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HTS Arrested American Journalist\Propagandist Bilal Abdul Kareem

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On August 13, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) arrested Bilal Abdul Kareem, an American journalist working in the Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

Abdul Kareem runs On the Ground News, an outlet that has been promoting terrorist groups in Syria, including HTS, for several years.

“HTS have arrested Bilal Abdul Kareem from Atma town in northern rural Idlib. He was assaulted and taken to an unknown location by masked HTS members,” On the Ground News said in a brief statement.

A few hours before his arrest, Abdul Kareem shared a report accusing HTS of torturing British aid worker Tauqir Sharif. Abdul Kareem claimed that infamous British doctor, Shajul Islam, covered up the torture of Sharif during his first arrest in June.

HTS accused Sharif of “mismanaging” relief funds and supporting some projects that “incited division” in Greater Idlib. The group presented no evinced to the public to back its accusations.

Abdul Kareem’s support for Sharif’s case generated much pressure on HTS, which was forced to release him on bail on July 15. Back then, scandalous photos of Abdul Kareem were leaked. HTS was blamed for this.

Sharif was arrested again by HTS earlier this week. Abdul Kareem interviewed Sharif’s wife, who confirmed that he was tortured by the group and that he even confronted his torturer before his second arrest.

The arrest of Abdul Kareem was expected by many local observers. The iron fist of HTS’ regime in Greater Idlib doesn’t tolerate any criticism.


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John Wallace

HTS have done something good for a change. Was he the one in Aleppo or Ghouta praising all that HTS and its earlier versions were doing. Hope he enjoys his holiday..


Yes he is the big mouth who was in Aleppo,i don”t know how he got out alive,with any luck the white helmets can come and collect his head,thats a real possibility.

<- K-A-J

The very same qu33r, yes!

Servet Köseoğlu

good job…he cant benefit from green card..


he was born in the USA…

j m

BullSh_t… They guy’s a British agent. Probably underassumed. They just closed out his operation, with a convoluted storyline and HTS allegedly playing a role that may or may not have happened. Bottom line, media BS.

j m

Probably operated out of a studio, in London.

<- K-A-J

No… probably Al-Tanf base or a studio in Amman or Doha!


pump him up!!!!!!!!!! pump him up!!!!!!!!!!!!

j m

So, just a paid vlogger actor? Sorta like the 5-5 character? Wow. Oh, and by the way, you ruin Netflix with your ‘Black Widow’ BS.


This is what drugs does…


This must be the terrorists version of ‘canceling’ someone. Groupthink is NOT optional in cults, it’s mandatory.

Assad must stay

Hahaha I thought he was a supporter of the rats

Gary Sellars

He was, and he was stupid to think that carrying water for terrorists would get himself a pass for what Wahabbism considers his perverted immorality.

Loving it! Hope he suffers long and hard.


Wow, big news for a change. Ain’t life a joker for salafist cowards with big mouths (and in his case, also fancy “personal” nudes). He just became an exemplification of what goes around , comes around. Push your luck too much and get burnt. Enjoy the HTS jails you sent so many innocent people to, asshole.


? Wondered when this wld happen.. Ever since rhis American Gigolo Abd Kareem’s naked selfies flooded the internet (one with a woman who was NOT his wife); it was only a matter of time that this “burnt CIA operative” posing as a Muslim journalist had to be removed as the embarrassment caused doesn’t fit with the “Islamic” propaganda needed to fool the sheeple (m)asses?

James Adams

So hes a terrorist journalist? Why should we care what happens to him.

<- K-A-J

Arrested eh… Billy is probably being tortured in someone’s basement dungeon enduring lots of anal probes and electric shocks on his todger… He’s probably chained up, and having a really awful, awful time!!!!! Who knows Billy boy, you might use some of those pics on Grinder….

Gary Sellars

Rat-scum turn on each other. Law of the jungle, and these insane savages will never elevate themselves above primitive thuggery.


He thought for a moment that he was back in America and that he could say whatever he wanted – LOL!

<- K-A-J

…and that he could *do* whatever he wanted, judging by those beautiful cute sexy nudies he posted on Grindr!!!


The basket ball player. Interesting what he is up to.

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