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How Likely Is A Nuclear WW III, U.S.-v.-China?

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How Likely Is A Nuclear WW III, U.S.-v.-China?

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Whereas U.S. voters don’t want the U.S. Government to go to World War Three against Russia over Ukraine, they do want it to go to WW III against China over Taiwan.

A poll in U.S., “Conducted 01/12/22 – 01/14/22”, by the Trafalgar Group, surveying “1081 Respondents” who were “Likely General Election Voters” found that 58.1% said “Yes,” and 41.9% said “No,” to “Do you believe the Biden Administration should use U.S. military assets to defend Taiwan if Taiwan is invaded by China?” Far lower percentages of Americans turned out to be supportive of going to war against Russia over Ukraine.

Nancy Pelosi, who leads Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, has made clear that she wants to visit Taiwan in August, to encourage Taiwan’s leaders to declare Taiwan’s independence from China, which is something that the U.S. Government has never publicly supported, and which, ever since the 28 February 1972 U.S.-China agreement called the “Shanghai Communique”, the U.S. Government publicly and formally opposed when it agreed with China to the promise and commitment that “The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.”

The residents in Taiwan were long favorable to publicly acknowledging that Taiwan is a part of China, but the CIA and other U.S. Government agencies have worked for decades — notwithstanding the Shanghai Communique and others to the contrary of Taiwan’s independence — to reverse Taiwan’s being a part of China, and to instead encourage Taiwanese to fear and oppose (even demonizing) China’s Government. These U.S. Government war-mongering efforts have, by now, succeeded overwhelmingly among the residents of Taiwan.

Consequently, on 29 March 2005, Taiwan issued “The Official Position of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on the People’s Republic of China’s Anti-Secession (Anti-Separation) Law”, and publicly announced, to the world, that Taiwan rejects that Chinese law, because “the Law proclaims that ‘Taiwan is a part of China’.”

U.S. President Harry S. Truman had created the CIA in 1947 to perpetrate coups and other regime-changes so that the U.S. Government could take control of the world without necessarily using its armed forces for its conquests (doing it more by subversion, and by hiring mercenaries, and bribing generals). Their first coup was in 1948 Thailand (then called “Burma”) in order to establish a steady off-the-books funding stream for their bribes and “Special Operations” including future coups, and this first coup relied upon the fascist (or “Might makes right”) Guomindang (GMD) or Kuomintang (KMT) forces, who had fled from Mao’s victorious anti-Japanese forces in mainland China, onto China’s island of Formosa (whose Japanese rulers welcomed China’s fascists) and formed there the “Republic of China,” as an American protectorate. The KMT also had an army that had fled to Burma; and this army crucially assisted the CIA to overthrow and replace Burma’s Government in 1948 so as to establish the CIA’s funding stream from the international opium-traffic, which, at that time, was centered in Burma. Consequently, the CIA partnered with the KMT at the very start of the CIA.

On 27 June 1950, Truman announced that the U.S. 7th Fleet would be protecting Taiwan, so that the U.S., which was clearly hostile to (America’s WW II ally) China, would be providing national-security protection to the people on Taiwan. That policy has been very successful toward conquering China, but only gradually, and it is now being brought to the boiling point.

If Taiwan makes any attempt to declare publicly that it is not a part of China, then China will invade it, in order to enforce what they have always consistently asserted about Taiwan (that it is a part of China). And, then, the U.S. Government will say that China’s invasion is not “a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves,” and will go to war against China, and will blame China’s Government, for this war that the U.S. Government has actually been preparing (setting up) for decades.

Starting only late in the 20th Century did the U.S. Government begin to press more firmly to break off Taiwan from China. Consequently, Taiwan’s National Chengchi University instituted in 1994 annual polling on a number of policy-options regarding the way forward regarding Taiwan’s status. At that time, the most popular option, supported by 38.5% of residents, was “Maintain status quo, decide at later date.” A different policy-option, “Maintain status quo, move toward independence,” was supported by only 8.0%. However, as-of June 2022, those two percentages have become virtually tied at around 28.5% for each, which are thus now tied as being the top two policy-choices. So, apparently, this could be the time to strike.

Perhaps Pelosi is hoping to move the needle a bit more America’s way by flying into Taiwan now, under a U.S. armada, and so provoking war against China, on the part both of Taiwan and America. It would bond Americans and Taiwanese to the same fate. And a U.S. military victory against China would do much for Democrats’ fortunes in this year’s off-elections. (By contrast, a U.S. defeat wouldn’t much change the two Parties’ political prospects, because neither Party could then be bragging about ‘our victory’.)

On July 29th, the Republican U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn headlined “Blackburn, Colleagues Introduce Legislation Authorizing Defense Lend-Lease With Taiwan” and announced:

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and Representative Michelle Steel (R-Calif.) introduced the Taiwan Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act. This legislation will support the United States’ partnership with Taiwan by authorizing a defense lend or lease program with the Government of Taiwan. …

“Taiwan is our greatest partner in the Indo-Pacific region, and their continued sovereignty is essential to challenging the New Axis of Evil,” said Senator Blackburn. …

“The introduction of this bill comes just days after the people of Taiwan had to participate in more air raid drills in the event of an attack from the Chinese Communist Party. …

In this virtually 100% neoconservative (i.e., fascist-imperialist) Congress, it could pass overwhelmingly. Neoconservatism is practically unanimous there.

The U.S. Government has been gradually building toward this boiling-point, ever since at least 27 June 1950. Perhaps this will turn out to be the pay-off time, after all those decades of subversion, bribery, etc. It seems to be the right time, because the U.S. Government is now more determined than ever to establish China as being yet another colony, or ‘ally’, and nothing would reassert U.S. global hegemony more than breaking off a piece of China would. It’d be the strongest assertion yet, of the U.S. Government’s “rules-based international order,” in which the U.S. Government makes the international “rules,” instead of the U.N. making the international “laws.” That’s what is really the point of all this: extending America’s hegemony to encompass every nation, eliminate all “competition.” America’s Government has been preparing for such an opportunity, ever since, really, 25 July 1945. This could be the biggest pay-off, yet, from it, if it happens. But taking this path could also spark WW III. The U.S. public seem to accept that risk — not WW III to keep Ukraine, but WW III to win Taiwan. Americans have been skillfully primed for it.

Even America’s ‘progressives’ apparently accept the risk. They ‘debate’ it. There are idiots (and deceivers) of all ideological types.

As regards the island’s history, and the key historical question, of whether the allegation is true “that ‘Taiwan is a part of China’,” here’s a summary about this history: Taiwan (Formosa) was started when the Japanese Empire was forced to give up control over the Chinese island Formosa. Truman backed the fascist Guomindang (GMD) or Kuomintang (KMT) forces who had fled from Mao’s victorious anti-Japanese forces in mainland China, onto China’s island of Formosa and formed there the “Republic of China,” as being an American protectorate. It subsequently came to be called “Taiwan” (which even Japanese historians acknowledge to be a Chinese name for the island) but called itself officially the “Republic of China,’ and NOT the “Republic of Taiwan.” So; even by the official and self-chosen designation of “Republic of China,” anyone who denies that it is a part of China and is “Chinese,” is simply, and boldly, lying, because even the KMT (or GMD) said it was. The U.S. side (now replacing the Japanese side as the post-WW-II, fascist, overlords of Taiwan) had lost the civil war in China, but, ever since, the U.S. Government has been protecting the losing side in China’s civil war, who holed-up in what is actually China’s province of Formosa or Taiwan. If and when China finally takes back control of it, the place-name might revert to “Formosa,” or to “the Province of Formosa,” so as to signify that China, not Japan, won WW II. None of this fascism in post-WW-II Asia would have occurred, at all, if FDR instead of Truman had been America’s President after WW II. Truman was a fascist-imperialist, but FDR was intensely AGAINST both fascism and imperialism. Anti-communism was merely the excuse that the post-WW-II fascist imperialists gave, for their fascist imperialism (America’s coups, invasions, subversions, etc., to conquer the world), so as to fool their publics into believing they live in a ‘democracy’.

If there will be a WW III, it will be because of Truman’s reversal of FDR’s foreign policies, and NOT because of his continuing those policies (which he didn’t do — though many ‘historians’ say he did). The turning-point, away from FDR’s foreign policies, was on 25 July 1945. That’s what got this snowball rolling down this fascist-imperialist mountainside, of the world’s history, since then. It’s what caused Truman quickly to replace all of FDR’s foreign-policy team. Truman was the catastrophe — not the continuation. However, the U.S. Congress, at that time, was even worse. And it still is. FDR was the anomaly. And so was Lincoln, in his time. And so were the majority at the U.S. Constitutional Convention, who collectively wrote the anti-imperialist U.S. Constitution, which has since become just a piece of paper. The aristocratic flood which has followed after them could now wash away all they had achieved, and leave only an ocean of blood behind.


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Tommy Jensen

The problem is China stole our ideas and our intellectual property. They took away our freedom, our Constitution, our Dollares and copied it all even our whoppers for their own use.

China only left some charity noodles behind to American soup kitchens and think this is enough to feed what is left behind of America. This is the problem the planet face today.

John Tosh

So President Putin is no longer gravely ill as suggested by “unnamed sources” per Western propaganda…. now the new story is “he is planning to flee” Why not say he is going to the moon? Like the fake NASA moon landing. If you want to lie, lie quickly and make it good. Stop giving us useless lies that are not interesting… make good stories up… lies are entertaining!


The entire world has already witnessed the magnified cowardice of the US-led NATO to confront RF forces in Ukraine because of their profound debauchery worsened by their veiled capitulation due to the threat of Russian & Chinese supersonic missiles.. So it’s safe to say there’ll be no nuclear war.


The only winning side where the western bloc countries could claim lies on their hollow msm lies, but the real winning cards are held on the hands of Russia & China in the form of indefensible hypersonic bombz.


US has been killing and genocide 7million of innocent people in the Middle East and Donbas 😆


John Tosh What irritates the living shit out of me the most about you moon landing ‘deniers’ is that the logical evidence overwhelmingly lands in the “we went” category, 100s independent astronomers worldwide tracked all the Apollo mission’s to and from the moon, 1000’s of amateur radio operators tracked the radio and TV signals broadcast from the ships and plotted the angles and courses based on those transmissions, which any radio operator can tell you are impossible to fake, 100,000’s people worldwide worked on the projects from 1960 to 1976, Russia had an active program in hot competition with the US and would have been more than happy to call bullshit on the US if they smelled a fish.

IF it were faked, they would have only ever done the ONE single easy to cover up mission, not 6, to keep that fact as well hidden as they could, not go back 6 more times and drastically increase the odds that something being uncovered, and they would have been far far FAR more secretive about the entire process, more like the Ruskies, instead of having EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE PROJECT open to the public scrutiny.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

NASA has recently said that it cannot go back to the moon because it lost the technology. On top of that all the data which would prove the moon landings was somehow lost. It is people like you who are deniers, you deny reality.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hostage (Raptar) Driver

Let me ask you a n obvious question… What makes you not believe the U.$. government could lie about a moon landing in 1969 post Tet Offensive as a PR campaign to win “hearts and minds” to compensate for the defeat of the Tet the previous year as the necessary diversion that it represented (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdQHKf48Mfw)?…

Alternatively. What makes you believe that terrorists hijacked airplanes with box cutters and flew them into the Towers that collapsed 95,000 tons of structural steel frame buildings within themselves -not once but 3 times that day wasn’t designed to take U.$. to war so that a draft would not be necessary while simultaneously serving to invade and loot the Middle East and now part of Eastern Europe to continue it’s hegemony with it’s currency in controlling energy in the places we’ve pillaged since 2001?


Ask Mr. Sunder why he didn’t quit his job at NIST after this (https://www.ae911truth.org/) was delivered on May 31, 2022?… And why the American people don’t care enough to “START OVER” after that announcement that has kept the US in perpetual state of wars and occupations as the excuse ever since that has bankrupted them many… many… times over that is sealing there fate -yet they still don’t know it!???…

Suffice it to say… Incompetent and thoroughly decadent are an extremely dangerous combination and explain the gullibility that explains both of those LIE$ by the same government!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The US has weaponised the delivery of information since the time they thought they were the rulers of the planet. I’m sure if you fake it and you tell your vassals to toe the line, falsity then becomes the new reality.


China will win easy against Usa war

S Balu


Retired Troll

Dumbass Americunts and their Zionist parasitic masters are the greatest threat to humanity and must be eliminated.

Evo Morales calls for a global campaign to eliminate NATO. “The U.S. uses NATO to provoke wars and sell weapons,” he says.

Seymour Undies

Not all of it was stolen. Most of it was readily handed to them through outsourcing by big business. So if you want to blame the group most responsible for making China into a superpower (besides the hard working Chinese) it’s American businessmen.


Well let’s getthese things straight once and for all, it was the greedy mericunt businesses and manufacturers that purposefully relocated to China to take advantage of the workers low wages and low taxation, nothing ang nobody to blame here except their innate GREED that has driven them straight into the ominous pit. The short-sighted level of stupidly was unprecedented.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO's PROXYTUTE

Dude is living in the 60’s America. Wake up, things have changed and the US is far behind.


The problem is greedy Big Business USA decided to transfer industrial production to China because it gave shareholders bigger profits but what do you expect from a Zionist run economy ? The US government puts Israel first ahead of all “Joe Public ” US citizens leaving US infrastructure collapsing.


The Russian Embassy in Spain released a Pro Russia video ( available on YouTube ) mocking US/UK/EU moral values and “Wokeness”-“Time to Move to Russia “-dont delay–Winter is coming -53 second advert -look it up.


Also on gateway pundit.


US news website= Tins of SPAM /$4 + tins of Tuna are being put under lock + key in NYC due to the Recession in the USA.Duane Reid,s store -Port Authority bus station -Spam in plastic anti-theft cases.

Seymour Undies

Americans are nuts. They’re still running off their cold war fumes, and think that America would win against China in a war. The truth is, all American ships near the Chinese mainland will be sunk. And if they think they’re going to bomb them like they bombed the Japanese during WWII, they’ll find that their planes are shot down with missiles. And even if they could land there with amphibious vehicles, how are you going to supply the faggot army and roll tanks against 1.3 billion people? So this is just American crazy talk from oblivious and ignorant politicians.


The article says that Thailand was previously called “Burma”, but it was Myanmar that was called Burma. Thailand’s actual previous name was “Siam”.

Eric Zuesse

You’re right! My apology for the error! Anyway, the first CIA coup was in Siam, and was done with assistance from the KMT there..


NK and China have a mutual defense treaty. NK will involved in it also. there are about 200,000 yaqui citizens living in south korea including 28,000 yanqui troops. south korea is a small country where it only takes about 5 hours to reach one end of south korea to another by car. so it is well within NK’s MLRSs range. those yanquis are just sitting ducks. no one knows how those 200,000 yanqui citizens will be evacuated and there will be a lot of boat people.


China needs to say something re the Wuhan labs and collaboration with the US


Covid was leaked from US lab instead of control the virus US with secret agent planed and spread virus to China, it is ‘t China business to do what you said.


If China and Russia publish how easily they can take down the US, then nukes will be involved. As the US are lunatics without any restraint, with the envious satan in their hearts, he wants destruction of life on earth and of human life. The scum snakes vultures, cancer parasites of our world often misnamed the eiltes, they think they will be safe deep in the Swiss mountains and in NZ in their bunkers. Who owns Vanguard and Blackrock. Putin needs to sit down and talk with THEM. He needs to send a message to Klaus Schwab and to the Rockerfellers. The evil ugly faces we know are just the lackeys, not the directors of these events in the world.


true but US ruling class more clever than moron amerikan peasants–they do not want to lose their mansions and swiss bank accounts…US only attacks small defenseless nations like Grenada—they are so feminized Cuba terrifies them

Yupeng Gu

We are not afraid of nukes. The Americans has long regarded Russians and Chinese as subhumans. If they want a real life version of fallout 76, we will make their Christmas wish come true.


The COWARDLY ROGUE TERRORIST NATION USA never fight against a nation that can fight back such as Russia, China or Iran to name just 3 they have already lost wars all over the world from Vietnam (beaten by rice farmers) Afghanistan (beaten by sandal wearing farmers and ROUTED) Syria (STOPPED DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS as soon as Russia intervened) Ukraine (STOPPED by Russia) Venezuela (failed coup attempts numerous times) Korea (beaten by China) Cuba (ROUTED on the beaches and their invasion turned into a fiasco) the list goes on and on lol.

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba

Despite the Hollywood propaganda movies, in reality Vietnam was a huge fiasco for the US. In total, the United States military lost in Vietnam almost 10,000 aircraft, helicopters and UAVs (3,744 planes, 5,607 helicopters and 578 UAVs. Russia conquered more than 130,000 km² of Ukraine, US never achieved something similar in North-Vietnam, they only managed to defend South-Vietnam territories and that’s it.


This will not be a war between USA-China, this will be a war between Russia-China-India–Iran-Palistan VS Europe-USA-Autralia-Japan, and this will be the end of human kind. Good luck to the next animal-kindom.


senile #1 USA vegetable wants to negotiate START treaty with Russia. Medvedev response; let them come crawling and beg; we do not want treaty with inferior species…we do not want relations with hyenas America-cannots

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri

If don’t has Taiwan ,China may be with US side. Good luck Taiwan makes China go to Russia side.

greg robinson

Thailand was Siam. Myanmar was Burma.

Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

Go for it China, Russia has your back. Let’s finish the job already!

peter mcloughlin

What has to remembered from the pattern of history is that every Great Power eventually faces the war war it is trying to avoid. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/


Bottom line, by all means necessary, China must be politically divided. One side we will adopt and the other side we will buy, but we will eat of all.

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