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MARCH 2025

ICC’s Putin Arrest Warrant Signals Long Overdue Unraveling Of So-Called ‘Rules-Based World Order’

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ICC's Putin Arrest Warrant Signals Long Overdue Unraveling Of So-Called 'Rules-Based World Order'

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Perhaps the most adequate way to describe the ICC is to paraphrase Voltaire’s definition of the so-called Holy Roman Empire and say it’s neither international nor a court. However, it certainly can be considered criminal given its history of blatant violations of actual international law.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On March 17, the so-called “International Criminal Court”, at this point no more than a glorified NGO financed by Brussels, issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights, with the controversial institution citing alleged “war crimes” in Ukraine as the reason for the indictment. The announcement, first thought of as satire by many, unleashed a torrent of ridicule from the world, ranging from regular people (probably billions at this point) making memes and practical jokes at the ICC’s expense, to Russian and other officials mocking the decision in various, should we say creative, but hardly unexpected ways, including Dmitry Medvedev’s “environmentally friendly” advice to use the indictment for “hygienic purposes”.

President Putin still hasn’t commented on the decision and who could possibly blame him, given the increasing irrelevance of organizations such as the ICC, as well as the fact that he has much more pressing concerns, such as visiting the newly-rebuilt Mariupol (barely ten months after it was destroyed by occupying Neo-Nazi forces) and meeting his Chinese colleague Xi Jinping. Strictly legally speaking, Russia is in no way affected by the decision, as it simply doesn’t recognize any de jure or de facto jurisdiction of the ICC, making its decisions in regard to Moscow completely legally void. Thus, the Eurasian giant is quite unconcerned and mostly uninterested (albeit amused) by the actions and opinions of the Hague-based “court”, the pertinence of which is bound to become increasingly questionable, especially after this decision.

Perhaps the most adequate way to describe the ICC is to paraphrase Voltaire’s definition of the so-called Holy Roman Empire and say it’s neither international nor a court. However, it certainly can be considered criminal given its history of blatant violations of actual international law, which also includes the horribly one-sided treatment of countries and groups targeted by the political West. This also refers to the brazen convictions of Yugoslav and Serbian generals and officers for mostly false flag “war crimes” or outright fabrications, while setting free all those working for the political West, including openly Neo-Nazi regimes and terrorist groups who participated in the destruction of former Yugoslavia.

And speaking of the Holy Roman Empire, we should note that its de facto successor state declared it would arrest President Putin if he were to ever set foot on German soil. At least that’s what the country’s top tabloid Bild is claiming, citing the Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann. Such rhetoric doesn’t only indicate the lack of diplomatic etiquette (to say the least), but is also completely unnecessary considering that Putin certainly isn’t planning to visit Berlin anytime soon. Especially not after the shameless comments of Germany’s (former) leadership which essentially admitted they’ve been lying to Russia for years just to “buy time” for the Neo-Nazi junta. This admission alone should be enough for an actual international tribunal.

However, this would require a truly impartial international justice institution, meaning that the ICC is out of the question. In more recent times, the Hague-based “court” completely ignored the horrendous Kiev regime war crimes and mass murder of civilians and POWs (prisoners of war) in Donbass in the last nearly ten years. Virtually incessant shelling by the Neo-Nazi junta forces left approximately 15,000 dead and tens of thousands wounded and maimed for life (not including those killed in 2022 and more recently this year). And unlike the bogus charges against president Putin, there is very convincing and conclusive evidence to indict virtually all former and current members of the Kiev regime. If one is to ask what evidence is there for this, what more do we need than the former Neo-Nazi junta frontman Petro Poroshenko openly stating that “their [Donbass] kids will be hiding in basements, while ours will go to school”?

Unfortunately, that threat was one of the few promises Poroshenko actually kept, as generations of Donbass children spent their entire lives knowing nothing but constant shelling, death and destruction. Many of them are teenagers and young adults now, but countless others were less “lucky”, never even getting the chance to grow up. Where was the ICC for nearly a decade while all this was happening? Where was the ICC when millions of people were being killed and tens of millions of lives destroyed by the US-led political West’s brutal and truly unprovoked aggression against Yugoslavia/Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela and dozens of other countries across Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, etc?

Considering their treatment of Arabs, Afghanis/Pashtuns, Africans, Latin Americans, virtually the entire world, the ICC and NATO as a whole (including the numerous vassals and satellite states) have been morally bankrupt since their very inception. And all these peoples and countries are perfectly aware of this, as they’ve directly experienced it. Thus, they will all immediately see through the blatant hypocrisy and the double standards of the so-called “international institutions”. The decision to issue an arrest warrant for Putin and Lvova-Belova for their key role in evacuating thousands of children from an active warzone will certainly backfire and cause the ICC and similar Western-dominated organizations to lose the little credibility they have left (provided they ever had any in the first place).

Perhaps the most hypocritical reaction to the announcement came from the US. Washington DC doesn’t only reject the ICC’s jurisdiction, but has even threatened to sanction, invade it and arrest its judges. Still, this didn’t stop the Biden administration from supporting the decision on Putin. In addition, considering this specific indictment, the US hypocrisy becomes even more glaringly obvious, as its own terrorist proxies in Syria are currently holding thousands of children in camps, against their and the will of their parents and legal guardians. Worse yet, consecutive US administrations have been starting wars for decades, but not a single one has ever been prosecuted, while one has even gotten a Nobel Peace Prize despite authorizing illegal invasions and thousands of drone strikes across the globe. No wonder the Russian embassy in the US dubbed the Biden administration’s comments “sluggish schizophrenia”.

However, on the whole, this decision isn’t necessarily bad for the world, as it will ultimately prove completely self-defeating for the political West, signaling the inevitable (and long overdue) dismantling of the so-called “rules-based world order“. It might very well prompt the rapidly expanding BRICS nations (soon to include virtually the entire actual world) to finally start creating truly independent institutions based on international law. This will leave the political West isolated and increasingly irrelevant, while also serving as a deterrent against further NATO aggression against the world. As we see this imperialist, neocolonialist system is finally unraveling, it gives hope to all truly independent nations that it’s still possible to create a world where cultures and civilizations can freely develop and cooperate without any foreign power being able to impose its own (often extremely damaging) societal models.


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Slobodan Milosevic is laughing out of hell cause Putin thought these kind of things could never happen to him.

Wayne Gabler

Not really up on who hell waits for are you? Lu:16:31: And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Wayne Gabler

NATO and the EU World Banks sometimes push out a number that is the opposite to the facts. In this case it would be 30 NATO member heads of state that would be up on war crimes charges. Above them would be the two entities that signed the Balfour Declaration that would be defendants in trials about the 600M people both WW’s killed. A war for riches rather than restoring a wrong God did in the past.

L du Plessis

The warrant is Putin’s western shit paper 💩😎


Hang it on a nail in toilet, as we say about useless documents. It sounds even more funny in russian.


ICC just received free vacation in gulag, Siberia, for life…


GULag, this is how it spelled properly, it was General Administration of Camps – a building in the capital. And Siberia is not the most distant place, Far East is – sunny Magadan for instance. But there is an equally sunny place in Europe – Vorkuta, the city beyond the arctic circle and the most eastern city in Europe. There is one more brilliant place – the pole of cold of northern hemisphere – Verhoyansk in Yakutia, Far East, with its record -71,2°C. ICC members could go there and clean Arctic from snow, all snow.

Peter Jennings

All at the ICC should be fired. They are a disgrace. They are international criminal cunts.


Demon servers, riddled with the rot of deception, without truth or decency.


Like these people aren’t real, the ICC’s Putin arrest warrant announcement date is close to the US illegal invasion of Iraq. My guess is that again the US/West showing the world that they own these organisations.


and that they are owned by satan the deceiver, filled with fillth

Icarus Tanović

Don’t they see how ridiculous they are?


Look at them, them are serious.


Last edited 1 year ago by Антон

The Investigative Committee of Russia initiated a criminal case against ICC members for illegal persecution and obviously false accusations (slander, attempt to kill business reputation) in heavy crimes and preparation for attack on persons with diplomatic immunity to create international crisis. I could add one more article of the Criminal code – preparation and wage of aggressive war (i.e. attack), because any attempt to hurt a country’s leaders will lead to a war.


The west and it’s hollow symbolism….it’s a disgrace to humanity and it’s progression. Remove it’s farcical actions and most world problems would disappear once selfish self interest is removed.

jens holm

I follow all mulatto lgbt rules fur 59 years


Ah… Those “war criminals” in gla$$ H0u$e$… Need to watch Amy Goodman on Democracy Now today that spoke to the war crimes of G.W. Bush and “The Dick” Cheney after their pretext of “3 building$ 2 Plane$” with the wholesale slaughter of Iraq…

And recognizing that the war in Ukraine began in earnest courtesy of the F-U.K.U.$./EU union after Victoria Nuland showed up with her basket of cookies 9 long years ago, NOT last year… Russia ALSO betrays the Rule of Law by remaining a member within those $hitH0u$e wall$ at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA … Even though his citizens are sacrificing their lives every day for it’s government that purchases it’s physical precious metals at the price the U.$. “Union” sets it at… As well as remaining a member of Big Oil that also sets the price, instead of setting up it’s own markets to a free and fair marketplace where price discovery will once again be restored.

Unless or untill Russia is willing to Lead by Example with the rule of international law applying to all it’s members including the MC as well as fair markets, they are the “problem”… Not the “solution”!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

Germany people have no chance to recover if they do not get out of these idiotic organisations that have shafted them; EU, NATO, ICC etc. Germany has to leave them all, choose neutrality and independence for its defense, politics, economic decisions and foreign policy. The neighbour countries around them should do the same.


Last edited 1 year ago by leviathan

The desperation, among the hubris bloated “elitist” filth of the dying anglozionaZi empire of shit scumbags, is a thing of wonder to behold. The USSAN buZZard gets its wings clipped daily and to all intents and purposes is not long for this world. The seething rabble at home is at each other’s throats and as soon as the chosenite Wall St shitter implodes watch the tsunami of toxic derivative garbage sweep away the most evil collection of refUSe ever produced by humanity.

As for the cheese heads of Bangla Desh of the North, the craven Dutch political fairies and their fellow Natostan clowns, issuing an “arrest warrant” for the most powerful man and only statesman in the world is akin to trying to stop the ocean with their tiny fingers in their fellow transgendermutant retarded dykes.



Former FBI agent said, there will be 9/11 similar attacks in USA ( attacks on civilian airplanes ) if Ukraine conflict does not resolve in USA’s favour. They will say its UFOs attacks or as 9/11.


Interview is at Redacted’s yt channel.


who cares what they think or say. not sure why they russians entertain it at all

Stephen Obi Emekekwue

reviewing of icc indictment on comrade president vladimir v putin of russia 🇷🇺 in hindsight .after last week’s triumphant mid-east trip,saudi arabia ,uae, and iran in 48 hrs.russia has shown who is the new-political-master of these -times.”are they still feeling lucky 🍀?!.@ brussels and rome treaty idiots 😛!!”.of course russia 🇷🇺 vp dimitri medvedev has also made good on the promise that the hague is a legitimate hypersonic missile 🎯 target too!!.

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