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MARCH 2025

How U.S.-&-Allied ‘News’-Media Fabricate ‘Reality’

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How U.S.-&-Allied ‘News’-Media Fabricate ‘Reality’

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On February 3rd, America’s National Public Radio (NPR) headlined “Uyghur kids recall physical and mental torment at Chinese boarding schools in Xinjiang” and reported that Uyghurs “have reported being forced to work in factories during their detention”. That phrase “forced to work” links (in their own transcript of their ‘news’-report), to a paywalled Financial Times article. They did that so as to block readers from being able to click through it to the actual FT ‘news’-report itself, but I have used here instead a web-archived version of the complete FT article, so that the reader here can see that FT ‘news’ and notice there that the FT article says that “China has been condemned internationally” for these practices, so that the reader can then easily click through to see that the actual source of THAT linked-to allegation turns out to be NOT any “international” organization such as the U.N. (such as the FT and — to a lesser extent — NPR imply), but instead yet ANOTHER FT article, which, in turn, is headlined “US report urges punishment of China officials over Xinjiang abuse: Congressional commission weighs use of Magnitsky Act to target those behind Muslim camps”.  This FT article says that ITS source is “the annual report by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China”, and that’s a nearly-100% hard-right neoconservative (i.e., pro U.S.-imperialism) U.S. congressional body that’s co-chaired by Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Republican Representative Christopher H. Smith, two rabid supporters of every sanctions bill and every congressional resolution for the U.S. to punish or even to outright invade whatever countries happen to be the ‘U.S. enemies’ du jour, such as, now, China happens to be.

The NPR article also contains numerous other accusations against China’s Government, but all that it identifies as actually sharing the U.S. Government’s hostility toward China is the phrase “officials in the U.S., Canada, France, the Netherlands and other countries have declared that China’s policies in Xinjiang amount to genocide.” All of those identified Governments are U.S. allies (which now means that they too are hostile to China).

Furthermore, zero evidence is presented to justify the usage of the term “genocide” to refer to China’s policy regarding Uyghurs. ‘Journalism’ such as this is hate-literature, and should be treated as such. The named four (anti-China) Governments did make the allegation, but no evidence has been provided by anyone that any such ‘genocide’ actually is occurring there. Reporting the hatred by those four Governments (against China) is journalism ONLY if mention is being simultaneously made that the accusation is unsourced, if not even entirely undocumented.

No evidence is provided regarding whether or not the Uyghurs who were interviewed by the NPR ‘journalist’ might happen to be jihadist ones, which do exist there due to the spread, in that Chinese territory, of the Sunni (or Salafist, or “Wahhabist”) type of Islam, which encourages jihadism, and which goes all the way back to the Turkish origins of Uyghurs — and Sunni Turkey encourages jihadists even in modern times. One of the main techniques of propaganda is the avoidance of any mention of such crucially relevant context that’s necessary in order for a reader to have an accurate understanding of the events that are being described. Jihadists, after all, don’t threaten ONLY China — they are also a danger to Americans and people in many other countries.

This is not necessarily to say that ALL of the accusations against China in that NPR article are false, but only to say that the article itself is clearly U.S. Government propaganda, not honest journalism (reporting that’s rooted only in trustworthy documented facts, instead of in only partisan opinions about the alleged facts).

In other words: the NPR ‘news’-report and article is based on U.S. sources, but pretends to be based on non-U.S.-Government sources; it excludes essential context in order to interpret its alleged events; and it is actually nothing more than U.S. Government propaganda that’s intended to deceive its audience and readers to support sanctions, or maybe even ultimately an invasion. It’s war-propaganda, not real journalism.

Similarly, at least the UK, U.S., and German “Deep States” (which always includes the billionaires who own the press) managed to deceive their respective publics into World War 1; and at least the German “Deep State” managed to deceive their public into World War 2; and, also, the U.S.-and-UK “Deep State” and Governments managed to deceive their public into invading Iraq on 20 March 2003 — all on the basis of lies. However, whether or not the U.S. and UK will opt ultimately for an all-out World War 3 against China and Russia, isn’t yet clear. The world might survive this. But, also, it might not. In any case, these lies will continue to increase, yet more, the growing concentration of wealth into fewer and fewer hands, and the increasing dissatisfaction and desperation that is felt by publics throughout the world. The more money that gets spent on war, the less there always will be available to spend on peace (which is vastly less profitable for the billionaires — and their paid agents — the actual Deep State). But the individuals who are to blame for this are not merely the lying ‘news’-media and the billionaires who control them, but also their numerous agents, in government and in the private sector, who become yet-further enriched by these lies.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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the end

Dear Eric, I do like to read your stuff, but this is old news, like 50 years old. Can you please give us a name from any of the deep state establishments, so that when shit hits the fan, everyone will know who to blame and go there to set records straight?

The Truth

U.S. and VASSAL ‘News’-Media. They are vassals not allies. DW/Deutsche Welle for example formally owned by the German government/in reality by BND and BND by CIA.

One example, their favourite method – a few months ago during migrant crisis on Polish border, DW published a very popular article, often quoted by many: http://www.dw.com/en/the-route-from-iraq-to-belarus-how-are-migrants-getting-to-europe/a-59636629

This is what they said: “Belsat.eu, an independent TV station in Belarus, quoted a report by the Belarusian media outlet KYKY.org ” Their main sources are independent TV stations in Belarus. Except – they are not in Belarus! Nor they are independent! Easy search on Google/Wiki says:

“Belsat (Belarusian: Белсат; Polish: Biełsat) is a Polish free-to-air satellite television channel aimed at Belarus. The channel is a subsidiary of TVP S.A. From the outset, it has been co-funded by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international donors.”

It’s based in POLAND! Its only purpose hostile propaganda against Belarus, and it is funded by Polish government and foreign donors (CIA). DW research journalists needed 2 seconds to check their sources on Google. But they didn’t, instead they published a complete lie. Fake news based on fake sources. Dirty propaganda.

This is how they do it all the time. Same as so-called The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in Britain and funded by the British government, but always quoted by western media. Basically CIA/MI6 masquerading as ‘independent’ researchers, media, NGO, then unquestionably quoted by Western Mass media again and again. Just repeat every lie 1000x no matter how ridiculous it is. And of course, censor everything else.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Truth
jens holm

When I read we are VASSALS I not even has to waste my time reading the rest of it.

There is no independent TV station in Belarus, because there is no opposition. Its defined away in the hard way well supported by the Putin oppression system.

Your master made You dig Your foxhole so deep, bacuse then You cant see whats going on. There You are kept with fear. Not a single one here is west want any kind of Russians with us.

They are never to be trusted.

jens holm

Thanks for being a too old teacher. Unfortunatly USA and Western medias has no patent in this. The rest of the world do same god and bad things to manipulate us.

Infact many of us fight against it as hard as we can. In Denmark we have at least one hardheader from intelligense in jail for misleading the Parlament, the rest of us and even foreigner.

So we actually try. If You are in that old days, You should write about Watergate and Iran/Contra too.



Last edited 3 years ago by artemisia
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