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Hundreds Of Arab Tribesmen Joined New Russian-Backed Force In Northeast Syria: Monitoring Group

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Hundreds of Arab tribesmen in northeast Syria have joined a Russian-backed force that was formed earlier this month, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on December 19.

The London-based monitoring group confirmed that the new force will be deployed between Ras al-Ayn, Qamishli and Tell Tamr in northern al-Hasakah. The force will reportedly assist Syrian Arab Army (SAA) units, which were deployed in the region in the last two months.

Hundreds Of Arab Tribesmen Joined New Russian-Backed Force In Northeast Syria: Monitoring Group

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Previous reports revealed that the new local force will be under the direct command of Russia, which will also provide training, arming and logistics.

The force, whose name is yet to be revealed, will reportedly deploy in positions which were recently evacuated by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The Kurdish-led group withdrew at least 30 km away from Turkish border as a part of the Russian-Turkish agreement reached last October.

The formation of this force will help securing northeast Syria while Damascus and the SDF work on a final agreement on the region.

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Doctor Attitude's Wrestling

Why is SouthFront taking all this information from that one-man band T-shirt shop in the UK?

Pave Way IV

SOHR is neither a totally useless MI6/CIA propaganda mouthpiece, nor is it anything close to unbiased truth. He does report on a lot of events that are not reported elsewhere and prove to be (at least somewhat) accurate at times, and wildly inaccurate other times. SOHR’s anti-Assad bias is something to be considered when reading his reports. It’s not good enough reason to ignore everything he writes or dismiss all of it as inaccurate.

And what, exactly, is so improbable about Russia establishing a SAA-allied alternative militia to the Kurdish-led SDF for the so-called safe zones? I hadn’t thought about it before, but something has to fill the security vacuum. Erdogan will never fully trust the US-concocted SDF created from the existing YPG and run by YPG commanders. And the SDF can never be fully-trusted to ally with the SAA. Yet a unified force (Arab, Kurd, Christian) needs to exist there for the same reason the SDF needed to exist. The SAA does not have the capability or resources today to train and equip such a force, and they don’t have the local will or support to gang-press existing fighters into the SAA. This seems like a good alternative for the time being.


James Le Mesurier was found dead in Istanbul last month, I wonder if Osama Suleiman (aka Rami Abdulrahman) will last much longer?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He’d be an easy target from what I’ve heard, he’s a well known celebrity in Coventry and is often seen in public, who knows what could happen.

Mehmet Aslanak

Those arab tribesmen uniting with Kurdish National Council (ENKS), finally peaceful Kurds will have a voice against communist Kurds in Rojava.


well th Kurdish problem is not at all political,i mean they may be communists but they were and still are US allies. they chose Us over Russia which is very strange or maybe not. they chose the money over ideology.

Concrete Mike

Choosing money over ideology.

Some communists there.

I would call the SDF whores. Whores is the ideology of doing anything for money.


….their politicians and high ranking officials yes, not the common people that fight courageously and die in the battlefield that is.


In my opinion SDF should start thinking which side they will be in the future. This is is stark warning to USA and SDF and as well to Turkish forces and Turkish backed head chopping terrorists.. “the scum of the world”

John Wallace

The do think of joining with the SAA everytime they think the Yanks are going too abandon them but of course by now they have a liking for chocolate bars / candy and Marlboro cigarettes.

John Wallace

If they are locals they will want to be armed to defend themselves against everyone else that come and tell the what to do..eg ISIS/SDF/Turks . Makes sense for them to loo after their area., with help .


Russia has been forming large “law-enforcement” in each village/town/city (in northeast Syria and other parts of the country) that would protect Syria’s border with Turkey, and other areas. Chosen employees for this “law-enforcement” are receiving decent salaries; so it is easy to recruit police officers.

…during the “Liberation Syria” stage very strict “law-enforcement” is required for every village/town/city in Syria to stabilize and protect Syria’s land mass of 185,180 sq km. – (“Law-enforcement” is an apparatus by which some members of society act in an organized manner to “enforce the law” by discovering/investigating, deterring/arresting, rehabilitating or punishing people who violate the rules and regulations of Syria.)

…and later, after “Liberation Syria” is completed, every village/town/city must have “elected” officials – “mayor”, “village/town/city council”, “sheriff/chief of police” (and all police officers working under the guidance of the “sheriff/chief of police” must be hired by “mayor” & “village/town/city council” (NO NEPOTISM ALLOWED).

I realized Syria has its own ideas; but if Syria doesn’t want another uprising destroying the country, I suggest that they use the above guidance.



Here is a Russian map you all might like;

https://syria.mil.ru/files/morf/19.12.19_SAR_2800.jpg What I particularly like, is that the SAA have expanded their presence south of the most recent Turkish incursion.

Bill Wilson

Cool. That’ll free up experienced SDF soldiers to drive out the Turks.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Lets see if this makes the Turks happy, I’ll bet it won’t.

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