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MARCH 2025

‘I Am Not Made For War’: More And More Ukrainians Don’t Want To Go To The Front

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‘I Am Not Made For War’: More And More Ukrainians Don’t Want To Go To The Front

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The number of Ukrainian recruits who do not want to fight is proliferating despite the military facing a major manpower shortage, The Guardian reported. Although Ukraine has secured money and weapons from the West to aid in the war effort, at least for the next few months, manpower shortage is one issue that cannot be resolved.

“I want to leave the country. My mind can’t take being trapped here any more,” said Dmytro, a 31-year-old potential recruit. “I never thought about leaving until the mobilisation laws were introduced. But I can’t stay in my flat forever.”

The Kharkov native told the British newspaper that he had approached individuals online who promised to facilitate his escape from Ukraine for at least €8,000, an astronomical amount considering the average salary in the country is about €550.

“I am not made for war. I can’t kill people, even if they are Russians. I won’t last long on the front … I want to build a family and see the world. I am not ready to die,” he said, adding that although he did not trust the human traffickers, he had no other choice.

According to the newspaper, even before the mobilisation intensified, more than 20,000 Ukrainians fled the country despite the Kiev regime’s attempts to stop it. The exodus began when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed in April a law that reduced the mobilisation age from 27 to 25 and punished draft evaders by freezing their bank accounts, seizing their properties, and taking their driver’s licenses.

According to the law, all people eligible for military service must update their personal details at a recruitment centre and demobilisation dates are not specified either.

“Since the war’s beginning, the draft has been criticised as chaotic and tarnished by corruption. Ukraine has intensified its efforts to stop people fleeing across borders and evading the draft, highlighted by Zelensky’s dismissal of all regional military recruitment chiefs in April. This dismissal followed reports of officers accepting bribes to exempt men from conscription. But the practice appears to be hard for the authorities to root out,” The Guardian detailed.

One poll found that 94% of respondents believe corruption is one of the main problems in Ukraine, with 61.7% saying that corruption in procurement for the army is the most harmful to Ukraine’s ability to resist and defeat Russia. It is natural that there will be little enthusiasm among Ukrainians to risk their lives fighting a better armed and manned military when corruption further impedes an almost impossible task.

Another Ukrainian, Andrei, told The Guardian that he too was seeking to leave the country, having already previously failed.

“The journey is only getting more difficult,” he said, adding: “I don’t think I will be this lucky a second time if things go wrong” but that he was still considering paying the hefty €8,000 demanded by the human traffickers to get him into Moldova.

 “For now, I am on a self-imposed house arrest. I don’t leave my flat at all,” Andrei said. And who can blame him for wanting to dodge the recruiters after some of his mobilised friends had already been deployed and killed, which, according to the newspaper, “damaged his mental health.”

The outlet highlighted that there were a variety of reasons why Ukrainians were avoiding conscription, from wanting to avoid “gruesome trench fighting and a brutal death rate” to complaints of “inadequate training before being sent to the frontlines” and due to family reasons. In effect, Ukrainians are not willing to fight and conscription, as The Guardian begrudgingly admits, “risks dividing Ukrainian society, already plagued by war fatigue.”

“Many Ukrainian soldiers at the front, or those who have returned after being injured, criticise draft dodging, arguing that the practice weakens their country’s war effort as Russian forces make advances across multiple fronts,” the article concludes.

Although Ukraine will receive $61 billion in aid from the US over the coming months and is receiving new weapons and ammunition which will alleviate, but not solve, some issues, an impossible issue to resolve is the lack of manpower. It is recalled that earlier this year, a Ukrainian service member told The Washington Post that the companies in his battalion were staffed at only 35% of normal levels.

This is an issue that cannot be solved with Western money and is why the Kiev regime is attempting to mobilise as many as half a million more Ukrainians to fight the Russian military, including from the country’s prison population. With Ukrainians no longer blindly believing the regime’s propaganda that the war will be won, morale and motivation have diminished, even to the point that ordinary citizens are willing to risk departing with their life savings to have the chance to escape mobilisation.


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former Airbus Engineer

well, then start the uprising against zelenski & co. anyway he is not a legit leader anymore, not even according to the ukrainian constitution. so replace him with a system of justice.


the jewish dictator of ukraine zelensky and the jewish prime minister of ukraine shmygal and the jewish head of the president’s office yermak and the jewish leader of the largest party in parliament arakhamia and the jewish mossad controlled sbu agents are sending ukrainian orthodox slavs to their slaughter while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally.

Massa John

so the jews don’t seem to be the good guys there…

Last edited 8 months ago by Massa John

are they preparing those territories to be resettled by the jews of isreal if they have to retreat from the holy lands or perhaps from europe after the muslims there make life for jews no longer pleasant?


they are just living there for centuries exiled by romans after failed uprising. there is no special jewish project, all these judeo-banderites are committing crimes under fashington’s management. they were ordinary people (like clown’s parents) in ussr, not masons, not zionists. anti-zionist movement of ussr was led by a jew who was the army general. what they are doing now is the treason of their kins. clown’s grandfather fought with nazism and would kill the clown, if they met.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон

so, you claim that these ukrainian jews lived in ukraine since when, 66ad after vespasian defeated sicarii/essene gangsters and thugs and when they went into “exile”. well, i don’t think so, ukrainian or russian jews are not of sephardic (genuine palestinian/iranian) jews but early medieval converts from khazaria, kingdom that spread itself on the territory of todays ukraine, georgia, khazakhstan and southern russia.


1. 66th is the year of start of the 1st judean war, not the end (74th). some judeans were on roman side. exile started after jerusalem destruction in 70th.

2. sephards are judeans from the iberian peninsula, not from iran.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон

3. hazaria was turkic country. later judeans came to power via dynastic marriage. nobles adopted judaism, but common people still were tengrian pagans. kews lived here at least since the ancient rus. before askold and dir took kiev for rurik (end of 9th century), kiev was a tributary of hazaria and judeans lived here. so they are living in malorossia for centuries, its simple fact as another fact that all judeans came from west asia.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон

so, russian/ukrainian “jews” have absolutely nothing in common with those of palestine, nor geneticaly nor culturaly, all they share is belief in their evil warlord god yhvh. all of the so called russian revolutionary leaders of 1917. were jews from new york. lenin was a half-bred jew. top echelons of the world jewry comes from the ranks of sabatean frankists, zev sabbatai of ottoman turkey and hooknosed khazar jakob frank from nowdays teritory of ukraine.


“there is no special jewish project…” yes, there was, it was called ussr up until stalin wiped out most of the khazarian jewish revolutionary clans arrived to russia from abroad. jews (khazarian) are not even genetically similar to slavs, khazars were of turkic origin, therefore their typical hooknosed kharacteristic. slavs have different genetic origin, most of them being of r1a haplogroup (mostly northern slavs) or i2a (southern slavs).


you have totally lost the line of discussion. there is no special jewish project to resettle to malorossia. your rejection of jews and christianity is irrational to understand what i’m trying to say to you.


nkvd still exists today, now it’s called a mossad and they use very same tactics and an approach. most of the population of israel is khazar, coming from ukraine or russia. go check for example benzion netanyahoo or avigdor liebermann, staunch zionists coming from, surprise, surprise – ukraine! treason of their kins you say? are you aware of the fact that zionists fought hand-in-hand with italian fascists or german nazis against allies in wwii? kerensky was a hard core freemason and a traitor.


arahamiya is not a jew, he is ethnic gruzin (georgian) from megrel sub-ethnos. hew was born in sochi, his father probably still lives here, i.e. in russia. his son david is the student of “peace corps” where he studied how to be pro-western faggot, rioter and simply a terrorist like whole rural reich.


the only “ukrainian orthodox slavs” are ethnic russians. ukrainity is brainwashing project of hatred. there is no such ethnic group as “ukrainian”, it’s false name of western russian population. ukrainized ones are not orthodox, they are apostates, catholics (after the union of lublin forced by poland) and satanists like “azov” nazis and no more russians, they are alike those ancient semites who cast the golden calf figure when moses was at sinai mount. moses returned and killed them.


moses was no better than those “cast-aways”, he was follower of the murderous and evil entity called yhvh whose numerous crimes are well explained in an old testament. orthodox religion is not a genuine religion of slavs but a political conversion coming from greco-roman bisantium. entire christianity is a political invention, a construct, not a true religion.


that’s what i called irrational rejection previously. or simply a hatred towards christianity. are you a pseudo-pagan or a satanist? so radical bs commonly comes from them. and not “bysantium”, but the east roman empire, the 2nd rome, the real rome, not that pseudo-rome as the 2th reich of otton.


why would slavs accept that crappy construct of nicea except for political reasons? same with jewish/fabian invented “religion” of communism. orthodox (as is catholicism or protestantism) is a state religion, a political tool, not a true religion based on any facts. pure invention, a mish-mash of myriad of historical beliefs of the so called roman empire. fabula rasa, contradicting itself on zillion points. moses, like his boss in a space ship, just loved killing of people.


orthodox mean original in greek language. orthodox christianity is faith given by god via jesus christ and free choice of ancient russian people. no one conquered the ancient rus and forced to be christian. catholics and protestants are heretics, heresy of papism, heard about that? it really was state religion to protect wealth and rights of nobility beginning from carl the great who tried to be roman emperor without taking rome and not being relative to roman dynasty.

saxon hillbilly

jew superior to dumb submissive amerikunt hillbilly


they are superior to everyone who think that jews rules the world, because in this case other people are stupid and impotent, billions can do nothing against few million jews which groups are also separated and even hostile to each other.

Nulla Casus Belli

and why should they fight to become blackrock sharecroppers? do they even get time shares at one of the hundreds of villas their so-called government has stashed away?

dead man hand ready to unlock

time shares for the worker class people in the most corrupted country? impossible. zero.


the elite of ukraine is just ahead of the curve. all elites in the world want to get rid of the supposed surplus of normal people.

Massa John

you won’t stay in your flat anymore? start something to take the vermin down! you are probably going to be killed during that, but at least your younger brother gets a chance to survive as a free human being.


ukros are no very smart, if they though they could defeat russia… sadly people don’t lesrn from history:

1. you can not defeat russia at home 2. all the toys of usa finish broken and forgotten.


they all sound like anti-semites!

how dare they not want to die for jews.

dead man hand ready to unlock

ukra, your place is with your family, not at the front for hunter biden. call volga today!

Last edited 8 months ago by dead man hand ready to unlock
The Bare Truth

hunted’s afraid if poppa resigns and ukraine falls, he and poppa will go to jail.

saxon hillbilly

we are inferior species immoral stupified losers—amerika =ugly cesspool lgbt sickness


travel fast travel by night. or, travel in groups and when the mobilization mobsters show up, grab a stick. asbeating ensues, ‘recruiting’ event cancelled.

jens holm

stinky potato in my diapers but no money to worship

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