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How Obama Started Ukraine’s War

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How Obama Started Ukraine's War

Written by Eric Zuesse.

Obama’s start of the war in Ukraine is well evidenced in the following two brief videos:



His actual beginning of that start to the war occurred soon after 8 February 2010, at which time Britain’s Guardian headlined “Yanukovych set to become president as observers say Ukraine election was fair”.

On 2 April 2010, Gallup (the standard U.S. Government contractor to poll Ukrainians) headlined “Ukrainians Likely Support Move Away From NATO: Residents more likely to view NATO as a threat than protection,” and reported that 40% saw NATO as “Threat,” while 17% saw it as “Protection.” Ukrainians definitely viewed America as being a hostile power. They were overwhelmingly pro-Russia.

On 12 April 2010, the democratically elected President Yanukovych met America’s President at the White House, to which Obama had invited him, but Yanukovych refused Obama’s suggestions that Ukraine join America’s alliance against Ukraine’s next-door neighbor Russia.

On 2 July 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Yanukovych held a joint press conference in Kiev, where she said:

“We discussed ways that Ukraine and the United States can deepen and expand our strategic partnership, moving forward with the work of the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Commission that I co-chair. … And the United States welcomes Ukrainian parliament’s decision to approve foreign military exercises on Ukrainian territory in 2010 and we thank Ukraine and the Ukrainian people for your important contributions to NATO and other international security operations. … And as I said, we are grateful for Ukraine’s contributions to NATO security efforts and other peacekeeping operations around the world. And we look forward to the joint U.S.-Ukraine military exercises. And we also support a relationship with Russia that is in Ukraine’s interest that helps to further what President Obama has called the resetting of relations with Russia.”

But, finally, Yanukovych turned down the U.S.-EU proposed alliance with Ukraine against Russia, the proposal that Ukraine join the EU and abandon its trade with Russia (both of which are essential prerequisites to joining NATO and receiving U.S. missiles to post on Russia’s border). Though the reason for Yanukovych’s having turned it down was stated in U.S.-allied ‘news’-media as being that he was allied with (his next-door-neighbor) Russia against America (just a lie), the actual reason was that America and its EU had set the deal up for Ukraine to bleed $160 billion which it simply didn’t have. The whole deal was no real deal, but only a set-up to stir “Maidan demonstrations” against Yanukovych, which would serve as a cover for a CIA coup that would install a rabidly anti-Russian Government in Ukraine.

The Obama Administration’s planning for the coup to regime-change Ukraine had started in 2011 (barely after Yanukovych had turned down Clinton-Obama’s urgings to join “The West” against Russia). It was planned on the basis that Yanukovych would turn the EU’s offer to Ukraine down. Yanukovych did that on 20 November 2013. The CIA-edited and written Wikipedia claims that the ‘Ukrainian revolution’ (actually coup) started the day after he did that. It was started by the “demonstrations on the Maidan Square” in Kiev, and they “began on the night of 21 November 2013 with public protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kiev.” That started it; the U.S. regime’s plan to take over Ukraine didn’t. According to Wikipedia, and the U.S. Government — deep liars.

On 5 December 2013, a pro-Russian news-site, Voltairenet, headlined “Jihadists in charge of crowd control in Kiev protests”, and it was true — that was part of the U.S. Government’s plan. Then, eight days later, on December 13th, the neoconservative U.S. website The Daily Beast’s reporter on the scene in Kiev, bannered “The Fight for the Maidan: How long can Ukraine’s protesters hold out against Yanukovych’s thugs?” That counterforce from Ukraine’s democratically elected Government was also part of the plan (to make that Government look bad). The “thugs” word was referring there to the police of the democracy, and not to the CIA’s hired goons, both Ukrainian nazis and foreign mercenaries (who weren’t even mentioned by the Daily Beast’s billionaire owner Barry Diller’s hired ‘journalist’). (And the U.S.-hired goons were barbaric, in the extreme, many of them proud to display their nazism, which was focused against ethnic Russians — a large percentage of Ukraine’s population.)

Two parts of Ukraine that had voted especially heavily for Yanukovych, broke away from Ukraine: Crimea, and Donbass. Then, the civil war started:

16 April 2014“A day of humiliation, as Ukrainian military offensive stalls, six armored vehicles seized”, as described by the pro-overthrow-of-Yanukovych Kyiv Post. The Donbass cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk were rebelling against the Obama-imposed new coup government.

5 May 2014“Ukraine crisis: ‘Those fascists killed this girl and they will be in hell'”,  Britain’s pro-overthrow Telegraph reports from Kramatorsk “the people engulfed in a climate of fear” of the invading Ukrainian forces:

For good or ill, more than 80 per cent of them voted for Viktor Yanukovych, the fallen president, in the last election in 2010. After all, he was born in the region and had previously served as governor of Donetsk. Moreover, a large minority of the people in this area – almost 40 per cent – identify themselves as ethnic Russians.

When Mr Yanukovych was overthrown in the revolution in February, supporters in his home area did not see this as the richly deserved downfall of a corrupt, authoritarian leader. Some had indeed come to loathe him, particularly for the shameless theft that was the most striking feature of his rule, but even they tended to believe that the moment to get rid of him would arrive at the election in 2015.

So the consensus in Donetsk was that the revolution was a coup d’état. … Never mind that the revolution was actually a genuine popular movement, supported by huge numbers of ordinary Ukrainians, including some in the east.

7 May 2014, pro-overthrow Kyiv Post:

Ukrainian military forces have gained ground in the flashpoint cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk in Donetsk Oblast over the past week, but government authorities in general have largely lost their grip in the tough industrial oblast … [due to] the lawlessness stoked by the Kremlin.

17 May 2014, anti-coup International Observatory of Ukrainian Crisis:

“Reporting that militants of neo-nazi “Right Sector” have murdered a group of soldiers (members of the Ukrainian army) near Kramatorkaya Starovavarke (Kramatorsk)”, saying that “The soldiers [of Ukraine’s invading army in Kramatorsk] didn’t want to kill civilians. Then at midnight a squad of neo-nazis have fallen on them and murdered the soldiers. This is how the USA-EU impose democracy in Ukraine!!! Killing their own soldiers! And just because they didn’t want to kill civilians!!!”

18 May 2014“Mortar Shelling of Kramatorsk” by Ukraine’s army on 18 May 2014 as shown on Youtube.

14 June 2014, International Business Times:

“Kiev’s Slovyansk ‘Anti-Terrorist Operation’ Kills 300 Pro-Russian Separatists”“Ukrainian government forces are continuing with an ‘anti-terrorist operation’ which Kiev claims has eliminated 300 rebels and wounded 500 around the flashpoint city of Slovyansk. The Ukrainian forces used aircraft, helicopters and artillery to switch the balance of power in the strategic city which rebels have controlled since April. … US President Barack Obama has met with Poroshenko in Poland, calling him a ‘wise selection’ to lead the country on its pro-European course. He said the country had the potential to become a thriving democracy.”

7 July 2014, U.S. State Department, Washington, DC:

[no headline nor current record on the Web, but archived by me here]

Daily Press Briefing Index

Monday, July 7, 2014

1:23 p.m. EDT

Briefer: Jen Psaki, Spokesperson …

  1. PSAKI:  Well, a few updates.  As you noted, over the weekend we all saw reports that the Ukrainian Government was able to expel Russian-supported separatists from the cities of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk.  The government immediately moved to begin restoring public services and to providing assistance to residents in need in those areas.

Fighting does continue in the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, and the option of a ceasefire remains on the table.  But it takes two to participate in a ceasefire, and President Poroshenko had that ceasefire for 10 days and didn’t see reciprocal participation or engagement from the other side.  So there are still remaining steps that we have called on the Russian-backed separatists and the Russians to take.  Those remain on the table.

QUESTION:  You say that it’s two sides, but it would seem that all your discussion is three sides.

  1. PSAKI:  Well, I think the Russian-backed separatists and the Russians are on the same side.

QUESTION:  So they – so you equate the separatists with Russia?

  1. PSAKI:  I don’t think I’m equating, but in terms of —

QUESTION:  For the purposes of – for the purposes of this, you think that the – Russia saying yes to a ceasefire is the same thing as the separatists saying yes to a ceasefire?

  1. PSAKI:  Well, we’ve long felt that they have a strong influence with the actions of the Russian separatists, and there’s more they can do to influence.

QUESTION:  Right.  Right, but the thing is – is that they had said yes, had they not?  I mean, the Russians had supported it; Putin had supported it.  But you don’t think that that message – or that they did enough to rein in the separatists in fighting the Ukrainian Government, right?

  1. PSAKI:  Correct.

QUESTION:  Is that – so that would mean that it’s three sides to the ceasefire, because you need the separatists to go along with it, and you think that that won’t happen unless Moscow says “do it,” right?

  1. PSAKI:  Well, I still – my view is two sides.  We can disagree on the shape of the —

QUESTION:  I’m just – whether it’s a triangle or a line, I don’t know.

  1. PSAKI:  Triangle or a line, yes.

17 August 2014,  “Interrogation of a Ukrainian POW conscript – ENG SUBS”, youtube (https://youtu.be/drrqMcH2xMo?t=350), excerpt from the Donetsk-Lugansk militia’s interview with a Ukrainian-army draftee, the 24-year-old Private Juri Petrowich Smyk, whose Battery of men got caught “in a tight cauldon,” and so were captured by the Donetsk-Lugansk (anti-coup) forces:

“You mentioned prior to this recording that wounded soldiers were buried alive. Where did this occur? That was near Krasny Terrikon. They hired an old man, a local, who used an excavator to dig a dump. Afterwards, the wounded [Donetsk-Lugansk militiamen] were dropped in there. And they were buried, right? Yes. The dump was filled up, and a tank circled over it afterwards. Maybe to make sure they were buried deep. The real losses of the 72nd Brigade were never announced. They spoke of about a hundred men, but in reality the whole Brigade was exterminated, besides those who surrendered. So, you do not remember the exact name of the village or settlement or city where this happened? No. I just remember something with ‘Krasny’. Maybe Krasnodon? No, no, no. Or maybe the settlement Krasnoje? No. Neither Krasnodon nor Krasnoje, nor Krasnopartisansk. What happened to your equipment? As far as I know, it was blown up before we retreated. You were not present anymore? Yes, I was. You have parents? I have a dad. I have a dad and a sister. That’s it. You said you have wife and kids. I am divorced. I have a daughter, 1 year 3 months. Were the next-of-kin [in Donetsk and Lugansk] informed about the [militia] casualties? No.”

October 2014“How Our People Do Their Extermination-Jobs In Ukraine”, article by me based upon a recently captured (22 October 2014) video which shows either what Private Smyk was referring to, or else something very much like it:

Below is a video of “our side” in the Ukrainian civil war carrying out part of the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Mikhail Koval’s, extermination plan, which was injudiciously described by him right after a press conference.

On June 11th, an “Anti-Maidan” or anti-ethnic-cleansing, site, posted to youtube excerpts from previously unpublished press-conference Q&A-session statements by Koval, which were made perhaps immediately following the Defense Minister’s private meeting on June 4th with top NATO officials, who endorsed his plan. This youtube was titled “Secretary of Defense [Mikhailo Koval] About Concentration Camp for Eastern Ukraine People.”

He was shown there saying:

“There will be a thorough filtration of people. There will be special filtration measures put in place. We will filter out people, including women, who are linked to separatism, who were committing crimes on Ukrainian territory, crimes related to terrorist activities. We have a lot of information regarding this, and we have a formidable framework to combat this, and respective power structures will carry out this operation. Besides, this is a serious issue, related to the fact that people will be resettled to other regions.”

The people shown in the video below were not “resettled to other regions.” These were instead among the ones who were slated for immediate processing. They were forced into a ditch at night, and shot. Presumably, dirt was then immediately pushed over them (or over their corpses, for the ones that were dead).

Here is that video. The interesting background as to how this video came to be uploaded to the Web, instead of merely filed in an accounts-payables office of the Ukrainian military in order to verify that the perpetrators had done their jobs and needed to be paid the contracted amount for the people whom they had disposed of, and for the corpses that they had produced and presumably buried, for the Ukrainian Government, is well explained at the site linked-to below. It’ll be presented here, with full credit to them and to everyone who has enabled this information to become public at liveleak, youtube, and other sites, though those individuals are anonymous, for understandable reasons. Here, then, that is (with its typo corrected):


“Ukrainian fascists execute locals that sympathize with Donetsk People’s Republic — video”

By Lviv | October 23, 2014

Car with a mounted video camera belonging to members of Ukrainian punitive nationalist battalion was captured earlier this week by self-defense forces of Donetsk People’s Republic. Part of the video shows Ukrainian radicals taking several locals to a large hole in the ground in a wooded area, make locals get in the hole and then shot them.


And here is that video at LiveLeak.com (the scene shown here being only a frame from it, which portrays the receiving team, guiding the truck-full of victims, toward the ditch):


That title is entirely correct: this outfit is called the “Donbass Punishers Battalion,” and the victims shown being thrown into the ditch are all dressed in civilian clothes, not dressed as soldiers are.

On 22 October 2014, just months after the February 2014 coup, Russia’s Tass reported that a Ukrainian poll of Ukrainians now showed “Ukraine’s NATO membership would get 53.4% of the votes, one third of Ukrainians (33.6%) would oppose it.” So: the coup apparently switched Ukrainians, away from their previously opposing NATO, to supporting it. The coup had been a terrific success for Obama.

A lot of money had gone into this operation. For example:

In 2013, Gallup ALSO polled Ukraine, and headlined on 14 March 2013, “Before Crisis, Ukrainians More Likely to See NATO as a Threat: West and Central Ukraine warmer toward NATO than East,” and reported that their poll of a thousand Ukrainians, taken during June 27-July 31, 2013 (shortly prior to Yanukovych’s rejecting the EU’s offer), showed that 29% still viewed NATO as a “Threat,” and 17% viewed it as a “Protection,” of Ukrainians. Also: the U.S. Government hired Gallup to poll a thousand Ukrainians during “August 27-September 9, 2013”, and Gallup found that whereas in Gallup’s 2012 polls in Ukraine, slightly more Ukrainians preferred Ukraine to join Russia’s “Customs Union” trade-bloc than to join America’s “European Union” trade-bloc, Ukrainians switched to a slight majority favoring the EU over the CU in 2013 (thereby confirming the success of the Obama Administration’s propaganda-operation). Then, right before the Maidan ‘pro-democracy’ demonstrations (engineered in the Kiev U.S. Embassy), the Wall Street Journal headlined on 12 November 2013, “Poll Finds Ukrainians Favor EU Pact: Support for a Competing Deal with Moscow Collapses”, and reported that, “The poll by GfK Ukraine found that 45% favored the association agreement with the EU, while only 14% said they want to join Belarus and Kazakhstan in a Russian-led economic bloc called the Customs Union.” The set-up to trap Yanukovych went like clockwork. Yanukovych had learned, only at the last moment, that Ukraine would need to raise $160 billion in new debt in order to say yes to the EU, but, by that time, Ukrainians had suddenly turned sharply in favor of joining the EU.

Those are highlights of the Ukrainian war’s background, an operation that started, in the planning stages, almost as soon as Yanukovych became elected back in 2010.

Up to today, after Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022 in order to protect itself from, and possibly to reverse, what Obama had done, some independent Western journalists went to Donbass to report what the people there think of what is now happening in and to Donbass, but these journalists are being robbed by their home governments and defamed by those regimes as being ‘propagandists’ for doing so, and are threatened with years of imprisonment if they return to their home-countries.

Here is a superb video interview with one such journalist:


“VIDEO: Germany criminalizes journalist for exposing Ukrainian war crimes”


Independent Donetsk-based journalist Alina Lipp of Germany details her prosecution by the German state for violating new speech codes through her reporting in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

As the only German reporter on the ground in Donetsk, Lipp has exposed Ukrainian forces shelling civilians, attacking a maternity ward, mining harbors, and bombing a granary filled with corn for export. She faces three years in prison if she returns to her home country.

At 22:00 in that video is shown the funders of a U.S.-and-allied billionaires’ front organization to deceive the German public, the “Institute for Strategic Dialogue”, and here are its funders — the people who finance this mass-deception of the public:


Funders (2018 – Present)


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

British Council

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)

Europäisches Forum Alpbach

Gemeinnützige Hertie Stiftung

Gen Next Foundation

Hirondelle Foundation

International Republican Institute (IRI)

Mercator Stiftung Germany

Mercator Stiftung Switzerland

National Democratic Institute

Omidyar Group

Open Society Foundations

Robert Bosch Stiftung

United States Institute for Peace

Judith Neilson Institute

Governments & Multilateral Organisations

Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and trade (DFAT)

Australian Department for Home Affairs

Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST)

Council of Europe

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration

Department of Premier & Cabinet, Victoria, Australia

Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Dutch Ministry of the Interior

European Commission

Finnish Interior Ministry

German Federal Agency for Civic Engagement

German Federal Foreign Office (Auswaertiges-Amt)

German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV)

Global Affairs Canada

Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)

Ministry of Justice and Security, The Netherlands

New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs (DIA)

Norwegian Ministry of Children & Families (MCF)

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security


Public Safety Canada

Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)

Swedish Ministry of Integration

Swedish Ministry of Justice

Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

UK Home Office

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

US Department for Homeland Security (DHS)

US State Department

Private Sector








Spotify Safety Advisory Council



In this video interview of Lipp, by Blumenthal, are also shown and discussed the following two reports from NBC News:


“Russian propaganda efforts aided by pro-Kremlin content creators, research finds”

A report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue found that the creators, who make videos in a variety of languages, have flourished since Russia invaded Ukraine.

8 June 2022:

“Among the dozen most influential Western propagandists identified by ISD is Alina Lipp, a German creator who claims backing Ukraine is akin to supporting Nazism and reported the debunked claim that Ukrainians perpetrated a false flag massacre at a maternity hospital in Mariupol. Lipp’s following (mostly on Telegram, but also YouTube) grew from about 2,000 in February to over 160,000 in May. Lipp did not respond to a request for comment.”


“German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers”

In a ZDF report on the fragile cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, images were shown of soldiers wearing combat helmets with SS insignia and swastikas.

9 September 2014:

“Germans were confronted with images of their country’s dark past on Monday night, when German public broadcaster ZDF showed video of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi symbols on their helmets in its evening newscast. … The video was shot last week in Ukraine by a camera team from Norwegian broadcaster TV2.” The soldiers were asked “whether the battalion had fascist tendencies,” and “The reply was: absolutely not, we are just Ukrainian nationalists,” even though the swastika that was posted on the helmets was exactly the same red, white, and black, one that was the German Nazi Party’s official insignia, not at all Ukrainian. That’s what Obama was backing; it’s the U.S. regime’s main proxy-forces that the U.S. hired for that 2014 coup.

Another such independent foreign journalist in Donbass is Graham Phillips, from Britain, who says that:

 “the UK authorities have basically abolished British law to punish me. That is they’ve set a precedent that if the government don’t like your work, they can punish you as a criminal. Make no mistake, sanctions are a criminal punishment when applied to your own citizen – I’m in Donbass at the moment, but tell me what to do when I get back to the UK with no access to any of my bank accounts, anything? How to even purchase food? How to defend myself in court against all the unpaid debts that I couldn’t pay because my accounts were frozen? How to even afford to travel to court? It’s the UK government doing away with the entire principles of Magna Carta, 1215, that every British subject has the right to trial, before punishment, and be presumed innocent, until proven guilty. They’ve just told me that I’m guilty of … doing reportage they don’t like, and for that, they’re attempting to make me destitute, destroy me.”

Here is Phillips discussing and showing the UK Parliament’s unanimous condemnation against him as being a ‘war criminal’ for doing the type of job that real journalists do, and that UK’s ‘journalists’ don’t.

Another such case is the American Patrick Lancaster (slimed here by the billionaires’ vice-dot-com). Another is Eva Bartlett, of Canada.

No billionaire will allow any of his/her ‘news’-media to employ any such individuals. (And just look at what honest reporting did to the careers of Glenn Greenwald, Mark Ames, Seymour Hersh, and other reporters who refused to buckle to the regime. They’re all “independent” now. But the public still subscribe to the billionaires’ ‘news’-media, all of which should instead be boycotted and facing protesters at these companies’ entrance-doors, because of their enforced deceits by their hired ‘journalists’.)

Obviously, the operation that Obama started almost immediately after Yanukovych became democratically elected in 2010 to be Ukraine’s President, has since then morphed into a civil war there, and finally produced a definitive response by Russia to remove the threat to its own national security, that the U.S. regime, with the help of its vassal-nations in Europe, have installed in Ukraine. Obama started the war in Ukraine. It began behind the scenes, almost as soon as Yanukovych was elected there. It has been a successful operation from the standpoint of the U.S. regime, but Russia is now trying to reverse it.

Ever since this war began, it has been actually a war between America and Russia, but one that is being waged on the battlefields of Ukraine. Trump refused to call it off, and Biden is trying to escalate it in order to preserve and extend Obama’s success there — a success that, as America’s V.P., Biden had himself participated in producing, for Obama, and for the billionaires whom they serve.

All U.S.-and-allied billionaires and their profit and ‘non’-profit corporations back and support and hire agents to promote their regime’s lies to deceive their public to vote for politicians who will carry out these policies: the Establishment in each of these countries — the world’s aggressor-countries — is virtually 100% unified behind such evil, providing ceaseless bipartisan support to it. These agents, for the billionaires, are rewarded, by the billionaires, for their services.

Anyone who doesn’t already know the sorts of things that have here been documented, is subscribing to fake ‘news’-media, none of which will publish this article (though it is being submitted free-of-charge to all English-language news-media). Please, therefore, forward it to all of your friends, so that what you know, they too will know (and, then, you can discuss it with them — or, at least, with any of them who are open-minded). Because, in U.S.-and-allied lands, all of this information is systematically suppressed. And should not the information that’s contained here be at least supplementing the lies that are funded, even if it might not (but hopefully will) replace those lies? After all, people such as Lipp, and Lancaster, and Bartlett, and others, are literally placing their very lives at risk, in order to find and communicate these truths, to people who are being denied them — people who are blocked from being able to know these facts, and to see these sources. If this is a different world, then that is because it is the real world, and because what gets funded is not.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Daily Press Briefing: July 7, 2014 https://youtu.be/OPtrlw2LkW4

flush goes the nation

The Kenyan with the Fake US Social Security number and a man for a wife needs to go.

Smith Geir

>>>>> Obama’s cursed by # 666, did you know the lottery of Illinois drew 666 the same day as Obama’s Chicago acceptance speech, so technically he’s the Antichrist no doubt is possible.>>>>>>>>>>


Obama was only one of the POTUS who was tasked to continue whatever the deep state has set out about its foreign policies like the one General Wesley Clarke has disclosed regarding the “seven countries in five years”.


Donald Trump is now seriously mad about the ruling class (oligarchs) together with (s)elected politicians whom he recognsed as the main culprit of intense trouble who are hell-bent seeking his complete demolition, a situation where China and Russia could capitalise when the man is clearly showing a huge potential to win the next presidential election simply by initiating a friendly relationship offering him some attractive favorable business proposals that something he’ll find hard to refuse while he’s still feeling vulnerable with weak defence to protect his wellbeing.

Judging from the given situation, Trump is equally on fire to get back at those who’s done intimidation and injustice against him that once he’s able to return back in oval office, he’d right away start dismantling the establishment and chase each one of his adversary which constitute the entire system of US government along with the officials that would result into improved relationships with Beijing and Moscow.. Perhaps would give the world the likelihood of living in peace and prosperity to enjoy lasting harmony.

Last edited 2 years ago by HINDOT KABAYO


How George $0r0$ as the Maestro with his hand$ up the a$$e$ of Hillary Clinton… George W. Bush… and Barack Obama STARTED Ukraine’$ WAR…

As pootie-poot aka Ostrich legs looked on https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

See Putin lovers are all dumb flat earth believers. Creme de lá creme


On the contary gimp its your gayee musk fake x flat earthers whom run on flat feet,selow dementy low iq sodimised little fascist gimp with your psuedo gayee monkey poxed dummy bf! Atleast Putin has a real go,unlike your kind of cowards without a clue about statesmanship! Fuk your bio-labs and your lgbtq/monkey poxed degenerations gimp,your going down assfloggs. Obumma is a turd sure bet,but you packa no good problematic simps are dumber than the turd! =Z=

Smith Geir

Explain how an undocumented alien like Obama, a Chicago criminal got so much power and still has it?


Need I say “more”… https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=243629

And the extended family. Clinton(s) https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MENA/the_arkansas_committee.html (drug runners for black ops money during the Governor years) and Bush(s) https://wikispooks.com/wiki/George_H._W._Bush…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Smith Geir

I’ve got the ground-breaking hair-raising information no one here has. I’ve reviewed all the posts here. Obama’s real name is not Barry Soetoro or Obama, it’s Barry Parks. Rosa Parks’ nephew. You know who’s brought that info to the Internet?

His second cousin from Kansas. And they’re trying to hide it. Lots of people spamming these comments with info about fake news like his Kenya or Indonesia background are in fact Obama’s moles and operatives.


Nahhh… He just has too many friends in high places… and loves the shiny stuff http://archive.government.ru/eng/docs/13930/ and the Western Central Banks that set the bargain basement price for him from his oil revenues to keep stacking it!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Ostrich is clever,tough yet too fast for any of your lgbtq libby tards to fathom,,selow piss weak gimp! Obummer is a cat,a weak nocando pussi,mongrel bred insolent piece pof shit like soros + co,FIXED! Atleast Putins having a real go,any of you demented poofs name just one leader with the balls of Putin? =Z=

Smith Geir

Breaking the news his birth certificate is fake, will break his ostrich back. He dodged the truth all his life. He’s like the Mafia and Cosa Nostra, he lives in the shadows. Daylight makes his head spin. Drag him out in the sunlight Donald and let the sun take care of doing the job on the poor black **Ostrich**.

General Boris Badenoff, AFU

bomber is oreo installed by Soros….”obama’s job is too lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon amerikans feminized insecure automatons devoid of morality. will soon be chased by lgbt

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Boring… Try harder


He fucked up loud mouthed trump didn’t he! those republican gimps are no better than odumbers! Surely civil war is on the cards for usa,reap what they sow,time will tell,i will admire dead wokes!

Smith Geir

Obama (what’s his real name?) really messed up the world and the GOP most of all.

But he’s sure messing himself up now!!!

Trump’s taking the DNC to woodshed big time.

Honest John, Obama’s black and homosexual and blacks never succeed and chimp out instead and rampage in the streets (like Obama’s now in total meltdown mode.)

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

The Kenyan homosexual Obama should be hanged!

Smith Geir

Before hanging I’d like to have his birth certificate. What is his real father Jim T. Parks’ real story. Does Obama’s white family have a role in Jim Parks’ lynching by KKK people in Kansas? Who are the racist KKK Westboro Baptist Church that Obama’s second cousin Linda Joy Adams says are cousins of their family and relatives of Obama’s. Obama’s family (Bush, Clinton, Hunt, Ross Perot, Cheney, Palin, Ayers etc.. all cover up Obama’s dirty little secrets so well!!!! so as to shore up their own guilty arses.)


I know that the Ukrainian intelligence was already infiltrated by CIA agents before the Maidan events (since the Juscenko regime) but why did the Russian intelligence not intervene to prevent the coup in Ukraine sponsored by United Snakes? Russia could stage a counter coup.


Easily said then done,blame it all on usa not russia seens russias blameless and despite the though of winning i dud democracy,putin has exposed the nwo evil gayee play,which countered their easy beats! FIXED! =Z=


The main problem is and was Putin softhand. Hopefully Medvedev or Shoigu will soon remove Putin. The only thing the Zio-khasarian-transatlntic-globalist mafia understands is sword and fire.


Russia has just said ( TASS ) that if the USA seizes all Russian assets then ALL communications with the USA will be cut off with NO return.


This reaction is a Joke. Time for a few Sarmats


Sorry dud,you have to respect lifes more than simply reset in your goyee video game!


Putin is the best leader in the world today,you need to be carefull of those soros gender pills,cia loser!


stfu you moron. im on russian side, but putins softhand is responsible fpr todays problems. the whole thing should have been finished up in 2014.

peter mcloughlin

The direction of current affairs – in Ukraine and elsewhere – is analogous with the pattern of history. It is history that tells where events are moving: toward WW III. Every empire in history eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid: nobody wants a nuclear apocalypse. https://patternofhistory.wordpress.com/

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Looking around the world in general and my country (the UK) in particular I see little or nothing worthy of preserving. A nuclear apocalypse is well deserved and possibly for the best all things considered

Smith Geir

Given Obama’s deplorable track record I think we should keep upbeat that we can defeat him on his record. As he’s the Antichrist he’s Satan-in-Person. Someone as evil as him can’t be kept under wraps and his evil must be exposed of itself. But we can help him reveal his evil face, like a vampire likes to reveal who he is to the victim, just before the fatal BITE.

Smith Geir

Do you know Ukraine’s history? The Mongols. Theosophy’s Blavatsky is a native of Dnipro, Ukraine. The myth of Shambhala (in the Tibetan Kalachakra which the Mongols believe/still believe in) led to the Agartha of Theosophy, do you know what that Great Final War of Armageddon means for us in this political world? Just wondering what you heard about it.


All these vile corporations combined don’t have the balls to take on russia at the front,which is damn well why they will become extinct in their own wake,no future in fascism nor their lgbtqs=(sic,sic,sic) Now theres some nice targets to go for Russia,kill them all,one by one,for theyre the ones whom kill! =Z=


Obama a pea brain Ape whose arrogance far outweighs the lack of substance contained within.

Smith Geir

Obama’s only notable quality is his ability to wreak wanton destruction on the world, a bit like cannibal dictator Idi Amin Dada of Uganda.

The difference is Obama’s in the White House.

And Obama used the vaccine to wipe out most of Humanity.

Amin Dada didn’t succeed in doing such crimes as Obama, but give any black half a chance and they’ll wipe out all trace of human beings on Earth.

Smith Geir

Eric Zuesse, could you contact me please. I’d like to talk to you about the relations between the Mongols in 1258 and Tibetan Buddhism and the control of the Middle East and central Asia then and even more so today. I studied Tibetan language at Paris (INALCO) University for five years and researched the Tibetan Kalachakra for 45 years and am the world foremost authority on this matter. It would make a very good article/articles for you.


Not Obama but Hillary Clinton. With Soros, Nuland and the rest.

In fact, it didn’t start in 2011 but BEFORE then, under the previous President (Yushchenko, the one they poisoned with dioxins but survived) who was in favor of the creation of a homogeneous nation with one language, one religion, one national history, one national goal: enter NATO and the EU (in short, he favored Ukrainization of the second nation that lived in the territory of Ukraine: the ethnically Russian Ukrainians). That guy, just before he ran for President, married a Ukrainian American State department employee who sat next to him on the flight from the USA to Ukraine – how much of a coincidence is THAT???

A Russian TV host alluded to her being a CIA agent, but she won a libel case against him because he didn’t have proof. (as if you need proof for THAT!!!)


Hopefully in my lifetime, I will live long enough to see obama and his husband mike decapitated!

Smith Geir

Obama the Antichrist. A black, undocumented, drug-addicted, Chicago criminal, cursed by the Mark of the Beast 666, Devil. Homosexual. Plonk!

Smith Geir

Eric Zuesse, I left you a message in a post here today. Please read. Thks.


Actions have consequences

The US and NATO has spent 12 years breeding and nurturing Nazis in Ukraine. Did we really expect those crimes to go unrewarded in the grand scheme of things?

Yep, we sure did. Surprise. Didn’t turn out that way and all indications are that things are gonna get worse. A lot worse. Let’s hope God isn’t fair.

Last edited 2 years ago by JayLindberg
tom sawyer

my lgbt military wear nice lipstickk to win date with taliban. after 45 year career as janitor


only the tranny Mike decides—his wife baruch make tacos


Most of the links (I didn’t try all) are non-functional anymore, with “video not found”, etc. Can you please provide backup copies of those? I’d say, they are very important documents that we all need to have. Thanks!

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