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Human Traffickers Made Up To $14 Million Per Day In February Rush At US Border: Report

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Human trafficking organizations sending men, women and children over the US-Mexico border to take advantage of President Biden’s backfiring immigration policies earned as much as $14 million per day in February, according to Fox News, citing sources within the US Border Patrol.

Human Traffickers Made Up To $14 Million Per Day In February Rush At US Border: Report

“Trafficking is a multibillion-dollar industrym,” according to just-retired Tucson Border Patrol Chief Roy Villareal, who had been with the agency for 30 years. “A lot of these vulnerable populations use their life savings. Some are essentially indentured servants and they’re working off this debt for a long period of time. In other cases, some of these migrants are asked to transport narcotics or some form of crime to work off a different part of their debt.”

The human smuggling windfall comes as U.S. taxpayer costs for the border crisis continue to spike, topping $5 million a day, based on 2019 figures provided by Health and Human Services that put daily “influx” shelter costs at $800 per migrant. Additionally, last week the Biden administration awarded a $86 million contract for hotel rooms to hold 1,200 migrant families as the crisis exceeds ICE holding capacity.

Additional costs will include overtime and hotel costs for the hundreds of agents reassigned to Texas from other areas. For context, in 2019 Congress appropriated an extra $4.6 billion to handle a similar migrant surge. In 2014, Congress gave President Obama an extra $2.7 billion to deal with his border crisis. –Fox News

According to the report, human traffickers are paid a portion up front, and typically paid the rest over time by the worker, their family, or an employer. The initial funds cover food, shelter, transportation, and a coyote (guide) to lead them over the border and into the United States.

Earlier this month, 13 people were killed in California when the SUV they were in collided with a semi-truck. The deceased were believed to have been illegally smuggled across the border.

“We pray for the accident victims and their families during this difficult time,” said El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gregory Bovino in a news conference following the accident. Agents, he said, believe the deceased individuals were part of a larger group of about 44 migrants who were smuggled through a hole in the fence near Calexico, a California city that lies along the border and is next to the Mexican city of Mexicali.

Bovino added that an “initial investigation into the origins of the vehicles indicate a potential nexus to the aforementioned breach in the border wall,” while adding that “human smugglers have proven time and again they have little regard for human life.”


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Just Me

Well, to think rationally, most of so-called US is on stolen land occupied by a real holocaust of the local native population and annexation of Mexico anyway. So these Hispanics are just reclaiming their ancestral lands. US is a macrocosm of Palestine and the Zionist occupation.


US has a very sordid history, thanks largely to European slave trade.

Ashok Varma

Modern slavery and racism are Anglo traits. The British slave merchants created it and no ones knows the Anglo criminals better than Indians.

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Ashok Varma

But it was the British Jews and their ships that transported the African slaves to the “new world”. Jews only God is profit and human misery, so that is a given.

Clarence Spangle

Jüdischen Bankiers sind überschwemmung Europa mit Muslimen und Amerika mit Dritte Welt Schund.




Clarence Spangle



Shut up you little Nazi, we will clean the floor with you this time around.

Clarence Spangle



yeah, and not just an average Jew. Those gifs are all the you can post, in reality I would break your F head.

Clarence Spangle


Concrete Mike

Ill agree with you there, this guy is a racist fool attempting to usher in some white utopia, masquarading as resistance.

I know where you stand, your pretty straight up, but that guy, fuck em! Lets see who get em first!

The real issue here, is western corporations have boxed the local populations out, they have no other choice than to migrate.

It dont take an einstein to see the migrants are results of aggressove foreign policy that ONLY benefit multinational corporations.

And You Mr Zion, pay attention, you will be sacrificed as well to the altar of these corporations, they dont care about your people, dont be naive, think for yourself.

You vote today?


Hey Mike, I did. Voted for my man Gantz, but the voter turnout is pretty low at the moment. Hope it changes.

And thanks, guy like him only get the worst of me.

Clarence Spangle

Evreu bancheri inundați Europa cu musulmanii și America cu al treilea mondial gunoi.


Clarence Spangle


Clarence Spangle

“Die jüdische Lehre des Marxismus lehnt das aristokratische Prinzip der Natur ab und setzt an Stelle des ewigen Vorrechtes der Kraft und Stärke die Masse der Zahl und ihr totes Gewigt. Sie leugnet so im Menschen den Wert der Person, bestreitet die Bedeutung von Volkstum und Rasse und entzieht der Menscheit damit die Voraussetzung ihres Bestehens und ihrer Kultur. Sie würde als Grundlage des Universums zum Ende jeder gedanklich für Menschen faßlichen Ordnung führen. . . . Siegt der Jude mit Hilfe seines marxistischen Glaubensbekenntnisses über die Völker dieser Welt, dann wird seine Krone der Totentanz der Menschheit sein, dann wird dieser Planet wieder wie einst vor Jahrmillionen menschenleer durch den Äther ziehen.”—Mein Kampf

Captain Freedom

If I were you I wouldn’t advocate for social darwinism. Because you would be of no use to the aristocrats, just a financial burden. You would be the first one to be wiped out. Do you really think they need your fast typing skills? no, no…. any machine can replace you!

Clarence Spangle

“There are two fools in this world. One is the millionaire who thinks that by hoarding money he can somehow accumulate real power, and the other is the penniless reformer who thinks that if only he can take the money from one class and give it to another, all the world’s ills will be cured.” — Henry Ford

Captain Freedom

Whos he trying to fool…. LOL. Hoarding money is literally the only thing the international bankers do and they have more power than states.

Clarence Spangle

“The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt.” ― Henry Ford

Clarence Spangle

“La doctrina judía del marxismo rechaza el principio aristocrático de la naturaleza y reemplaza la prerrogativa eterna del poder y la fuerza con la masa del número y su peso muerto. De esta manera niega el valor de la persona en el hombre, niega el significado de nacionalidad y raza y, por lo tanto, priva a la humanidad de los requisitos previos para su existencia y su cultura. Como base del universo, conduciría al final de todo orden conceptual que los humanos pudieran entender.”—Mi Lucha

Clarence Spangle

“Do you want to know the cause of war? It is capitalism, greed, the dirty hunger for dollars. Take away the capitalist, and you will sweep war from the earth.” ― Henry Ford

Clarence Spangle


Clarence Spangle

Who cares wins. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfe6a39c089743ff4458bf31c5004cba05a9a20badb51d718f19ccdacfc4315f.jpg

Clarence Spangle

“Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”―Mahatma Ghandi

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf


Where is your F Hitler now with the rest of your Nazi friends? down in the grave with another 5M Germans and we are here standing alive and successful. You were so very brave at killing Jews when we had no state, come try doing it now. The only question for me is how to kill you, I could tie you to a live grenade and see how long you can last before you get blown into tiny pieces.

Clarence Spangle



Oh trust me, you haven’t seen me when I get really angry…

Clarence Spangle


Clarence Spangle

“The Jéwish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf

Clarence Spangle


Clarence Spangle

The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jéws is a three-volume work published by the Nation of Islam, it is a book that asserts that Jews dominated the Atlantic slave trade.

The book is 334 pages, includes 1,275 footnotes and over 3,000 Jéwish sources, including Jéwish journals, Jéwish encyclopedias, Jéwish newspapers and other Jéwish publications.

Porc Halal

Human trafficking = slavery.

Islam and muslims have a lot to tell about this sensitive (for them and their liberal backers) subject based on their own “cultural” and “religeous” heritage …


Slavery was institutionalized by Jews based in UK in the 16th century as it was profitable economically in the “new colonial world” as well as the enslavement of other colored people like Indians and Chinese who did most of the menial work for the European imperialists picking cotton, harvesting and building railroads. Slavery was largely ingrained in Roman, Greek and Arab cultures as well. Indian caste system is one one of the worst forms of human degradation.

Clarence Spangle

China is an empire and always has been.

Stop being so ignorant.


China has never been an Empire. You failed history 101. The Han Chinese built the great wall to protect themselves from the barbarians and have never invaded anyone. You are a pretty dumb third world type.

Clarence Spangle

China is a monarchy with an elective emperor like the old Mongolian khanate. Mandarins and potentates select their emperor, the current dynasty may not be hereditary like North Korea, but they are all ethnic Chinese.

You are easily fooled into thinking we get anything factual from them or from your own historians and media. Their communist party as you call it, is just a façade for you fawning rubes in the Western media.

Concrete Mike

China had a vast seafaring trade network, science culture medicine…why are they not empire for yiu enough?

They are one of the oldest civilizations around, i also dispute your claim of no military conquest, because mongolia and china were one in the time of the Khan.

I submit then that china had the greatest empire ever!

Porc Halal

Wrong, slavery was not first institutionalized by the British Empire … instead, this is what the liberal-controlled media wants you to believe … before the British Empire institutionalized slavery, there were other empires, nations, religions and cultures behind those empires that they did this with great success. .. in fact, slavery descends far below the long-gone horizons of mankind

Proud Hindu

Muslims and Islam is full of slavery of Africans and Indian muslims

Clarence Spangle


Davide Herzog

There are millions indigenous homeless and antifascists spend billions to accomodate mafia resorces in…hotels ! The same happens from several years here in Italy . The plan is the same everywhere : to start neverending wars to force poor people to move to europe or impose bloody and neoliberalist dictatorships to force poor people to move to usa .

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