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MARCH 2025

How Would Russia Respond To Attack On Its Diplomat In Kosovo?

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How Would Russia Respond To Attack On Its Diplomat In Kosovo?


On May 28, Kosovo Police’s special forces briefly detained and pummeled mercilessly a Russian diplomat, a staffer of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, during an intruding into the territory’s northern Serbian-populated municipalities. On May 31, authorities of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo declared the diplomat persona non-grata.

The Russian Foreign Ministry condemned actions of Kosovo Police and the decision of the self-proclaimed republic’s administration. It said that the incident would have “far-reaching consequences”. Nonetheless, the developing situation poses a serious threat to the Russian prestige and influence in the Balkans and the international scene.

How Would Russia Respond To Attack On Its Diplomat In Kosovo?

Russian diplomat Mikhail Krasnoshchekov. Pavel Bushuyev/TASS

It has happened that, in practice, there are various levels of the adversarial relationships between states.

  • The diplomatic level. Rhetoric, statements and expulsion of diplomats. For example, if one international actor expels diplomats of another one, it often faces a mirror image retaliation.
  • The economic level. The mirror image retaliation principle works in this field also. If one state employs sanctions, tariffs or other economic warfare measures against another state, the targeted state responds to these actions – symmetrically or asymmetrically.
  • The hidden war. It is complicated to divide symmetric and asymmetric measures in the event of war of diversions and provocations. Nonetheless, even in this case, states that defend their interests try to provide an adequate response to actions threatening their interests or citizens.
  • The direct aggression with a hard power. An incident of this kind, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, became a pretext for the World War I. In response to the assassination, Austria-Hungary sent an ultimatum to Serbia and, then, declared a war.

In the first half of the 20th century, influential states (actors on the international scene) adhered to a principle of equivalence. In the modern world (the end of the 20th century and the first half of the 21th century), the US and China continue to employ this approach in their actions on the international scene.

In the event of a direct aggression against its citizens employing functions and responsibilities in the framework of the national interests of the US, Washington always provides a superior economic, diplomatic or military response.

China acts in a similar way. In particular, after the arrest of Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou in Canada, China arrested two Canadians: businesssman Michael Spavor and former diplomat Michael Kovrig.

Russia did not do this in the 1990s when in it de-facto was under a direct control of Western forces. However, even after this, in the recent years, Moscow did not employ this principle in cases when its interests and citizens were targeted.

In 2015, the Turkish Air Force shot down a Russian Su-24 jet near the Turkish-Syrian border. Then, the Russian leadership declared that Ankara “would not get off with tomatoes” meaning that a brief sanctions imposed after the tragedy was only the first step. However, by 2019, no additional steps had been made. Russia and Turkey act, at least publicly, like friendly states. So, the “tomatoes” had appeared to be enough.

In 2018, a Russian IL-20 intelligence plane with 15 personnel aboard was shot down near Syria because of hostile actions by Israel. The Russian Defense Ministry directly blamed Tel Aviv for this and said that Israeli warplanes were acting in a way that led to the tragedy. No direct actions in response to this situation were undertaken. There was a kind of “asymmetric response” – the delivery of S-300 system to Syria. However, this system has never been employed.

On May 28, 2019, Kosvo’s special forces intentionally attacked a Russian diplomat acting in the region as a staffer of the UNMIK. Kosovo representatives claimed that he was near Serbian barricades. However, it was a part of his right as the UNMIK representative to be here. Let’s suppose that Kosovo forces had a right to detain him briefly to check his identity.

Nonetheless, video and photo evidence confirm that Kosovo forces intentionally beat the person advanced in years that was not resisting to the detention. Kosovo troops knew that he was a diplomat, but employed violence because of he was “Russian”. Krasnoshchekov received numerous heavy injuries to the face and head. Kosovo authorities” intentionally spitted in Russia’s face.

If it was a “mistake” of the performers, Pristina would make an official apology to Russia, and the guilty would be punished. The May 28 event was not the first such incident in the diplomatic practice. An apology is a standard response. Nonetheless, this is not the case. Pristina blamed the Russian diplomat for the situation and declared him a person non-grata. The goal of the action was to demonstrate to the Serbs that they would receive and can receive no real support from Russia. This provocation is intended to demonstrate to the Balkans, Europe and the entire world that the current Russian political leadership has no real will and instruments to impact the situation in the Balkans.

Today is June 1, 2019. So far, Russia has limited its response to formal protests and statements. Moscow responded to a military action (act of violence) against its diplomat in the diplomatic field only. The Serbs, other Balkan nations and all actors on the international scene understand the real meaning and importance of this situation. All is waiting for a Russian response.

In the established situation, Russia would save its face in the event of changing the current language of statements to the language of ultimatums and real actions against both the Kosovo and Albanian leadership.

If Russia sit down under this provocation, its positions on the international scene would be undermined. Russia would lose its image among the Serbs even further, and the “European integration” concept would get an additional momentum.


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Concrete Mike

So according to the author, Russia must respond in a predictable manner like we do in the west?

When you do things right it appears your doing nothing at all.

jeremija krstic

Russia acts in predictable manner – by never doing anything. Read again stupid.

Tudor Miron

Try harder “smart” trolly.


News sites like sf also contribute to this pay-op. Kosovo is terrorism and crime nest…not country, doing its bit to attack Serbs, not formal allies of Russia, so there is little practical to do short of major escalation.


There is more to this. Apparently Albania wants to annex Kosovo. It was not mentioned. I was banned by sf and my comments removed a couple of days ago. I am looking for a place where I could practice my HUMAN Rights, namely freedom of speech.


I noticed this several years ago in Ukraine articles in Guardian…too much real information transfer at individual level in comments between people in UK/US vis a vis UA/RU….so comments were in effect shut down and put down to nefarious actors.


What was the problem with your comments ?


Not allowed to reply. Sorry but you can figure it out.


Its one of a chosen few possibilities I suppose :)


Just one click on my profile,pls.


It seems the Ukranian arm of anonymous cretins are out in force tonight ,Tudor.

Its Saturday, so it is likely the Asov intelligence outfit :)


The author is ridiculous, this entire text is – “The direct aggression with a hard power. An incident of this kind, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand became a pretext for the World War I.” comparing this low level diplomat with Archduke’s assassination is total nonsense. I guess he thinks Russia should start WW3 over this? This is just one cheap, little, dirty provocation.


But then the US and NATO are ridiculous.


Sanity from Canada. Well said Mike.

Simon Abruzzo

pop few kosov nibbas in response

Raptar Driver

It is difficult to respect a government that won’t properly defend its own people; to me this is further proof that the Putin government is only semi independent.


And they suppose to do what, nuke them?

Raptar Driver

If you say so?



Raptar Driver

Stop trolling me retard.


I blocked you before and you somehow slithered back. Are you in Israel?

Raptar Driver

How powerful you must feel; you are the one responding to me, I could care less what a Putin worshiper says, most of you are delusional.

No I am an American born Serb, you seem to be a limey, so full of yourself……………………Piss off!

Tommy Jensen

sit on their thumb.


So your answer that you have no answer.

Tommy Jensen

KGB would have responded so no one in Kosovo would ever think of hurting any Russian authoritative again. Im not suggesting this should be due, just that you need to kick the bully from time to time so he is challenged. Then he will avoid you.

El Mashi

Putin is intelligent. He will not do a “hot headed” response like Trump. Putin understands that this is a Nato assault, and he will responde accordingly. You don’t negotiate with the clowns. You negotiate with the circus owner.


Only Arab cowards can fantasize about future respond that for years never materalizes

Raptar Driver

Yes I have heard all the excuses, at some point there must be a reaction but years later more backtracking; one must ask questions at this point unless one relegates his/her opinion to worship?


Bollocks. You are again behaving like a hasbara troll.

Your mistresses would dearly love another conflict that involves Russia.

A similar spark that started WW1 and the assassins then were jews.

Raptar Driver

Shut up idiot, you are behaving like a cult member that dares not question your leader.


Iran raises concerns on increasing threats of America and Israel on Mideast region.




People such as you would not recognise truth, even if the Auschwitz camp football teams lined up in front of you.


Projection. You described yourself

Wolfgang Wolf

RUS will respond when RUS thinks it is time for it…. not what the others expect or want to see…. some people will never understand this

You can call me Al

Revenge is best served cold.

Basically in months, when the heat has died down.


Or even years, Al. That has more of a shock effect as well :)


Best to wait a century.


It sometimes has taken more than that for nations to strike back.

Brother Ma

So i guess the Russians will make more than tomato paste and actually shoot some Turk troops in Syria? How about the Spetznaz killing the Turkson who shot down the Russian helicopter pilot ?How about flaying the Chechen dogs who beheaded the Orthodox priests in Syria? Now that is sending a message to the world! How about getting back for all the Russian ambassadors that dies of accidents or even bullets like in Turkey?

I expected more from Russia and think they are now outgunned and outmanoeuvred.

You can call me Al

We shall see, remember they are surrounded by Nato bases as well.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I am doing too. Every time someone steal my car, slab my face, visit my girlfriend, don’t pay my salary, step on my blue suede shoes, I respond when I think it is time for it.

NOT what others expect or think I should do……..and YOU guys will never understand this.


Most of us do understand and agree with you Tommy.

All I would say though, is that Blue Suede Shoes do seem slightly dodgy :)

Rhodium 10

The problem is that many Russian enemies think that Russia is weak…Kosovo attacking Russian citizen, Malta closing the airspace for Flights to Venezuela ( Russia then could ban that its citizens travel there and invest money..but nothing happened), Russian citizens captured and sending to US jails), Israel airstrikes…etc…sometimes a military superpower country must to show force to be reliable!


Diplomatic or economic responds are not an option, because there are almost no diplomatic (or economic) relations between Russia and fake country of “Kosovo”. So Russian options here are very limited, and albanian terrorists from “Kosovo” know that (their NATO master certainly approved this action). And there is another reason: revenge by Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, ex-terrorist leader and a war criminal. In spring 2000, Haradinaj was involved in a fist fight with a Russian soldier at a KFOR checkpoint, Haradinaj (he thinks he is a great fighter, ‘judo master’), he challenged a Russian spetsnaz… very bad idea obviously :D https://www.srbijadanas.com/sites/default/files/322742/1180643_haradinaj_ls.jpg


That is very interesting synopsis of these events and underlying motivation of Kosovo-Albanian’s. KLA were never an effective fighting force – they operated by ambushing isolated Serbian state police units and Serbian civilian villages. The KLA were always primarily a terrorist separatist faction and a criminal syndicate. KLA were listed as in international terrorists for majority of existence throughout 1990’s by all major players. It was only in 1998-9 that NATO suddenly saw an opportunity to encroach far into the Orthodox Balkans – a location previously far outside of their sphere of influence. NATO’s primary tool for this – using the Albanian ethno-nationalist KLA. This NATO about face to de-list and sponsor KLA terrorists, and train them in camps inside of Albania proper, has given NATO the unprecedented chance to interfere in Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro. The KLA were always the worst type of mafioso – kidnapping and killing ethnic Serbs and harvesting organs for sale on illicit international market – this trade became so lucrative that it has been speculated the KLA started kidnapped and murdering to order – by age. UN investigators have formally acknowledged the organized organ harvesting and trafficking operations of the KLA criminal syndicate and terrorist separatists.

Brother Ma

What hope for the world when Murica is in league with curs like this?

art poirot

I tend to agree but one giant point kind of debunks it all.. Russia is gaining influence and power on the world stage. Has anyone ever watched a hockey game before? When a team is winning the loosing team usually tries small instigations and provocations in order to draw penalties and turn the tide. I can’t help but feel this is what’s going with Russia and maybe in the long run ignoring these small attacks and sticking to the game plan will turn out to be the right call after all.


IAAF, OPCW, UN-Human Rights Council,etc.

art poirot

What about it?

Tommy Jensen

As usual. Lavrov and Putin will tell MSM, US and UN that next time Russia will deliver S-300 to Assad and THEN Russia will do something about it. Next time!


Russia did send their troops to Crimea. And Russia did save Damascus (and Assad). Russia did send their troops to Venezuela. Russia didn’t recognize Kosovo. Russia do have ‘red lines’. This is certainly not one of them. Or you think Russia should start WW3 over some low level diplomat (working for UN!). No they are not psychotic, bloodthirsty lunatics like those in Washington DC. Nor they are powerful as them. But if they were, this planet would be destroyed in 2 seconds.


Russia did save Damascus (bar Israel that bombs it every other day), pity Russia didn’t save Syria which is now fragmented. Russia send no troops to Venezuela, Russia is paper tiger


Why don’t you blame millions of Syrians who fled to Germany instead to defend their own country from terrorists? Russians should die instead of them, really? “Russia send no troops to Venezuela” you are clueless: https://southfront.org/putin-to-trump-mind-your-own-business-on-venezuela-russian-troops-will-stay-as-long-as-needed/


Yes but this happens when some other state asks for Russian assistance, and that’s about other actors, we talking about Russia itself when she came under attack as SF states up. There are million ways to retaliate that, and all those ways cannot trigger noting, no war noting. But they never employ them,

Tommy Jensen

Russia is only in it for the bargaining money. Read Tass, see Russia wagging in Bilderberg, see Russia playing nice guys to be equal partner, see who got S-400 and who got trutti frutti.


Probably mostly Russian specialist and trainers. Maybe even some to help out with Venezuela cyber security.


Why would I blame Syrians, when I just proved you to be the liar who says “Russian saved Syria”. Russia sent no troops to Venezuela. Period


You only proved how stupid and utterly clueless you are. And also blind because I said : “Russia did save Damascus (and Assad).” Damascus. Then you also said Damascus. Now you say Syria. So yes, you are lying, proving your idiocy again and again… I also proved that Russia did send troops to Venezuela, no one in the world actually dispute that but you; can you even open the link or you are that retarded? Period? What, you are on your period, more likely PMS..


No no, I make a brilliant intellectual jump over your head when I remind you that Russia didn’t save Syria, only its capital city and even Damascus also gets bombed weekly. See, I destroyed your lying argument I owned you royally. :)

PS:Russian just said they are not in VZ in big numbers and its eems they are withdrawing. Ask Trump :)


Oh oh, trigered,aren’t you? I mention Syria because that is what Russia did NOT liberate. Oh and Russians just admitted not have sent “troops”to VZ., And the little advisors they sent seem to be coming back home.

Alberto Garza

you think the soviet union still exists ? the russians are powerful but not that powerful to challenge the united states in every theater they do what they can against the whole world .


I think Russians are exactly what the article says

Tudor Miron

Paper tiger that all mighty west is trying to dismantle for hundred of years. Still trying.


Oh, dear, you must have missed the train. Shame.


Keep using drugs and you will ride trains, flying carpets,…

Astrid Watanabe

I like this comment for the 1st sentence “Russia did save Damascus [bar Israel that bombs it every other day], pity Russia didn’t save Syria which is now fragmented. Sure, Russia has their reasons why they do what, but it is a pity they did not save Syria from being in effect fragmented.


Very well said.

Tommy Jensen

You are right. The long term provocations against everybody is just difficult to live with. We the crowd require some pay back to balance our understanding of justice.

The old KGB made these red lines without mercy so US and few dared to pass them. I know we are living in new times and Russia try to make friends and not enemies, and with all respect they maybe better to evaluate the situation than I am.

Rhodium 10

OK but Serbian army could enter in Kosovo where serbian population live capture some terrorist there and send an strong messege…but Serbia has a pro Western presidente and he wont move any finger…for other side Russia are building Nordstream 2 and Turkstream..it means that Russia can cut gas to Poland, Ukraine and Baltic states!.. also Russia could launch a barrage of kalibr cruise missile from mediterranean to Kosovo presidential building…but then all EU member will appear to protect the semicalifate of Kosovo and blame Russia!…in other points..RUAF airstrike killed 4 Turkish officers in Al Bad Northeast Aleppo by “Mistake”…Russia avoid a war vs Israel because SAA is an ineffective and bad Qalified armed forces to use soffisticate weapons!…we have seen what happened with 2 Pantsir system parked in middle of airfield runways and turned off…


Kosovo is really an American army base, Camp Bondsteel, that’s why the US created Kosovo. The people who live there are merely the slaves of the Americans. The Americans pay them so badly they make Ukrainians look rich.

Brother Ma

This is not so much for you Sinbad as for all those who criticise those people here who are not entirely happy any longer with Russia’s response.

“If Russia had balls and brains it would send in a team to “heartattack” Haradinaj. Asymmetric,short and sharp! All the right people will get the message.

Sometimes even the psyops people actually make a good point!”


How about Chile? Why doesn’t Chile save the world from the American madness?

Using the current cool word, asymmetric does not impress me. It became the in word when Americans found out that Iran planned to defeat a US invasion by using swarms of small boats to sink American ships. Ever since then it has been used to describe everything from war to gardening. My personal favorite was the 1970’s Michelin XAS tyre, the first asymmetric car tyre. A friend put a set on his Mini Cooper, they stuck like glue.

Brother Ma

Chile is too small and powerless as you know. Asymmetric has the same meaning for ages and stems from science where two sides do not match perfectly.


Well lets be real and look the facts as SF reported, Russia never retaliates never. I mean what should happen for Russia to respond in any way.I mean Russia will only retaliate only if Moscow is been under rocket attack or some ballistic missile. Russia never retaliates, perhaps the current administration of Mr. Putin is lacking the retaliatory measures.


Be grateful Russia does not respond/retaliate to idiots.


The mere fact that the Albanians are now being used to inflame tensions with Russia, is yet another reason to believe that the US is in deep shit.

A hole so full of shit, that only a major war with Russia and China can have any hope of saving the US deep state Zio-Mafia.

Brother Ma

Either that Florian or even paltry Albanians can slap the Russians and get away with it. A few kicks to the bullies would not go astray; in Albanian- occupied Kosovo and Syria.


Tyranny’s have always failed in time, often to be replaced by another tyranny.

NATO will fall, and such falls are hastened when Tyranny’s have used predator warlord gangs to control and tax the general populations.

This is exactly what the US Coalition of Terror is doing today.


But man, that’s the problem all world see Russia for Fools. WHY. That hurts me tho. For once I really want them to respond, so then no one fucks with them.


I feel the same but I know that if Russia responded ( no matter how) Russia will become the prime object of more attacks and this will develop into a global problem, a world war. This is what Russia is avoiding. Plus, there is another front line where the Russians are winning big time. Take all those frequent provocations as a sign of desperation from the zio-mafia.They are desperate and frustrated. Their piggy box is getting empty. No more funds for wars that generate incomes for them. Once they have no funds to support their armies of mercenaries or regulars they will have to back off. It is a process. Patience and faith!

Brother Ma

I have always been anti Murica World Order. Yet ,you cant touch them whilst they have reserve currency. so far Russia and china just talk re alternative currency and just dabble in it. We need Russo –chinese internet,phones ,worldwide glonass ,goldbacked sino Russo currency ,system out of American controlled money settlements and world-wide reach news like fox ,CNN etc. Rt is a start but ziozcontrolled. Etc

Until then nothing will change and supporters like me will only lose heart.


Oh brother, they have been touched and shaken up already. Pity, you don’t see it. Would they go bananas for no reason?

Tommy Jensen

So you insinuate I am an idiot? In my opinion Im not.


Hi Tommy, I insinuated nothing. I told you straight in your face that you are an idiot.


The good news is, when Russia does retaliate, you and everybody you know will die very quickly.


Sure man if it comes to that no problem, but they don’t retaliate if they are not attacked first. Russia is ready and have army to defend itself. For defense Yes they will hold back the Americans and the whole North American Terrorist Organisation – NATO, but for offense they can do good to some level in countries that are inviting them like Syria to combat terrorism. That’s is Putins admin.


If a war starts, they will nuke every major city in the USA, and the UK. It’s the only way to win, and they know it.

Saso Mange

Meanwhile criminals of all ethnicity is brought to justice but Serbian media outrage and propaganda prevent further action. Most vocal proponents of promoting Kosovo as criminal state were in Belgrade, now they oppose actions against criminals? Funny. Problem here is that Kosovo authorities are close to find out who murdered Serbian community representative, man who was respected by both Serbs and Albanians. Serbian wet dream is Russia coming to do their dirty work for them. At least Russia is smarter than that, which Russian officials proved many times.

Brother Ma

Sometimes you can cut off your nose to spite your face. Russia and Gaddafi did nothing to help Cyprus against the Turks . Russia because Makarios was too neutral for them and he was too leftie and commie for the Yankees. So what happened? Russia lost a perfect opportunity to lock down the whole East Med and the Middle East! Bad move!

Gaddafi ,although secular and progressive and not too unfriendly to Makarios helped the Turks. What happened ?the Turks who were always feral Moslems got more feral and were prime instigators and cutthroats to unseat and murder him for their American master’s wishes. The Turks are still there landing arms and jihadis to help nato’s pet Libyan gov! Haha

Sometimes ,you do deserve to pay for your mistakes and crimes. Gaddafi and Russia are now!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Russia will respond the same way they responded to SAS and CIA contractors in Syria directly killing Russian citizens. They did not respond. Russia fears Israel and their zionist allies for reasons that I cannot comprehend.


In my opinion this report is complete inane garbage. Is there some Ukranian influence at work here.

To intimate that without a Russian military response to the cowardly attack on their Russian diplomat is showing Russian weakness , is just the sort of infantile narrative we have come to expect from the US and her partners in crime.

Astrid Watanabe

This article brought many thoughtful comments, so I recommended it.


Each time you don’t respond in kind the bully will up the ante and you lose a little more respect. Today most chuckle when Russia responds with the usual “It’s undiplomatic,,, or It’s against international law,,, or We will respond asymmetrically”. At some point the prodding will force Russia to respond but by then it will be a major event rather than a low level punishment incursion and the Bullies will be ready…..

Brother Ma



Putin is a good christian, he will turn the other cheek . lol


Russia is probably the only country in the World where the very concept of forgiveness out of respect for the victim and oneself is still alive; AND nobody, absolutely NOBODY outside Russia is capable of coming ANYWHERE near to understanding the fact.

Whether the above stated is a good or a bad thing is another matter altogether ..

S Melanson

WHO is the author? There is practically no doubt in my mind that this inflammatory and anonymous article is psyop.

The psyop header has two parts. The article starts off describing the event in a way to incite indignation and anger. This is followed by what is at stake dependent on Russia’s response and I quote:

“Nonetheless, the developing situation poses a serious threat to the Russian prestige and influence in the Balkans and the international scene” (Author’s emphasis)

The articles agenda to incite Russia towards serious escalation is pretty obvious given the bold faced points later in the article, there is no subtlety here. The footer of the article starts by throwing down the gauntlet that Russia’s response is no response in the eyes of the anonymous author: All is waiting for a Russian response.” (Author’s emphasis)

What the response should be is very telling:

“Moscow responded to a military action against its diplomat in the diplomatic field only. In the established situation, Russia would save its face in the event of changing the current language of statements to the language of ultimatums and real actions against both the Kosovo and Albanian leadership.” (my emphasis)

Note that the article ends with a reiteration of what is at stake that was laid out in the article header which is pretty classic psyop. As for the agenda, describing the incident as a military action is very similar to the claim that Russian interference in the 2016 election was an attack on America. Ultimatums instead of diplomacy sounds very familiar as well and the author must be an admirer of Bolton and Pompeo. So basically Russia should adopt the American approach to diplomacy – hyperbole and ultimatums.

This psyop is perhaps more sophisticated then at first glance although unclear to me if this was intentional or by chance. Russia has embraced Eurasionist ideology which espouses independent paths for nations and cultural groups. Meaning Russia should chart out an independent path as opposed to copying the West. And so we have here the author telling russia to copy the US.

Further, Dugin has put forward a neo-Eurasionist ideology that suggests Russia chart an independent path that is opposite of Western hedonistic values. Putting aside that path that is an antithesis is not independent, the author’s thesis of copying the US is an attack on the new Russian ideology that is still weakly embedded in Russian iidentity, needing more time.


I agree with what you say, especially ” which is pretty classic psyop”. It is clear to me that the brightest minds that NATO possess are the incubator of this amateur psyop. Scripal 2.0

As for the psyop authors statement that Russia wishes to take over Europe, ‘he/she/not sure’ is effectively saying that Russia wished to cohabit in the Lunatic Asylum that is NATO today.

Living by choice in Bedlam is insane and Russians as a nation were forced to live through this kind of murderous insanity during Stalin’s era. Russian ‘DNA’ is now largely inoculated from such destructive propaganda :)

S Melanson

I did not see in the article Russia wants to take over Europe. Maybe I missed it.

Although Russian DNA may be inoculated, they are still trying with below the belt blows. One other thing, I found the article rather strange and there are other articles I found weird and this is becoming more frequent. Just something not sitting right.

Maybe I am losing my mind.


A few commenters here have noticed that more articles seem to be crafted to diminish Russian actions and cause dissent. Actions that have in reality prevented the domination of the Middle East as the precursor for yet more US friendly states that are controlled by warlord gangs if criminals.

If the US gets her way, and by extension the US masters in Tel Aviv and London, all of the world would become a hell hole to live in.

Perhaps its as simple as some of money needed to run Southfront now comes with strings and journalists attached.

S Melanson

Love your ending – “…comes with strings and journalists attached.”


Many a true word etc :)


Hear hear.


Just hang few Albanians from EU, I’m sure the police in EU will say thanks and maybe they get the idea.

Brother Ma

I agree. Yet make sure they are past members of the MLS. There are many ways Russia can react asymmetrically and still project power ,but it does not!


I think the momentum is lost

Brother Ma

Sad but better late than ever. The biggest frauds are the Far Right in Germany. All talk and no action. They were tough on Lawabiding moslem migrants for decades but when real invaders came in from the Middle East they sit on their hands. Nancy boys .Maybe the German population are just all Moslem descendants already. God knows I saw enough Turks there!


Yeah, also in Sweden I didn’t see a shop owner that was local. “Far Right” are not real far right, Germans and Swedes have decades of brainwashing that it’s totally ok to be replaced by other culture, still they work hard for the future of EU, nonsense huh? :)


The Kosovo authorities embarrassed themselves showing that they’re degenerate low lives. Just like the US frequently does on an unfortunately much larger scale. With it’s support for Israel being the biggest embarrassment of them all in recent times. Such as the despicable murder of 3,000 of it’s non Jewish citizens in New York on 911 for the Jews.

Though dropping atomic bombs on innocent Japanese civilians at the end of WW2 was another act of horrendous mass murder.


How will Russia respond, that’s easy peasy.

They will continue their attack against the US economy with their allies in the “Feedom Alliance”(sorry for the cheesy Amerispeak) in the only way to win, without killing billions, economics. Russia and China just signed a deal to trade in Yuan and Rubles, bypassing the dollar. That’s $100 billion the American money changers won’t get to tax(bank fees). But more importantly, China imports nearly 9 million barrels of oil a day, and without the added cost of American money changing fees it will be cheaper to buy Russian oil, unless China can force other suppliers to pay the American tax for them. Either way China gets cheaper oil and or Russia makes more profit. The removal of the American tax makes Chinese products more competitive than countries forced to pay tax(tribute) to the USA.

The trade war started by America is already having an effect, the US dollar is falling and gold is rising.

Tommy Jensen

Not much. The dollar is still high and gold is still below 1340.


Let the Russians act whenever they want, just remember WWII.

Black Waters

Fuck the U.S puppets provocations. Put your effort developing IA, software, and digital economy.

Civil unrest will grow in the U.S- If you want to win in the long term you shouldn’t behave like you are a fucking gangster, but expose what the U.S really is.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x