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IAI Concludes $350 Million Contract For Special Mission Aircraft With “Major European Country”

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IAI Concludes $350 Million Contract For Special Mission Aircraft With "Major European Country"

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Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)  received a $350 Million Special Mission Aircraft related contract from a major European country, the company reported on June 8th.

Special Mission Aircraft which are designed and developed in IAI are used primarily for collecting strategic intelligence.

“As part of IAI’s strategy, we are bolstering our presence in Europe for leveraging our business and extending cooperation. IAI’s Special Mission Aircraft offer advanced and unique technological capabilities to meet a broad range of most demanding intelligence missions. Europe represents a strategic business region for IAI, and we will continue to broaden our products and services to bring our unique technologies to the benefit of our customer’s evolving operational requirements,” said Gideon Landa, ELTA VP and GM Airborne Systems.

IAI/ELTA offers four lines of Special Mission Aircraft:

  • AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) Aircraft utilizing AESA radar and IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe), SIGINT and Communication systems to generate and disseminate an Air and Maritime Situational Picture. It also contains an Air Battle Management and Strike Aircraft Guidance System. ELTA’s CAEW (Conformal Airborne Early Warning) aircraft is fitted with a dual band AESA radar providing complete uncompromised 360° azimuthal coverage and is an example of a leading in the class system based on a business jet. IAI has entered into cooperation agreements with Airbus and Embraer to develop and market additional AEW&C aircraft variants.
  • AGS (Air to Ground Surveillance) aircraft using advanced AESA SAR/GMTI radar, SIGINT and EO/IR sensors and an Intelligence Management System to cover large areas, providing Real-time detection, identification, tracking and distribution of surface targets from standoff range in all weather and visibility conditions. A leading product in this category is the IAI MARS2 that includes a breakthrough Digital AESA SAR/GMTI radar and latest generation SIGINT integrated with an advanced Multi-INT system, carried by a high performance business jet.
  • MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) equipped with high performance AESA radar, SIGINT and EO/IR sensors to create an up-to-date maritime picture during Search And Rescue missions, Maritime policing, Environmental Monitoring, Anti Surface Warfare (ASuW) and Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) in support of Naval and Coast Guard operations. ELTA’s MPAs are based on business jets and turboprop platforms featuring the world leader combat proven ELM-2022 radar family, serving in many countries on all continents.
  • SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) aircraft monitoring the electromagnetic spectrum to detect and accurately locate emitter arrays and communication networks, creating a complete Electromagnetic Order of Battle over the entire large arena of interest. ELTA has developed and provided most advanced SIGINT aircraft to the IDF on business jet platform and supplied airborne SIGINT systems to many Special Mission Aircraft worldwide.

Most of the equipment of these aircraft is developed and produced by IAI itself.

IAI Concludes $350 Million Contract For Special Mission Aircraft With "Major European Country"

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IAI Concludes $350 Million Contract For Special Mission Aircraft With "Major European Country"

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Which country the contract was signed with is not indicated, but it is said that it is a “major European country”.

Typically, this definition means the UK, France, Germany and Italy, possibly also Spain.

Russian Analyst Oleg Granovsky assumes that this relates to Italy – in 2012, it ordered two IAI GWF-CAEW (Conformal Airborne Early Warning & Control System) aircraft based on the Gulfstream G550 from IAI, the planes were transferred to Italy on in late 2016 and early 2018.

The Italian designation for these aircraft is the E-550A.

Both are part of the 71st aviation group of the 14th regiment at the Pratica di Mare airbase near Rome.

Their purchase for approximately $ 50-850 million was part of an inter-purchase of more than $1 billion worth of military products made in Israel after the purchase of 30 M-346 Master (Lavi) training aircraft for the Air Force.

It is possible that Italy decided to buy a third such aircraft, and its lower cost ($350 million compared to $375-425 million for each of the previous two aircraft) is explained by the fact that these aircraft are already in service with Italy, and accordingly there are less expenses for changing the model to specific customer requirements, for training, technical support and other related services. Moreover, in 2019, Israel ordered 7 AW119 Koala helicopters in Italy for $157 million, so the contract can be a mutual purchase for these helicopters.


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Very nice, proves how good our military industres are. Respect :)

Free man

” Respect :) ” – Indeed, necessity is the mother of all inventions.

Swift Laggard II

you produce good equipment and that is something to be proud of. what you lack is ethics. i grew up admiring the state of Israel, and in my younger days i was devoted to studying the writings of Ben Gurion. But with time the sheen fades off when you dig deeper and deeper into what Israel has become. The occupation is not necessary and it will end in disaster, as many of your securocrats have told you, people who cannot be accused of hating their own. Israel is sleepwalking into the same kind of situation apartheid South Africa found itself in. At one point i guarantee you that even the West will turn it’s back on you, even the Americans you rely on. America is a very a very dynamic society and like we have seen the last three weeks, it will take just one spark to overturn convention and create upheaval and change around a contentious issue. Americans are capable of change and whatever their sins, one thing that we must acknowledge is that American society pushes forward towards equality and justice, and the people though slow are very open to change. A time will come when the Americans will reject the occupation – the signs are there, the issue is festering slowly, stewing gently, and one day it will come to the boil. Israel should solve their problems with the Palestinians before it’s too late, or else it is guaranteed you will end up global pariahs like apartheid South Africa.


I could agree with some of things you wrote Swift, but tell me, do you apply the same to the Palestinians too?

Swift Laggard II

To be honest, I do not particularly have a position on the Palestinians, principally because my interest is to see a good outcome for Israel, and I know that good outcome will also be good for the Palestinians. Israel is the stronger party in this conflict. Israel should be the mature party in this conflict. Israel is harming itself with this conflict, and Israel will have much more o lose than the Palestinians when this conflict enters the popular imagination of the West. When you see people throwing the statue of Columbus into a lake and having a public debate about all such statues being put away from public places, when citizens deface statues of Churchill in public openly without fear, something that was unthinkable a year ago, then you understand that the West is changing very fundamentally at a very fast pace, and this will only get faster as more and more young people in the West reject the neo-colonial world view of Western imperialism. Sooner or later questions are going to get asked about the oppression of the Palestinians, and the money that goes to Israel, and the denial of rights and suffering of the Palestinian people, and that day is nearer than you think. And the West will reject Israel, with a vehemence and totallity that will shock the Israeli people. These are social dynamics at play, and anyone who has seen the trajectory of the debate on the Palestinian Israeli issue can tell this is not going to end up in favor of Israel. Vey soon every moral leader in the West is going to come out in a categorical rejection of the occupation, and there is nothing the Jewish lobby will be able to do once the dam is broken. This more or less happened in the case of Apartheid South Africa, and it is happening before our very eyes in the case of Israel. The West is moving towards a post-imperial post-colonial world view where they will reject any system of state oppression to compensate for the remorse that many white people feel for their hundreds of years of oppression other societies. Israel is going to get caught up in this dynamic, and it’s been coming for a long time. The signs have been there for long that fewer and fewer people are supporting Israel every passing year. Do not be deceived by the evangelicals and the right wing who seem prominent at this time, this is a fading demographic,and even they will have to reckon sooner or later with their true Christian faith and what it means for the occupation. Many people have no implicit hatred for Israel, but they are not going to compromise their conscience by supporting the occupation. Israel needs to disengage from the Palestinians, give them their state and get it over with. Then we can support you wholeheartedly and you will find every door open all over the world for you. Israel has so much to offer the world, but the occupation is the dead fly that taints the whole flask of ointment. If You do not do this, your future is apartheid South Africa.


Israel has tried many times to get the Palestinians into signing a peace deal that would be fair for both sides, but they refused everytime including to Trump’s peace plan. So what can we do if they don’t wanna recognize Israel as a Jewish state? we still offer them 70% of the West Bank plus Gaza, I think it’s a fair proposition. People in the West usually see it black or white, either Israel is the enemy and the Palis are poor or vice versa, but living here has alot more than that. It is a religious-nationalistic conflict, which can only be solved in two states. They can take it and end the bloodshed, or keep fighting us for another century. It’s their call in the end.


shalom oy wey.


Thanks to all the tech and money transfers from Western taxpayers to the Ziocorporate terrorists’ Rothschild neocolony in Palestine. This is risible, not only are the taxcattle forced to transfer their wealth and know-how but then they’re forced to buy it back at inflated prices to satisfy the greed of the Ziojew. Zioterrorists have the world’s #1 extortion scheme going on with the EU/US.

With luck it was the Poles who got scammed by their regime to buy this shit.


It’s funny you write about terrorists, the last time I checked it wasn’t us blowing up buses and restaurants. Now after they tasted our iron fist in a few operations they got cooled down, even Hezbollah knows what it means another war with Israel.


There’s a field where the Ziojew terrorists are #1, that is terrorism of course. Tales of the Holohoax can’t eliminate history, and with ISISrael’s bombing of King David hotel, the Lavon Affair, 1950s Baghdad bombings, Deir Yassin, etc., the Ziocorporate terrorists set the stage for the Ziodi Arabia-funded globalisation of ISIS/al-Qaeda terrorism of the ISraeli/NATO Gladio school.

Sometimes it backfires in your sorry faces, though, like the 2012 Damascus bombing, which forced Putin to put aside his Zionist sensibilities a bit and support Syria against coordinated Ziowahhabi terrorism.


lol clown, sometimes guys like you can really make me laugh here. Thanks xD


you started the terror. oy wey.

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