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How YouTube Uses Its Algorithms To Get Rid Of ‘Alternative Media’

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On April 19, SouthFront drew attention to the recent attacks on the project and strange things observed on YoutTube.

The Jimmy Dore Show has recently released a vide on the topic. It’s entitled “YouTube Admits Not Notifying Subscribers & Screwing With Algorithms” and clearly explains how YouTube uses its algorithms to get rid of ‘alternative media’ and to promote the mainstream narrative.

Don’t believe YouTube, don’t wait for notifications. Check updates on SouthFront and other YouTube channels by yourself.

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Paul James

Thats too funny – a few mins after I wrote the following your article shows up – great job South Front! https://southfront.org/how-youtube-uses-its-algorithms-to-get-rid-of-alternative-media/

I am curious what you think people – I have posted provoking content like the following: https://www.facebook.com/notes/paul-james/public-service-announcement-about-your-enslavement/866672440191139/ It has been posted to groups with 100k members, 1M+ members and the document got 4 shares, 14 reads! When I look at the groups – I see the post but question is – what do others see? How much of our important content is being blocked is what I am wondering… Since my original page and feed was cut in 2013 that had 4700 subscribers my entire fascist book page and feed has been severely crippled .. i guess this bark is to say that it appears to me that meaningful content is likely being manipulated more than can possibly know for we do not know what we would be seeing if we were playing fare free speech platform! I see the same BS going on twitter as the recent Google whistle blower exposed!


Use TOR BROWSER and use the button ( top left corner of TOR. which allows you to change IP addresses.

Some IPS, especially Germany IPS. are blocking content with strange, literally, unbelievable excuses.

I sometime have to change 4 or more IPS before I get the full, or ANY, content of a particular site I want to view

We have to, now work much harder, to get what we want


Videos of targeted users are filtered & merely relegated, so that people can hardly see their videos! .There is no equal growth opportunity on YOUTUBE or any other video sharing site, your channel will grow if they want to!!!!!


The ZioNazi Way… Kick Everything they Have Created out of the Door….or Create Good Substitutes and Alternatives

John Brown

Stop crying about it and start doing something about it instead. Give out alternative video sharing links on your website permanently, just like everyone needs to stop using the racist supremacist Jewish SWIFT and the federal reserve racist supremacist Jewish dollar. I have to say this site is dumb in not starting to transition away from You Tube a long time ago. What did South Front expect to happen?????


At least Some Alt media Sites are starting to TALK about SOLUTIONS : http://insidetheeyelive.com/the-fetch-on-brexit-party-ep45-4-17-18/ and https://youtu.be/HD1Y2_jFlHc

My CAVEAT – I don’t agree with all the details as some conclusions are the result of FAULTY and DELIBERATE incomplete, uninformed and deceptive information/knowledge, such as the persistent erroneous idea that WHITES are the innocent and only victims. That is the consequence of the lack of HISTORICAL understanding that what is happening to Whites, is exactly what HAPPENED BY WHITES against Black and Brown people, on other continents, including the Americas and in fact, still is !

The result is that we are witnessing the “Chickens are coming home to roost”, such as in South Africa, so–to-speak. Two WRONGS don’t make a RIGHT, morally speaking, but it is “ Natural Law” as people wake up to the TRUTH about their oppressors, slaughtered Ancestors and stolen lands.

I am sure MOST of you will NOT agree, with what I consider erroneous, but that is, again the result of previous indoctrination with FALSE History, especially by some so–called “Christian” religions and Government educational systems, and of course, lack of COURAGE to face truth about Europeans( “Whites”) and your ancestors

Not a pleasant thought, but TRUE.

John Brown

nice try Mossad but the Goyim are now united against your racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire. racist evil Jews confessed they ran and still run the african, white and asian slave trades. part 1 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ Jews enslaving blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA They are from “SOS Racism” some of the very few good non racist Jews so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.

John Brown

part 2 Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below part 1 of 4 Michael Ben Ari Israeli Knesset member. Like I said nothing beats the confession, don’t take my word for anything listen to them for yourself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s

Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png

John Brown

part 3 A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe ‘Teen told she can’t join Birthright without DNA test’ http://www.timesofisrael.com/teen-told-she-cant-join-birthright-without-dna-test/ A professor from St. Petersburg, Russia, is claiming that in an act of “blatant racism,” his daughter was made to undergo a DNA test in order to prove that she’s Jewish – and eligible for a Birthright trip to Israel. see google the telegraph as my links to it here are now blocked Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. He said: “Over a number of years, Jewish blood has mixed with non-Jewish blood in our community. So would the DNA test show that we are Jewish? Maybe not. So are people then going to say that we are not Jewish and dash the hopes of the rest of the community to move here? Even if it is not proven according to a DNA test, we feel Jewish and we will still be Jewish.” Take the racial purity test to see if you are part of the superior racist and supremacist master race. You know even the Nazis and the KKK did not do this kind of racist stuff.

John Brown

Part 5 The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. “Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. “His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together. According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7893b725a257adba9a9468bab8686b5f4e8690465821609319e72e9d2fe83901.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c8e15744174a9b934ed8f9eb62418436bfb92fe3b773423a4bad9151a2431e83.jpg

John Brown

Part 6 Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution – Professor Antony Sutton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaFklTLNy8c Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6p1zxKnDeM In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags. 11 of the 12 Gulag extermination camp commanders were Jews. Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews.. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka”


It’s called Jewtube for a reason.


We need some Algorithms to get Rid of YouTube… Time for a Good Replacement….


I have noticed the censorship for a while now. RIGHT NOW if I search “North Korea” on Bing and on Youtube the only stories that appear are from Main Stream and other pro U.S. liberal news sources. If I want news from Southfront or Russia Insider I have to type their names in myself. On a side note: RT is starting to look like controlled opposition to me now. Despite the good articles and interviews they have provided, they have been harping a lot on Racism, Gun Control, Animal Rights, Discrimination and other liberal attack points used in the U.S. by liberal progressives for decades now. Look out Russia because it is Media like that who have destroyed morality and liberty in our society.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Here is an entire news article on the subject of pressureship to force sites or individuals or organisations to change their narrative. https://dailystormer.name/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Screen-Shot-2018-04-20-at-1.20.55-AM.png


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