab and keep up their bullcrap about the oil(especially with the iraqis. YES! The iraqi’s are not friends with the kurds!) A new war against the kurds will begin. Kurds will be wiped out.
The End…
We now return you to YOUR regularly scheduled fantasy, already in progress…
There will never be a massive US bombing operation.
On what? Civilian filled Mosul? Empty desert? The camels will be terrified.
Were Trump to make a deal, I guess he would like that, it will be more close to Russian thinking.
Syria more or less frozen as it is now, maybe with exception of Idlib, Palmyra and DeirezZor, Iraq stabilized in a sort of federation.
Iraq will not go into Syria, their army cannot even control Iraq.
Shia militia might enter Syria, they are already there
Like I said, that’s pre-trump thinking….
Anarcho-Syndicalists are not Communists. Completely contrary to Communism, they place no value in an all-powerful centralised state, which they recognise to be an oppressor of the people.
They SAY they ARE communist, dumbass… It’s not a secret. They run around calling each other comrade whenever they jerk each other off… This isn’t something taboo like elsewhere… >_>
No, they SAY they are Democratic Confederalists, which THEY define as a form of Anarchic-Syndicalism established by Ocalon. Why don’t you try and read why they actually write? The Democratic-Confederalist Charter, which you can read on several Kurdish websites, most specifically distances itself from Communism, arguing for the minimum degree of state entities or control ncessary to establish the well-being of the people. What on earth does calling each other comrade have to do with anything? Is that the best argument you can come up with?
Here, read what they say about the state: http://www.freeocalan.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Ocalan-Democratic-Confederalism.pdf
Now compare that to Marx, Engels and Lenin Not vaguely the same.
Ok, whatever you say dude, have fun.
If u think that this mess will end soon…u are wrong.
Assad handing over a large part of inhabited Syria over to the Turkish army to take on the empty eastern desert?
Erdogan would love it. Try to get him out will be impossible, there will always be a reason, or more, to stay.
Are you sure the reporter is not an ottomaniac?
Have you noticed the inflow of manure lately, in the commentary fields, specially. huh Israeli Hasbaratnjiks, “friends of Israel” aka the usual pack of low life scums flooding this days, and of course, Islam/Muslims is to be blamed for everything, right, schmucks. Your rant about Lebanon was standard bullshit, and Israel is the problem, always have and always will be until the day its gone.
I dont bother to spank them anymore, boring simply.
I know one thing, the moment the Turks, the army’s of specs from the North Atlantic Terror Org, is with drawn, the weapons/Systems feedings of the terrorists and the western created Invasion army, this war will end to summer, some spread fighting’s but it will end.
I only hope Trump is awaken and tough anof to do the right thing, end the wars. Work with the Russians, and their partners and this will die of fast. WE all know it, what lacks is not the ability, but the will to do it.
Before the bonkers Obamalama goes totally insane, and kicks of ww3. Interesting weeks ahead, hehe, its electric.
That evil little platform shoe midget of Jordan has to be stopped. Empire using Jordan to slaughter Syrians and occupy it’s land. If Trump stops CIA command…He then faces bombing British assets and Saudi If He really goes after ISIS.
If He withdraws US from the gambit in Syria , US deep state and Israhell can continue things via the Evil midget.