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Hunter Biden Involved In Sexual Scandals With Ukrainians

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Hunter Biden Involved In Sexual Scandals With Ukrainians

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

More and more, Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, is publicly involved in illegal schemes and moral scandals. Hunter is currently the subject of a federal investigation that points to several tax crimes, such as corruption, money laundering and lobbying abroad, but a possible sexual scandal now threatens even more the image of the Biden family.

According to allegations made by witnesses during the federal investigation Hunter was involved in at least three cases of prostitution in the US, having allegedly participated in the transporting of prostitutes from Boston to New York, where they worked for him. Transporting people between states for sex services is a crime in the US, according to the Mann Act, Title 18, Section 2421:

“Whoever knowingly transports any individual in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with intent that such individual engages in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both”.

Sources cited by the Daily Mail claim that he would have spent more than 30,000 dollars with the services of such prostitutes in about five months – between November 2018 and March 2019. The evidence of such expenses would be in documents and texts that are now being analyzed by the US police.

Hunter Biden Involved In Sexual Scandals With Ukrainians

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What is most impressive in the reports currently published on the case is that Hunter Biden would be in contact with alleged sexual exploiters in Ukraine in order to obtain the “supply” of Ukrainian sex workers in the US. A US-based Ukrainian citizen named Ekaterina Moreva would be reportedly receiving thousands of dollars from Hunter to provide prostitutes who would serve him and his friends in New York. Moreva reportedly put Hunter in touch with a Kiev’s sex services agency under the pseudonym “UberGFE”, whose services with Ukrainian women are available in several US states.

For example, Anna Dekhtiar, from Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, known as “the student” in the virtual prostitution networks, allegedly received hundreds of dollars from Hunter Biden between November 2018 and March 2019 due to activities that, according to her bank, were “without any clear and legitimate economic objective” – a bureaucratic justification common among people who try to hide the prostitution activity. The most curious thing, however, is that Dekhtiar subsequently donated much of her money to Moreva, showing that in fact there was a structured network of exploitation.

Although the case has not been ended, it is expected that Hunter will indeed be formally charged in court and convicted of a crime of sexual offence, considering that the evidence collected by the police seems strong and concrete. There are videos and photos on Hunter’s laptop and iPad where he is shown having sex with the hired prostitutes. There are even copies of his text messages with the prostitutes and with Moreva. All this leads to the expectation that in fact the US President’s son may soon have illegal sexual exploitation as one more item in his long list of crimes.

The scandals with Hunter Biden began over his controversial involvement with the Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings. Police and journalistic investigations pointed to his participation in various corruption schemes that were the target of criticism around the world and even threatened the stability of diplomatic ties between Washington and Kiev. Lately, Russian intelligence collected data that pointed to Biden’s participation in funding illegal activities of American military biolaboratories in Ukraine – to this day the US government remains silent about the case.

In his personal life Hunter has always been considered an “extravagant” person, accumulating problems such as drug addiction, exaggerated consumerism, sexual depravity, among others. His ex-wife, Kathleen Biden, accuses him of periodically spending large amounts of money on prostitutes, alcohol and drugs, as well as frequenting strip clubs and giving “gifts” to prostitutes he has hired in the past.

Obviously, all this is terrible for the image of the family of the president of the greatest world power. To make matters worse, the more scrutiny of Hunter’s personal life progresses, the more controversial secrets are uncovered and further tarnish the family name. Now, with the accusations of sexual crimes, the situation is especially serious, even more considering that it is related to the international exploitation of women, as he hired Ukrainian prostitutes in the US.

The result of this in the US domestic political scenario is obvious: more social pressure on Biden, the increase of his unpopularity and the growth of the Republicans for the upcoming elections.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter.


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Ukraine, also known as Hunteristan.

Hunter Biden

Slava Hunkraine!


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Or Bidenistan.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Biden family is just like mine…..all perverts, crooks and pedos…tally ho….SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

It’s a wonder why such an asshole like hunter still remains at large despite the indisputable catalogue of evidence found in his laptop. He’s supposed to be sharing the big house where Gizlaine is.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Klaus SS haub is loving it !!! hes gonna eat all the bugs by the anus not so far away in time !!!! Psico WEF World Economic Faggots !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Hunter and CHINA !!! CHINA and Hunter !!! i imagine all That Prostiputes eating Bugs !!!!


This pic is really a great morale booster for AFU troops: while they are dodging projectiles in shithole trenches in Donbass, Hunter is enjoying his Ukrainian harem.

It’s good to be the king….. not so much being an Ukro-slave in their own country. Slava Ukraine? More like Slave Ukraine.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

The biden crime family hahhahahahah


How old are those girls?… 10?… 11?… 12 at the oldest?…

They need to send Hunter and his father along with General Cloutier (if he’s still alive) and Admiral “Thor” Olsen to the Eastern Donbas where they will ALL be ass raped by the Azov Nazi(s) “they paid for” and the countless lives they snuffed out these past 8 years before they are paraded around Luhansk and Donetsk for execution for war crimes!…

Come on Vlad!… Need that collage of ALL the NATO regulars that participated in this slaughter since Maidan as your urgent excuse to protect the rest of your countrymen and women in foreign service by leaving F-U.K.U.$./EU permanently and that Ca$in0 in Manhattan at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Seriously. Those are children


They probably are between 16 and 18. The good stock of eastern European folk.

In this parts of the world women get fat after having a couple kids. My wife after the second child still weights 90 pounds (45 kg) and breastfeeded them till 2yo. No baby formula problem here;)


Sorry for the late updates, but in my neck of the woods chick know and respect the rooster and hurry their chicky legs to make dinner

Mersul pe jos face piciorul frumos. Nu faci din bmw masina nici din curva gospodina. O femeie buna face dint-un pui: bors, friptura si snitele.

Google translate the before mentioned.

Never send a boy/ women to do the man’s job.

FY low life LGBTQ+ suicidal brain washed males out there, I an the man in my household. I know (and I know) whats best for my family. And , trust me , will pick up whatever’s in my reach to protect my family and my way of living.

As for the “underage poor victims” , you latewoke westerners … just take a look around you fat fucks. The resources USA is trying to plunder from the east has no limit as the truly hellhole it realy is. It has no need for phisicaly fit smart people in their agenda but dumb fat fucks who sucks dick for a McDonald’s big Mac.

My tears shed for the ukrainean brothers that are slaughtered for the FAT BEHEMOTH S LATE FINAL GASP.

Florian Geyer

In the UK the other day there was a report that determined a complete lack of Police duty to protect the most vulnerable population of Telford UK.

The useless Telford cops had failed to investigate any of the many allegations of ‘sex with minors’ by Muslim rape gangs.

This failure of the police in Telford and the county of Shropshire was a UK policing failure that ENDURED FOR THIRTY YEARS.


What a horrid story that was and is. The ruling elites are into child sex slaves and law enforcement enables them. And in Britain you have that real winner Savile.


I am happy to see this people (in the link) who go to save Ukraine: https://youtu.be/PuWkzpyfVvg

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain


The folk who got back into universal law morality order.

Nothing on earth is more fanatic as an freshly convert.

Send more himars!


PS Kadirov is itching and itching and itching and itching and itching and itching some more just to get the justice he needs. And Putin is yet to release the dogs of war.

William White

Has the Hunt ever done anything legal or moral? Must be a horrible embarrassment to his family? His old Man ain’t no prize but the Hunt seems in an underclass of his own.


I remember reading about him and drug arrests decades ago.


He used Ukrainian women for what they are best for.


You are an abominable asshole!


obese tranny amerikan female good for inserting dildo in your rectum

USA #1 moron

hunter now chief of DEA describes Jill taco biden as “vindictive moron”. the senile veg so feminized he had penis removal surgery 35 years ago…thanks to hunter i have plentiful meth in my trailer park

jens holm

I also wanted to remove my penis but it was verry tiny for procedure.

Doctors almost died from laughing when they saw it.


Wait, is that supposed to be him in the pic? Because those are little girls not women.


From this you just know everything about pizzagate, the Clintons, the Podestas, Epstein, etc was all true


immoral moron amerikans require senile uncivilized sexually repressed corrupt leaders

Joe Bidens Dementia

Liberal media desperate spin:

Shouldn’t we feel sorry for Hunter Biden? https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/shouldn-t-we-feel-sorry-for-hunter-biden- 🤣🤣🤣


So who is more corrupt? Dad or his drug addicted 🤔 kid.


He makes Prince Andrew look like a choirboy.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Jolly good, I like choirboys too.


These aren’t women. These are little girls. This motherfucker! This piece of shit! This motherfucker needs to be torn to pieces! A pedophile! A child rapist piece of shit! I would torture this fucker for a week straight and then feed him alive to alligators in Florida.


I like how you think. You know, there really are bikers who use that system of justice, just for pedos.


I will toast to those bikers with my next glass of bourbon.


Those are children, not prostitutes WTF is this

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Pedos like Windsor and Biden family love kids, it is in our DNA.

Alexandre Moumbaris

I would have though that these laptop leaks ought to have been available much earlier..We will not miss him.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Pussy is not free and it applies to all men.

HB can afford more pussy than you and I can.

The scandal is the envy.


So you make excuses for pedophiles means you’re most likely a fucking pedophile yourself aren’t you you sick sonofabitch!

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