Russian military inspect suspected chemical weapons workshop in Aleppo, November 14, 2016 © / Ruptly
Terrorists in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib are planning a chemical attack against the civilians, a source in the Syrian Foreign Minister told the Syrian Arab News Agency on September 23.
“Terrorists of the so-called Tahrir al-Sham, in coordination with the White Helmets group, and with support of their western masters, have brought 2 tons of chemical substances and stored them in a town to the south of Idlib as they are planning, in cooperation with the Turkish intelligence, to carry out a play using chemical weapons against civilians in Idlib to accuse the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) of the act,” the source said.
The unnamed source warned that Damascus will hold the terrorists’ backers, “the U.S., France, Germany, Netherlands and Turkey,” responsible for any chemical attack on civilians in Greater Idlib.
The aim of the new plot is to provoke a military strike by the U.S. and its allies against the SAA. Two such strikes were carried out in 2017 and 2018.
The Syrian source affirmed that the SAA doesn’t own chemical weapons. The army destroyed its chemical arsenal and production facilities in 2013 under an agreement brokered by Russia. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons oversaw the execution of the agreement.
In the last two weeks, Russia warned twice that the terrorists are plotting a chemical attack in Greater Idlib. Damascus warning today further confirms this information.
One way to stop it is to make it public. Good job. CIAisis will cry and rage ?
RT and Sputnik have also reported it.
Sputnik should be Laika. Its like at hotspot with no water and cheetin in its worst.
Assads are out of solkdiers, artillery sheells and bombs from airplanes, but they still has some leftover gas.
Sure it does,if you say so. https://media4.giphy.com/media/DeJ2ifS2V2zlu/giphy.gif
You seam to be full of gas, since farting your “opinion”, “talking” straight out of your ass
What are solkdiers and Sheells? I did a google search and couldnt find what these things are yet google can find anything except these 2 things. What is an “Assads”?
It is Jens Troll version 1 . You will notice if it is Jens Troll version 2 or 3 because then you wouldn’t need to use google . Depends on what shift it is pounding its horseshit.
Haha yeah. Version 1 must be the alcoholic one.
Yerrh, Your mascara probatly is more important then You look and think.
Are they still using the Ukrainian cannisters, labelled in English?
Fine for me if normal people can read and understand. Understand is much more important here then nice paper on parcels and canisters,
i love Assad artillery :D
Hard for me to handle all that love :D. I just wrote hardly none has soldiers and by that cant fullfill all the many good ideas, I read here.
By that all are in keep mode having problems in the hinterland.
Another good reason for that of cpurse is, that none wish for real nogositations and here the oppononts to the needed changes are not even invited.
Here Assad´s also has used 1000s of socalled soldeirs as spendable by bad plans too often based on polical stupidities.
“HTS, White Helmets & Turkish Intelligence” is just 3 different names for one and always same organization…
White Helmets just need to exterminate whatever they should not stay in Syria they are too attention and destroy people
noooo. https://media3.giphy.com/media/9sSrddsom3yb6/giphy.gif
Why do the nations funding and supporting White Helmet Terrorists also fund athe OPCW new version of the Joint Investigative Mechanism? The section of the OPCW that allegedly make it up as they go along?
Is it a coincidence the US are sending in extra heavy weapons and systems, to support the future CW false flag?
Haven’t the White Helmets already got the crisis actors and videos sorted? Wonder what role the multi-role children will be playing this time?
Assad gangs trying to divert to attention somewhere else. while they get the chemical ready 2 used on innocent civilians. we all witness this before
Russian version,
““Terrorists of the so-called Tahrir al-Sham, in coordination with the White Helmets group, and with support of their western masters, have brought 2 tons of chemical substances and stored them in a town to the south of Idlib as they are planning, in cooperation with the Turkish intelligence, to carry out a play using chemical weapons against civilians in Idlib to accuse the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) of the act,” the source said.”
Syrian version,
“Damascus, SANA-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry affirmed on Wednesday that terrorists, in cooperation with “the White Helmets” group, supported by their operators, and in coordination with the Turkish regime, are planning to carry out a play using chemical weapons against civilians in Idleb.”
And then they tagged on exactly what the Russian news agencies had said, so it seems the Syrians were informed by someone other than their own people, most likely the Russian spies in Idlib, so I wonder if Assad actually believes this story or is he just being a good little parrot for Russia. The Syrian version doesn’t even say HTS, it just says terrorists, and that’s relevant, HTS is only added to the Russian version, and the Russian version is added after the Syrian proclamation in the Syrian article. So for those of you who delve in the hidden in plain sight phenomenon, pay attention to the small details, even in simple wording. If it’s true then HTS is doing something it hasn’t done in a very long time, and all the point scoring they’ve achieved his year would be all for nothing, and they’ve been trying so very hard to be nice lately, that’s why I find it hard to believe they’ve been doing anything like this, hopefully Assad does too. HTS has been trying so hard to gain political legitimacy with the international community lately, they’ve abandoned Jihad, established government and social institutions, made deals with the Syrian Government, and also stopped fighting them, and they’ve more or less been on their best behaviour since the start of the year, but now all of a sudden we’re told they’ve gone and thrown it all away with one big stuff up. Mmmm, either their as dumb as I once used to think they were or someone’s pulling a false flag on HTS, which would be ironic, they have actually been responsible for all the real false flag chemical attacks up until now, but this time I’m not so sure they are, I think they’re just being set up. If there is any HTS involvement in this hard to believe story it will most likely be the TIP who are involved, because even though they’re allied to HTS and fight in the HTS alliance, they’re actually more politically attuned to Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood [and sworn Jihadists], so they have a foot in both doors so as to speak, which is actually precurius for them since HTS usually kills most Muslim Brotherhood followers. HTS has been making the least amount of trouble lately and yet they seem to get the blame for everything that happens lately, I wonder why, no I don’t, I know resolution 2254 is the reason why they’re getting the blame for everything.
The investigation to Hunter Biden, now made public. When media is eventually forced to notice the story, what do they need for Plan B? A false flag, involving chemical weapons in Syria. Will also be timed to run with Nord Stream II Cancellations and getting Boris out of covid 19 shutdown errors. What other news will it keep out of the headlines?
Why is the irrelevant Hunter Biden on your agenda, hants? Nobody needs a “plan B” – well, except you, perhaps.
https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54268887 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/23/hunter-biden-ukraine-problematic-republican-report