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How the U.S. Regime Lies About Its Lying

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How the U.S. Regime Lies About Its Lying

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Written by Eric Zuesse

If the public are voting on the basis of beliefs that were created by lies, then the public are being treated as dupes, not as citizens — they are actually “subjects,” instead of “citizens.” What results from this is inevitably a dictatorship — the U.S. empire.

The U.S. regime (including its ‘news’-media) don’t lie only about what is happening, but also about their lies about what is happening; and, in this, they might exceed even what Hitler’s propaganda-chief Joseph Goebbels managed to achieve during the 1930s and 40s.

For example: on April 6th, NBC ‘News’ bannered “In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn’t rock solid”, and sub-headed: “‘It doesn’t have to be solid intelligence,’ one U.S. official said. ‘It’s more important to get out ahead of them [the Russians], Putin specifically, before they do something.’”

But isn’t that exactly what they, themselves, had done during 2002 and 2003, about “Saddam’s WMD”? So, that headline’s first five words, “In a break with the past,” are clearly a lie, a lie about PRIOR lies about that headline’s closing seven words, “even when the intel isn’t rock solid.” After all: They lied through their teeth in 2002 and 2003 about, as George W. Bush put it in a joint press conference with his poodle dog Tony Blair on 7 September 2002, “We just heard the Prime Minister talk about the new report. I would remind you that when the inspectors first went into Iraq and were denied — finally denied access, a report came out of the Atomic — the IAEA that they were six months away from developing a weapon. I don’t know what more evidence we need [in order for Congress to authorize an invasion of Iraq].” And, even though the IAEA promptly and repeatedly said that that “new report” by them was entirely fictitious and never existed (and all of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media ignored what the IAEA were repeatedly saying about that matter), the U.S. regime simply continued stating and expanding upon its lie, right up until their 20 March 2003 entirely unprovoked invasion and destruction of that Russia-friendly regime in Iraq and replacement of it by the U.S.-and-allied stooge regimes ever since.

As regards specifically U.S. ‘intelligence’-involvement in that lying-for-the-regime in order to get the U.S.-and-allied invasion-destruction of Iraq, the lying CNN emblazoned the lying Washington Post’s lying Bob Woodward’s lying George Tenet’s (Director of the CIA, no less) lying to allege that the CIA’s ‘intelligence’ is what “was very important in his [Bush’s] decision making” about whether or not to attack Iraq. CNN’s headline on 19 April 2004 was “Woodward: Tenet told Bush WMD case a ‘slam dunk’.” But, then, after three more years had passed, the lying Reuters news agency headlined “Ex-CIA chief says ‘slam dunk’ Iraq quote misused” and opened: “A former U.S. spy chief accused President George W. Bush’s administration of ruining his reputation by misusing a ‘slam dunk’ comment he made during a White House meeting ahead of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.”

They continued: “Former CIA director George Tenet told CBS Television’s ’60 Minutes’ that the administration leaked his comment as opposition to the war grew when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.” In other words: Tenet was NOT saying that he had not used that phrase ( “slam-dunk”) in order for his boss, the U.S. President, “to make a public case for the war” (Tenet admitted there that he HAD done exactly that), but, INSTEAD, Tenet was alleging that (as the lying Reuters phrased on the basis of the lying CBS ‘News’) “You don’t do this. You don’t throw somebody overboard just because it’s a deflection. Is that honorable? It’s not honorable to me’, Tenet said in an interview to be broadcast on Sunday.” In its turn, the lying CBS ‘News’ had reported this entire matter by BURYING (not even so much as MENTIONING) the fact that never in that interview did Tenet DENY that he had used the phrase “slam-dunk” in order to assure the President that Bush would have the CIA’s full support backing him up if and when the President would decide to invade Iraq. That entire issue — of whether the CIA Director served the public, or instead served only the President — was, in fact, buried right near the end of the interview, almost as an afterthought, when the CBS ‘News’ correspondent followed Tenet’s statement on the matter by:

Is that honorable? It’s not honorable to me. You know, at the end of the day, the only thing you have is trust and honor in this world. It’s all you have. All you have is your reputation built on trust and your personal honor. And when you don’t have that anymore, well, there you go. Trust was broken,” Tenet says.

“Between you and the White House?” Pelley asks,

“You bet. You bet,” Tenet says.

Still, the president awarded Tenet the nation’s highest honor for a civilian, the Medal of Freedom.

Asked if he was conflicted about accepting the medal, Tenet says, “Well, there was conflict.”

In other words: the CBS ‘News’ audience were, themselves, being “deflected” from recognizing (NOT assisted to recognize) that the Director of the U.S. CIA serves the interests of the U.S. President, NOT of the U.S. — NOT of the American people. The CIA’s Director is paid by the American people, but he serves the U.S. regime, which serves its masters — the billionaires who fund all of the successful U.S. politicians.

Similarly, in more recent times, there was the February 2014 U.S. coup in Ukraine that has been consistently lied-about to have been instead a ‘democratic revolution’ there. That’s like the lying about Iraq has been, but it’s even worse (because this mega-lie might bring on WW III).

Today’s U.S. regime would have been able to have taught even the Nazi spinmeister Joseph Goebbels a thing or two about “spinning” “the news.” Anybody who still doubts this should read John Helmer’s definitive book about the incessant prosecutorial (against Russia) lying in the Dutch trial of the MH17 affair, The Lie that Shot Down MH17, proving, in 2020, that though the U.S-and-allied regimes (including the Dutch U.S.-stooge-government) allege that Russia — or at least its supporters in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region — had shot down the MH17 Malaysian airliner on 14 July 2014 over Ukraine’s war-zone and thus killed 298 people, this shoot-down had actually been done neither by those supporters, nor by Russians, but instead by the Ukrainian vassal-regime as demanded by U.S. President Barack Obama in order to be able to win the EU’s backing to increase yet more their sanctions against Russia. My own 2019 article, “Update on the MH17 Case”, and my subsequent 2020 “Netherlands ‘Justice’ Is Totally Corrupt: MH17 Case as Example”, placed the MH17 trial into a broader context, which includes the key evidence (such as Russia’s satellite-photos, the pilot’s corpse, the black boxes, and witnesses who lived in the area where the shoot-down had occurred), which evidences the Dutch trial-judge had ruled-out, prohibited to be considered, because Ukraine refused to allow it to be entered into evidence.

There was no “Buk” missile involved in that shoot-down. The evidence is overwhelming and clear: Ukraine’s government had guided MH17 to go over the war-zone; a Ukrainian war-plane there shot into the airliner’s cabin; the pilot’s corpse was actually filled with some of those bullets; and this fusillade of bullets into the pilot simultaneously produced a huge hole in the cabin immediately to the pilot’s left, and thereby suddenly depressurized the air inside the plane, and the plane promptly plunged down from 33,000 feet. None of this evidence was brought up at ‘trial’. The latest ‘news’ on that ‘trial’ was on 21 December 2021, and was headlined by America’s AP “Dutch prosecutors demand life sentences for downing Malaysia Airlines flight MH17”. Reuters headlined it “Suspects in Dutch trial ‘fully responsible’ for MH17 downing, prosecution says”.

Both ‘news’-reports presented only the Dutch Government’s lie-based argument, that four Russians had “recklessly used a Russian missile to bring down the passenger jet, killing all 298 passengers and crew.” The ‘trial’ ended there. It had all been a PR stunt, for the U.S.-and-allied regimes. That’s how bad the U.S.-and-allied lying is, about their own lies. Barack Obama, who had produced the Ukraine crisis and then essentially demanded those 298 murders to be done in order to be able to get the international sanctions that he wanted against Russia, to be approved in Europe, got off scot-free for his Ukrainian mega-crimes. And, to this day, no one has actually been convicted for any of those 298 murders. That’s how bad the U.S.-and-allied lying is. The lies are reported to the public as if they were truths, while the evidence is instead simply hidden from the public. And so the public don’t know that they were deceived.

But if the public are voting on the basis of beliefs that were created by lies, then the public are being treated as dupes, not as citizens — they are actually “subjects,” instead of “citizens.” What results from this is inevitably a dictatorship — the U.S. empire. Though there are elections, they are only s’elections’ from among the regime’s approved candidates, each one of whom is backed by some of the nation’s wealthiest .001%. So, it’s really just a contest between the billionaires, who are the regime. It’s definitely not a democracy — not at all. The regime’s claim that it is ‘a democracy’ is therefore yet another mega-lie from them.

(This article is being submitted by email simultaneously to all English-language newsmedia, to publish free-of-charge. Let’s see which ones of them make it public — publish it — and which ones instead hide it from their public.)

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s next book (soon to be published) will be AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change. It’s about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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NATO Empire of Lies

“The U.S. regime (including its ‘news’-media) don’t lie only about what is happening, but also about their lies about what is happening; and, in this, they might exceed even what Hitler’s propaganda-chief Joseph Goebbels managed to achieve during the 1930s and 40s.” Definitely.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO Empire of Lies

Goebbels actually said: ‘The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.’


The Brits….Biggest liars of them all !


And Goebbels also said that all Russians are subhumans. He was so right about that!


Don’t confuse lies with ideology. But on the other hand making comments like that only shows your own true colors and your own disgraceful ideology, which makes you yourself the lesser of a human.


What is wrong by showing your true colours we do not are all hypocrites and liars like Russians.


After I see what war crimes Russian soldiers leaf behind I must say Goebbels is correct.

hans raus

,,16 y.o. Karina raped by #Russia soldiers and shot in the head. Her mother’s search for her ended as her tortured body was found in #Bucha”


No mercy for russian child and woman rapists

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

,16 y.o. Karina raped by #Ukraine soldiers and shot in the head. For cheap propaganda. Sick animals just like their idol Bandera and their dirty cocksucking whore hans rat #Bucha #MaidanSnipers #Kramatorsk #UkroTerrorists

Last edited 2 years ago by MaidanISIS
Les Visible

You are one of the very liars the writer was speaking about. All informed minds KNOW that if it did happen, it was at the hands of the Ukrainian Nazi brigades. Well… the Russians will be neutralizing them soon enough


Bad hans go lay down. You are a bad hans. Shut the phuck up and go lay on your blanket. Bad boy. You know the only rapist and murderers are the nazi ukotards. I am going to wack you with the newspaper if you don’t settle down and be quite. Stupid ukodog.


Your blind hatred and your fascist believes truly have reached another bottom hans. Using and diverting inhuman atrocities of worst Ukrainian crimes ever done to unarmed civilians only shows your twisted and utterly wicked personality. A life of yours must be punishment in itself already. What goes around comes around.


Wag the Dog.

Trying to keep SF based on reality

Does this article seem rather rich coming from an FSB disinformation site? LOL

Interesting excerpt: ] In the three days following the incident, the Russian Internet Research Agency “troll farm” posted 111,486 tweets from fake accounts.[329] Mostly posted in Russian, the tweets initially said the rebels had shot down a Ukrainian airplane, but quickly switched to accusing Ukraine of carrying out the attack.[330] This is both the largest number of tweets in any 24 hour period, and for any topic in the history of the Internet Research Agency (IRA).[331]

Conversely, the liberal Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta shortly after the crash published a headline in Dutch that read “Vergeef ons, Nederland” (“Forgive Us, Netherlands”).[280][332][333]

In July 2014, Sara Firth, who had worked as a correspondent with RT for the previous five years, resigned in protest at the channel’s coverage of the crash, which she described as “lies”.[334][335]


“FSB site” which allows you mentally diseased MI6/SBU monkey bot with 1000 names to spam 1000 moronic garbage comments here every day…. Just as you spam retarded NATO garbage as some “evidence” (only evidence of your sheer idiocy)

hans raus

True, russian paid bots are not happy ;)

Your Mouth Yankee toilet

Pathetic pile of shit you are replying to your own comment as usual lol

btw they don’t even have moderators here you stupid bitch. People here are free men. You are not free, nor you are a man. You are the paid bot, although I’m not sure who is crazy enough to pay a single cent for your worthless moronic garbage… most likely they pay you in cookies from Nuland’s transgender butt 🚽

Last edited 2 years ago by Your Mouth Yankee toilet

Let’s turn “Freedom of the Press Rankings” into “Lying Nation Rankings.” No need to waste long sentences. Ranking is everything.

The U.S. influence is so strong that U.S. actions should be restrained and there are problems with U.S. actions. But more problematic than the US is Russia.

hans raus

Rule number one: if you see that russian trolls and propagandists are more active than before on social media then its clear sign that NATO and US doing good job ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

you are doing good rim job on bidens asshole


So funny when you raving cretin talking about trolls, let’s see what your Wiki says about trolls:

“a troll is a person who posts insincere, digressive,[1] inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), a newsgroup, forum, chat room, online video game, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses,[2] or manipulating others’ perception. This is typically for the troll’s amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival’s online activities or manipulating a political process. Even so, Internet trolling can also be defined as purposefully causing confusion or harm to other users online, for no reason at all.[3]


^Definition of hans raus and all his schizophrenic personas


Hmm sounds like the SF site is a trol


You sound like a retard. Illiterate retard.

NATO is the villain

As of April 13 at 17:00 UTC the Wall Street Journal has yet to mention the surrender of forces in Mariupol. Their articles are about how great the Ukrainian forces are doing because they were taught by NATO to be an army that thinks.

This situation is especially hard for Americans to change their views on. The news is always that Putin is bad and makes sure no one in Russia knows what he is doing. While the internet makes it easier to spread the lies, it also makes it possible to find the truth.

More and more people are starting to see that NATO is a tool of the US to control Europe. The lies are just getting too large.


Are you trying to access the web from inside Russia? Your access to the web is censored unless you have VPN.

Google”Mariupol surrender” select news, sort by latest. Maybe the Journal specifically hasen’t ran the story yet, but many western media outlets have ran “1000 marines surrender”

Sputnik and RT haven’t posted the story yet either, but I think they may have posted it 3 weeks ago.

USA is 666

Jen Psaki swallows.

Fort Detrick

“USA is 666”

U n i t e d -6 S t a t e s -6 A m e r i c a -7

close enough


Lying to the public is to be expected but using taxpayer money to social engineer a free society is not, in coordination with CIA studies taxpayer funding is used to promote the social agenda of the globalists in TV,movies ,education and anywhere they think it may be effective as well as cancelling it’s opposition. I would not call this freedom.


Run against Biden for president and change things. I bet you won’t end up dead like Putins opponents.


Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin
U S Asylum

So called US ‘democracy’: only two approved candidates are allowed, and the one who wins is already decided. If people protest – they send 50.000 soldiers and destroy them as “domestic terrorists”. No surprise the US has the most prisoners in the world by far. Go ask Seth Rich and Epstein.


I have requested to all countries to sell your own products on other countries in your own currency. This will increase the values of your currencies.


People will be fighting to feed their families as hyper inflation makes it harder to buy food, they won’t care about who’s telling the truth when there’s no food. I feel that these criminal elite are losing and are going down and they know it, that’s why they want to take everybody with them.

Karl Pomeroy

About the MH17 lies: https://quemadoinstitute.org/2015/10/16/mh17-dutch-investigation-weak-inconclusive-quemado-institute-analysis/

Last edited 2 years ago by Karl Pomeroy
Al Doobie

The US uses rectal pudding as intel. Doesn’t have to be rock-solid.


Yeah, and Goebbles also said that all Russians are subhumans and need to be sent into a labor camp or being shot in the next ditch. It’s just funny that those Russian bolsheviks use Goebbels for making their case against Biden. The author of this article is just a fucking cocksucker like Putin. Hopefully Goebbles is coming back some day and fucks all Russians in their ass! Lol


homo phantasies in your arkansas trailer park after being sodomized by taliban for 20 years

Les Visible

Well said, Mr. Zuesse. Well said. Thank you for speaking the truth. There are few of us in this time, but… by the Grace of God, we will be heard, and the ground fully broken for what is to come in the flowering of the age ahead.


sociologists describe amerikans as insecure, feminized, liars, fake, immoral

Karl Pomeroy

Hi Yuri. I am an American. There are many exceptions of course, but looking around town I see mostly overweight, lazy, tatooed, shabbily dressed people who seem beyond caring. The ones I know believe the mainstream media and are completely brainwashed. They don’t have evil intentions, but suffer from extreme ignorance. Pathetic.


Don’t waste your time on the trolls I doubt they are even real people. This is the reality: https://developers.google.com/learn/topics/chatbots

I encourage people to research or share some links about chatbots to make others more aware and to save everyone time and effort from bother to respond to a bunch of 0’s and 1’s!

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