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How Does The U.S. Manipulate People Overseas Through Social Networks? – Facts Tell

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China enters the information war launched by the so-called political West. “Facts Tell” is a new creation of the China Global TV Network. They have recently shared a new video revealing the “influence campaign” carried out by the Pentagon through Meta and Twitter.

Facts Tell shows how the U.S. government use information warfare to influence audiences overseas platforms that targeted overseas users to promote U.S. foreign policy interests. The Pentagon is believed to be behind this and has launched an internal investigation.


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I read SF because I want to be manipulated by the Russians. No Americans or Chinese. Go Home! So I hope to be able to get Russian citizenship someday!


The west uses the media along with social media as mind control same as Television and the education system to manipulate and programme the minds of their populations

jens holm

Those are same thing. Abnd dont west me. We are all people and write as we wish.

Very much is what we name as free speech. Thats the vital. Parlemanterisme is not only some Putin or Erdogan speaking.

Its many thinking and speaking.

Puitin has forbiden even own medias as omne thee worst vontrol freak. Is that better? better for You? Not at all.

Putin also has taken away Your huiman rights. Next You migh not even looked at as a human anymore.

And education: I meet that education every day. You still believe in history made by the Stalin Communists. By that You has total faked, how and why USSRtook and possesed Europe all the way DDR included.

So what did USA did in this?????? They invested hard, so we could regain a new western Europe and change vital things such as eroding not only nazisme away -but the reasons for oly one person should run things as Hitler and Stalin did.

Instead of Hitler people just got Same melody. You were nothing and should remain nothing. That how You are treated today – and for whome or what.

Most prolatars has a muh better life here in west and You never tell whats better, where You come from.

sod off

go suck a banana illiterate monkey


Jensy do not give up and continues to reveal new portions of crap from his head.

“Abnd dont west me.” What does it mean, Jensy? Don’t answer, i don’t really want to know it.

NATO Empire of Lies

What a pile of diarrhea. You absolute moron talk about “education”? Hah!

The only “human right” you subhuman slave from Yankee brothel is to suck American dicks. Just as you sucked and worshipped Hitler’s dick. That’s your “parlemanterisme” you stupid fucking idiot. A house nigger, but still a nigger. Go ask Yanks who destroyed pipelines in your territorial waters.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO Empire of Lies
Florian Geyer

I don’t waste my time with the Western propaganda garbage. I stopped looking at Western media about 5 months ago.

The West is ordered to only show their hollywood scripted garbage.


US uses many kind of media and brainwash tactics from scientific research to manipulate peoples around the world.

jens holm

Sure. Thats You tiny little narrominded world. No one else does.

Your main problem s, You dont learn to think Yourself and by that select. By that You only tell whats told.

Jens Assholm

You are no one.. Worthless stupid animal from Aarhus ZOO who actually thinks someone gives a rats arse for his incomprehensive gibberish….

Hans rauss NAFO

When i hear BS like ,,truth teller” ,,truth” ,, 5G” ,, evil west” ,,nato fault” ,,what about donbas” ,,what about 8 years? ” then i know that it’s cheap russian or chinese propaganda for low IQ conspiracy theory enjoyers. Youtube channel looks like typical propaganda zombie account……..reported. Cheers ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss NAFO


Hans anus MOFO

When I hear BS moronic, imbecilic, ridiculously overused mantras like “conspiracy theory” or dumb meme words like “nafo” then I know it’s some utterly indoctrinated 10 years old libtard LGBT braindead zombie trained to unquestionably obey, repeat and parrot MSM garbage like an obedient little bitch….

And when he says “reported” I just can’t stop laughing how absolutely pitiful these slimy dumb whores actually are. Indoctrinated thralls like this Hans cocksucker don’t deserve truth, he deserves to lick his masters assholes while they laugh at him, to serve them on his knees until the day he dies like a worm ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans anus MOFO
Michel LeBlanc

So your ok with shelling innocent villagers in donbass, just because they live there?

Animal. Justice will come for you.

jens holm

Thats not even news. Its very strange SF dont see we see it too and the other way around as well.

Its kind of expected we are more stupid and living in the dark then You.

And we do fight it too. I do it right here right now even Im only some daft prick. I dont accept people manipulating. At least its better roi have different oppinions and be able to choose by real knowledge supported byfacts.


Another retard


SF, please, don’t delete Jensy’s crap. At least he is not rude like other bots. Other readers can punch him for entertaining. Jensy is old bot, local sightseeing or like a furniture — an old creaky cabinet with a moth inside. Other bots can be dumped without sorrow.


C’mon , nobody is that good at propaganda on the present times… the best propaganda implies making the life cheaper or better for the masses , who can still achieve that ? See , noones cares ’bout your opinion , why would they bother. Does it pay more than it cost ? No ! So , why would they do propaganda. Cheaper to brainwash the kids.

Vlad from Romania

Kids want candies. And good clothes. And warm places to live and hot water. Kids are too spoiled these days, cheaper to beat the crap out of them.

Vlad from Romania

Best example: covid hysteria and the tyranny imposed by state beaurocracy all over the world.

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