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HTS, Turkish-Backed Factions Retreat From Three Towns In Western Aleppo

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On February 15 eve, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and Turkish-backed factions retreated from three towns in western Aleppo following a ground assault by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The towns of Ajil, Uwayjil and al-Mansura were captured by the army and its allies, according to several pro-government sources.

HTS, Turkish-Backed Factions Retreat From Three Towns In Western Aleppo

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The SAA began its advance in the western Aleppo countryside on February 15 by capturing the town of Kafr Naha. Later, the army advanced in the western and northwestern outskirts of Aleppo city, securing several urban areas.

The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) are providing army troops in western Aleppo with a close air support. Dozens of airstrikes are targeting militants’ positions and equipment in the region.

The remaining militants’ positions in western Aleppo appear to be on the brink of complete collapse. This will very likely happen within a few days, if the army maintains the speed of its advance in the region.

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Tim Williams

run you filthy rats … RUN !!!!


This is a good chunk of territory to secure Aleppo city. ! think Erdogan is starting flustered, seems he only has a partial ceasefire for other areas of Idlib. GO SAA

Tim Williams

No ceasefire except for humanitarian one on Sunday … Turks MUST remove all their observation posts in SAA areas .. that’s the deal


Has there been any news of this? Doubt that Erdogan wants to show any weakness by vacating the surrounded posts.This would not make the Jihadist happy. Erdogan is in a tough spot now. LOVE IT !


maybe he will go after the kurds again to distract the turkish public opinion, they are his reason détre.


You could say that he’s between a rock and a casket.


I hope he is between a sword and a bayonet.

Zionism = EVIL

It is great to see the SAA turn into a very skilled and motivated military in such a short time, thanks largely to Russian military rearmament program and the large number of T-90 in the frontlines spell doom for the terrorists and even Turkeys. As I have said before, the SAA today is the best military in the Arab world with a great amount of combat experience against the best the NATO faggots could throw at it.


Pave Way IV

T-90s are nice, but I think the biggest contribution Russia made to the SAA was restructuring them to emphasize a capable, responsible line of command that has the respect of the Syrian troops. The ‘old’ Syrian army was a sadly typical Arab army with mostly useless, pampered career commanders from the political elite ruling clan that really didn’t give a shit about the average soldier. I’m sure the feeling was mutual. Kind of like the Saudi Army today.

Contrast Russia’s approach in Syria to the U.S. in Afghanistan: we armed and trained the shit out of Afghan soldiers and try to motivate them, but they’re ultimately fighting for the security of their corrupt, U.S. puppet government-run Afghanistan and fighting under corrupt, depraved military commanders living large at their expense. You would think the U.S. would abandon that strategy after Vietnam. It was kind of a failure there, too. Iraq would have been a disaster if not for the Shia militia. I suspect the SDF is no different despite all the sappy socialism.


Problem is you need support of leaders and most such leaders are corrupt so US just increases that level of corruption. Doing it like what the Russians did took a great deal of time and effort. How many Russians died in training the Syrians?? Not just IRGC but Russian soldiers.. US is doing it in 50 countries, Russia is doing it in 1 or 2 countries.. They sure cant afford to lose that many soldiers in 50 countries. Look at US looses in afghanistan.. Imagine that happening on the scale that happened in Syria to the Russians in 50 countries.. The British actually did suffer this and by the end were making their janitors into Governor-Generals..


‘British actually did suffer this and by the end were making their janitors into Governor-Generals..’

And today the UK is suffering from inexperienced ‘janitors’ in all aspects of local and national government.

Add to that the ‘virtue signalling ‘ DEMANDS of pseudo religious pressure groups of all colours, and its an unholy mess in the UK.

Pave Way IV

Russia needs to take a well-deserved break after this. No single country should have to carry the burden of cleaning up militarily after another failed ZATO/Saudi terrorist shitshow. Russia will always be remembered for saving Syria, no matter how much anyone tries to re-write history in Wikipedia propaganda.

The only thing I worry about in the Syria of tomorrow. What will the overall political leadership look like? Syrian nationalism, Assad’s image and a hatred for ZATO/Turkey are probably enough to motivate a successful SAA through the end of the current head-chopper eradication phase. After that, It’s up to the Syrian government to produce a future Syria worth fighting for.

Syria will still be at war after the de-head-chopperization phase with the exact, same foreign interests trying to destabilize, partition and exploit Syria now. It’s just that instead of the SAA fighting low-IQ head-choppers, the Syrian government will be fighting professional psychopaths in business suits throwing around sacks of money for influence. If the Syrian government loses that phase of the war, then it won’t matter how well the SAA did against the head-choppers.

Zionism = EVIL

Your analysis is sound and factual.

Peter Jennings

Your analysis of the old Syrian military sounds very much like the present suadi military, supposedly fighting in Yemen.


@Zionism = EVIL. You homophobic arsehole.

Concrete Mike

Lighten up pussy.

Everyone is fair game here.


If everyone is fair game then you should not be going around white-knighting, fanny chops.


Humanitary what ! all ceasefire before have been for this proposes. So, forget about any ceasefire, keep on going up to the end (recovery of the whole Idlib territory, eliminating terrorists and their helper Turkey).


excellentes news!


The Young Turks

Tim Williams

The RATS took up an entire railroad line …. WTF ?



The Jihadi rats tore that up during the Aleppo campaign.

Complete factories were looted and sold in Turkey.


The rats will steal anything they can get their hands on. Though that rail line may have been just an industrial spur.


The main line from Aleppo to Damascus was stolen by the Jihadis in the early stages of the war.

Concrete Mike

Fucking turkish sponsored theives!!


We have a guy here in Belgrade (Serbia) who did a similar thing with the railroad. He made even the Main Railway Station (which existed since 1884) disappear from the center of the city. His name is Goran Vesic. Unfortunately, he is the deputy-mayor. And he is also being sponsored by the Emirates, like those guys in Syria.


What does the Emirates want from Serbia?

Semper Prudens



The destruction of Serbia perhaps ?


What good does a railroad, industry or anything modern do for backward jihadi rats? I would be surprised if even half of them knew what a railroad even does.


Scrap metals can be sold easily as can machinery.

Its the same mentality as the gipsey that steals a copper cylinder etc, that is worth little as scrap, BUT costs hundreds of pounds for the victim to replace it.






Zionism = EVIL

BREAKING NEWS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

US base in Iraq hit by a rocket attack

There have been several blasts at a US coalition occupation forces military base in Baghdad, caused by an apparent rocket attack, according to a US military official and several casualties are reported according to eyewitnesses.

Arch Bungle

Small rockets or big ones?

Zionism = EVIL

Looks like 122 mm grads but they did not the buildings.

Tim Williams



Most people in this world work hard to save for the down payment to purchase a house, and secure it with a 30 year mortgage; working hard through bad times and good times to pay it off at some point.

…the terrorist gangsters “RATS” don’t work, they can be of no economic value to themselves or to a country’s economic value. When an infestation of “RATS” invades a home, the homeowner calls an exterminator.





I am pleased that the citizens of Halab can feel safe in their own city once more


Karma is fast approaching for the terrorist cancer in Aleppo… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/085dfcf9d95744c9f58da17bbac428eb09644df25ddc1fd56521563a655e7772.jpg



Black Waters

Hahahahaha, You’re a meme lord.


I will take this as a compliment. 8)

Black Waters

It was.


Such a change from my first observation of Syria in 2014. From that point of view, the war has radically changed. The head choppers are a shadow of their former power. Where they once had hundreds or even thousands defendving areas, launching offensives, they now have dozens or less. This show in Idlib looks like it will fold fast. Their main defensive positions, prepared and stocked for years, have been overrun. The SAA has blown a huge hole in it and is surging into the center.

Their sponsors are terrified, having discovered Iran’s true power, with NATO looking each day more like an inept, paper tiger that is afraid to get real skin in the game. Israel is nolonger able to bomb anywhere, anytime at it’s discretion. When it does bomb, they have apparently been guided to fake targets. It is almost unbelievable to have witnessed this evolution of reality on the ground. The Kurds? Pfffffft.

And behind the scenes, the economic assistance being arranged, completely sets aside a place for the occidentals at the table. What a mind boggling turn of destiny. Just a few reflections all.


The terrorists opened up the way for the US and Turkey to occupy Syria. The situation has escalated. Many forces and actors are at play and what is presented may not what is actually happening. One would have to be a fool to trust any of them and the only participant who deserves any sympathy and respect are the Syrians. Apparently the Iraqi government is allowing NATO to resume ‘training’ of Iraqi military. What happened to the Iraqi Government’s demand for them to leave? BS is everywhere.


As the volume and effectiveness of attacks on Occidental deployments in Iraq increases, we will see how much they like ‘ training ‘ in Iraq. It sounds like the Iraqi’s trapped they. :P

But, with respect to Idlib, it is all over but the screaming.


” Apparently the Iraqi government is allowing NATO to resume ‘training’ of Iraqi military.” No, usa is asking nato to take over. No one has asked the government of Iraq.


Yeah, the parliament is in recess and the new prime minister is in the process of submitting his list of cabinet members. I have no idea how anybody equated that to it’s a green light in Iraq.


The US and NATO are the worlds self styled police emergency service. They never stop for Red LIghts and children :)

Josiah Isaboke

Because back then the SAA was fighting on close to 50 or more fronts with ISIS,USA,NATO,TURKEY,JORDAN,AL QUEDA ETC!!!Once they consolidated their efforts and became one army of battle hardened soldiers everything has been going like clockwork!!!Trust me even the Turks will have a super hard time if they try to go one on one with the SAA and now joined with YPG(Who will be seeking their sweet revenge).


Hello Josiah. I had read at one point of one number that was about 14,000 plus different rebel groups. All that is gone now.


There are still many thousands of Jihadi’s within Idlib. Are they being amassed, dressed in Turkish army uniforms and armed by the Turks in order to launch a large offensive?

IF it was successful, the Turks would claim that The Turkish Army ( dressed up headchoppers) is invincible.

IF such an offensive fails, the head choppers will be fertiliser and Erdo has rid himself of a large Jihadii insurrection INSIDE Turkey.

Whatever happens its a win win for Erdo. Or so he thinks anyway :)


After getting the door shut in his face in every Arab country he tried to pretend he is a friend of (apart of dodgy Qatar) Erdogan is now trying his last resort-country, the terrorismphiliac country of Pakistan.


Maybe Erdogan is looking ahead and making arrangements where to hide as the Syrian army is closing in to the Turkish border and Erdogan’s popularity with the Turkish public is sinking faster than the Titanic…

Zionism = EVIL

The corrupt Paki ISI which a CIA arselicker is providing the inept Turkeys MIT advice on how to arm the proxy terrorists in Syria with Stingers.

Concerned Reader

The situation can no longer be resolved as in previous cases: Fighters for extremist organisations cannot be transferred to a location where they pose less problems (in previous times that was Idlib) and no other country likes to take them back, including Turkey. According to Southfront Analysis there are still more than 20 000 of these extremist fighters.

The only places where Turkey might have a chance to transfer them are Libya (though only a small number simply due to a lack of transfer logistics) and northern Syria east of the euphrates or the Jarabulus and Afrin pockets. As previously such solutions will not lead to a peaceful situation it just shifts the problems to another place (for Turkey as well: Asking these fighters to become farmers might not be a viable solution). It looks as if Turkey has to enter into an open war with Syria if they do not want to loose all influence (as is the case in my opinion) which would be a nice possibility for NATO to offer assistance and gain more influence in Turkey. To avoid that, Russia and Iran must offer Turkey something to save their political fate but I have no clue what that could be (I hope Russia has an idea).

The other option might be that Syria feels strong enough to persist in an open war with Turkey, even though the large number of soldiers and military material is in Turkey’s favour. It looks to me a bit premature for Syria to engange in such a war and force Russia to use their military might. I am not sure, but I would say the situation for Syria improves if they manage to clear foreign (mainly US) forces from Irak to reduce the ease of attack for the US and its supporters on Syria from the East (as they will most likely engage in the case there are open attacks on Syria from Turkey).The other risk is that Isreal will engage in such a war as well. I am not sure whether the air and missile defense in Syria is strong enough to stop a US/Isreal missile and air attack, while engaging in open gorund hostitilies in Idlib.

strange times, but may be I do not quite understand the big picture


Erdogan is a crypto-jew.

All that ”we care about Palaistine” is just a facade to attract the Palestinian empathic Turkish voter and try to fool the Palestinians them selfs. Erdogan could leave politics all together today and go hide in Pakistan with the millions he has made in Syria (and Iraq while under isis occupation) through stealing Syrian oil and through smuggling illegal immigrants via the Greek islands of the Aegean Sea. Those are facts. But, because he is more than likely got a Napoleon Syndrome (complex) a mania for power, he will probably stay till the bitter end…

The fence he is been standing on though all this time (between NATO and Russia) is getting thiner by the hour …and its not a question of ”will he” fall but rather ”when” he is going to fall…


With a bit of luck, Erdo will impale himself on his own fence :)

Tim Williams

just stamp out as much vermin as possible … right now

Wolfgang Wolf

i guess you are american? nice try, but you should step out of your “russia must do this and that to survive” … thats not longer the fact…..

Tim Williams

updated map … it’s hard to keep up with all the changes that seem to be coming every 15 minutes …


Tim Williams

very little information on the joint YPG & SAA forces pushing south towards ALEPPO CITY … last I heard they had punched a hole 3 kilometers wide, 5 kilometers deep … unable to completely verify at this point …


Recover all your land Syria…

Tim Williams

Syria has just now opened 3 entrance points for those on foot, or vehicle to escape the rats. Now is your chance if you can get there.


Toni Liu

This just for show and no one will get out again because most of them are terrorist family that mostly will be future suicide bomber


Retreating, no kidding. Of course they are. They’re outflanked. This is the only sensible choice to make.

Tim Williams

these animals are sub IQ … many prefer to just fight and die where they stand


Sub IQ we all know that. But they are under orders of Turkey. They need to retreat to help their crime companions in other regions. They already lost apparently all their fortifications and elite units. Turkey ordered the retreat.

Tim Williams

ROCKETS fired at USA embassy in Baghdad



Tim Williams

yes .. I believe they want USA troops gone


Don’t we all.


We certainly do :)

Tim Williams

land liberated today …


Tim Williams

RUSSIAN forces on the M5 today setting up their new observation posts.


I dont get you all people get so wind up about Turkey.Turkey is intrested in a 30km stretchline towards their border,thats all.All this show they put up is just for domestic use.They would have reacted by now if they wanted something more.But why would they?In reality,they even happy if Assad controls it instead of them as long the kurds dont get it.The only force that can change borders in the world is the US and they dont give 2 cents about Syria any more.Its not a factor in any equation anymore as it is beeing destroyed back to the stone age,in Russian/Iranian debt for the next centuries.US will not let the oilfields go without a fight,as they will find enough minions to proclame some banana authonomy/republic under their protection around the oil.Russia will have hard time getting their money back unless they have some really masterplan thats more then Lavrov complaining about the “syrian oil” here and then.

Tim Williams

adults are here … does your mom know your playing on her computer again ?


Iq 50? Yea,looks like it.

Tim Williams

15 year old … maybe


Is it then your priest raped you? At 15?


Guess you prefer Turkish kebap dont you.


Whata bunch of retards.


A 7 comment troll is what you are that calls others retards…. Do you work for the Turkish gov or you are just a Turkish baboon that managed somehow to have left the country and made it to Germany or wherever you turks like to migrate to ?


You two had a lobotomy together or are just gay friends blowing eachother on the forums?


If you stay a little bit longer you ll find out by other people’s comments who here between us all is the lobotomised … But if you are in hurry just get a mirror …


Nah…i would rather have your sister or mother but they probably blowing some european christian guy for their visas already.Syrian pussy is in high demand from Bosphorus to Helsinki these days.




By the way retard, Greece is in the European union, we dont need no visas !

hahahahahahahah retard !


Yea,you sure talk like a gipsy lol.




Cretin. The American KoolAde has addled your small brain.


Concrete Mike

Go away turk apoligists. This topic is not for children.


Another brain dead…

Tim Williams

Both TU 160’s are back in the air over SYRIA after dropping 80 tons of thermos on the rats …


Tim, is this disinformation by you? TU 160 likes a fixed target, and does not base in Syria. :/

Tim Williams

it’s not based there … I think it’s just a temporary 48 – 72 hour operation …


These are his hopes and imaginations… source: his mind

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Maybe Assad will send some SAA to fight some of the Turkish terrorists in uniform supporting what is an Al Qaeda govt in Libya?

Tim Williams

not happening

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Might be worth doing just to send a message to Ankara.

Tim Williams

not going to happen … Syria needs every person on their soil for security and rebuilding … Syria has no such history of doing what you are suggesting


I am pretty sure Sisi could do that though… has every reason to.

Tim Williams

it’s in their inherent reason to have stability in Libya


Why bother?

Let NATO fight each other instead and just smile when the conflict spreads to the EU :)


I wonder if lifeforms like this exist off planet somewhere and if they’re sometimes present here temporarily. The unidentified trail print that I found south of Cheyenne Mt. at 9,000 foot elevation looks like it could have been made by something similar. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f90483bca2439296643272e4a2f108ed5b446161636b7a0b3586fdf5ad1f7f87.jpg


Close up. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f66d037c799dac8a82c82e09686019e382c8464c14029f909edce0355c767914.jpg

Oscar Silva Martinez

It reminds me the movie The aliens


I try to look past the body type, just like with humans, and judge them on how they behave.


Did you watch the movie Battleship? About 70% of stars are red dwarfs, Therefor their eyes may be be shifted more towards the infrared. All though these stars seem to be not so friendly to planets with life.


No, I didn’t see that movie.

The telepathic communication I had was positive, non threatening or frightening, and compatible with our minds, bodies, and emotions. Though my IQ may be to low at this stage to interpret it properly.

It was trilateral moving through the cranium with colored geometric shapes moving in motion through your mind’s eye somewhat like a kaleidoscope. In concert and conjunction with sound and tactical sensation of in the brain. I’ve never felt tactical sensation in my brain like that before or after.

I wouldn’t disengage from it during a follow up encounter if it wasn’t negative. Though I’d exercise a lot of caution until I got to know them better.


LMFAO…yep, you are in need of meds. Or someone slipped you some LSD when you weren’t looking. But recognizing your low IQ is insightful.


And is your world view that the earth is flat?


I was in a federal drug testing program for 20 years until I deactivated my transportation authority in December 2019. I’m certified clean of narcotics and prescription psychiatrics. I’m guessing that you can’t say the same thing. It wouldn’t surprise me if you have prescription psychiatrics in your medical history. Are you on them as you spam these threads with your blood sucking Jew pedophile lies and ignorance?


Sadly Polanski has lived for too long as well :)


They are hiding in plain sight in congress, Richard :)


Turkey They killed many Christians its time to pay

Tim Williams

off to find his virgins


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