Originally published by Strategic Culture
The United States is indisputable leader in defense spending both in absolute figures and per capita. However, on the latter count the gap is not so dramatic with some Nordic countries demonstrating impressive propensity for making their citizens pay for war.
The European countries also pay with their sovereignty
We’re all getting fucked for that!
Brava. Uite unde merg banii romanilor
Might be different if they brought Peace but that sure ain’t what they do!
Explain, for the UK, is this 1,073 dollars per PERSON, per annum that we are spending on our military?
Geldentwertung des EURO /$ trägt die Kriegskosten! USA verdient!
according to german sources the war and g’s (indirect) participation in it, consequences of anti-russian sanctions, have cost every german household around € 14000. of course we‘re happy to say that our top-manager and politicians have seen a steep rise in their incomes . nota bene: „top“ only in terms of money and position, not performance.