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HTS, Al-Qaeda & Turkish-Backed Factions Launch Large Counter-Attack In Southeast Idlib

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A coalition of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), al-Qaeda groups and Turkish-backed factions has launched a large counter-attack in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

The attack, which started in the afternoon of December 28, is targeting the towns of Jarjanaz and al-Tah. Both towns were captured by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) earlier this month.

Opposition activists are claiming that the militants have recaptured Jarjanaz. However, pro-government sources said that heavy clashes are still ongoing in the town’s outskirt.

HTS, Al-Qaeda & Turkish-Backed Factions Launch Large Counter-Attack In Southeast Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

According to sources close to the SAA’s 25th Special Forces Division, previously known as the Tiger Forces, the army has destroyed two suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs). The two car bombs attempted to attack positions in the vicinity of Jarjanaz and al-Tah.

HTS and allies are apparently trying to take advantage of the bad weather conditions in Greater Idlib, which grounded both the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS).

The upcoming few hours will likely be decisive for the fate of Jarjanaz and al-Tah. Pro-government sources claim that the SAA was expecting an attack on the two towns.

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Gary Sellars

Let the rats scurry forth. The SAA will kill these fucking vermin and then advance to burn out their nests.


Russian aircraft have an ‘all weather capability’ , so they should be able to intervene.

Azriel Herskowitz

You think Soviet era junk has all weather capability? These Russkie planes are currently grounded because the weather is too harsh for them to strike more civilians.

Gary Sellars

Be silent, filthy Jew sucker of jihadist cock.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hi Mustafa, the weathers not that bad over Idlib today, just a bit of rain and a shower or two, Russian aircraft could easily operate in it, though if there was any low cloud cover it might make it more difficult to acquire targets. But tomorrow’s going to be an even better day, not much rain and even some sunshine, so even Turkish aircraft could operate there tomorrow.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

exactly, i was surprised to read they had to stop because of the weather

Gary Sellars

No, the weather had nothing to do with any temporarily cessation of air strikes. More likely its a lull for tactical reasons.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yea because those planes are supposed to be all weather

You can call me Al

Nuke the remaining area of IDLIB under terrorist control, I am sick of this bollocks.


Your sick of this bollix. Think SAA are a lot more sick of it. It has been terminal for a lot of good SAA troops. So bear with it Al. By the way, could not find the Faux Sable Ushanka when getting my Xmas tree down from the attic. Will have another look when I’m putting it back on the 6/7 Jan.

You can call me Al

Cheers and have a happy new year.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Al Tanf first, that’d be enough to scare all the rest of them out of Idlib, and everywhere else too, even the US and Turkey would have to make a hasty exit too. But give them a warning first, Trump deserves that at very least, if Obama was still in power I’d say give them no warning at all, the nukes themselves would be the warning.

Mustafa Mehmet

With 4 million civilian. not bad idea you mad bloodsucker

You can call me Al

They are all scum up there.


This war is going to take years more to win. Does Syria have a foreign volunteers division? How about a 60-120 day basic Arabic course for volunteers with a chance at citizenship?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

But could take only days or weeks to win if all the planets aligned. Assad has about 100,000 militia factions on his side, that’s on top of his 200,000 regular SAA.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

On the opposition side it’s the Turkish supported SNA and NFL that’ve done the most damage so far, all those Turkish supplied weapons sure do help in their fight against the SAA, those factions that don’t get the brand new Turkish equipment don’t do nearly as well, they just have to rely on the NLF and SNA hand me downs, all the old crappy and obsolete equipment Turkey supplied them with years ago. So what’s the morale of the story then, DON’T LET ERDOGAN GIVE THEM THE WEAPONS, If anything bigger than a motorbike could make it across the border and make it’s way down the highway to join the fighting in southern Idlib I’d be surprised, Russian satellites missiles and aviation would prove they couldn’t, that’s if they wanted to.

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