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How the Democratic Party Faked an American Insurrection

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How the Democratic Party Faked an American Insurrection

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January 6 may have been a lot of things to many people, but another Boston Tea Party it most definitely was not.

Written by Robert Bridge. Originally published on Strategic Culture.

Last week, more than 40,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police security footage was released in the public domain that once and for all blew a hole in the pro-Trump ‘violent insurrection’ narrative so dear to the Democrats.

The one question on countless Americans’ minds following the release of the damning videos was: will all those men and women recently locked away as political prisoners for dozens of decades get another day in court? Indeed, January 6 may have been a lot of things to many people, but another Boston Tea Party it most definitely was not.

Social media was alight over the weekend showing one benign scene after another of the ‘insurrectionists’ casually strolling through the Capitol Building premises, exchanging pleasantries with the on-duty police officers, even giving each other fist-bumps.

The revelations of the true nature of the event came to light as newly appointed House Speaker Mike Johnson released the security footage, which came as a political manna from heaven for former president Donald Trump and other members of the Republican Party.

“Truth and transparency are critical,” Johnson said in a prepared statement. “This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.”

Democrats, however, who have milked the ‘insurrectionist’ narrative for everything it is worth, predictably chafed at the release, calling it a ‘risk to national security.’

“It is unconscionable that one of Speaker Johnson’s first official acts as steward of the institution is to endanger his colleagues, staff, visitors, and our country by allowing virtually unfettered access to sensitive Capitol security footage,” said New York Democrat Rep. Joseph Morelle, who sits on the Committee on House Administration. “That he is doing so over the strenuous objections of the security professionals within the Capitol Police is outrageous. This is not transparency; this is dangerous and irresponsible.”

For almost two years, Democrats, who managed to cherry-pick the most suggestive scenes of the footage, portrayed January 6th as everything from another September 11 to a second Pear Harbor.

Last year, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), the photogenic member of the Democrat’s radical progressive wing, was shown visibly upset after having to “relive” the events of the Capitol riot.

“I am so angry. Having to relive that footage,” she sobbed, rubbing her forehead. “I know it’s not just me. This is everyone.”

“These attacks killed people, traumatized people and for any of you right-winger Trump loyalists, he sent his own people to jail, and promised his own people that he would pardon them.”

The inconvenient truth, however, is that only one person was killed on the day of the Capitol riot – unarmed Air Force veteran and avid Trump supporter, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by a police officer.

Now, Republicans are demanding justice be served and that the incarcerated protesters be immediately set free.

“And just like that the J6 Committee’s violent insurrection narrative has crumbled,” said conservative commentator Charlie Kirk over X (formerly Twitter). “The Capitol Police facilitated the protesters passage through the building…the vast majority of J6ers should be immediately released.”

However, with the Democrats still in control of Washington, D.C., together with the FBI, the Justice Department and other administrative offices, the Republicans will have to wait until November 4th – and possibly longer if they lose their White House bid – before any real justice is meted out.

Meanwhile, federal officials have said there is no evidence that law enforcement officials helped coordinate the attacks.

“If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on January 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources or agents the answer is emphatically no,” FBI Director Christopher Wray told Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) during a House Committee hearing. Higgins was questioning Wray about two Greyhound buses he said dropped off FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6, referring to the vehicles as “ghost buses.”

Whatever the case may be, the fresh revelations were a silver lining in a shitstorm that has been following Donald Trump, who hopes to win back the White House next November despite multiple legal woes.

“Congratulations to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson for having the Courage and Fortitude to release all of the J6 Tapes, which will explicitly reveal what really happened on January 6th!” Trump wrote on Truth Social Friday.


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"R" Addison

the fact is that the woman who was hit in the head by a fire extinguisher was dead plus four others has yet to be proved beyond the surface of propaganda by this particular person we’ve never heard of bridge, who? so peace and prosperity under the guise of two times zionist – fascist dictators was going to be enough one way or the other but january 6th happened because all of those x soldiers and servicemen we’re getting paid money while they’re not in the service any longer!


us government deems conservative men as the biggest threat to “democracy.” globalists deem human-caused carbon-emissions the biggest threat to the world. nato considers russia and china the biggest threat to the world order. you see where this is going? it’s all a load of bullshit to keep the same idiots in power


trump will come and he will double down on nato against china!

Peter Jennings

it’s either war with russia and/or iran under biden, although doing both at the same time would be far removed from present day us/nato forces. or it’s war with china under the trumpster. or it’s war with whoever the isreali apartheid regime decides next under rfk jr. the present ruling class are a bunch of fakers, who are getting rich on public gullibility.


it only works because people are stupid and antichrist. if you want democracy you’ re one of them.

Last edited 10 months ago by IMHO

the u.s. is morally and financially bankrupt. what they have done and are still doing in ukraine will rival this mass killing of people attributed to the nazis and their ukrainian counterparts doing ww2. they are seeing to the destruction of a whole nation of people so that they can attempt to fulfil their ideological goal and enrich those that covet russia’s resources. the u.s. has attacked/invaded/ occupied many countries since ww2. they are the global terrorists.


as more people suffer the consequences of their misguided economic policies which include the mass, insidious, cannibalistic (taxpayer) grift of the american public — it is painfully predictable that the american public would one day realize who their real enemy was all along. as many of the founding fathers and historical luminaries predicted, that the biggest threat to america would come from its own (tyrannical) government and not from any offshore nation-state or foreign power.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lingchi
Attila The Hun

that reminds: two articles today in bloomberg “china is a rich country it can no longer cry poor on climate“ op-ed. & “china’s remote deserts are hiding an energy revolution” 😂 you don’t even have to read the articles to anticipate their geostrategic folly. bloomberg and all bankster billionaires made a lot of money but you simply cannot equate good money making sense with general intelligence.


they are trying to slow china and india down through climate initiatives — but china is the most green industrialized country today. “global warming” though is really about eugenics & population control. it is a thinly veiled to bring them to the table and get them to enact the globalist eugenics agenda.

Last edited 10 months ago by Sunny

globalist cant depopulate the west if india and china dont get hoodwinked into joining a global war & killing hundreds of millions of their own otherwise they will give china and india free rein to rule the world for the next 1000 years. that said, globalists can force war upon them like they have done with russia. this is why russia is very methodical about territorial gains and expanding the conflict both in ukraine and syria.

jens holm

were are not.

china is not green at all. they har many records for smog and hosptalsuse. that goes for india as well.

they drown themselves by no coal reduction. a minimum is using the fossils much better and expand other sources and spend them better too.


moron holm tiresome


india is junior partner with us,


“it is painfully predictable that the american public would one day realize who their real enemy was all along.” this is also why they create racial tension and why alex jones and all “alt-right” controlled-opposition steer attention away from the banksters and unto others like “illegal immigration” which is really not a huge threat as they make it seem given the tens of thousands sitting in ice detention on given day. it’s classic divide & conquer


the u.s. is like a prison. the wardens need people to be racist and at each other’s throats otherwise they might turn their attention and energy towards their slave masters. divide & conquer.

jens holm

sure. usa need reforms but they ca n decline from a high level.


you don’t even know what the real enemy is. you probably even support it wholeheartedly and don’t give it a second thought.

the whole world practically does.

jens holm

the repeated barking mad russia version.

and why does russian dont use those many ressorces for they millions of poor. you it well yourself. you are not eable to make changes and comments about it.

and you idiotity – whaever.

here we mainly are able to produce. by that we has something to share. russia only feed its upperclass well. they are russia. you are not, even kept in dark for total control.

jens holm

you even put us into the ussr collapsed system not even having a langauge for we and that matter chna an d india does. you are kept -away.

you use usa again and again. there are mthe rest of us? eu is just bas big as usa. whwere are japans, korea,astralia and canadia. where are the many afilitates.

you will join your system. none.

jens holm

and do you have a system. well. one brain is better then many.


russia less poverty than usa and denmark—more jens nazi holm racism and lies


don’t lie,

Damien C

what a shambles of an article, we all seen with our own eyes the violence, the pepper sprays brought by these peaceful tourists, the cable ties and handcuffs, you know the usual stuff we all take on a day trip! the wooden poles and iron bars used to smash in windows and bolted doors! just like i’ve never seen any other peaceful day tripper do. the siege and mobs breaking down doors and attacking the police on duty, shouting hang mike pence and caused 4 deaths .. hardly peaceful


oh do shut up. no-one is buying your stupid lies. jan 6th was nothing more than political protest against a deeply corrupt demorat-controlled capitol and an election that showed clear signs of large-scale irregularities. maidan 2013/14 was an insurrection – organised, violent, lasting for months, with foreign involvement. washington 2020 was just a political protest.


where is your proof why is it that trump couldn’t present a viable case 62 of them failed


“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind primitive and peurile…” julius evola


proof? you need an investigation by empowered authorities and adequate resources to get proof, something the demoratz simply refused to do. election authorities simply closed ranks and asserted it was fair, so the courts and congress majority simply accepted that at face value.


thank you if southfront is going to put up these type of lame articles please stop asking for money


bye bye dumb schmuck. don’t let the door bang you in the arze on your way out (that is yer nog grifter buttfriends job)


so what did the article tell us about the events of that day ??? that the police allowed white people to run amok in the capitol and did nothing to stop them that for all intents is what amerika is all about

Damien C

you can present all the evidence in the world and these dumb-asses will stick their fingers in their ears and shut their eyes because examining evidence requires a thought process they are not equipped for. better to let a man who was caught lying 36,000 times ….. and think he speaks the truth


“what emerged from the amerikam melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen

poko molo

amerika only existts a fascist uni-party….w 2 branches from the same rotten lgbt tree

The prophet 17 17 17

soon someone will be killing many fbi scum and their families, many americans veterans want blood and revenge. only when thousands of fbi and department of justice filth are dead there will peace in usa the prophet

poko molo

all us hillbillies are fake…”the cult of sincerity-amerikans are not sincere; it is a performance”. david riesman…”the cult of friendliness–amerikans are only friendly when they want something”. christopher lasch….”from the inception of amerika it has been informed by ubiquitous sleaze and hustling”. walter macdougal


“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen…” hunter thompson…we are the real fake gibbers monkey species


“there is no functioning democracy in amerika..it is an oligarchy…”jimmy carter


democracy is antichrist. and most people support the antichrist. why. because they reject scriptural truth.


the title of the article is “how the democratic party faked a insurrection”

i took the time to read it twice could someone tell me where in the article is the evidence provided ???

can any of the people who have been convicted (most of whom pled guilty ) in court to felonies use any of this footage to exculpate themselves or overturn their sentences ???

this article featured no interviews or analysis.

is mr bridge a lawyer or has any specialty in federal cases ???


mr bridge is yet another divider. yes, his article is full of bs, just as the dems and some of their wild claims are. his job is not to provide proof, it is to instigate even more righteousness among the trumpet cult…he is just as lame as trumps incompetent lawyers. all by design. bridge does what all neo-journalists do…push his agenda, which is pro-russian/pro-trump at the expense of some of the truth.


in his adoring adulation of trump, where is his connection to the russian khazarian mob/mossad mentioned? ahhh, that’s right they don’t exist. he speaks about how free russia is in his articles, but no mention of those strict ‘anti-semitism’ laws. a lot of truly strange shit comes out of strategic culture. it isn’t just the dems and repugs that lie to us, it’s all of them. was it the dems who launched/created al aqaeda, isis? 9/11, gulf war i & ii and the wot?

Psionists slaves of America

is going to be all that much humiliating for dimentia brandon and his handlers when trump gets elected again and beats biden the zionists puppet, because of his blind support for his boss netanyahu and all the lies, deception and war crimes bibi has committed, starting with his cheerleading and fabricated intel for the illegal war on iraq.

Tank world

the democrat party has evolved into a globalist controlled means of exploiting american wealth and resources with a goal of invoking an authoritarian illusionary democracy underpinned by a communist control system. the party is foreign controlled politicising race, sexuality, gender, immigration to combine minority support for election purposes as well as political theater like j6 to pass oppressive laws


“the east german stasi could only have dreamed of having a police state like amerika”. thomas drake

Peter Jennings

most of these people were there on jan 6th were there to fight for their democracy. a democracy that has been promoted to them by every political administration, bar none. a democracy that obviously doesn’t exist in the minds of its present rulers who target innocent people as scapegoats.

Paul Citro

whatever decency the us government once had it has lost it completely and the ship of state is headed for the rocks.


cocaine and fentanyl party—hunter now dea chief brandon zelensky coffin factory sell stocks on wall street …peloni geriatric lgbt sausage factory sold to china….11 million new illegal drug dealers from honduras offered free rent mobile phones since 2020


the fact that you think there is a difference between republicans and democrats show your ignorance.

democracy is antichrist and they are both part of the godless scam.


a russian propaganda specialist writes an opinion article on another propaganda website, forgetting that the best thing to do is to pray that the well-behaved russian people continue to eat ice cream with their foreheads and live with worse salaries than all european countries and continue to command children to public schools without sewage and drinking water, when the servants of the republics get tired of being slaves and living in the shadows, god wait for them mr putin

Peter Jennings

you’re obviously referring to the donbass after the kiev regime started to bomb the people and the buildings there. nobody was safe from the kiev junta and for 9 years they bombed indiscriminately.

Pedro Moreno

looks very similar to the hamas “invasion” on october 7th. both an inside job.

Last edited 10 months ago by Pedro Moreno
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