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How ‘Democracies’ Degenerate Into Minoritarian Right-Wing Governments (Aristocracies)

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How ‘Democracies’ Degenerate Into Minoritarian Right-Wing Governments (Aristocracies)

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Written by Eric Zuesse

In America, a woman’s right to an abortion of a pre-conscious (earlier than 20 weeks) fetus is no longer recognized by its federal Government, though, by a 59% to 41% margin (and 67% to 33% among American women, who are the people directly affected), the American people want it to be. That’s one example of America’s dictatorship (minority-rule). (This statement about it isn’t a commentary on the ethics of abortion, but on the polling on abortion, in America.) But there are many other examples of America’s being now a minority-rule nation. 

For example: in February of 2008, a U.S. Gallup poll had asked Americans “Would you like to see gun laws in this country made more strict, less strict, or remain as they are?” and 49% said “More Strict,” 11% said “Less Strict,” and 38% said “Remain as Are.” But, then, the U.S. Supreme Court, in June 2008reversed that Court’s prior rulings, ever since 1939, and they made America’s gun laws far less strict than the gun-laws ever had been before; and, thus, the 5 ruling judges in this 2008 decision imposed upon the nation what were the policy-preferences of actually a mere 11% of Americans.

Then, in 2014, there was finally the first scientific answer to the question of whether America is a democracy or instead a dictatorship, when the first-ever comprehensive political-science study that was ever published on whether the U.S. Government reflects the policy-preferences of the American public or instead of only the very richest Americans found that, “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy”; and, so, “Clearly, when one holds constant net interest-group alignments and the preferences of affluent Americans, it makes very little difference what the general public thinks.”

In other words: America, which nominally is a (limited) democracy, is actually an aristocracy, NOT a democracy at all. Each one of the ways in which America’s laws and their enforcement reflect what the country’s billionaires want, but NOT what the country’s public want, those proposed pieces of legislation have become laws just as much, as happens when the billionaires and the public have the same policy-references regarding the given policy-matter, as when they don’t. This means that the aristocracy always get policies that are acceptable to them, but the public often do not. The result is conservative government regardless of what the public wants. No aristocrat is progressive (for majority-rule — “democracy”); all are instead either overtly conservative (for “fascism,” another term for which is “corporationism”), or else noblesse oblige or hypocritically conservative (“liberals”), people who are pretending to care about the public as being something more than merely their markets (consumers they sell to) or else their workers (their employees or other agents, such as lobbyists). When the public are conservative or “right wing,” (not progressive or “left wing”), they are elitist, not populist — and, especially, they are not left-wing populist (or progressive). Donald Trump was a right-wing populist (which is another form of aristocratic policy-fakery, besides the liberal type — either type is mere pretense to being non-fascist). But no aristocrat is progressive, and this means that in a corrupt ‘democracy’, all of the policy-proposals that become enacted into laws are elitist even if of the noblesse-oblige or “liberal” form of that. The Government, in such a nation, always serves its billionaires, regardless of what the public wants. That’s what makes the country an aristocracy instead of a democracy.

As the former U.S. President Jimmy Carter had said in 2015, commenting upon the profound corruption in America:

It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. Senators and congress members. So, now we’ve just seen a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over. … At the present time the incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody that is already in Congress has a great deal more to sell.

In France, one of the primary sources of the dictatorship is the dictatorship’s intensification in 2008 from a new Constitutional provision, Section Three of Article 49, which facilitates rule-by-decree (“executive decree”) from the President, when the Parliament is opposed to his policy-preferences. This Section gives the aristocracy an opportunity to override Parliament if the other methods of corruption (mainly by France’s having no “ban on donors to political parties/candidates participating in public tender/procurement processes” — predominantly arms-manufacturers who are donors) are insufficient to meet the desires of the aristocracy, but, otherwise, France has remarkably strict laws against corruption — far stricter than in Germany, and in Russia — and thus the French Government represents mainly corporations that sell directly to the Government. Consequently, when “all else fails,” and the Parliament turns out to be inadequate (insufficiently imperialistic) in the view of France’s billionaires, Section 49-3 is applied by the President. (America, like France, has strict laws against corruption, but they are loaded with loopholes, and, so, America has almost unlimited corruption. America’s legislature is even more corrupt than is France’s.) Ever since France’s Tony Blairite Socialist Party (neoliberal-neoconservative) Prime Minister Manuel Valls started in 2016 to allow French Presidents to use the 2008-minted 49-3 Section to rule by decree and ignore Parliament, France has increasingly become ruled-by-decree, and the Parliament is more frequently overridden.

After the recent French Parliamentary elections, the current French President, Emmanuel Macron, who has often been ruling by decree, will do so even more than before. As the Iranian journalist in Paris, Ramin Mazaheri, recently said: “Elections at just 46% turnout are a hair’s breadth away from not having democratic credibility, but that must be added with [to] the constant use of the 49-3 executive decree and the certainty of a Brussels’ veto for any legislation they don’t like. It combines to modern autocracy – rule by an oligarchical elite.”

Perhaps low voter-turnout is an indication that the nation will have a revolution. After all, both America and France did that, once, and it could happen again, in order to overthrow the aristocracy that has since emerged after the prior one was overthrown. Someone should therefore tabulate how low the voter-turnout has to go in order for a revolution to result. The post-1945 American Government has perpetrated incredibly many coups against foreign governments, but perhaps the time will soon come when dictatorships such as in America and France become, themselves, democratically overthrown. Both countries have degenerated into minoritarian right-wing governments. At least in France, the public seem to be becoming aware of this fact. Neither Government now has authentic democratic legitimacy.


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Edgar Zetar

If you are unaware of how America was formed and under what precepts it growths and enlarge (founding fathers)… yes you could say Democracy become Right Wing or even Aristocracy… (just like this report) even some Signatures in the Bill or Rights of USA I recognized some Secret Societies signatures… Democracy never existed anywere, its just Dialectic speech to the masses, democracy sounds great in everybody minds, but never existed a full democratic goverment, their candidates were always chosed by the Elites… America is falling to extremism because their uppers classes arent instructed anymore in Humanistic and Goverment Sciences, how to behave and conduct yourself in Power. You can check American Statistics, SAT statistics, American are becoming more stupids in every generation. Yes America has quantity of people but doesnt have anymore quality and Dialect is on every day speech. Lie is the norm in USA today and also they are losing confidence in their own system, without confidence USA system would not survive.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Agreed, free market capitalism and the advantages it has provided America won’t be able to survive in an immoral and uneducated society as the USA has become. It would be like preaching The Wealth of Nations without an understanding of The Theory of Moral Sentiments. The particular breed of representative democracy that the US follows also has some undemocratic features that work to undermine the people’s faith in government with how bloated the federal bureaucracy has become. How can the US lecture on democratic government when so much power and budget has been afforded to the federal agencies rather than the states? Wyoming has about 600,000 people while California has 37 million but in the upper house of the legislature they both receive the same representation and votes, this is a place where major policy for all Americans is legislated. With all the federal agencies and the Electoral College there is even a strong argument to be made that the executive branch is inherently undemocratic. The US needs to make its mind up and heavily emphasize states’ rights while only funding and expecting services of the federal government in the traditional nature of its constitution or do away with the current Frankenstein system entirely.

“The disposition to admire, and almost worship, the rich and powerful, and to despise, or, at least, neglect persons of poor or mean conditions… is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Wow. The first 2 paragraphs are almost unbelievably ignorant about US law, courts, government, and culture. You really should try to get a basic grasp of how US laws work before writing about them, friend.

You don’t seem to understand what the supreme court even does. SCOTUS does not decide policy. That’s just literally not what SCOTUS does. It’s like complaining about the justices not fixing your car — that’s just not what they do.


Please elaborate use arguments you’re almost there!


Peter, you are clearly completely ignorant to these dynamics, as well. Europeans, even conservative Russian ones, and Western liberals, overwhelmingly tend to completely fail to understand the Founding Fathers, Andrew Jackson, the Greatest Generation, Reagan, Trump, and the current conservative Justices on the Supreme Court. It is painful to read your opinions, but excellent for those who will emerge as the dominant analysts as Western leftism crumbles completely, just as we are seeing. Robert Barnes predicts the most populist Congress since the twenties come November, and with Trump having transformed much of the Republican Party into a MAGA, anti-RINO party, if and when he becomes president again in 2024, this crushing of the left will be brutal- to say the least. Following his presidency, Desantis will likely become president for two terms, as well, fully cementing a crushing of the left, as well as the neocon RINO corporatist right- and in turn, the opinions of the leftists on this forum, such as those of the commenter, “Slam,” will likewise be completely crushed for a long time to come.


Aristocracy is rule by the best, from aristós (the best) and kratos (government) You mean Eric, Ganstacracy


This is when Southfront shows its liberal leaning stupidity and propaganda.


halfwit amerikan moron never read Robert Michel–despised by leftists—he predicts iron rule of oligarchy is stupid amerikanbt fake dimocracy…”the stupidity and ignorance of amerikants has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul fussell

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

Yuri, it’s great that you’re a Russian conservative. I am a Serb who considers myself Russian and strongly conservative and 100% pro-Putin. However, you really fail to understand the nature of the political-culture-philosophy-system dynamics that are at play in the US. I apologize because I refuse to fully explain these, because doing so will be my livelihood!


IMHO, you likewise fail to understand the Russian perspective, and believe it to be “liberal.” Nope- completely incorrect- although technically it is more big-tent centrist compared to the rightism of the Founding Fathers, who advocated for a variant of libertarian-populism. Nonetheless, it is NOT liberal. You also show your lack of objective understanding of political-culture-philosophy-systems here.

Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

It seems normal these days.


fake liberal dimocracy like USA always devolve in fascist oligarchy autocracy…where freedom is despised…half wit amerikans too stupid to recognize reality


It’s clear that the author doesn’t understand the nature of political-culture-philosophy-systems fully, by stating that everything right wing is “fascist-corporatist,” and everything liberal is likewise complacent to this. This is very close to the objective truth, but when it comes down to it, misses the mark about what fascism is in relation to corporatism, and how liberal-leftism fits in with other political-culture-philosophy-systems. They also fail to grasp that America is many states, not a single federalized population that is one voting bloc, or the nature of the American Constitution with respect to the specific political-culture-philosophy-system it aims for, which is right wing, but neither fascist nor corporatist, and does not inherently result in either of these as the author seems to think, unless it is deliberately subverted. It’s good to see a lack of competition from such analysts, however, in order for the stronger analysts who will emerge to be far more successful, who aren’t grasping at straws with nebulous, objectively not fully formed understanding of political-culture-philosophy.

In another article concerning Trump posted recently on this site, as well, the author reduced Trump to just wanting to maintain his corporatist culture billionaire privileges, with tying this in with his seeking to make the US the first among equals, as US imperialistic overreach inevitably leads to the crumbling of its empire. This is an objective failure once again to grasp political-culture-philosophy-systems and what Trump epitomizes, like Reagan had epitomized. I will not detail why this is the case, because once again, it is good to see this lack of competition from such analysts, characterize the current field of analysts, so that the stronger analysts can emerge as dominant.


Due to the deep hatred and antipathy between the Trump/Christian fascist/MAGA freaks of the extreme right vs the liberal democratic coastal cities, there is no way to unite the USA at this point. Therefore there will be no ‘revolution’ of the entire country; rather there will be a balkanization into 2 or maybe 3 different statelets. Simply put, the USA is too large and too heterogeneous to ever be managed as a single country ever again. Deep divisions based on core beliefs, i.e. the Christian fundies of the old South vs. the secular science based coastal states will never be resolved. The only way forward is to split the country up and go separate ways. If there is a civil war, it won’t at all be like the first civil war in the 1860s; rather it will probably involve extremist groups like Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys and other right wing extremist groups doing terrorist attacks, or more liberal vs conservative BLM demonstrations. Too bad, but USA is really fucked with these deep internal divisions.


American banana zombie republic is collapsing quickly. The jews are cutting the trunk to their own tree house.


“Investigative historian Eric Zuesse” were you drunk or high when you wrote this?

This article fails to understand the role of the Federal Government, the historic argument of the Abortion/Gun laws and the context of ‘authority’ and the American Constitution.

There is a right to bear arms and there is no right to an abortion – how can it be that hard to understand?

I am really quite astounded by this article, the author does not understand the basics of ‘democracy’ or opinion polls. Talking about Right wing/Left wing makes no sense any more since these political groups abandoned those philosophies decades ago.

Perhaps the author should study and understand their subject in stead of writing this BS I can’t believe SF actually published this rubbish.


The author of this article does not understand the constitutional scheme in the US. The Supreme Court correctly reversed its earlier abortion decision, Roe v. Wade, which had been a decision entirely based on the Supreme Court finding a “right of privacy” in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. This is like finding a right to a free bicycle in the 17th Amendment providing for the direct election of senators. The Court was guilty of an immense betrayal of its responsibility to faithfully interpret the Constitution and instead found an imaginary right to abortion. Now it has corrected that.

The author may be correct about the former constitutional republic ceasing to be representative but it is not the job of the Supreme Court to act like it has to decide cases according to majority opinion. If indeed Americans want more gun control or unlimited abortion let them pursue that in the states in which they reside. Not everything under the sun is a federal problem. The Court must decide cases based on the law not on the number of demonstrators outside on the street.


Abortion is a disgusting crime against humanity and the child. I do not want to live next door to abortionists or have abortion doctors take care of my health or have abortion police officers or spend time in abortionists company. They are evil and apologists for abortion are eveil too.


This Zuesse article has been written a thousand times over the past few days by every leftist with a platform, intentionally distorting the issues beyond recognition to serve their own wishes to be the tyrants that win every time and force their beliefs on everyone else. Roe v. Wade has little to do with abortion. It has everything to do with the US Constitution, and the resultant structure of the US as a federation of states. The state legislatures make the laws that govern the states, and the federal government has no Constitutional authority to interfere. The federal government has no business imposing anything regarding abortion, or any other personal matter. The Roe v Wade decision that was overturned was illegal, and the court finally did the correct thing. And every American wins, because the court affirmed that the federal government doesn’t have the power that it likes to assert. This was a blow to the aristocracy. Zuesse has inverted reality, as leftists always do. And since when does government grant a “right to abortion”? Government doesn’t grant anyone “rights” to anything. Government only takes away natural rights. The more issues government claims authority over, the less liberty remains, and the greater the oppression grows. This is something only free, self-empowered individuals understand. The domesticated, psychologically castrated humans throughout most of the world don’t have a clue. Zuesse is right about one thing: there is indeed an aristocracy in power in the US, but he fails to mention that’s also true throughout Europe, in Russia, and in China, and in every other country in the world. Show me a country where the vast majority of the wealth isn’t in the hands of a very small percentage of the population. What leftists can’t face is the history of modern leftism itself. They can’t face the fact that they are nothing but tools for the aristocracy they claim to revile. Communism and socialism have been the favorite WMD’s of the Western aristocracy based in London to destroy any and every country that threatens to compete for a share of the pie. The Bolsheviks were the Ashkenazi agents of London, tasked with destroying Christian, Czarist Russia, and they succeeded. The German ‘socialist’ Nazis were Ashkenazi agents of London who infiltrated and destroyed industrial powerhouse Germany. The Maoist revolution, likewise, was organized and financed by London. All one need see is who controls each of these countries central bank, and thus their currency and economies entirely. Is there a supposedly leftist country anywhere in the world in which the central bank isn’t owned by London and the Rothshilds? Name one. The leftist governments, and ‘democracies’ are completely fake. They’re tales told to children in nations full of morons. The US too has descended into this fakery, and was never the bastion of freedom that some would like to believe. For the past century at least, the US has been owned by London and the Rothshilds, sold out wholesale by treasonous, greedy politicians. Everything the US does globally serves London, not the people of the US. And anyone who’s tried to reverse this coup has been murdered. And here we have Mr. Zuesse, supposedly a moral, kind-hearted leftist just advocating for the common man, cheerleading for the London aristocracy. Some things never change…


As an analyst, the number one thing you should focus on is not changing historical interpretation to suit yourself- otherwise you are just like a selfishly-self-serving leftist. You’re objectively wrong about the role of London being central. New York is, where the American-corporatist-oligarchic-establishment is based, which did a coup against the Greatest Generation political establishment in 1963. You are also wrong about London deploying its agents to facilitate the literal creation of Soviet Bolshevism and German Nazism. The culture war WMDs of the American-corporatist-oligarchic-establishment have consistently included ultra-leftist-postmodernist-corporatist-culture, however this is vastly different from communism and socialism is a blanket policy terminology which means a political establishment investing developmental capital in social programs. Even the Founding Fathers knew that every state has a political establishment and oligarchic establishment, hence they advocated for small government, not no government at all. It is very clear that your heart is in the right place, however your mistakes make it seem like you’re a fed glowie writing disinformation on purpose to make the patriot right in the US look bad- no offence.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nikola

Because you obviously only know the establishment version of history, I’m “objectively wrong”? Now you’re sounding like the typical naive leftist. The self-labeled ‘greatest generation’ were in fact a generation of lemmings that invited the hell we find ourselves facing now. The coup against the Constitutional government of the US was obviously already cemented by 1913, with the treasonous Federal Reserve Act. Both world wars were fought for the British empire, not for any values or defense of the people of the US. If you were to spend a decade or so going a lot deeper into history, and actually looking for raw truth rather than what makes you feel comfortable, you’d find true what I’ve stated here.


You are falling for the fallacy of equating all statism as the opposite of your beloved American libertarianism, therefore you equate the Keynesianism of the Greatest Generation with a leftist virus of politics and society. There is no point in arguing further, because clearly you don’t recognize the merits of the Greatest Generation, and therefore you obviously don’t understand modern Russia, Putin, or China, which you must likewise, therefore, despise. You got duped like a sucker by Milton Friedman, whom the Founding Fathers would have unequivocally rejected. Whoever told you the English were the backbone of not only all contemporary American imperialism- but also the literal creation of both the Soviet Union and the Third Reich- also has you duped beyond belief. Typical American thinking that is so backward it discredits you completely from being taken seriously as a professional analyst.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nikola
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