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How Ukraine Is Becoming Largest Market For Distribution Of Human Organs

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How Ukraine Is Becoming Largest Market For Distribution Of Human Organs

“Black” transplantologists in Ukraine

Illegal trafficking of human organs is currently one of the most discussed aspects of the criminal world, alongside the illegal drug and weapon trade. Surprisingly, Ukraine has become one of the most active suppliers of human organs, despite being primarily associated with countries in Latin America. Since the start of the conflict on its soil, involving Russia, Ukraine has seen an emergence of black transplantologists who operate in the shadows.

These individuals target destroyed military units and extract bodies, leaving behind missing soldiers who mysteriously disappeared during the incidents. Recently, evidence of their activities has surfaced in the Odessa region, where soldiers from the 41st Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade and the 122nd Territorial Defense Troops were essentially “harvested.”

The cemetery in Odessa has seen an increase in fresh graves, marked with signs that read “SURGICAL WASTE.”

The potential for financial gain in this gruesome business seems to have enticed some high-ranking officials to authorize the use of wounded soldiers as organ donors, all while pretending they are missing in action. The proximity to Romania and Moldova, where transplant clinics operate more openly, only adds to the suspicion.

These crimes are just another example of the Zelensky regime’s atrocities against its own people, showcasing the corrupt nature of the Kiev government. It is horrifying to see how those in power mistreat their citizens, especially when Western media outlets like The Washington Post and The Guardian continue to recycle old footage as if it were new, making it impossible to trust their reporting.


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CEO of Yapping

remember what daesh was doing in syria and iraq? funny isn’t it… another westner proxy doing the same thing.

also, “‘polish and u.s. intelligence are preparing a large-scale provocation against the polish civilian population, which they will blame on russia and belarus’ – aleksandr lukashenko”


do not forget the kla/ uck in kosovo. it seems organ traficking seems to be part of the franchise package you buy into when you get a western proxy.


i can confirm that, i am from serbia. research google for yellow house body organs in kosovo.


the ghouls of this planet. basically all dis-ease stems from defective cells. repeated multi-day fasting cleans out defective cells through autophagy. stem cell production is kicked into overdrive on resumption of eating. stop the poison, clear out the defective cells, grow new ones. you don’t need organ grafts. the intra/extra cellular healing is far to superior to grafting somebody else’s organs onto yours and relying on cellular meshing anyway. demented ghouls.

jens holm

i have no testes—maybe i can buy from ukraine


if you want tiny cowardly ones.

jens holm

i never wrote that. maybee his children yook them (:


israelis are the biggest organ harvesters in the world. they harvest the organs from palestinians, lebanese, syrians, and every country where they’re zog, which is most.


toto sa dialo vždy a všade kde darebácky štát bol zapletený do vojnového konfliktu!!! v srbsku, iraku, líbyi, sýrii a teraz už i na ukrajine!!! sú to bastardi, ktorých by mali pochytať a verejne stiahnuť s kože!!!


the ukraine farce needs to finish its pathetic and evil existence. without western psychopaths none of this shit would even be happening.


this is horrific! but the corruption within the kiev regime and many others within the western political class is such that it’s more than likely these crimes have been going on for some time! then being covered up by listing the victims as missing in action. what are these people not capable of.

jens holm

im sorry you dont have no access about it even there are a lot free facts even with maps about it. here kiev for good reasons are in same level as moskva in too nasty and bad.

re-use of organs is not a new thing


who the hell would buy ukronazi rotten liver?! what is really evil is what is happening with children.

jens holm

its no ukra thing. i everwhere where there no money.

…why many parts of the sell and buy wifes and often as children as well.

slavery always has been there in most of te world and from europe from amerika too by span and portogal before tthere even was some usa.

china, india has it. even the indian i usa had it.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

thats right. best are russian soldiers brain. they are unused.

these all get tiny graves for levers and kidnies and a danger sign. the biggets ones is around bakmut and avdika. russians there made free space for it.

it soon will be included in the tourist babi jar arrrangments. in seemes to be inspired by legoland.

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