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HTS Sustained Heavy Losses In Failed Attack In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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New photos have revealed heavy losses that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies suffered from during their recent failed attack in southeastern Idlib.

The photos, which were released by Syrian journalist Abd al-Ghani Jarukh on August 27, show an armoured personnel carrier built on the basis of a T-55 battle tank and an up-armored BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), which were destroyed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) during the failed attack.

HTS Sustained Heavy Losses In Failed Attack In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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HTS Sustained Heavy Losses In Failed Attack In Southeastern Idlib (Photos)

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A coalition of HTS, the al-Qaeda-affiliated Wa Harid al-Muminin operations room and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) launched an attack in southeastern Idlib in morning of August 27 with the declared aim of reaching a Russian position near the town of Abu Dail.

However, the attack was repelled within a few hours. Pro-government sources said that at least 37 militants were killed.

The failed attack reveals that the militants are not only still committed to their aggressive policies, but are even planning to further escalate the situation around Greater Idlib by attempting to target Russian troops.

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klove and light

israel’s Iraq strikes launched from Kurdish-held parts of Syria, backed by Saudi: Official Wed Aug 28, 2019 09:52AM [Updated: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:04AM ] HomeMiddle EastIraq

Members of the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or Hashd al-Sha’abi carry the coffin of their comrade Kazem Mohsen, known by his nom de guerre Abu Ali al-Dabi, during his funeral procession in Najaf, Iraq, August 26, 2019. (Photo by AFP) A senior Iraqi official says the recent Israeli drone attacks targeting a pro-government military force in the Arab country had the backing of the Saudi regime and were launched from the areas controlled by US-backed Kurdish militants in neighboring Syria. The official, who has knowledge of the latest intelligence briefing from Baghdad’s security services, told the Middle East Eye news portal on Tuesday that the attacks were conducted from bases belonging to the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-backed anti-Damascus alliance of mainly Kurdish militants. “The drone attacks were launched from SDF areas with the financing and backing of the Saudis,” said the official, who was speaking on condition of anonymity. The latest such drone attacks struck Sunday a convoy of Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or Hashd al-Sha’abi near the Iraqi town of al-Qa’im close to the Syrian border. It killed Kazem Mohsen, 45th PMU Brigade logistical support chief who was also known by his nom de guerre Abu Ali al-Dabi, and severely wounded another fighter. The PMU said the United States was providing air support to Israel for the strikes. Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iraqi source said the plan to target the PMU was hatched during a visit by Saudi Arabia’s Persian Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer al-Sabhan to the SDF-held Syrian area in June. Sabhan, he added, offered funds to the SDF in return for their base being used as a launchpad for the strikes. The Iraqi official also stressed that northern Syria was used to launch the attacks as Israeli drones do not have the range needed to hit targets in Iraq from the occupied territories. “Israeli personnel were operating the drones from SDF-controlled bases,” he said.

Pave Way IV

I really wanted to believe this article, but Saudis paying off the Kurd faction of SDF to allow Israel to launch a drone attack from one of the US bases in NE Syria?

On the other hand, why not? How could things get any more insane there? I suppose Israelis could have launched it from one of the US bases in Kurdistan northern Iraq. Barzani must be starving nowadays without his oil grifting business selling discount oil to the Israelis. The US (and Israel and the Saudis) have never given up on the Iraq and Syria partitioning plan. Schemes like this are exactly why they love the idea.

Jens Holm

I am that kind of sceptic too. Saudis might support SDFs but not like that.

Jens Holm

It could be like that, but its very very biased enemy talk. Some better verification is needed.

From a military point of view I wonder how Israelians can bring Drones in secret into the SDF zone.

More likely to me its true Israel somehow is acepted by the american base “south of Ramadi” as looking away in a long “coffe break” because “we dont like Iranians as well”.

They might be allowed by Saudi Territory, which is not so far away. When Saudis by USA was not allowed to support ISIS anymore(where ISIS probatly got their last TOWs from), the new Leader in Saudiarabia told:

He would support Israel, enemies to Hesbollah in Lebanon and maybee some few Ryalkeds to SDFs.

Rhodium 10

Thats why PMU launched 2 rockets vs US base in Ninive…anyway I think Israel launch these attacks Drones from Al Tanf base because form there have range to hit Damascus and Bagdad!…it would be a risk to launch attacks from US Iraqi bases…it would lead a response of the PMU!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

unfortunately the terrain in Iraq does not favor guerilla warfare and unconventional warfare, so the PMU would need to highly modify their tactics and strategy if they want to fight a war with us occupiers

Jens Holm

Those few remaining tanks only should be used as last defence. If they can, they from a military point shoud use only RPGs and up by sigle person or small groups loosig onlyfew people at a time and making more chance for enemy losses.

I dont know if they have any RPGs.

As for many other armies, the troops there at least has to be killed for something and not as spendable.

Pave Way IV

Not that it would have ever succeeded, but grabbing a few Russian soldiers for hostages makes this a potentially high-value attack for the head-choppers. Worth risking the last few pieces of their armor (at that southeastern front). Alternative is to sit in some defensive position and wait until the RuAF bakes them alive in their scrap-heap rolling coffins.

RPGs are too inaccurate and too short-range to be much of a factor here, Jens. Head-choppers are usually dead by time Tigers/SAA get that close. Kind of hard to light one off without announcing your location, which will be well within range of a SAA rifleman (who will quickly answer with one of their own RPGs). SAA, itself, hasn’t lost much armor to ATGMs for the size of this campaign. They’re not exposing it way in front of their ground forces like they did previously.

Jens Holm

You are right, but tanks in the open as seen on the photo is waste.

Its a proposel only and I allowed me to from a military point to spread the risk as well as chances for hitting at least something.


I’m sure they have shitloads of RPG’s. RPG’s have glutted the insurgency market since like the 70’s. I’m more amazed that despite the RuAF and SyAF ruling the skies over Idlib the Jihadi’s still have armor and can still move that armor around the Idlibistan Terrorist Reservation. Which tells me that the RuAF and SyAF may have full air superiority, they do not seem to do much battlefield interdiction. The Headchoppers can still move large kit around, concentrate it and cause problems. Which I reckon may be a consequence of the Russians never having placed that big a priority on battlefield interdiction as their Western counterparts. During WW2 the Wehrmacht was still able to move about troops and vehicles and supplies on the Eastern Front, even conduct local air operations even as late as 1945, whereas on the Western Front anything German that even farted got hit by JaBo’s around 1943. That doesn’t mean that the Russians didn’t do and still do close air support very well, but just not this part of the air power spectrum.

Pablo Rivera

The difference is that contrary to what MSM says, Russia does not bomb civilian areas deliberately


No arguments there. If the RuAF was into carpetbombing civilian areas indiscriminately then why were Russian aircraft always seen taking off with only minimal bombloads? When you take off with minimal bombloads you’re either going to travel long distances, so you sacrifice payload for range, or you don’t have to use a massive bombload as you’re confident in that you’re going to hit your target. Since Idlib is right around the corner for the RuAF the payload for range argument doesn’t apply. And you can’t carpetbomb indiscriminately with minimal bombloads.

And that’s excluding the fact that terrorbombing your opponents into submission has never worked against a determined opponent. The Blitz did not force the British into submission. Ploughing over German cities did not force the Germans into submission. Ploughing over rebel held territories in Syria to make them submit is a gross waste of precious resources. When you factor in that both the RuAF contingent and the SyAF are relatively small to the task at hand, that for most of the war the SAA was fighting on too many fronts clamoring for air support, that Jihadi supply lines had to be disrupted, considering all that, wasting the overstretched air forces on something that has historically delivered such poor dividend is an incredible waste of limited available air power.

But that won’t stop the MSM from making wild statements. Because they never let facts stand in the way of carefully prepared Jihadi press kits when it suits their narrative.

You can call me Al

37 dead, lovely jubbly.

AM Hants

You sound like Del Boy on a good day. Wonder if Rodney is celebrating?

Icarus Tanović

He is, definitely with Boycie in Rags head, at Michael’s.

AM Hants

Haha, I do like bantering with RedTick/You can call me Al. Love Marlene.

Icarus Tanović

Oh Marlen, she’s a queen of sort. Love her too.

AM Hants


You can call me Al

Did you watch the spin off “The Green Green Grass”…https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6tmx7m

You can call me Al

Thank you.

AMH, everything between you and I is split straight down the middle: 60-40 …….(Del boy).

AM Hants

Haha, ‘One day they might make a musical about the Trotter family. Then, as a sequel, they could do Schindler’s List on ice.’ Rodney.

You’ve had more dogs than Crufts. The other day, Grandad took your suit to the cleaners. They found a muzzle in the pocket. DEL to RODNEY

You can’t trust the Old Bill, can ya? Look at that time they planted six gas cookers in my bedroom. DEL

Keeping my mouth shut, with regards the Marlene come back.

You can call me Al

Rooders, old Rodders is down the Rub-A-Dub, I’m off down with the carving wife laters…..

You cheeky so and so, I’m a bloody Northerner.

AM Hants

They’re yuppies. They don’t speak proper English like what we do. DEL

AM Hants

By the way, have you heard Baron Bell is dead? Have spent the morning, after hearing the news, in a very good mood.

Baron Timothy Bell, special adviser to Margaret Thatcher, who went on to create Bell Pottinger and Sans Frontieres, and brother of Common Purpose founder David Bell. I do find myself ranting about the brothers, on a regular basis. Find it a coincidence his death, came about, shortly after Epstein, but, my imagination just might be running away with me? Or is it a coincidence that so many Mossad Agents, appear to be finding their way down to Lucifer?


Maybe the person in charge has changed and they’re shaking the tree a bit. No loyalty amongst these monsters.

You can call me Al

Arhh, I must admit, I did not recognise the name … but I do remember the face, now I looked him up. A nasty man – kiddy fiddler probably as well.

AM Hants

I rant about him and his brother all the time. Didn’t he leave Saatchi, just after showing a bit too much of himself, whilst looking out the bathroom window? Which just happened to face Hampstead Heath? Been told so many stories, of what goes on down Hamstead Heath, and going back in time.

Anybody linked into ‘Common Purpose’, the organisation his brother runs, my first thought is ‘friends of Saville’, whether guilty or not guilty.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

but but according to MrJihadsky and jihadi_on_alert, the freedom fighting rebels have retaken all of Syria and are at the gates of Aleppo!


“The battle for Ta’manah has begun this evening as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies attempt to take hold of this key town in the southern region of the Idlib Governorate.” AMN News https://mobile.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-syrian-army-storms-strategic-town-in-southern-idlib/


These guys think that fighting the Russian army is the same as fighting the SAA army. They must be out of their mind.


excellente news :)

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