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MARCH 2025

Hunter Biden Possibly Involved In US Biolabs Scandal

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Hunter Biden Possibly Involved In US Biolabs Scandal

FILE PHOTO: Then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden

New evidence suggests that President Joe Biden’s son is involved in US illegal research on bioweapons in Ukraine.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

While Washington refuses to give answers about its scandals in biological weapons research in clandestine laboratories in Ukraine, other facts are revealed, which point not only to inappropriate conduct on the part of the American government, but also to the Biden family itself. Hunter Biden, son of the US president, who is proven to be involved in several corruption schemes in Ukraine, is now suspected of being one of the main financiers of US laboratories on Ukranian soil. The suspicion is already generating strong international repercussions, with Moscow demanding an immediate response from Washington. With this situation, once again the Biden administration is approaching a crisis of legitimacy.

Rosemont Seneca Partners has been accused of being a major financier of US laboratories in Ukraine. The company would sponsor the entire Pentagon’s biomilitary program, sending more than 2 billion dollars in resources for the maintenance of several laboratories abroad, including more than thirty facilities in Ukraine. The company would be acting in partnership with other key military companies, such as Metabiota, in addition to many NGOs and international foundations.

The head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops, Igor Kirillov, commented on the report: “Incoming materials have allowed us to trace the scheme of interaction between US government bodies and Ukraine’s biolabs. The involvement in the financing of these activities by structures close to the current US leadership, in particular the Rosemont Seneca investment fund managed by Hunter Biden, draws attention to itself (…) At the same time, a close relationship has been established between the fund and key contractors of the US military, including Metabiota, which alongside Black & Veatch is one of the main suppliers of equipment for Pentagon biolaboratories around the world”.

Hunter Biden, who has accumulated several crimes of corruption and financial scandals in Ukraine during his time working in Kiev, is the chairman of the Rosemont Seneca financial fund. This fund receives money from a wide range of companies, banks and philanthropic organizations around the world, including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. These connections reveal the real dimension of the Pentagon’s program, which involves many of the key names of the global elites.

“The scale of the [American biomilitary] program is impressive. Along with the Pentagon, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are directly involved in its implementation (…) Scientific supervision is carried out by leading research organizations, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which developed nuclear weapons for the Manhattan Project. All of this activity has been carried out under the direct control of the Pentagon”, Kirillov adds.

It is important to note that the Russian allegations are made on the basis of official documents captured by Moscow intelligence on Ukrainian soil during the Special Operation, which guarantees credibility for the pronouncements of Russian officials. Several accusations on the existence of research on biological weapons had already been made previously, mainly by the US, which accuses China of having created the new coronavirus. However, none of these accusations were elaborated justified on scientific evidence and official documents, being just unsubstantiated narratives – which is not the case now.

According to data contained in documents captured by the Russians, about 16,000 biosamples have been exported from Ukraine in recent times, supposedly with the aim of reporting the results of military research in those laboratories to their funders in other countries. Kirillov reports that there are real risks of a new pandemic to start soon, considering that US forces are indeed in possession of advanced biological weapons, which include diverse pathogenic biomaterials, from coronavirus mutations to anthrax variants.

It is impossible to say in advance whether or not the West will use the biological weapons it currently possesses. The risks of a new pandemic are real, and this scenario would have negative impacts on the whole world. It is possible that the fact that research data have become public is reason enough to prevent the use of such weapons, as this would harm the international image of the US government and the private agencies that finance these laboratories. However, the very existence of this type of illegal and unethical activity must be reason for strong condemnations against the US and Ukraine on the international organizations and courts.

Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov demanded answers from the US government about Hunter Biden’s involvement in funding biomilitary research. China’s previous demands also remain. The White House’s stance is one of total silence – while, at the same time, other American officials give ambiguous and contradictory answers, either confirming or denying the existence of the biolabs.

In fact, this scenario also tends to have a major internal impact on the American electorate, intensifying the current legitimacy crisis of the Biden administration. In addition to several domestic and international management mistakes, Biden has to deal with family scandals due to his son’s criminal activities, which complicates his acceptance by the American people. Indeed, a strong wave of disapproval and protests is about to come soon in America.


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He is a crack-smoking, cousin-f*cking egit who used Ukraine as his piggy bank.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Mary
Vlad the invader

What, biochemical research laboratories for the biochemical industry?

Russia doesn’t have, we are not that modern! Everyone being more modern is evil!

basement in US embassy in poland

in hindsight, maidan color revolution doesn’t seem to be worth having ukraine torn apart and disappear on the map.

Vlad the invader

I’m trying to correct that!

Still trying… errhh we try. Don’t worry, with Steiners attack everything will be alright again. Kiev will fall in two days!

basement in US embassy in poland

that is possible if russia just bombs them with no regard to civilians.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland
Vlad the invader

Hue hue, that’s how to treat brothers and sisters not obeying!

Cherson, see my artillery coming!!


Typical Ukrotard, failing above her pay-grade. Kiev is surrounded and begging for assistance, which is similar to the fall of another Nazi regime, which claimed Steiner was coming. You really suck at trolling.


Since when military biolabs produce chemicals for the industry?

Vlad the invader

Ask my advisor Tschubais, I no clue about modern tech! Only know everything more modern is evil!

Schoigu, where is Tschubais to explain? What does it mean he’s gone?!? In the west?!?

Scientism is a cult

Didn’t the “US” invade Iraq for much less evidence of “WMD?”

The former Ukraine (which was taken over by a foreign criminal Nazi junta in 2014) has been harboring WMD labs. So, if it was ok for the “US” to invade Iraq under similar circumstances, then clearly what was good for the goose is good for the gander.

The world needs to stand behind this police action, and the criminals behind these labs need to be arrested and prosecuted.

Full stop.


Wow! Thanks for the fresh air.


Russia has Novichok and tried it extensively on opposition and critics.

te qifsha nanen

yeah monkey they used it on you and your mom.

eddy ken

that turned out to be from chzekia


Ukrainian propaganda videos exposed.



🤣😂 No one believes a word what RU says since 2014.


Nobody except the majority of the global population ofc, but those don’t count. Only ukrop bots count.

Vlad the invader

But but, I’m good ol’ trusty Vlad! Would I ever lie to you?

What, Ukraine, nonono, that’s not a war! It’s a fuck up! We fucked up royally. That’s why we will blame the Zar! Hue hue.


What kind of pathetic loser goes to the opposing side’s website and whines all the time?

You still come here for your news? Even u know how fake the fake news outlets are


Thats the problem,you believe everything the US Reich tells you.


The Ukraine is known across the civilized world as a completely corrupt cess-pool. That’s just as simple fact.


Not only that. This is a Jewish-Khazarian La-la-land full of corrupt oligarchs and cheap whores they infest Europe with.


arkansas hillbilly moron upset—excellent!


“the cult of sincerity—amerikants are not sincere: it is a performance”. David riesman


“amerikants have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin


“amerikant parents lie to their children, amerikant children lie to their parents–its expected”. Geoffrey Gorer


“Obama’s job is to lie to a nation of liars”. Kiese Laymon

basement in US embassy in poland

meanwhile, north korea just launched an ICBM for a test. this ICBM can strike the whole us continent and annihilate and end the us. here is a video of north korea launching the ICBM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEfz9iZZvfs

Vlad the invader

Splish splash, Kim is launching a missile.

Didn’t it destroy the launcher this time?

At least he’s voting for me, that’s already something, but else he’s so useless. Maybe he can advise Russians about how to deal with our future living standards.

basement in US embassy in poland

yanquis are shitting on their collective pants with north korea ICBMs coming and knocking on their doors including the white house.

BTW, zalensky is complaining about food he is getting at us embassy in poland today.

Last edited 2 years ago by basement in US embassy in poland
Vlad the invader

Yeah yeah, Russia fucked up everything it touches!

I’m proud making everyone around the world starving. Did I fuck up humanity big time??

Yeah yeah yeah!

Scientism is a cult

No, not really.

See, it helps to have an IQ above room temperature, a background in nuclear physics, and realize that “nukes” were a money-laundering scam and fear-driver for controlling large populations.

Even someone with undergraduate level physics should be able to catch the huge holes in the “nuclear weapons” scam.

The biggest one is: “what has more mass, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers.”

Scientism is a cult

Oh noers.

Not an “I See BM!”

I see lots of BM.

But hey, I’ll play. The missile would have a payload of about 500 lbs. In ordnance terms, that is about the explosive capacity of a MK-82 iron bomb. So, not a lot of bang. I suppose if it was a chem/bio warhead that could be dicey.

But otherwise, whoopdie-doo.

“look, a squirrel!”

John Wooh

Pedo Senior and Pedo Junior

jens holm

Debates and conclusions about it is over i the rest of the world for years. You are well helped by Putin taking away all medias about it.

Its typical Russian attitudes. When You get ill You most likely take the doctors away too.


Was that English? My cat is more intelligible than you. It’s a very poor choice to inhale paint thinner and then go on the internet, and you should think about quitting.

jens holm

My anglish is verry smarts and Iam be verry smarts.

I also verry like cats especially dead cats, verry good for sex.


the senile racist village idiot Pakistani social worker change your diapers only 1 time per week


USAID, Georg Soros, crime organisation

Zelensky loves AZOV bukkake parties!

Zelensky’s colon is a weaponized bio-lab, full of HIV/AIDS, the disgusting Jew sodomite!


The only lab Hunter Biden is interested in is a cracklab.


After the U.S. did this (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39237748) to the likes of Vitaly Churkin and Andrei Karlov Ambassador to Turkey. It should have been open season for the Russian Federation on the U.S. Anglo-Zi0ni$t elites. Just think of where the U.S. would be if Joe “Buck” and crack head son ensign Hunter had an “accident” as justifiable retaliation for Churkin’s murder among other very influential statesmen that “checked out” shortly after the Maidan coup in 2014!?


If so hang him. I was sure there was no truth in it but there is a possibility that the information is correct and then there can be no pity for this fils a papa who was already eatlier abusing his power and status


your senility is worsening Jens


Genocide?! For Gods sake!?!

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
William White

Ya think? Couldn’t be more obvious if he waved his dick at ya!!!


If there was any doubt that covid was a biological weapon fabrication of the US, then these biolabs in Ukraine should give us further arguments that covid was a US bio-weapon against China, that accidentally got spread to the world including the US itself.


There’s no ‘possibly’ about it.


this is nazi amerika–a senile vegetable and a crack head

Joe Dirt

The New York Times has finally, although reluctantly (in a small paragraph), admitted the Laptop From Hell is real and the Hunter Biden emails are verified. US MSM will still try to bury the story, but it has big problems for Biden’s in future, as it means family tax evasion, illicit family funding of a sitting politician and other offenses. Since gaining the presidency the Biden government has gone after the whistleblower who turned in the computer very hard. Setting IRS on him, taking his computer repair business, and generally using federal agencies trying to break him down in revenge.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Dirt

It ain’t just biolabs.

One of the reasons that the globohomo elite destabilizes a country is to get easy access to the children. Usually they pay criminal networks to move the kids or they use NGOs and Charities.

The islands that were occupied by NATO intelligence should be closely examined for signs of occult rituals and it would be a good idea to run some corpse dogs around them.

Any reports from civilians who were living under the control of insane nazi militias must be taken seriously and investigated no matter how bizarre they may sound. The CIA sets up groups like Azov as mind control cults and extreme violence, sexual degeneracy and torture is part of that program.

Child Torture chamber used by Ukrainian intelligence discovered by Russian forces:


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