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How Deeply the Nazis Penetrated the U.S. Government

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How Deeply the Nazis Penetrated the U.S. Government

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Back in 1992, which was almost immediately AFTER the Soviet Union and its communism and its Warsaw Pact military alliance all had ended and the word from “on high” in the U.S.-and-allied sphere had not yet come down to the BBC’s management that the Cold War would now continue in order to defeat Russia itself, the BBC produced an historic documentary revealing its interviews with top participants in the CIA’s “Operation Gladio” (run by the CIA and MI6 through America’s NATO) telling how they had organized terrorist acts in and against U.S.-allied European countries.

These terrorist incidents were set up so as to be blamed against communists in those countries, in order to cause the publics there to fear and hate the Soviet Union; and the interviewees spoke with unimpeachable authority about this because they were obviously proud of having done it — they themselves hated communism and hated the Soviet Union. Many of the interviewees were titled aristocrats who had supported Hitler and Mussolini in U.S.-allied European countries, and they described incidents that had become written about in The West’s ‘history’ books regarding the Cold War as having actually BEEN incidents that were organized by the Soviet Union and by its adherents in west-European countries. And here they were now being filmed in interviews proudly telling how they had worked with the CIA and MI6 in order to defeat the Soviet Union in western Europe on the basis of lies and of terrorism that intentionally killed innocents in their own country. Though BBC’s management didn’t yet know that U.S. President G.H.W. Bush had started on 24 February 1990 to inform the U.S.-allied heads-of-state privately, one-by-one, in separate meetings, and in secret, to continue the Cold War now against Russia until Russia itself becomes defeated by the U.S. and its alles, and that NATO must therefore (despite the merely verbal promises they all had made to Gorbachev to the exact contrary) be extended right up to Russia’s very borders, this information did ultimately become known to BBC’s management soon after the documentary was aired; and, so, the documentary isn’t to be found online in the BBC’s online archives, but someone happened to film the documentary from that person’s TV set and this grainy version of it is the one that subsequently became uploaded to youtube and became famous among honest and serious writers about the Cold War — a crucially important surviving primary source-document about the depths to which the U.S./UK Government had sunk in order not only to defeat the Soviet Union up till 1991, but especially in order to take control ultimately over the entire world — on the basis of lies that even to the present day deceive a majority in all publics within U.S./UK-and-allied (i.e., Anglo-American vassal or “colonial”) countries, and, so, into believing that today’s U.S. Government is anti-Nazi like it had been back during WW II when America’s President was the passionately anti-Nazi and anti-imperialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). (On 25 July 1945, his immediate successor, Harry S. Truman finally decided to take the advice from his hero General Dwight Eisenhower, and from Winston Churchill, that the U.S. Government ought to win control over the entire world, and that’s when the Cold War actually started.)

Here, then, is that historic 1992 BBC video:



“Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC”

Decades after-the-fact, the truth comes out that all the ‘news’ and even the ‘history’ books, were based on lies and frauds by psychopaths (basically, aristocrats or billionaires and their millions of agents from their corporations and lobbyists, and ‘news’-media and academia) — ultimately from the principals, not  the mere agents — who secretly hold the real power behind what those liars and their agents and the deceived fools have been calling ‘democracies’ but that are instead heirs NOT of FDR, but instead of his enemy, fascist imperialism (such as of Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito) — i.e., fascist-imperialists, the dictatorial form of capitalism. (FDR secretly intended to defeat Churchill’s fascist-imperialism after WW II would end. But Truman reversed FDR; he privately despised FDR and within only two years replaced his entire Cabinet.) (As for President Eisenhower, he co-founded with Truman America’s MIC, and only at his Presidency’s very end did he publicly warn against it so that only his successors would get blamed for the monster that he and Truman had co-created. He was simiar to the Nobel Peace-Prize-winning Obama: the two supremely slick Presidents. Truman was just a bigoted fool.)

Operation Gladio never ended, and it was and is part of a much broader U.S./UK Government operation.

On 25 January 2023, Reuters headlined “Spanish police arrest man suspected in 2022 letter-bomb case”, and reported that, “The arrest came three days after the New York Times reported that investigators in recent weeks have focused on the Russian Imperial Movement, a radical group that has ties with far-right Spanish organizations with regard to the letter bombs. The group is believed to be linked to Russian intelligence agencies.” That seems like virtually a carbon copy of the type of ‘news’-reports that were being produced and disseminated throughout the U.S.-and-allied sphere against the Soviet Union back during the 1950s. In fact, all of the sanctions that the U.S./UK and its allies have imposed against Russia are based upon lies.

This type of performance by a government is inconsistent with its being a democracy; and, in fact, neither the U.S. nor the UK is authentically democratic. It’s all based on lies. Nazism and all other forms of fascism are. In fact, whereas Hitler and Mussolini were up-front about their contempt for democracy, the U.S./UK version lies to be ‘democratic’ instead of dictatorial, and it therefore is even more lie-based than the WW II version was.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Mary Phagen

Jews are pure sickness. Not one mention of the nasty JEW behind communism or Roosevelt. Jews are the scum of this world.

Nose, Nose

I suggest everyone take a good look at this video on BitChute: TfKEqe7y6oxC It’s more than two hours long, but a few very important things are being said in the first 15 minutes already. I guess this explains a good chunk of why the war in Ukraine is taking so long.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

They did not penetrate it, they merged.


The founders of the USA came up with the idea: 1) to remake the Roman Empire based in America (and an American scholar proves it, given that Americans use Latin in their occult inscriptions, and look at Capitol Hill, inside the courtroom there are 2 Roman fasces……..); 2) quickly conquer their west, to reach the Pacific and continue conquering towards Japan, etc.). 3) they were in a hurry, BUT EVERYTHING WAS SLOW. 4) AND IT’S NOW TOO LATE. 5) using Nazi or Communist techniques doesn’t work in one country with a very mercantile mentality. The founders of America failed in the enterprise.

Chris Gr

The founders of the US wanted to make the US the new Atlantis.

John Deer


OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

Do not forget Operation Paperclip. USA absorbed Nazi scientists in NASA, DoD, CIA. NATO = USA = The perpetuation of the 4th Reich. The Anglo Saxon world has been lying about everything. Perfidy and deceit is their bread and butter

Mary Phagen

Satanic Jew USSR and Satanic Jew USA kidnapped Nazi scientists.

Bill Payer

Stiil getting it wrong. The Anglo-Saxons were conquered a thousand years ago, and are oppressed to this day by the victors who use the derogratory epithet “Little Englanders” to describe them. The Anglo-Saxon “untermensche” in turn refer to their masters as “chinless wonders” or “the vermin in ermine”. They have tried at least two times (Cromwell,Fawkes) to throw of the shackles to no avail. But as usual these masters are not the final authority; the conquest of the British Isles happened in the same century as the victors established the Kingdom of Sicily, and did both with the authority of the REAL rulers. But go right ahead thinking a race subjugated a millenium ago is responsible for all this evil, while the actual ubermensche stay hidden from view in the shadows, secure in the knowledge that no-one can see them.

Edgar Zetar

Very nice comment but they are not in the shadow and the awakened people can see them even if they hide because we can see by their actions. The human mind is very interesting topic, but even the Masters born stupid and learn over the years to become the Masters, most of them are stupid but they have Power and Status like modern Royalty…. they learn like Jews learn they faith with huge effort they put following all the laws and rituals of their religion, to become a Master you have to be the child of one of them and you get the tittle with strict practicing the profession of Master…. and the Masters of the Universe of USA become the number one… the human mind is a very insteresting topic as I said.


The Allies and Nazi Germany were one and the same. The Nazi party was started in Germany by the royal family of Britain who dispatched a prince, funds and contacts required. GM, Henry Ford, Rockefeller/Standard Oil, IBM, Joseph Kennedy, Preston Bush and many more helped gear up the German war machine in so many ways.

Mary Phagen

And JEWS in New York City funded Communism. The Jew is a sickness upon mankind. Holocaust Lies.


Thanks to Southfront for the very interesting and rare BBC video on the european states governed by nazi imperialist criminal psicopaths and their puppets .We have recently experienced what these criminals have done to the european people, killing them with compulsory poisons called vaccines and depriving them of their wealth with the excuse that it’s all fault of the russians!


Very interesting what Vinciguerra says about the scope of the terror acts commited in Italy in the years1960-1985 by Gladio; people would have exchanged very gladly part of their freedom in exchange for their security.This is exactly what is being done today by the nazi globalists with the creation of terror regarding viruses, environment terror and poverty


This is a stupid narrative that makes Russia look weak and desperate. One, propaganda changes nothing and lies don’t win wars. Biden’s cabinet is 100% JEWISH. If anything, they’re using Nazi’s to fight for them and in the process, killing them off. It’s not 1923 it’s 2023. Many differences today such as, no one whose doing anything in this conflict was around back then. Trying to tie it to that, because people lost relatives is how you’ll lose the whole thing TODAY. It’s zionist scum like soros and klaus and the UN calling the shots. The later was established specifically to create a one world government. That’s the goal here. Destroy Russia, then Iran, move everyone from pissrael to Ukraine where those KHAZARIAN scumbags are from then take on China. That’s the captured USA dream. Won’t happen though.


Nazi an WASPs had the pointy hat in common, booth liked parading the streets in costumes with torches and have the love of blond kids , strong leader and only hated for the reds or the Unions. Now , was the US nazified or the old nazis ‘muricanised is a question worth debating.

Stinging Metal

Twitter is censoring Southfront. You can’t even link anything


I wished. The jew nut who wrote this article has an overactive imagination. No National Socialist in their right mind would wish to be associated with these nuts in our government


sono tutti anglo Sionisti


Of all historical mumbojumbo, this beats them all. So, it was the Nazis who is running the Gov after the war, huh. Hehe, I just cant help it to just laugh, but hey, in the west, usually it was more or less confined to the idiots in the banana republic, but to day, everything goes, just use the magic buzzword, drumroll……. Nazis, to me, it confirms the deept of the despetion, you know jack shit, and instead of admiting that, we get this hoggwash. Lord have mercy.

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