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How NATO Empire-Building Set The Stage For Crisis Over Ukraine

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How NATO Empire-Building Set The Stage For Crisis Over Ukraine

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Authored by Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities, published on ZeroHedge

In his farewell address, George Washington said, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” What an offensive notion to Pentagon generals, weapon industry execs, DC think tankers and State Department bureaucrats, who, rather than avoiding permanent alliances, have been relentless in their quest to pile on new ones.

That impulse is vividly exemplified by the dangerously provocative post-Cold War expansion of NATO, and its consequences are apparent in today’s Ukraine-centered tensions with Russia. NATO was created to oppose a Soviet empire that no longer exists. Had American presidents followed Washington’s sage counsel, they’d have spearheaded the dismantling of NATO upon the end of the Cold War. Instead, with America’s encouragement, NATO has nearly doubled its membership—from 16 countries when the Berlin Wall fell to 30 today.

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Chris Gr

The reality is not black and white. In this war, only Anglo-Saxon nations want this.


They are Anglo-Saxon no longer. https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Video-20211114_223832-Meeting-Recording:4

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
Chris Gr

If native Canadians, native Americans, native Australians and native New Zealanders rise up it will be good. But probably they will learn to live together and don’t do revenge, except for some black fascists like Farrakhan or Black Hebrew Israelites.


I think those “natives” (very few in number living on millions in government handouts) migrated from what is now the Russian far-east and mixed with the Caucasoid population that lived there previously.

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
Chris Gr

You are partially correct. The red race mixed with white, yellow and black races in America.


Yes. And though controversial, there are some human remains to prove it.

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
Chris Gr


Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The Mangy mutt known as NATO must be put down for it’s own good and that of the world.


Indeed you can’t rehome a dangerous rabid dog.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The difference between the so called Ukrainian language and Russian is the same as the difference between Croatian and Serbian.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hostage (Raptar) Driver

In other words not much difference,what gets me is the people in Ukraine are really the same people,same with the Croats and Serbs,but some have allowed themselves to be used by outside powers,the British are experts,thats how they controlled an Empire,divide and rule.


Russia’s rulers have done plenty of divide & conquering themselves under the Soviets and prior. Please try to analyse the subject from a more objective perspective, who was ever morally pristine?



Rabbi Katz speaks proudly about how international jewish merchants were able to profit from supplying arms for wars in Europe. http://www.renegadetribune.com/rabbi-describes-how-jews-supplied-arms-for-wars-in-europe/


[jew Anthony Blinken and Chabad jew buddy Vladimir Putin are threatening war over Ukraine, which has a jew president (Volodymyr Zelensky). So jew Naftali Bennett (Prime Minister of Israel) offered to airlift jews out of Ukraine, while Whites are expected to fight both sides of the war.]

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz

It starts with the Bulgarian empire’s conquests and the idea of Slavonic extends to Ukraine and the Grand Duchy of Moscow after they accepted Orthodox Christianity. Each carried on the legacy Byzantines who referred to themselves as the Romaioi, or Romans. Merely the east Roman empire in much the same way the Holy Roman Empire called themselves Romans, whilst Christianity was the tool of choice for cultural colonization and the fulfillment of jewish self-fulfilling prophecies for world domination. First through spiritual & financial domination, than to destroy them with mass influx of migrant invaders when finalizing their control grid.

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
Chris Gr

Haha you are seeing Jews everywhere.


It is only an excuse to extend Russia’s borders, or sphere of influence westwards. Similar to how Yugoslavia = Greater Serbia.

Your inability to think critically means you deserve any and all consequences of failing to heed commonsense. https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/tankie-rainbow-commies:b

Eurasian Saviour Nonsense, Russia & China Jew Ties: https://odysee.com/@martinezperspective:2/MP-STREAM-aug6-FINAL:d

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz

jewish control of Russia https://odysee.com/@HladVitler:6/j-ru:7

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz

Slavism is more linguistics and culture than ethnicity.

Chris Gr


Evil Empire

NATO-empire building? It’s the American empire, plus bunch of pathetic vassals. Or even better: Zionist empire – America is owned by them, and the rest of NATO is owned by America. EU eunuchs have zero military bases in the US, they have zero influence on US military or intelligence service, political parties or mass media. In reverse, the US absolutely control almost everything in EU-rope since 1945. Without the U.S. there is no NATO. NATO exists to “defend” Europe – from Europeans.


Nato is no more than a foreign legion for the American Reich,just like Hitlers foreign legions of the Waffen SS.


You are too retarded to comprehend they hold nothing in common with anything in relation to National Socialism. Because you would rather worship a rape army that massacred 60 million of its own population, you can only mindlessly repeat what you are told without question like the good slave you are.

You have a confirmation bias and lack curiosity; since curiosity is a sign of intelligence, it is interesting to note you lack curiosity yourself.

“Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes.”

Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz

America is only a puppet of jewry.

L du Plessis

And God brings every Empire to its knees. 💪🙏


Russia as well, too bad you lack the mental capacity to realize they’re proxies of the actual international clique that also includes Russia and China.



Last edited 3 years ago by OnTheFritzzz
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