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Hurras al-Din Released Video Of Suicide Bombing Attack On Russian Position In Northern Syria

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Hurras al-Din Released Video Of Suicide Bombing Attack On Russian Position In Northern Syria

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The al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group, Hurras al-Din, has released a video showing the moment of an attack on a Russian position near the town of Ain Issa in the northern Syrian province of Raqqa. The attack took place on December 31-January 1 and involved a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. The attack was repelled by Russian troops deployed in the area and did not cause any casualties among the Russina side.

The interesting fact is that the involved terrorist group, Hurras al-Din, is headquartered in the militant-held part of Greater Idlib, under a direct protection of the Turkish military. The usage of Idlib-based terrorists against Russian troops based in the north of the country may become a new trend in the Turkish strategy in the region.


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Just Me

Let’s say it the way it is, the CIA and Turkish MIT are offering a $100,000 bounty to kill Russians in the most gruesome matter. William Burns has openly stated the US will demoralize the Russian military into defeat in Syria like they did in Afghanistan. There is $250,000 bounty to capture a Russian soldiers and half a million for a pilot. Russians are brave people and the hero Major Roman Filipov has set the bar very high.

The non-Jew media have lauded a pilot killed in Syria as a hero, saying he detonated his grenade to avoid being captured by jihadists who had shot his plane out of the sky.

Roman Filipov’s reported last words were: “Here’s for the guys.”

His Sukhoi-25 ground-attack aircraft was shot down over terrorist -held Idlib province. He survived the attack and ejected safely, but died in a groundfight until his pistol’s bullets ran out and the hope for safe rescue faded as Hezbollah special forces had to fight the Turkish military to get to him and also took casualties during the attempted rescue.

Former al-Qaeda affiliate Hayat Tahrir al-Sham supported by Turkish military said it had attacked the plane.

Russia’s defence ministry, said the brave pilot was posthumously presented with the Hero of Russia medal, also known as the Gold Star for unprecedented valor in face of a savage enemy..


Ashok Varma

Heavens bless your noble soul. Bhagwan Aap ke Saath Rahe. Shaanti Major Roman Filipov.

Ashok Varma



Lone Ranger

U.S. has already failed. And will do so over and over again. They dont seem to understand that people are awake, and the circumsstances are the polar opposite of what they were 40years ago. U.S. is the crumbling satanic Pedo Empire and Russia is leading the Free World.

Peter Jennings

Who’da thought it? the democracy to shout the loudest, and for so long, was the least bit interested in democracy.

Zionist wish lists and paranoid horror stories will be fed to creepy uncle joe along with his meds every morning. It won’t be long before the pentagon and langley continues where it left off.

Just Me

The stupid American a$$holes have to overplay their weak wanker hand just once again and they are done. It is rotten failed state dying from within.


Evan Vokes

Not when Sorrow$ is done with you. the false flag of the opposition is coming very soon and soon you will be the USSR again that fake opposition needs to be exposed but the media love him If they can install Bribem, they can remove putin

Lone Ranger

Lay off the LSD… It’s bad for you…

Tudor Miron

“William Burns has openly stated the US will demoralize the Russian military into defeat in Syria like they did in Afghanistan.”(c) Wet dreams of Willy Burns are groundless. CCCP’s exit from Afghanistan wasn’t because of some sort of defeat but because of Gorbachev’s treason. BTW, CCCP was doing better than US is doing there now.

Just Me

The most shocking thing is that wanker Gorbachev with the mark of the devil planted on his ugly bald head is still alive.

Tudor Miron

It is. It is absolutely disgusting that this creature, guilty of millions of deaths is still around.


I think the Proxy/Merc/Terrorist and their Sponsors + Handlers underestimate the Russians, they are not the USSR, they will erradicate those Terrorist to the last man and they wont back down.

Fog of War

Actually you have that backwards. The USSR would have finished this war a long time ago, while brutally, and efficiently , eliminating every single terrorist that dared threaten its troops. Russia on the other hand ……………………………………….

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s ironic, this group attacks the Russians but at the same time the US has been killing them off by the hundreds, and not just their foot soldiers, their top commanders as well, drone strikes with bombs and ninja missiles have taken their toll but they still have enough go in them to attack Russia, so maybe the Russians should join the US turkey shoot as well, combine their forces and blow a few more up. The US scored a hit where 50 of them were wiped out in Idlib last year, they weren’t all Hurras al-Din commanders but a lot of them were and the rest were terrorist allies, so that was a good start, HTS also attacks them all the time, so that means apart from Turkey no one likes them, Syria, Russia, the US, and HTS, all kill them regularly.

Ashok Varma

Salafist terrorism predates Syria and was created by the US for proxy wars since Afghanistan. Reagan even feted them in the White House and called then equals to US “founding fathers” aka slaver trading racist bastards.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And now Turkey supports them, didn’t you just read the same article I did, and it said Turkish supported not US supported, so if you don’t believe me and you don’t believe SF who are you going to believe, the tooth fairy obviously. Stop living in the past, the Arab League was the biggest threat to Assad at the start of the uprising and now their among his staunchest supporters, things change and you have to change with them, otherwise you’ll be left behind living in a past that’s no longer relevant, which you obviously are. Trump sacked all of Obamas terrorists back in June 2018 and kept only one group on the payroll, and they’ve been at Al Tanf and have never moved since that date.


So did that Bitch Thatcher,she had tea with Gullbudin Hekmatyar at number ten Downing street,his speciality was throwing acid in Girls faces.

Evan Vokes

ISIS is literal Koran and Hadith, everything else is heresy your non prophet, Pigs Be UPon HIm, was a white supremacist, slave trading, pedophile, who led a group of murderous wife beaters and nothing has changed. If you took the time to read your own books you would see with your own eyes it is true Sheikh Yasir Qadhi admitted that Islam is a narrative with a dysfunctional ideology June 2020

Lone Ranger

Lay off the drugs son… Its bad for you.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Lay off the drugs. But I just told you all the truth, the US blows the hell out of these guys all the time, so does HTS on more than the odd occasion, so why don’t you tell the other commenters who keep insisting the US is actually sponsoring theses guys that they’re on drugs, they’re the ones who are either lying or badly misinformed, but no you choose to pick on me instead. I can only assume it’s because you don’t like hearing the truth, it must somehow upset you to know the US is bombing this group even more than the Russians are, but I don’t understand why it would, so explain yourself, I want to know why you told me to get off the drugs for telling the simple and verifiable truth.

Lone Ranger

In disney movies they sure do…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You make fun of such a serious situation and say nothing important, so why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and try to prove what I said was wrong, and prove SF wrong too, they also just told you this group is backed by Turkey, prove them wrong too smart guy. Google search US air/drone strikes against Hurras al-Din in Idlib and Aleppo, and then reread this article or find some others that will tell you who’s supporting Hurras al-Din now. Russia needs a better quality of supporter, sadly some of you are nearly as dumb as most of the pro Iranian supporters are, and they say Asperger/autistic people are as smart as normal people, not in my books your not, you’re just annoying.

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax Karen ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Time for you to stop this deflection, you’re a very unknowledgeable little boy that knows absolutely nothing about the true nature of events in Syria, and it shows in your simplistic responses. You’re just like all the LGBTQI trolls on these forums, the truth has to be ridiculed because you can’t accept the truth, bad luck.

Lone Ranger

You sound like a Simpleton… Fetal alcohol syndrome survivor…? Get better mate.?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You can only string together 4 or 5 word sentences and you call me simpleton, LOL, You’ve already admitted to me you have Asperger’s syndrome, which is just a polite way of saying you’re mildly autistic, and yet you display no savant qualities whatsoever, no excellent memory recall that allows you to dispute easily verifiable facts that I claim in my comments, just a simple 5 word response that have nothing to do with my comment, just a completely irrelevant insult is all you can muster, over and over again. It must be hard to live with Asperger’s syndrome.

Lone Ranger

Not really. An IQ of 135 vs fetal alcohol syndrome survivor… I dont have to discredit you, you dont reach that level, but its fun to hunt trolls ??

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You can’t discredit me because you won’t be able to find anything to disprove what I said, just information that will corroborate everything I said.

Lone Ranger

You already discredited yourself Trollstoy ? Isnt that wonderful… I dont even have to lift my pinky…

Lone Ranger

Soros, CIA/Mossad PR pamplets for advanced trolling are not facts by the way…?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Facts? What facts have you provided, zero.

Lone Ranger

Indeed your facts are null and void…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No my facts are 100% correct, but you and all the other halfwits who seem to agree with you are all autistic, it’s obvious you’re not interested in the truth, you prefer to live in a made up fantasy land where it’s safe and comfortable. My highest IQ score was 136 when I was in my 30’s, on average I pull an average of about 125, my lowest score ever was 111. But if you think I believe you have an IQ of 135 you’re mistaken, you’re lucky if you have an average IQ and that’s me being generous.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, not your facts. Soros/CIA alternatív facts… True that… Dont care if you believe it or not. Your posts display an IQ of around 80-90 at best. And Im being generous now… Only mentally handicapped people belive CIA propaganda. Better luck next time Trollstoy ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hitler wanted to gas people like you, he thought allowing people with mental handicaps was detrimental to human society, I’m starting to agree with him the more I listen to you. Soros and CIA alternative facts? then why does SF confirm that HTS and the US attack Hurras al-Din on many occasions, surely you’ve read at least one of their articles describing US attacks against this group using ninja missiles, and I distinctly remember them also reporting on the US drone strike that killed 50 of their top commanders in Idlib last year, and this year they’ve ran several stories telling us HTS has been killing and arresting Hurras al-Din agents in both Idlib and Aleppo, so stick your alternative facts up your arse moron, you’re the only one using alternative facts, EVERY OTHER NEWS SOURCE IS SAYING THE SAME THING, the Russian side and all the others. Autistic people like you never believe what the Wiki has to say about anything do you, so I’m not posting this for you to read, just all the fuckheads who upvoted your comments and downvoted mine, they should read it though.

“After a fallout within the Rouse the Believers Operation Room, the group joined four other jihadist groups on 12 June 2020 to form the “Be Steadfast Operation Room.”[37] On 23 June, after putting up checkpoints around Idlib and refusing to take them down at Hayat Tahrir al-Sham requests an open conflict began between the two groups.[38] The conflict killed 18 member of Hurras al-Din, 11 members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, and one civilian.”


“A leader in Hurras al-Din has been killed in a drone strike that targeted his car as it drove through Idleb city reports SY 24. On Monday, a drone belonging to the US-led International Coalition to Defeat the Islamic State targeted a car in the center of Idleb city in the al-Qusour neighborhood, killing two people. According to SY 24’s correspondent, “The drone targeted the car near the al-Rawda Mosque in Idleb, with four missiles, which killed those who were in the car.” Military forces cordoned off the site. SY 24 learned, through private sources, that “the bombing targeted a leader in Hurras al-Din, a Tunisian national.” On Aug. 13, 2020, the so-called Abu Yahya Uzbak was targeted near the city of Sarmada in the northern countryside of Idleb. On Jun. 24, 2020, the International Coalition killed Hurras al-Din leader, Abu al-Qassam al-Urduni, when they targeted his car on the Idleb-Binnish road.”


And as I said before South Front has also ran many stories over the last 12 months reporting US airstrikes against the group and also reported on HTS’s persecution of the group, you must’ve missed them because you live in a fantasy world.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for confirming you are also a closet nazi aside from suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome… Didnt bother to read the rest of your CIA/soros propaganda delusions…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not a closet Nazi you silly boy, I’m just starting to think Hitler might’ve been right when he ascribed to the belief gassing people like you was actually a service to society.

Lone Ranger

So you are a closet nazi… Truth hurts try to handle it… He not only wanted, but actually did… Aktion T4 Program… History is not your strong side either… Have a nice day adolf ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s easy to make an Autistic persons life miserable, never let them have the last word.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing it up with OCD…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Are you sure, prove me wrong by not replying.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I didn’t know the CIA and Mossad controlled South Front, I always thought they were a Russian controlled entity, who knew, which means according to you, any reports on SF that also verify the US has been attacking Hurras al-Din, and any SF reports that also claim HTS are doing the same thing are wrong, which means they’ve been wrong quite a few times this year and last year, because they’ve had quite a few articles describing the conflicts that have arisen between them. And here was me thinking they were just admitting the truth and confirming what all the other reputable news sources were saying. So my choice is either trust SF and all the other news sites that tell me the US and HTS are attacking Hurras al-Din, or trust you, an autistic person who speaks in 5 word sentences.

Lone Ranger

There are many fake or bad articles on SouthFront, indeed. A lot of writers do work for them… Some are legit some arent. Overall they are still better than the competition. Cherry picking articles and fake news to support a CIA narrative is doomed to fail from the get go tho. Skip the CIA daydreams and face reality… As usual better luck next time ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You say face reality, but both the side your supporting and the other side are telling you the same thing, and you say don’t believe it, that’s why autistic people don’t run the world, you’re simply diagnosed as having a mental handicap. Cherry picking means only selecting the articles that confirm your beliefs, but there are absolutely no articles at all that discredit my assertions, only articles that confirm my assertions, so I didn’t cherry pick anything at all genius, so perhaps you don’t understand what cherry pick means.

Lone Ranger

Still denying reality… how sad for you… From both of us you are the one with a more serious case of Autism…just sayin… Probably brought on by your fetal alcohol syndrome… Bill Gates and Co sends greetings… Bye Trollstoy ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re the one denying reality, SF and the Wiki page confirm what I said.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, Im glad you agree. Time for you to face reality. Reality Check 3…2…1… Have a nice day ?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

SF and the Wiki page confirm what I said, you denied it, reality check null and void.

“Are you sure, prove me wrong by not replying.”

Miri Nature

Biden Israel policy imediat order to attack Russian and Iran, these false looked muslims are not at all true, all is about doing Israel job thats it.

Lone Ranger

FOABs incoming…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Great tactics by the Turks, blowing up their own vehicles in a secure checkpoint.

They wiped out the C19 particles surrounding the Russian base, and they get to keep their drivers wives and slaves for the Sultana. Gave the Russians a good laugh also. And some long range shooting practise.


Suicide is the word,carry on you Apes.

Peter Jennings

Turkey and Russia will fall out big style if more Russian troops die at the hands of Turkish military, who prefer to give the kudos to their friendly terrorists after giving them the weapons to with which to kill Russian soldiers.


The Russians should never have worked with the Turks,i still can’t understand that.


…and Russia is going to do f*ck all about it. Turkey will continue backing terrorists who openly attack Russian troops and when some of them do inevitably die, their deaths will be ignored just like those Russian pilots, the murdered Russian ambassador, etc.

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