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MARCH 2025

How Many Forces Does United States Have In Middle East To Strike Iran?

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How Many Forces Does United States Have In Middle East To Strike Iran?

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Iran treats the US military’s killing of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani as an act of war and is not planning to left it unanswered. The US leadership already promised a harsh response to any retaliatory strike. So, how many troops does the United States have in the Middle East for a conflict with Iran?

In the light of recent tensions in the early days of January, the US announced a deployment of approximately 3,000 troops to the Middle East. The deployment is in addition to 750 troops that were deployed to Kuwait, immediately following the storming of the US Embassy in Baghdad by Kata’ib Hezbollah supporters in response to the US airstrikes on positions of the group.

“As previously announced, the Immediate Response Force (IRF) brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division was alerted to prepare for deployment, and are now being deployed,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

“The brigade will deploy to Kuwait as an appropriate and precautionary action in response to increased threat levels against U.S. personnel and facilities, and will assist in reconstituting the reserve.”

The 3,000 additional troops are being deployed there. These approximately 3,750 soldiers join the already massive troop presence the US has in the Middle East.

To review, these are the latest estimates of US troops deployed in the area of US Central Command. In total, there are about 80,000 troops in the region, as per a recent WSJ article and official data.

In Iraq, the US has approximately 5,200 troops present, in different bases with the presumed aim of fighting against ISIS, but they also clearly partake in airstrikes on groups that are part of the Iraqi Armed Forces, to which they’re supposedly allied to. Some reports put the estimate at 6,000.

In Saudi Arabia, there’s been massive deployments in 2019 alone, between May 2019 and October 2019 approximately 14,000 troops were deployed there. From October 2019 to January 2020, another approximately 3,500 troops were also deployed there.

Regarding Saudi Arabia it should be noted that there isn’t clarity as to how many US troops exactly are there, since, for example, the Washington Post reported on January 4th that there’s 3,000 US troops stationed there.

How Many Forces Does United States Have In Middle East To Strike Iran?

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To provide some background, in 2017, the US had 850 troops deployed in Saudi Arabia, in early 2020 it has approximately 20,000.

The most recent estimation of how many US troops there are in Qatar come from Axios, from September 21st, 2019, and they number approximately 13,000.

In Bahrain, the US has anywhere between 7,000 and 9,300 troops stationed, depending on the various reports.

In Jordan, there’s officially 2,800 US troops stationed, but in August 2019, 8,000 troops from 30 countries were deployed to Jordan for a military drill. Out of those 8,000 troops, most were US marines. How many of them are still in the country remains unclear. Thus the estimates are anywhere between the official number and 10,000.

In Kuwait, the US has approximately 13,000 troops, according to official data. The US and Kuwait have had a Defense Cooperation Agreement since the 1991 Persian Gulf War. This amount doesn’t include the 3,750 troops sent from the 82nd Airborne Division that were recently sent there. Thus, Kuwait has close to 17,000 US troops present.

In Syria, the US has around 800 troops, at one point it had upwards of 2,800 but many of them were withdrawn.

In Afghanistan, the US has approximately 14,000 US soldiers, at 6 military bases and there are an additional 8,000 soldiers from allied NATO countries present.

Turkey hosts US forces at the Incirlik Air Base, as well as at other NATO sites in the country, the estimates put the numbers between 2,500 and 3,000.

In the UAE, there are up to 5,000 troops, but estimations remain unclear, since the country has decided to assume a more passive role in opposing Iran and has, rather, looked at reconciliation.

Oman, hosts about 600 US troops, but in March 2019 it signed a deal allowing the US warplanes and warships to use its airstrips and ports. Most significantly, Oman is position along the Strait of Hormuz, which Iran has repeatedly threatened to close in the past in response to US aggression and sanctions.

Additionally, not in the Middle East, but still rather close, Italy hosts a contingent of 3,000 US troops from the 173rd airborne brigade, which were the soldiers who landed in northern Iraq in the 2003 campaign in Iraqi Kurdistan.

How Many Forces Does United States Have In Middle East To Strike Iran?

USS Harry S. Truman

In the waters of the Persian Gulf, the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) and its Carrier Strike Group Eight are deployed. The entire group includes between 7,000 and 8,000 sailors, aviation and military personnel.

As of December 20th, the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) made up of amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD-5), amphibious transport dock USS New York (LPD-21) and dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD-51) is also in the Persian Gulf. The Bataan Amphibious Ready Group numbers approximately 5,000 personnel in total.

How Many Forces Does United States Have In Middle East To Strike Iran?

USS Bataan (LHD 5)

Great Britain sent two warships to the Persian Gulf, to “protect its ships and citizens.”

To summarize, according to available data, the US has 80,000-100,000 troops deployed to the Middle East. If the troops are counted with the lowest possible estimates, the numbers stand at approximately 83,000, while the highest estimates sit at approximately 100,000, which is not a small discrepancy.


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Rhodium 10

That US troops cannot avoid that Iran can close Hormuz strait…no petrol vessel or merchant will dare to transit through Hormuz and risk their lives!

AM Hants

What is even more ironic, is the fact that the Hormuz Strait comes under the ‘Law of the Sea Convention’ that the US is not signed upto. They have no rights in Iranian waters, just depended on their ‘bully boy’ tactics and believing nobody would stand up to them.

Ricky Miller

It’s true. The United States signed it but never ratified. The U.S. has no rights to territorial waters beyond a three mile limit and U.S. flagged vessels have no right of transit through any International strait, if the approximate coastal state declines passage. The reason for this is so the U.S. Navy has legal protection if a special operations submarine is caught inside the twelve mile limit of a foreign state. Not that legal protection will matter, seeing how an American submarine discovered inside Russia’s twelve mile limit won’t be a legal flagged vessel anymore but instead a wreck.

AM Hants

Interesting, together with the fact they believe the Law of the Sea Convention does not apply to the US.


The Unofficial or Unauthorized use of Violence and Intimidation in the Attempt to Achieve Political Aims = To TERRORISM

Mehmet Aslanak

There were much much more US troop numbers in Vietnam, yet US lost it to the simple guerilla warfare, a rifle + a brain + gallant people.

AM Hants

They have only had 19 years peace in total, since gaining independence from Great Britain on 4 July 1776. Last century, they only managed to beat one nation, a tiny Island called Grenada and it took them months. So not a good look, when even the pig farmers of Vietnam saw of the US Forces. There again, Vietnam did have old John McCain, selling out his fellow peers and military colleagues, when he sang like a canary, whilst a guest in the Hanoi Hilton.


One senseless mistake the generals and most intelligent operatives keep repeating is our believe in our weapons of war. Like goliath, history never won a war with a weapon. And certainly our time shall also render such perception futile.

Wayne Nicholson

Anyone confident of the USA’s military superiority over Iran should read this article https://warontherocks.com/2015/11/millennium-challenge-the-real-story-of-a-corrupted-military-exercise-and-its-legacy/

Irans missile force and air defences today are far superior to what General Ripper had at his disposal when he sank the US carrier group in a single engagement and decimated the marine assault teams Ospreys during the Millenium Challenge war games. The USA didn’t know Iran had land attack cruise missiles until the Houti’s hit Aramco with them, they thought the Global Hawk drone flew above Iranian SAM capabilities and remember the US drones they hacked and commandeered just last year.

The USA can strike hard but they are also vulnerable to counter attack if they do. Iran of course doesn’t want to be attacked by the USA but if they do they may regret it.

AM Hants

Must admit, when people have been saying that the US would have no problem taking out Iran, I have thought the opposite.

What exactly have the US got, in full working order, that was produced in the 21st century? Then you look at the training, their forces receive and how they get basic training, ignoring the skills required for the complicated systems, at their disposal. Anyway, that was nothing that concerned me, it was going back to 2014.

USS Donald Cooke, who was heading to Sevastopol, leading the NATO fleet, in order to kick Russia out of their warm water port. First, they were greeted by Bastion, who grinned down on them and locked her systems on the intruders. Who were the first ship in the Black Sea, to manage a circle of 8 turn. They then went back a couple of days later for more, and were met with nothing worse than a Russian military jet, who flew in to say hello, with their whicker basket or Iranian goodies. What happened next? No electricity on the ship and no weapons or systems working. The sailors freaked out, knowing they were sitting ducks, with no methods of fighting back, in the beautiful deep blue sea. The Magrav Technology that was devised in Iran. The same ship repeated similar in the Baltic Sea and so did the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, with the same result. Complete loss of power, systems, weapons and lack of NATO strength Pampers.

That was nearly 6 years ago, with the export version of Magrav Technology, and none of us know what other non-tactile weapons, Iran has in her toy box. We all know what the US has and how much of it does not work, together with the inadequate training of their forces. Still, the MIC shareholders used to be happy, till, shown on the world stage that they produce nothing different to the ‘Emporer’s New Clothes’, where weapons are concerned.

Wayne Nicholson

In sports there is the ‘law of competitive balance’ which states that a winning team sticks with the tactics that made them a winning team in the first place while competitors keep innovating and changing tactic to find a way of beating them.

The USA were successful in WW2 using air power and carriers, and even then the effects of strategic bombing was controversial. The USA basically are using the same tactics 80 years later just with more modern weapons.

They are vulnerable to a BIG defeat.

Another problem with the USA is they’ve been told they have omnipotent military force. They always have to win in war games, they always win in TV and movies, their media always blows sunshine up Americans asses. Going into a fight thing you’re invulnerable will make the shock of losses worse as you learn that you have been misled by your own leadership.

They would be better off being honest about their enemies capabilities so they don’t let their guard down however I believe the US leadership believe their own bullshit.

AM Hants

Nicely put. Must admit, when I check out the comments on GP and BB, even though realising many are ‘pay to post’, with a few from the rational thrown in, what seriously winds me up, is the ‘nationalistic’ theme, whether militant Dem or loyal Republican. There is no conception or empathy for other nations or cultures, and I exclude the rational posters, in my generalisation.


The US and its allies were successful because they allowed another state to destroy the Nazis,strategic and Machiavelli intelligence!

The USA and NATO superior system then totally prevailed over the USSR, which had failed absolutely by the 90s

American naval power plus over extension of Japan’s imperialism did for the other side of early 20th century dictatorship axis in the far east, and after the Japanese realised, sensibly which side was beast! Unlike the thick idiot Iranian,Syrian or Venezuelan so called governments,all of which have bought into some sort of ridiculous anti western resistance

Soon the residues of this toxic and maligned mentality will be delt with in the middle east, which is essentially a nasty and intolerant mix of islamo fascism in support of treasonous anti western 5th columnist idiot’s

Essentially the anti American force’s have omnipotent stupidity and weaknesses and will meet their collective Waterloo


You suffer from selective amnesia. What happened before your embassy, what have you been doing every day since 1953, but agitate war, overthrow democracy, assassinate, murder, invade, occupy, don’t fucking talk shit and pretend like you got attacked out of the blue. *You hit Iraq and Afghanistan, to destroy another enemy you created, and surrounded Iran* and inflict sanctions that have murdered thousands. All the US has done in the middle east is provoke war against the enemies of its client states. To actually believe in what you just typed is emblematic of how shit US schools are. Is this what you teach yourselves, that you go around the world being “attacked for no reason”?

The countries “stupid resistance” is standing up to a genodical empire. Shills like you paid by the integrity initiative, new knowledge, and fucking Belingcat, are servants of an empire of amnesia and murder. What “islamofascist” you nazi chud fuckwit, the only fascists are in the white house, or 10 downing street, or the saudi savages who cock you suck.


FFS its not my embassy!

Baghdad had a bunch of mullahs during the last war more than willing to press the flesh with Nazi’s

They’d string you up and your family you idiot!

Unless of course you’re one of them?

Concrete Mike

Thats enough out of you shill.

Shame on you for telling otger nations what they can or cant do.

Shame on you for painting religious leaders as the source of the conflict, its the.empire thays stirrinf shit up we all know that.

The whole world hates you now.

And its your own dumbass fault. You choose the path your on, dont come crying when we kick your ass from here to timbuctou, and guess what?? They hate your white ass in mali too.


The only “nazi” that Saddam dealt with was the US, people like Rumsfeld and Cheney, supported Saddam in his genocidal war, by supplying him with chemical weapons. And then accusing him of having WMD which the US sold.

As for mullahs, you’ve forced Muqtada Al Sadr closer to Iran. He has a massive “Mahdi” army at his command. US marines fought him in Fallujah, now times Fallujah by 10, or by 100, that’s what is on the cards.


Goose stepper


You vomit only nonsense. Rather than take advantage of a history and common sense class provided by BOBISAPAIDSHILL, you attack the messenger. Go and learn some history and then you can start posting comments.

Jimmy Jim


Tudor Miron

Yeah! Bobby :) You seem to be doing great in Syria.

Wayne Nicholson

“The US and its allies were successful because they allowed another state to destroy the Nazis,strategic and Machiavelli intelligence!”

Agreed although “machiavellian” would imply cunning while in reality they were simply opportunistic as the Soviets would have fought the Nazi’s to the death with or without the USA or Great Britain.

“The USA and NATO superior system then totally prevailed over the USSR, which had failed absolutely by the 90s”

History is a continuum. It’s easy to bracket dates and claim victory but that doesn’t tell the entire story. The cold war and the end of the USSR was the end of a battle not a war. The ORIGINAL idea of socialism a la Marx and Engels says market capitalism always ends in war in competition over markets heats up and easy profits can be made from warfare.

The USSR was simply the first state to experiment with socialism. Look at the world today. Who are the war mongers? Communist China or capitalist USA? Whose citizens are experiencing better living conditions and whose citizens are experiencing falling life expectancy and quality of life? The US economy is just one bubble scam after another and with each burst of the bubble the common people get poorer and the country gets more militaristic and authoritarian.

You had the S&L crisis followed by the dot com bubble followed by the financial crisis and the next one id going to be the stock market. In every case the capitalists at the top of the USA managed to scam ordinary Americans out of their wealth.

The latest one led by stock buyback scams in which US corporations are buying back their own stock with money ” borrowed” from the fed at nearly zero interest, artificially driving up the stock price, paying themselves dividends and bonuses without adding value to the company. Most of these companies don’t have enough value in them any more to cover their debt. If interest rates so much as twitch upwards the US stock market is FUCKED …. and the only direction the FED can move interest rates right now is up or go negative which is paying people to take money. The FED IS in fact offering negative rates right now in some cases.

“Essentially the anti American force’s have omnipotent stupidity and weaknesses and will meet their collective Waterloo”

You said it. I’m glad you agree. Lets see what happens after Deutche Bank fails Q1 2020 and starts financial crisis part 2 and well discuss this further this time next year..

Jimmy Jim

Dumbass ignorant loser. DO NOT FEED THIS TROLL !


You’ve got your head up your arse Bob.


A perfect summary of US ‘power’.

Thank you.

Ray Douglas

I would be of the opinion that Iran should bite its tongue and wait. Looking at it from a distance it seems like US must strike now in order to prevent it from becoming second fiddle to Russia/China/Iran/India and Pakistan. Iran should let Russia and China do the heavy lifting as they are the most able and have the economic clout to disable US. The US needs to break the weakest one first so if Iran wants to survive with its population intact it should bide its time.

Ray Douglas

One should also be aware of the role of Israel in this.


I agree and it would be a fitting testament to General Soleimani who was a patient and thoughtful man.

Concrete Mike

Wise words, i hope the iranian people follow your wisdom.


I believe that Iran alone could permanently injure US troop balance in the middle east with minimum initial aid, as only Israel is its arms dump! that would be the initial target, horrid business and a hornets nest of stirred up emotions.

Ray Douglas

At a cost of how many innocent Irani lives? China/Russia/India/Iran can break US financially. Now that is worth waiting for.


Yes your logic is good, lots of hot bodies all over, however when people are frantic enraged “and stirred up” they don’t care if they are in a deadly scrap! until the dust settles.

Prince Teutonic

Yeah, and if someone strike them back really hard it will blow the myth of invincible U.S. army and others will “jump” on them like hyenas on wounded antelope…

Tudor Miron

USA was not successful in WW2. They jumped onboard of “winning team” when it was almost over. Official figures of 80% losses of German forces sustained on Easter front tells the story. Vietnam is another story that comes to mind when we talk about US military prowess.


They turned up three years late. 200 divisions fought against the Russians. The combined allied forces faced 80 divisions together – and to this day British and American kids are taught “we won the war”.

Afghanistan is known as “the graveyard of empires”? What have the US done there in 20 years? Did they rebuild the country? No, they don’t give a fuck about “victory”, US forces are simply there to stop China building its “belt and road” project.

That’s why the Taliban control 70% of the country, it was never about the Taliban, or ISIS, or Al Quaeda, all of whom still exist, and the US can’t defeat them, what gives? They are useful proxies, for overthrowing governments, which has unleashed Sunni fundamentalism all over the world.

Tony B.

It’s also about the poppy fields which are guarded by U.S. troops and finance the evils of the CIA.

Tudor Miron

Agree. I would only add that Daesh/Queda are nothing other than irregular armed forces of UK/US so of course they still exist.

Concrete Mike

To quote CFR, they are boots on the ground, unaccountable to the tax payers, genius in its own evil way, if one is to be objective.


Permanent bombing of German cities and industry defeated them, they had no more weapons to use on the Eastern front.


The US has the same “them or us” belief, that the Romans had. There is no diplomacy, either you destroy us, or we destroy you. Unlike the British Empire, which simply gave up its colonies after WW2, the US will not relinquish any part of its empire, or stop their endless illegal invasions, without a fiery apocalypse. People who have this ideology, believe its their destiny to subjugate all other nations, that “god has chosen” them for a special purpose.

No empire ever survived. Even the ones that lasted a long time, came to an end. Still the US will do all it can to cripple development of any regional power, or bloc of nations. It would rather not exist, than live in a multi-polar world, and I fear they will take everyone down with them, just because they can’t sit on a golden throne and dictate to other nations. That’s why the Brits are so cynical and bitter; that’s the US in a few decades, bemoaning their empire, like it’s a bad thing that it ceased to exist.

Tony B.

What must be understood by all, but is refused by almost all, is that the ONLY empire existing in the world is the same one that existed when Britain was its knee capper, that is, the TALMUDIC EMPIRE OF THE ROTHSCHILD CABAL. None of the motives put to the U.S. (which were put to Britain until it was sucked dry by the cabal and could no longer pretend forcefulness) are national at all, they are TALMUDIC, THE DEVIL’S COMPENDIUM FOR THOSE HE HAS AND CAN CAPTURE THE SOULS. Normal people, no matter their race or nationality, do not have the motive of mass murdering 95% of the world’s people leaving only enough slaves for each of themselves. Stopping thinking inside the cabal box set out for you and look at the true picture.


doesnt the us have a bunch of mini nukes? obviously they don’t care about taboos such as murdering a diplomat so using nukes meh

Wayne Nicholson

I’m not sure there is a military reason to use them. Conventional weapons can do tactically everything a nuke can do. Nukes are only good for threats and Armageddon. Using them as an act of revenge would be the end of the USA as a world power. They are teetering and losing friends by the day already …. using a nuke for any reason when there are other options available would isolate them immediately


The US and UK education systems have been purposefully degraded in my opinion.

This was done for two possible reasons, to create an illusion that ALL school leavers could benefit from a University Education, when in reality it’s an expensive way for the students who do not have much ability to gain a Degree in Hair Dressing or Social Science etc etc, and for the dumb from fee paying schools to gain a degrees in Humanities that range from ancient beliefs to modern film etc etc.The Student debt for training that was once free in Technical colleges etc, now costs circa £9000/ year in a ‘University’. I accept that repayment only kicks in when income exceeds about £500 per week / about £26,000 per year. After that 9% of income is taken to repay the student loan that is accruing interest of circa 5% per year.

Couple this with lifestyles that pander to gender awareness and self-identification , along with hedonism as an attribute, and we have what we have, that is a military force only really capable of standing in lines and shooting at other lines opposite them. The independence of rational thought required in a fast moving scenario is not really there to work with and train.

The consequence being that British and other NATO forces are only capable at beating up very poor nations who have no airpower or defence, and the 20 year experience war in Afghanistan has proved that the NATO forces are pretty crap at that as well. :)

This brings round in a circle to the ‘Frankfurt School of Thought’ in Germany and ‘Common Purpose in Europe’, AM :)


The US doctrine has focused on the “war on terror”, i.e. never ending war against muslims. They have only just realised that a great power struggle is on the cards. When was the last time the US fought a near peer power? It can’t seem to beat guerrilla tactics which is why Afghanistan is a strategic defeat, the US is not accomplishing anything, but they can’t leave because they can’t admit defeat.

War porn fan bois, don’t seem to understand that you don’t need an aircraft carrier, to destroy an aircraft carrier. While the US has been assassinating people and bombing civilians, the Russians and Chinese doctrine has been to build weapons that counter US technology, which they are now selling to everyone, including Iran.

An iranian s300 variant, shot down the Rq8 drone (the most expensive drone on earth, 120 million!), and they also shot ballistic missiles at tankers, and the Saudi oil refinery – this is proof of Iranian tech.

Iranian missiles defeated the patriot system whether fan-bois like it or not.

Tony B.

The “war on terror” doctrine has never been accepted by the no-voice American public. They have understood from the beginning (9/11) that it was created by a joint top government and Israeli Mossad and military murder of several thousands of Americans for the permanent benefit of satanic Israhell. IT IS JUST ONE MORE TALMUDIC/SATANIC DOCTRINE IMPOSED ON WHOMEVER THE DEVIL HAS THE POWER TO IMPOSE IT – that is through governments at the top, not just the U.S. government, governmentS.


As silly as it may seem, it is my opinion that the almost universal hubris of Americans is due to the last 70 years of Hollywood and US TV output that invariably has the US as the White Knights that are valiant, brave and wise.

Such propaganda is bound to inflate the self worth and ego’s of Americans. This is not to say that everything American is bad. It is not. What this propaganda does though is to brand other nations as backward and not as worthy as Americans.

When such hubris is coupled with great military power that is largely due to the US supplying arms for two world wars whilst suffering no damage to its industrial output or civilian and military infrastructure in mainland America.

Couple that with the Ignorance of Empire that has coincided with the average US IQ falling. ” There are a lot of theories why IQ tests are falling. Some say it’s bad food, poor schools, or obscene amounts of screen time. Others suggest it’s a matter of people with lower IQs having more kids, who inherit their lower numbers. The thing is, there’s a lot of variation among the U.S. states in terms of IQ averages. So while the nation as a whole averages roughly a 98 IQ, individual states range as much as six points higher or four points below the national average.”

“According to the results of Lynn and Meisenberg’s research, for example, out of 108 countries and provinces, the United States ranks 24th in IQ globally (tied with Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Latvia, and Spain) with an average IQ of 98. The top 10 countries by average IQ are: 1. Hong Kong (108) 2. Singapore (108) 3. South Korea (106) 4. China (105) 5. Japan (105) 6. Taiwan (105) 7. Iceland (101) 8. Macau (101) 9. Switzerland (101) 10. Austria (as well as Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, UK) (100)”

Israel in not in the Top 10. Surely that’s anti semitic :)

AM Hants

Tavistock Institute guidelines.

Growing up, decades ago, when you had Universities and polytechnics, I was never into Academia, but, approved of sandwich courses, where you graduated, but, also spent a year working within your speciality. Which made sense. Did like high level apprenticeships, in highly skilled disciplines.

We then joined the common market, the asset strippers turned up, together with student loans. Comprehensive education, with lower levels given priority and then Academia for all, ignoring supply and demand. Whilst skilled labour found the dole centre.

Meanwhile over in Asia, the focus is still on traditional education and critical thought encouragement. Whilst the Frankfurt School, social science methology controls the West.

Feel so sorry for the kids of today.


Yes, I feel sorry for them as well. Debt is a millstone at any age, but its worse for the young, partly because they are often lured by debt without understanding the ravages of circa 25% + ‘interest’ with credit cards etc.

Any nations, such as Britain, that can waste billions on weapons of war that have a miniscule chance of being used in a war surely should freely educate its population first in subjects that have a purpose other than a pointless degree in subjects such as ‘Personal Fitness Training’ . Such pointless degrees are Trades, in my opinion , that have usage in whatever field it is, some that require great personal skill. But academic, they are not.

Critical thought these days is increasingly only accepted if ones thoughts concur with the status quo. The ‘Earth is Flat because wise men say so, so shut up’ etc.

Sandwich courses were valuable for a phased introduction into the reality of work alongside real working people, yet today the restrictions and liabilities of employing students is onerous to say the least. Many students would think its a a course as Subway anyway. :)

AM Hants

Wish we could go back in time. Especially with regards education of our children.


Time never stands still, yet over time , Britain as seen good , bad and indifferent periods of governance.

If the US collapses as quickly as the Soviet Union did, it will take away the power of the Zionists. Without the amoral thugs of the US military,the corrosive Zionist influence that intentionally degrades civilised morals will easily be cast out by a very angry mob throughout Europe I suspect.

I still cannot put my finger on why the US is globally ramping up discord NOW. All I can think of is that a major war would put all the legal wrangling within the US, including the Paedo investigations on ice for the duration, if not for ever .

My reasoning being, that there are NO honest actors in any of the allegations, and that ALL of the Deep State establishment and flunkies would be severely damaged, including Trump.


I believe that since the US elites know that their system is collapsing and they cannot do anything to avoid it, war is -they think-the only way to fiox and reboot the system. Being so greedy and amoral, they are willing to put world peace at risk.

AM Hants

Must admit, I am more angry then worried, with regards what happens next. Do seriously believe the crowd opposing the Zionists, happen to be brighter, stronger and more intelligent and know the precise weaknesses of those they wish to bring down. Could be wrong, but, not going to worry about it.

Peter Jennings

IMO, TPTB want you dumb so they can easily sell you lots of stuff, be that white goods, pensions which get raided, MMT, lol, or more importantly…their propaganda. There’s no reason giving people the tools to determine fact from fiction if you wish to deceive them later.


That’s true. The various religions have been doing this for millennia.


Lol. Can any Russians believe an American fleet was heading to Sevastopol to attack Russians there? I’m losing IQ points when I read this BS story

AM Hants

Crimea – President Putin Documentary … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mw4Y9jRwCQ

1 hour and 23 minutes into the video you will find out what happened to the USS Donald Cook, when she met Bastion, when leading the NATO fleet, to kick Russia out of their warm water port.

Retrospective: How Russia ruined US plans in Crimea… https://www.sott.net/article/314886-Retrospective-How-Russia-ruined-US-plans-in-Crimea

Followed by the USS Donald Cook being taken out by a Russian Whicker Basket, laden with Iranian Magrev Technology. Now that was seriously funny.


If US military are in your yard without invite it is an attack!


Ah! but the U.S. does have very accurate false flags! and Cruise missiles that can nearly hit a target sometimes, and some F35’s that look so goon on paper so long as its the right paperwork, and how likely is it that Iran has Nukes erm I found out how to make them in the 80’S although enriching Uranium’s a bit tasky! were fkt!!!

AM Hants

Just decided to check in for my daily doom and gloom fix. I was expecting a false flag, where an airliner would be taken down, owing to the Daily Mail, mentioning something along those lines.

Surprise, surprise, an airliner on route from Iran to Ukraine, gets taken out. The irony and wonder if it was a Boeing, that uses ‘fly by wire’ technology? I wonder who was on the passenger list.

Interesting that the tankers are avoiding the Straits of Hormuz, owing to insurance concerns. Article over on Zero Hedge.


Yes so far it seems that only Boeing are plagued with that sinister “uninterruptible auto pilot system”, That Field McConnell alerted us to, its much easier to call it a remote murder/ I mean flying system, I wasn’t surprised to find out that Iran would have twitchy fingers after having been fingered/fisted so personally, I didn’t need to reverse psychologically read any western news papers for a change! None of them knew anything in the early hours, Oligarchy mouthpieces without a plan or clue love it.


Iran is a country with 85 million people and almost as big as India in sheer size. us needs millions of troops even to have a chance to fight. delusional even to think about invasion. all us surface ships are within Iran’s missile ranges. It comes down to air and missile and submarine warfare. Iran has about 40-50 subs and advanced missiles and capable air aircraft and missile defense systems. carriers will stay well beyond the missile ranges (out of range for jets on carriers).

Here is something to note: Iran and NK have been conducting joint research and development for some time.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

so are US carriers and surface ships within irans missile range or not? and what can iran do to compensate?


Iran and NK have been conducting joint research and development for some time. What if Iran has ICBMs and SLBMs like these that can strike the entire US. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=EypIIkg7gx8&feature=emb_logo


Ricky Miller

It would seem to me that Iran and North Korea have more incentive than ever to cooperate on military projects and even economic development. All the sanctioned have growing reasons to trade and aid one another and poke holes in the sanctions empire. Ultimately it’s inevitable. Countries can either surrender to American overlordship or find ways to move forward. Moving forward together makes a lot of sense.


US attacking Iran here and there are all nonsense. Keep in mind that NK has the capability to annihilate and erase US off the map.


yeah, im gonna say that i disagree! im quite certain the US has good intel on Iran capabilities! i dont think the US will got to all out war with iran but they will strike their economic targets when the inevitable iranian revenge attack occurs! The US is in fact trying to strategically extract its forces from the middle east but cleaning up some mess along the way! Hence Bagdaddi and the General!

i can think of one particular weapon the US has that has been proven to be unstoppable so far! it cant be shot out of the sky by missiles or gun fire, nor can electronic warfare defeat it! its the glided bomb! Not a smart bomb but a bomb that glides and manoeuvres with its own wings! its extremely small which enables a fairly stealthy or non stealthy jet to get within 110km and can even follow a moving target which brings the range down to 72km

They are cheap but deadly! Nobody has stopped these yet! its basically a dumb bomb that can fly! it has no radar or heat signature! just internal guidance system!

its called the GBU-39

one example of what could be used! i sure there are many more! Iran better hope the US doesnt have space weapons OR lasers that actually work lol

Jimmy Jim

Bad idea to start a war with Iran. A conventional war against Iran is unwinnable. The only way for America (and Zionist ‘666’ Israel) to win is by using nuclear bombs. Iran does not have any nuclear bombs. However, it is understood, that Iran will be given nuclear bombs by Russia or China as they will not sit idly by in their neighborhood … once nuclear bomb is used against them. So, for all those Kike war mongers out there: Really? You want to start war with Iran? You think that war with Iran is salvation of Zionist ‘666’ Israel (the Satanic counterfeit)? Really?

Wayne Nicholson

Russia won’t give anyone nukes.

The USA would be the only country to use nukes on people and this would make it twice. The optics would be insanely bad. Imagine twitter flooded with pictures of children still alive with cooked flesh dropping off their bones. It would be the last act of a dying empire.


and 82 million iranians on 1650000 sqkm and the delusional washington believe they can conquer Iran. for the world it would be much better to terminate the illegal settlement israel and clear out the 6 million jews occupying palestine who, in the process, steals and murders palestinians galore ( they are in a hurry and need to finish the ethnical cleansing down to zero before the world wakes up and says no, no more). to finish off the jews in palestine would guarantee a peaceful and tranquil middle east for the foreseeable future. but as long as the jews are allowed to exist, there is no peace to be had – anywhere.


Iran is too large and the topography is too rough to be able to be occupied by any invader. It would need a few million troops just to get to Tehran even without any resistance, but the reality is that Iranians are very angry now and the whole population will fight. The Basij will be the key to local resistance and are quite prepared with a totally decentralized command structure.


Nobody needs to occupy it, as its taken a path which will result in its economic death,its started its nuke programme again and thats the end of iran

Oh sure it can try some more desperate measures, all of which will fail

Iran, a country on the wrong side of history and time, and culture,and technology!!

Its f@#ked!


Keep wishing, keep repeating. Until yesterday, you knew NOTHING about Iran now you think you can dismiss 4 millenia of history, more than the filthy scum jews, or the childish thug yankee. They beat every empire in history, its time to put your name on the list. The Us has killed 20 million people since the end of ww2, you are the biggest terror state in history, and when you fall, billions will dance on your grave (nothing to protect your precious apartheid racist Israel then)


Iran, dead nation walking!

Ricky Miller

Trump will be in jail, two years from now. Jail to the Chief! Probably not on the war crime charges he deserves but will I care? From Trump voter to jail him demonstrator all in one Presidential term, and I’m not alone here in Ohio. Must have been the way he did not bring manufacturing jobs back to Ohio, or the way he killed people all around the world with reckless abandon and a wicked smile. His Democratic successor will probably have to sweeten the Iran Nuclear deal in order to get them to return to it. It’ll all feel so good.


He droned Suleimani to distract from impeachment maybe? Like Clinton did in 97 i think? I think that there was no need for a “grand conspiracy” charge (Russian spy, please…) he is corrupt and has violated the emoluments clause several times. Why are they pursuing a charge that will never stick?


Oh, and ex US troops veterans settle in Vietnam, according to RT International that’s because its great for USA and Vietnam,they learn you stay with head in cesspit!

Concrete Mike

How cute, is this your way to advocate for genocide??

Your a peice of shit, just like free man.


The US chose to make Iran their enemy, for the sake of the gulf dictatorships, and apartheid Israel. They have not succeeded in making anyone “behave normally” because they have no concept of normal behaviour. Iran is last on the list of General Wesley Clarke’s “seven countries in five years” plan, which the US never gave up, and has been aggressively agitating for war non stop, even before Trump. But *the advantage of a society with zero historical memory is everyone can act outraged, at seemingly being attacked out-of-the-blue. Just to be clear, *every time Iran has threatened retaliation, they followed through.


Blah BLAH whatever

You’re braindead

Ricky Miller

No, you are. The U.S. is losing in Afghanistan, is losing in Syria, is pushing Turkey away, is alienating it’s European allies and South Korea in trade warfare and protection rackett schemes and is losing an economic war with Russia and a trade war with China, all at the same time. It’s now also facing severe pressure to get kicked out of Iraq, which cuts the supply line to it’s proxies inside Syria. It’s all over except for the fat ladies song, due about November.


Is that it? I dismantled your cliff note “arguments” with devastating facts, and lampooned your deranged president, and you say “whatever”. I was right, you’re a kid.

I know you want to see your country blow things up and then watch the drone footage on YT, like its a game. You’ve not lived through war time have you?

You see, it all starts out with maximum enthusiasm. Flag waving etc. people are pumped up, the bombs start to drop, AWESOME DUDE!

But 10/20 years later, when you have lost 4500 men/women the question becomes: are you willing to kill, more than your enemy is willing to die? Wars begin when you please, but do not end when you say.


You’re talking gibberish


You say that because your butt hurts?



Ricky Miller

War pig fan fiction. Iran has lot’s of other sanctioned countries to trade with this time.

Wayne Nicholson

You know when Nixon convinced the Saudi’s to use the USD as the reserve currency for oil back in the early 1970’s the deal was that the USA would provide the security to keep the oil flowing.

Soleimani was reportedly in Bagdad trying to mend fences between the Saudi’s and iraq …. aside from being the “terrorist mastermind” reported in the MSM Soleimani was a skilled diplomat…. sorta like Jared Kushner only with experience, skills and intelligence.

So over the weekend the USA …. who are supposed to be providing security and stability in the Middle East …. declared war on Iran and Iraq, cost the Saudi’s $200B, got kicked out of Iraq and put the world on a knife’s edge with an excellent chance of sinking the world economy. All while the Saudi’s were trying to negotiate some kind of peace and security using back channels and the USA assassinated their go between.

A good bouncer keeps the peace …. they don’t start a brawl, light a fire that threatens the to burn the place down then run out for gasoline just to make sure.

Saudi’s are going to be regretting hiring the USA as a bouncer …. goodby petrodollar.


The hasbara machine is winning, sadly. They handed the UK election to a racist. And they interfere in all European elections with malignant intent. They can’t handle ANY criticism, which is why they attack, smear, destroy careers, just because they can’t bare to be called out for their genocide. Its 2020, and they are still acting like a 19th century colonial power, but then what do you expect, when they are the violent deranged child of the US empire?

Israel is a racist dictatorship that masquerades as a “liberal democracy”. It is not liberal, nor a democracy (by law, the country is for jews) and is the only “democracy” with a giant concentration camp in its stolen borders. It has annexed part of Syria – can you imagine the faux outrage if Russia or China acted that way? I thought the west was against “annexation”, only for their enemies it seems. The UK/US backed terror state of Israel, or the “islamic state” of Saud, can annex as they please.

International law is only for US enemies to observe. The US has single-handedly destroyed, the post war international system of laws. They should not host the UN headquarters, its an insult to peace.

Paul Lam

It seems obvious that they’re preparing for mostly air and missile campaign since they know it’s impossible to win a ground war against Iran. Iran’s defenses can be overwhelmed, but they only need to survive in order to win the war.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

im not even sure its enough to overwhelm them, they arent iraq, or libya, plus who knows what other secret toys they have


Billy Meier predictions inclueded a very interesting one re US befalling an unbelivable disaster in the Middle East, which kicked off WW3


very few men and equipment to combat iran…


That is an astute observation, the other issue is that these US troops are occupation forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc and hardly in a position to engage Iran as they will have their hands full with the local resistance. The key Iranian strategy would be to go after Saudi, Kuwait and UAE staging areas or perhaps Qatar too. Bahrain with the majority repressed Shia population will be hit the hardest with local support. The Qataris sent their FM to Iran after the Soleimani assassination to gauge Iranian position but came back disappointed as Iran intends to hit the largest US base in Qatar. Turkey has also been informed to stay from US troops in Qatar.


No one needs to invade Iran

They’ve committed economic suicide by starting the nuke programme again

They don’t have an economic future now, ergo they can kiss goodbye to any chance of military parity for decades to come


Nope, wrong again little dick paid shill. Your empire is in decline, which is why in 20 years you couldn’t beat the taliban, and you’ve done shit for Iraq except pretend to fight ISIS who you actually support. You don’t need military parity to beat a superpower you dumb cunt. Ask the Vietnamese. Get ready for nukes pointed at your precious zio-fascist white settler state of Israel.



How are your goose stepping class’s going?

Do you own a brown or black shirt?

Ricky Miller

It’s the United States of thuggery that is invading countries all around the world and killing little kids with drones at weddings from Afghanistan to Somalia. You own those stormtrooper boots, war pig.


Are you a US citizen?

Ricky Miller



Wrong, you’re a traitor!


He’s loyal to his nation -the people that make up his country. You, on the other hand, support the elites and Israel, which only have scorn for scumbags like you.

Concrete Mike

Lol pot calling kettle black.

Sorry Ricky, your alright, Bob your a peice of shit, terrorist supporting motherfucker!

Ricky Miller

They don’t need parity. Iran has been under severe sanctions for most of the last decade and yet they have more than 100,000 medium range ballistic missiles, of varying degrees of accuracy. Now some of that is with North Korean technology and assistance but so what? It just shows the pitfalls of sanctioning large numbers of states. Those states can then create an alternative economic and trading system, the U.S. dominated one not needed. Sanction Iraq now, when they kick you out. So, Lebanon (sanctioned) and Syria (sanctioned) and Iraq (sanctioned) and Iran (sanctioned) and North Korea (sanctioned) and Russia (sanctioned) and Myanmar (sanctioned) and others to be joined later, representing at least 300 million people can trade amongst themselves, send people to college in Turkey (threatened with sanctions, soon to join up in full) or Russia, and move on.


But they can’t use any of it!

Most students still go to America or other NATO countries universities

So more blather

Wrong side of history

Why did you become such a traitor?

Ricky Miller

They will use it which is why the United States didn’t attack Iran but instead attacked an unarmed uniformed officer on the territory of a third party. The U.S. wants no part of being on the business end of Iran’s missile forces and the widespread destruction across the Middle East so they killed an unarmed man in an unarmed car who was a guest of a third party country who declined permission for the murder. The U.S. government is too pussy to start a straight up fight, even the U.S. Navy has retreated out of Iran’s missile range. They only shoot at people who can’t shoot back. And my government betrayed me a long time ago, engaging in economic policies that destroyed Ohio’s economy and ignored our treaty obligations under the UN Charter and turned our military forces into a bully force that engages in non stop wars against countries far smaller than us while calling it democracy and bravery.


So you’re a traitor!

Well done Ricky

I’ll pass it on to the relevant authorities, Ricky,anti American idiot side with its enemies!

Well done Ricky

Tudor Miron

Bobby, you are miserable :)


Yup, maybe you’re right , but i ain’t no TRAITOR!

Tudor Miron

Yes you are. A traitor of human kind.




Yes. Nationalism is an artificial idea whereas humanism is real. You have betrayed your kind as well as your moral values. I don’t think your parents are proud of you.

Ricky Miller

Please do. They don’t care. I just flew to Washington last month and went to a Washington Capitals game and ate at the Au Bon right across the street from FBI HQ. They don’t care because we are no longer a people with a government and a military but instead right now we are a military and a government who has a people. Making those of us who dissent almost no threat. But please, I welcome detention. I want them to pay to hold me until every dime I ever paid them in tax is eaten up in expense so I don’t have to have their state violence on my conscience.


Stop being a boring teenager

You’re a total idiot


Ricky Miller

Hey Bob. A USMC General named William H. Seely has just sent a letter to the Iraqi MOD detailing the coalition intention to withdrawal in respect to Iraq’s sovereignty. A copy of the letter is at RT. Comments?


More traitors

Ricky Miller

Hey Bob. Al Masdar news is reporting that Iraqi forces are restricting U.S. and coalition forces to base. Any comment? Hey Bob, RT is reporting with a copy of his letter that USMC General William Seely is detailing coalition withdrawal plans to the Iraqi MOD? Any comment?




Here we go, the “you’re a traitor if you don’t obey the state or don’t hate whomever you are told to hate” trope. You’re a brown-shirt, enforcing blind obedience, or “patriotism” as people in fly-over states call it.

You have no idea what the “wrong side of history” is, so please stop using it little bob. The US has been on the wrong side of history, for its ENTIRE history (except maybe the last 3 years of WW2). Genocide, slavery, ethnic cleansing, concentration camps, racist boarding “re-education” schools etc.

History isn’t written by MAGA trolls. The US actions will be assessed by the best minds on earth, and just like the Vietnam war, Lybia, Iraq, Afghanistan, you have not been “exonerated”.

What are the chances, that the US is on “the right side” this time, when it has not fought a righteous war since WW2? The US hasn’t even declared war since the 1960s, and yet is in 7 (soon to be 8) theatres of war?

You are lost….


Traitor, i take the side of my enemy!

I know you people have a problem with that

Your problem


So he’s supposed to take the side of his country, right or wrong? What if his country’s government is made up of a bunch of psychopathic murderers? He still has to be loyal? I wouldn’t because my values tell me that I cannot support evil.


If you’re at war with another country and take sides with your enemy, you’re a traitor


How simple haha. No. If I have to chjoose between my personal principles and values and siding with a criminal government, I will always choose the former regardless of what the brainwashed zombies say.

Concrete Mike

Yes they come here for law and arts degrees.

The engineers and scientific types dont. We are the driving force of R&D, if there are less engineers technicians and scientists, guess what?

Look at the number of engineer graduates in the west versus russia china and Iran, its not even close.

You are the traitor, for advocating wasting money on military adventurism instead of infrastructure.spending at home.

You.are the traitor for putting the interests of the few ahead of the rest.

We.know who your advocating for, zionist terrorism. You know what the worst is, its real jews that are going to eat shit, because you and your types are aetting the up for slaughter. Not only are you treasonous towards ykur state, but your a treasonous towards your people of faith.



Look how SCARED you are. You are terrified about the nuclear programme? Maybe a nuke aimed at Tel Aviv (where you live?).

Keep parroting the same lines over and over, maybe it will happen if you just believe!

Military parity is not necessary, the Vietnamese defeated you with cheap tech, and balls.

You understand nothing about war, in fact, your a child? Seriously, you’re a minor, right? I know your paid by the state department, because you can’t be on this site by accident. Wait, do you think war is like Call of Duty, like a video game? Little bob, war is NOTHING like propaganda movies or games. If you come up against a near peer power like Russia or China, they have enough fire power (4000 nuclear warheads) to do permanent damage to the US mainland. You don’t understand what “peer power” entails, you don’t need equal technology, to win a war.

Source: all of human history


You’re boring beyond nuclear oblivion, which you obviously crave!


There are lots of hero’s in Hollywood who are waiting for the chance to film US victories in movie sets :)


100 000 hostages for Iran


Everyone is obsessed by kinetic force’s

The USA has now achieved exactly what it needed to do, which was to back Iran into a corner and start enrichment again, which they are now committed to do

This gives the international community no options but to impose sanctions again, and double down on them, the international community will have absolutely no option

The US are showing how limited the Iranian position is, soon everyone will fall in behind the American position, forget all the BS blather about iraq, and America being kicked out of the middle east, its the Iranian position which is now increasingly weak

Incidentally the Iranian regime started this by shooting down drones and blowing up Saudi oil infrastructure, they’ve committed a huge blunder, just like Putin who was forced to defend his naval base in Crimea and Syria, the so called forces of resistance are spread extremely thin

Ricky Miller

Iran isn’t in any corner. They can take their time and plot the killing of a senior U.S. officer and or Cabinet secretary. The U.S. started this war by giving weapons to Sunni insurgent groups and attacking Shia militias. Iran doesn’t have to start a war to win they just have to be prepared to defend themselves with maximum force if the U.S. attacks them. There will be no UNSC resolution that passes authorizing sanctions against Iran so Iran can still sell oil to China and Myanmar, albeit quietly. And later this year UNSC sanctions against military trade with Iran will expire and the Iranians will be going shopping in Moscow. The big issue is will Russia respond to the ridiculous U.S. sanctions against it by withdrawal from the Missile Technology Control Regime? The agreement limits defense assistance with missiles longer than 500km ranges but with American sanctions pressure against Russia’s defense trade it’s possible that Moscow might sweeten technology trade in missiles by marketing longer range missiles. That would help Iran make her missile arsenal even more deadly in case America grows a spine and wages war face to face and not all cowardly sneaky.




“Everyone will fall in line” your a fucking Fascist, if you think countries are as dumb and backwards as the US. NOBODY BELIEVES YOUR LIES – US propaganda is designed for a very low IQ, nobody on earth over the age of 6 falls for yankee war lies.

How is it a “blunder” to destroy Saudi animals who execute thousands of people, women, children, they cut of their hands, their heads? It was successful, and there is more to come. I hope you drive for a living, because oil is about to go through the roof.

There is no “international community” you fucking simpleton, do you imagine that apart from apartheid israel, and medieval Saudi, that countries are all on board with your assassination and warmongering? You will fight this war alone. You don’t have allies, you have vassal states, who are terrified of defying your insane diktats. This is what empires do. The US is INCAPABLE of diplomacy and has descended into a military junta.

As for Putin, yea, be worried about him. You have no knowledge of Russian military assets, which you would learn about if you were not a troll on this site. All it takes is for some tech transfer, and you and your jew friends will be incinerated (for good this time). All it takes is for Russia to land a couple of assets in Iran to create a tripwire. Now watch the dumb child pretend that he thinks the US will trigger a nuclear war. This is what christian fundamentalist MAGA chuds like BOB here want, Armageddon is their wet dream, they are BEGGING for the rapture.

Free man

The smartest thing that Iran can do is do nothing. It’s one thing to yell at Parliament “Death to America” but it’s another thing altogether to try and implement it.


They’ve already committed suicide by re-starting the nuke enrichment programme,which I’d suggest was the object of the US exercise,this allows the international community to now slap sanctions back on Iran


“this allows the international community to now slap sanctions back on Iran” WTH, have you been asleep for the last two years?


The nuke deal is dead!

Trump has now totally killed it, but he always knew it was bad,and now Iran have confirmed it!

The Iranians have now kicked off like children, they’ve kicked off because they’ve been found out!

They are now screaming like girls about enrichment,why?

Why would they do this unless they only ever wanted to develop nukes for weapons?

They’ve had their bluff called

We now know what they were up to, otherwise why start enrichment again?

To threaten other’s!

its a threat

F@#k ’em!


See how your limited intelligence declines after a few shill posts? You are just cutting and pasting you CIA cliff notes, repeating the same idiotic propaganda.

What are you even talking about “screaming like children”, you mean like you? They don’t give a shit about the JCPOA since you killed it, and that allows them to do as they please. So what if they build a bomb, they should do exactly that if they want to deter a psychopathic orange hitler ziocock swallower?

Ricky Miller

Yes. Countries with atomic weaponry don’t get attacked. Iran has theological issues with building a bomb but maybe a re-interpretation is in order, given the insanity in Washington D.C.? Building a bomb for deterrence would be acceptable but using it against only military targets after being attacked wouldn’t be? Of course for the U.S. the building of the bomb is just a B.S. talking point. They don’t want Iran to have any capability, even non-military enrichment. Guess what, it’s happening. And they can’t do crap to stop it, short of actually starting a major war. They can kill unarmed officers and civilians even but are frustrated at changing the course of events in the Middle East, and elsewhere.


No the Iranian dictatorship do care about JCPOA and the sanctions regime


Sanctions, you mean medieval warfare?

As for the “international community” there is no such thing, there is just the US threatening to remove aid from poor countries if they don’t vote in favour of the Empire and its interests. The US backs 70% of all dictatorships, Israel and Saudi animals is not the “international community”.

Nobody supports you, except apartheid zio-fascist Israel, and the Gulf medieval regimes. Thats your allies, thats who represents your values. Thats why that fat cunt Pompeo cried about “our allies not supporting us” – when the US didn’t even INFORM the Europeans until AFTER the murder (but they told Israel and MBS). The sanctions are murder, unilateral, and illegal. You know nothing about international law, which is why your country breaks it so often, the president is about as smart as you (i.e. dumb as a brick).

Now go invade with the “coalition of the cowardly” Boris Johnson, Bibi, and MBS!!

This is what it has come to for the US, sanctions don’t mean shit you fucking idiot. They will build a nuke and then what? You will have to treat them like North Korea, i.e. with respect. The nuclear deal was designed to prevent this, but your dick brain president has made it a certainty.

Donald Trump is a festering fistula in the rectum of humanity, the sooner he is shat out through impeachment, the better.

Ricky Miller

The U.S. has already pulled out of the deal and placed draconian sanctions on Iran, so resuming enrichment costs Iran nothing. It places pressure on Trump though as pulling out of the deal now places Iran in a position of enrichment breakout, the very thing that the deal was struck to prevent. Iran has figured out that this is a long term economic war and it’s time to buckle up and get down to getting around the sanctions and finding alternate methods of growth and self reliance.

Ricky Miller

They’ll kill an American officer(s.) With thousands and thousands spread all over the world, raping little Okinawan girls and flying jets across ski lift wires sending dozens of skiers to their deaths there are plenty of target areas to choose from. Iran has to be careful about the location or venue of a revenge attack. It has to be in a country that won’t really care (Indonesia, Morocco) or in a state that Iran doesn’t care about (maybe Niger?)


The last words of a man, just before he is punched in the face. You can’t believe it can happen can you?

Absolutely no chance of “doing nothing”, but they have strategic patience, and have shown the ability to hit targets all over the region at will. They can easily defeat the antique patriots, and can hack and land a drone, or take it out with ballistic missiles.

You have chosen to make every US service member a target. You think you can assassinate, murder, slaughter civilians in perpetuity and never pay for it. Wrong…

The US regime is as dead set on war as Hitler was by 1939, and they have the same sense that time is running out and the situation is not going to get better with age. That’s why the US government has greatly escalated its provocations against Iran in recent days.

It’s no different than the congregation of MAGA hat chuds chanting whatever inane racial slur-du-jour Trump spits out from his anus mouth.

US military are instruments of empire, it is the duty of free people to resist the savagery of the US. They don’t need all out war, they will chip away at you the way the Russians have done in Ukraine, or Syria in Idlib, until you are nothing. If the dollar is devalued, the empire will contract violently. This is the only thing that allows the US to spend 700 billion a year, on pointless murder to satisfy Israel, rather than say – building a modern single payer health system or decent infrastructure.


Ok its fine for Iran to shoot down US drones,incidentally not an armed drone just one used for spying which surly was one of the unwritten rules of the game?

Its fine to attack Saudi oil infrastructure which impact the whole global economic order?

Its ok the Iranian regime can threaten to blow up the whole of the middle east, all to support their childish failure?

All of this is fine,nothing,absolutely nothing wrong with this is there?

But America kills some f@#king idiot who probably advocated this type of strategy and the whole world thinks Trump is somehow a danger!

Tudor Miron

Bob, you should NOT stop taking prescribed meds.


Its the Iranian dictatorship who need meds!

They’ll ultimately end up like Hitler,shiting their pants waiting for the inevitable!

Tudor Miron

Bob, if your little brain can’t comprehend that killing an official representative of a country member of UN in a 3d country as well member of UN is something very different than shutting down a hostile drone invading your airspace than even meds would not help you much. Are you one of those that claim that nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a “humanitarian act preventing further losses”? You guys are in for a rude awakening sooner than you think.


Official terrorist!

Tudor Miron

Bobby, that place of yours where normal humans have brains can’t comprehend the simple fact that this is UN who has authority to distinguish someone as terrorist. I know that you think that US is above international law but world around is starting to realize that this is not the case in terms that US can still talk but can’t do the walk anymore. Less and less so. As was said several years ago – US is being removed from the role of world policeman and center of power concentration is being transferred elsewhere.


Everyone is hitler for people like you. You can’t accept any country on earth which is not subservient to America. The fault is within you, not your enemy, and while you shill for the state department and various zionist or saudi savages, your empire is crumbling. When it finally contracts, it wont happen over decades like the Romans, it will be like the soviets, over in 24 hours. The REAL hitler is the racist orange cunt in the whitehouse who never heard of Suleimani or Iran until someone interrupted his burger king to tell him.

Ricky Miller

If that were true they’d have attacked Iran directly instead of killing an unarmed officer. Checkpoint Asia reported from the Iraqi Prime Minister’s address yesterday in an article titled: Iraqi PM:”Trump asked me to mediate with Iran then killed my guest.” The Administration set up the Iranian Officer who has defeated their Syria plan with a mafia style lured hit. Conclusion: They don’t want to declare war and take on Iran in a straight up fight but are dishonorable and cowardly enough to strike at an Iranian Officer traveling without cover of military protection.


I blocked Bob the Meth Addict long ago ,Tudor :)

Ricky Miller

That just helps him dominate the board. Not responding to his lies enables him to get paid by his CIA or State department contracted handlers, He’s here to change the narrative and pester people seeling alternate media outlets.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

True but expending as much energy by responding to him, which is majority of comments in this article (not only you, to be fair) allows him to dominate the boards, imo. I respect your warrior spirit and for speaking truth to power, however. At this stage in my life I have little patience for trolls of any stripe.

Ricky Miller

I understand and respect that too. I just feel so powerless to help the victims of my country and it’s misdeeds that it’s hard for me to watch one of them come to Alt sites and hurl lies at people. It’s feels burdensome.


Good point. This is how the propaganda machine works. If you look at the comments on any corporate news channel, they are abysmal. Flooded with people repeating the same talking points, just one or two lines, but because there are so many, they make appear to reflect public opinion.

I fear we are losing internet freedom. It’s greatest asset is that governments can’t control it, and they want to control everything. They can’t tolerate criticism, much better to smear someone, than counter their argument?

Armies of these goons, e.g. New Knowledge, Elliot Higgins, Institute for Statecraft, the NED/USAID, “Correct the Record” (Hillary’s troll farm), have made open discussion impossible. They are ruining the internet, and I’ve always predicted that we will end up with many Internets. We must have a solution to state propaganda, and corporate news, flooding social media (which is now defacto, a mouthpiece for the US state dept/MIC) with their lies.

Facebook is run by a right wing megalomaniac who won’t change his shirt, and has done everything he can to sell information to right wing political parties – who have all gotten into power through massive fake news dissemination. Meanwhile thousands of leftists have been de-platformed – for not agreeing with US imperialism (they call it “antisemitism”?). These tech dictators are not neutral.


I don’t need the CIA when the truth is in front o f you’re face

Ricky Miller

You mean your bullshit is in my face. Hey Bob since the U.S. is preparing to withdrawal from Iraq has your CIA paymaster clued you in on how the U.S. plans to supply their Kurdish and jihadi proxies fighting against all of Syrian society? Seems like checkmate to me.

Ricky Miller

Check out the details on RT and Al Masdar news. Coalition movements are now being restricted by Iraqi armed forces, no doubt including their Syrian supply lines. And a USMC General has just written the Iraqi Defense Ministry detailing the coalition plan to withdrawal in order to respect Iraqi wishes. Comments, Bob?


Hellfire missile in ya face

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Thx for the reminder! Cheers!

Tudor Miron

Well done. I’m a bit overwhelmed with work load in preparation for upcoming racing season and paid chills are poping faster than I manage to recognise and block those insects :) But times are getting hot in ME and I have to find a minute here and there to have a look at southfront news. Hope you’re well in 2020.


Yes indeed and let us hope that Russia has success in calming down the crazies around the globe.


“I believe the class which rules the United States of America, and the government which implements its policies, to be the most dangerous body of men on earth. In one way or another, and to a different degree, this class is a threat to anybody who is not part of it. It is waging an undeclared war against more than a billion people; its weapons range from saturation bombing to the most delicate techniques of persuasion; its aim is to establish its political, economic, and military predominance over every other power in the world. Its mortal enemy is revolutionary change.” – Hans Magnus Enzensberger, On Leaving America, 1968

See: nybooks.com/articles/1968/02/29/on-leaving-america/

Ricky Miller

This conflict is because the United States took the ISIS mission and turned it into an anti Shia crusade. This was without the permission of it’s allies, or the countries involved in the anti-ISIS fight. The United States tried to hide these acts by not owning them, pretending it was always Israel and by not making progress in the ISIS war, what with 2.2 sorties a day. The Shia, with the help of Iran, armed up and fought both ISIS and the jihadi street gangs armed by the United States to overthrow the Syrian government. The Shia fighting back is called terrorism by the U.S. but arming the Al-Queda franchise in Syria isn’t. None of your narrative makes any sense because it’s untrue and a perspective that backs America’s true goal of closing road contact between Iran and Syria through Iraq, while pretending to the American public that the operations there in countries that the electorate doesn’t want at all is about a fake ISIS fight.


More blather

Ricky Miller

More bullshit. Hey, I just got a news alert saying that a senior USMC officer in Iraq has just sent a letter to the Iraqi government detailing the coalition withdrawal plan. Nifty.


And to you

Ricky Miller

The U.S. drone violated Iranian airspace. It’s the U.S. who altered the ISIS war into a war against the Shia across the whole region, all without a vote in the UNSC, a vote in Congress or the permission of the states whose territory the U.S. was using. And tried to do it all cowardly and quiet, with people not noticing it. Now, it has struck at an unarmed Iranian officer, in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government and gotten itself kicked out of Iraqi territory. Win the battle lose the war, right Bob? In a year the Syrian government will have reabsorbed the Kurdish territory and their oil resources and ISIS remnants will be toast. So long, war against the Shia. So long to the traitor President Donald Trump who lied on the campaign trail about putting an end to endless war, preventing involvement in Syria and declaring that the war in Iraq was a colossal mistake. He also promised to end the Afghan war and improve relations with Russia too. He’s the traitor. Jail to the Chief, now a murderer as well. To the Hague!


Ricky say TRAITOR big time

Say it it your mind

Let it roll around in your TRAITOR head,not mind,as you don’t have one,just in your empty head TRAITOR


when will the world unite against the evil anglo-zio-us waging wars for their evil corporations? its clear as day.

don’t say…I know..never.


Pepe Escobar: “According to my best Southwest Asia intel sources, ‘Israel gave the U.S. the coordinates for the assassination of Qassem Soleimani as they wanted to avoid the repercussions of taking the assassination upon themselves.’”

Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson and Bernie Marcus just may get their dream come true: the stupid gentiles in America’s heartland waging a bloody war for Israel on the great Persian land mass.



Nahhhhhhhh…they don’t want to defeat and occupy Iran. They simply want to destroy it starting with its nuke facilities.

Concrete Mike

100000 troops not enougg to take on Iran, not even enough to put a dent in basij.

Nothing to worry about folks, just usa pissing more money away.


If you missed it, the US also has that little Airforce and a few missiles here and there with a global range. Trump wants to destroy Islamist Iran, not occupy it! Now go change your smelly pants.


“islamist” you mean like the Saudi animals and other medieval regimes you back in the Gulf region?

He will destroy his own forces if he does what you suggest, all your bases are in range and Iran has proven it can beat the shitty outdated patriot missiles with its ballistic missiles. That’s whats coming to your bases, and you have nothing that can stop it.


Damn, you really feel lucky. Do note that there is a mad man in the White House who early on said, What good are nukes if you don’t use them? It’s amazing that so many people don’t get it that Trump lives to do things no one else would dare do. Like the hit on that stupid Islamist Iranian top general who arrogantly thought it was normal times with rules that would protect him. He found out the hard way that with Trump it is not normal times with old rules that are followed.

Concrete Mike

He was there because the Iraqi.PM requested him there, to negotiate peace with the saudis.

You can blame trump all you want, its the US Army that pulled the trigger, that fed the intel to trump and advised him to do it. Its been written down in the 2019 budget ffs!

Trump is but a puppet, Soleimani was gettinf whacked regardless, and he knew it.

Ricky Miller

Armies on the ground controlling territory decides the final result in warfare. Air supremacy helps with that but in the end the determination of a ground force has the final say. In Vietnam the U.S. dropped more bombs than the total of both sides in WW2 but the NVA still ended up in Saigon. And in a war with Iran U.S. airbases will be under heavy missile fire. It’s going to be hard to keep aircraft over the battlefield in numbers to deter an Iranian Army from getting to U.S. bases in Iraq and Kuwait. Or Afghanistan even.


Radioactive Iranian troops may not make for a great fighting force. Stop fighting last week’s wars and take a look at who is now Prez of the US.

Concrete Mike

Yeah whatever there little fascist dude.

Air power did nothing to vietnam now did it? Your understanding of military matters is.pathetic.

The irani people have as much a right to self determination as any other.

You have ZERO say in what government they have, same applies to all americans and Israelis.

Missiles.will not solve the problem, never did and never will.

I am wise enough to see this, all you can do is regurgitate state department position.

Nice try shithead, we can see a warmonger when we see one.


In 1996 a group of neocons (with Israeli advisers) established PNAC and produced the Clean Break document in which they promoted attacking seven Islamic countries in five years beginning with Iraq and ending with Iran. The US had no reason and nothing to gain from these wars; they were all fought on behalf of Israel and we have allowed our young men and women to fight and die for a foreign nation.

Current events are in line with the Clean Break doctrine. Degenerate rapist Bill Clinton rejected it, at least until he used the strike in Iraq in 1998 to weasel himself out of the impeachment process. They found their man in W Bush because his administration had common interests as the Likud did. Douglas Feith was one of the authors of the clean break doctrine. His father, Dalck was a member of the Betar youth movement (lead by menechem begin) which operated under the philosophy of Revisionist Zionism, as lead by Bibi’s father Benzion.

Revisionist Zionist is a movement within the Zionist movement because they rejected 2 state solution as proposed by the WZO. Bibi’s grandfather traveled across the US lecturing about the need for a state for the Jews and many American Jews at the time liked his ideas. Benzion to changed his name to a pen name he had been using while writing for a NZO newspaper that he founded to conceal his father’s past. Bibi was already talking about terrorism in 1979 and wrote several book which contained words that later became household names, such as suicide bombing, Iran nuclear bombs, war on terror and even he frequently used the term weapon of mass annihilation (WMD) throughout one of his books. These connections are hard to ignore.


No, it’s a convenient myth that the US empire is run from occupied Palestine. By pretending, the US boss class can call dissenters antisemites.


Maybe. But now look skyward and globally and start counting. And do note, Trump wants to destroy Islamist Iran, not occupy it! Stop fighting last week’s little wars. Tomorrow is a totally new day.


What if Iran has this ICBM that can cover the entire US.



They don’t get it

To stupid and hyped up on BS propaganda to understand whats going on


Iran and NK have been conducting joint research and development for some time. What if Iran has ICBMs and SLBMs like these that can strike the entire US.



Ari Asulin

who wrote this pro-establishment article? not an american. learn to english.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So discounting what they can’t move from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, about 15,000 – 20,000 ground forces available for deployment, leaving a 5,000 contingency reserve.


Clearly much of the US empire’s military forces are obsolescent but the IT side of them might not be, which will determine the effectiveness of much else. Could be decisive or could be a fiasco. Perhaps this is the time when the Russians and the Chinese decide that it’s time to sort out the Seppoes once and for all.


Russia and China will be sitting this out in the hopes of picking up the spoils after.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

iran only has to worry about the troops in iraq and afghanistan, even then, it wont be a simple stroll for them to just waltz into iran. the US troops in the other countries are too far away to be any real threat to iran


And then there is the USAF and gigantic missile fleet with a global reach. If the Murdering Mullahs over react, it won’t be group troops going after them. If you missed it, Trump doesn’t want to occupy Iran. He just wants to destroy it.


They do not have enough soldiers (not only for full invasion but) for any kind of invasion. US would need full mobilization (like during WW2) to do that. Anyways full US invasion of Iran would be indirect declaration of war to Russia and China the beginning of the WW3. Because they would be dragged into that war at the end also. US would never have guts to go into full invasion of Iran without direct support of “allays” like UK and some others. And any kind occupation would be impossible without full participation of NATO. What they have on their mind is retaliatory intervention by arial bombings and huge number of cruise missiles without “boots on the ground”. Iran has to get ready with their air defenses and all missiles they have including anti ship missiles above all.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

For sure, and Iran can definitely handle it, it would be the worst failure us military ever faced


Iran is by far the most dangerous enemy that US have directly fought in their history. I do appreciate your enthusiasm. But it would not be “walk in the park” for Iran either if US would menage to collect similar force like they did during “Desret Storm” (1st invasion of Iraq). US is still world dominant power and they still have huge capacity of power projection (even though their force is not in such good shape as it was during 1st Iraq war) I don’t think that US has same political, economic, military capacity to do the same like they did 20 years ago. They will have NO PUBLIC SUPPORT on Iranian war at all. Half of the US citizens will try to run away from being drafted into Iranian war. Financially they CAN NOT AFFORD that war at all also.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

True, but if Iran has those secret magrev weapons which supposedly Russian used to disable the donald cook in the black sea, they already have a huge advantage over US

Ryan Glantz

I just hope USA doesn’t roll out Space Force as a means of slamming on Iran from Low Earth Orbit. Would be nice to have Space Force public disclosure and rollout be peaceful, like a military parade.

Ceasar Polar

To face Iran 100000 soldiers isnt enough. Just for irak they had 140000 soldiers and iran isnt irak.

Xoli Xoli

All USA targets are vulnerable the massive deployment and reckless attack on a powerful mostly loved General has put it troops and traitor agents at risk.USA does not have a powerful air defence Systems like Russia and China.USA troops life are at very very risky stake.

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