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MARCH 2025

IDF Chief Of Staff: Israel May Face War On Several Fronts

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IDF Chief Of Staff: Israel May Face War On Several Fronts

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot. Photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM

Israel is surrounded by dangerous enemies and may face a war on several fronts, Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot said.

“The IDF is clearly superior to its enemies, but we are aware of the real danger of proliferation on several fronts which are explosive and require us to act judiciously and creatively, to initiate and to dare,” Eisenkot said on Monday night.

The statement was made during the annual Chief of Staff Award ceremony honoring outstanding units at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv .

Eisenkot addressed commanders and soldiers saying that Israel is “in the midst of a complex security period.”

The Arab-Israeli tensions have been growing since December 6 when US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s true capital. On the same time, Israel has de-facto lost the standoff for Syria where it supports anti-Assad forces and now is deeply concerned over the growing Iranian influence in the country.

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Don Machiavelli

Israel has made it’s enemies by doing brutal crimes from the early 1900s up until now.

Eat your shit if you don’t wan’t to change.

Jerry Hamilton

Since 1948

Don Machiavelli

In 1948 Zionist terrorist groups were abolished and many of their members and commanders were incorporated into newly proclaimed state, in it’s administration and within it’s army.

To disregard events prior to proclamation of Israel is the same as to spit in the face of every achievement which civilization has managed to accomplish through out our history. You can check what Ziopedia notes about those events : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine

But there is much more than that.

On the other hand you are correct in one aspect which is that Israel wasn’t existing as such but to claim that it’s founding fathers have no connection whatsoever to Israel is absurdity.


Daniel Castro

They have been engaged in terrorism/sabotage/espionage/piracy agaisnt latin countries since the XV century, protestant countries took them in an evil alliance against fellow christians, latin countries have fallen on the XIX century, now protestant countries understand why Queen Isabela de Castela have thrown the demonic cabal out of Spain.

Don Machiavelli

I don’t know about that it sounds as anti-Semitic to be honest and i focus only on Zionism. I would not be surprised if connections to Khazar Empire are correct and those people within Khazar Empire were not Jews but impostors who took Judaism and hid their evil agenda behind that faith.

Anyhow, Jews are victims and even the Holy Bible and Qu’ran mention this scam, Revelation 2:9 from Holy Bible for example :)

I can not stress enough how important it is to differ ordinary Jewish people from the murderers who have abducted their faith.

Gog, Magog and that third tribe from prophecies were fake Jews who actually prosecuted the believers and did a lot of harm even in the early days of Abramic religions.


Daniel Castro

Do you really think zionism was born only on the 19th century?

Don Machiavelli

Zionism was born then, there is no question about it.

Theodor Herzl is considered to be the founding father of political Zionism and other forms of it were not older.

Zionism is based around the strive to make home for the Jewish people and in their earliest days some sub-Saharan parts of Africa were taken into consideration – long before Palestine.

If other groups existed with some other intentions, long before the first World Jewish Congress – for that i am not sure and it really isn’t relevant to the Zionism. Also, it might make more problems in the fight against Zionism because, as of now, you would just lose any credibility by resorting to such assumptions.

Some of my claims which are against Zionism but most respectful towards Jewish people in general get attacked and my credibility questioned on numerous occasions but that my friend… That would be a tragedy in respect to available evidence.


Well. I think you are misleaded. Zionism and judaism are the same thing. The father of zionism is Abraham.

Don Machiavelli

I am certain of what i say about Zionism is true, no question about it.

That what you are saying has some serious implications…

Such logic is really disrespectful not only for large number of Jewish people who are opposed to Zionism but for many who are it’s supporters by nature, being indoctrinated by the years of Holocaust abuse by authorities in the name of the Jews and horrors which they have come through. Every mother cries the same tears, never forget that and such beliefs are what makes us human beings rather than the beasts which Zionists are. Eran Efrati, Norman Finkelstein, Miko Peled… Those are the people for whom i would not regret to give my life to save them if needed and they are Jews who deserve that.

Anti-Semitism is really disgusting.


I didn’t write the Bible. Zionsists are doing what is writing in the Bible : kill inhabitants of the area and take over the land.

It’s not my fault if Abraham is a terrorist, a war criminal and a genocider.


you obviously have never read the Script, because it does not say what you have been told it says, read it for your self, you would be surprised at how many warnings were given to us about the tribe


Obviously you didn’t read the Bible.


Bible are man writte n when ever they change popes they changed Bible.. the authentic book by Jesus was Injil..! When you said zionist are doing what’s written in Bible.. You’re mislead.. guess you’re trying to say that zionist are doing what is written in the Talmud..! Authentic Jews embraced Torah.. Just like Authentic Christian embraced Injil Aha.. take note..! whenever I speaks/mentioned about Christianity.. be sure that I wasn’t talking about the Orthodox Church..!!! I’m addressing to the Satanic version of Christianity of the western world..! Where their highest achievement to date is to legalized man to man marriage with certified certificates..lol..! Where most of, if no all of their priest are pedos.. what a disgraced to the real churches, Christianity and mankind itself.. lol..! Orthodox Christians on the other hand are the only pure one left as far as I’m concerned., Why I said that..? Coz, they still have and retained the words & tenets of God brought by Jesus pbuh himself., they also still have their Monasteries, respected High Priest plus all of their respected scholars (ulamas) to give fatwas and the utmost to it is that.., they are not arrogant in any way especially to humanity just like the teachings of all the prophets of God..! To compare it to what we are witnessing in the western world, they’re selling off all of their churches.., bought over by the Muslims and transformed it into mosques They’re bloody arrogant with their up side down crost and also stupid and confused due to whenever they changed their pope they’ll change and fabricates their Bible..! And every each of the 40k++ school of thought claimed to be the righteous one..! so, by now you can see the difference right..! Ever wonder why do they., the Satan worshippers so called Christians blown off countries surroundings Russia decades ago (USSR)..? Don’t they are all mostly Christian Orthodox and Muslims..? why are they (the western) still kept on provoking that nation..? Does most of the world really think it is all about the nuclear and some other stupid stuffs the west always come up with..? It’s all about to eliminate the truth religions of The Almighty God from the face of the earth to spread their satanic versions of one religion so that they can conquer mankind to be slaves as what we are witnessing in the western and around the world currently..! Peace

Daniel Castro

For me zionism is the belief in the supremacy of the jewish race, the stablishment of Israel is just a secondary goal for zionism.

Jews in spain helped the moors in the ensalvemtne of iberic people, they were forgivenon the grounds they would convert to christianity, but then they were caught again plotting against the people of Spain and were asked to leave.

Fast forward one century, they came here to Brazil with the dutch where they were deeply involved in slave trade and every sort of exploitation, to the point both native americans and africans united with the portuguese to expel them, these jews were the ones who were to New York and have been wreaking havoc ammong mankind since then.

I don’t argue on the fact there are good jews, and I don’t agree they should be terminated, but you can’t argue about the fact that judaism is the belief that jewish people are the chosen people and have the divine right to be above the rest of humanity, such supremacist ideology must be violently repeled for the sake of mankind.

There is a reason every place this people were since the ancient egypt they were expeled and vilified, they think they are above everybody else.



What “Jewish race”?

Daniel Castro

You tell them.



This man will look you in the eye and tell you he is not European but Israelite! I know a Jewish man who married a non-Jewish woman but his son is not accepted as a Jew.That must hurt!


baloney! A) Lots of Jews are not of any “lineage of jewish women” — because a convert to Judaism is 100% Jewish. Lots of “Arabs” have become Jews.

And — every child of a women who converts is also 100% Jewish. So hardly a “liniage” in that regard.

b) all Jews who either converted to Judaism, whose mother converted before they were born, or whose mothers themselves were born Jewish — are REAL Jews.

Daniel Castro

It is supremacist nonethles, on the vast majority of countries to be born on the land is enough to be considered a citizen, on apartheid Israel you have to be born from jewish woman or convert yourself to judaism, and here on this same thread you are criticizing iberian people for treating jews the same way, even considering that jews were allies of moors in the invasion, but palestinians never did anything against you.


Yup. Judaism embraces all races of people, and Israel defends them

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Bullshit you have been called on a lie as their current and past actions speak volumes.


No one here as identified anything I said that was not accurate — let alone a “lie”. and Israel’s current and past actions prove what I have said is true.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The actions of Israel has spoken well of it’s genocidal and Nazi Fascist regime , the massacres they orchestrated are far too numerous and are well documented. So yes what you say is true and has been well covered by outside press also and has been corroborated by others as massacres and their own records.

Keep trying to present your version of the facts it falls short with me and many others.


You can make up whatever definitions you like, but it doesn’t change the reality.

Zionism has ZERO to do with any “supremacy” concepts and does not consider Jews to be a “race” anyway.

Judaism has ZERO to do with any supremacy ideas – and coming from a Christian is a laughable charge. it’s Christians who think only they know the Lord and will go to Heaven. That’s as supremacist as it gets.

YOur explanation of Spain’s horrific murder of innocent Jews as if it was a “forgiveness in exchange for conversion” is a sad but almost funny way of explaining it. Islam did something similar, but for both Christians and Jews — they were oppressed by Islam, but could always escape the oppression by conversion. The Christians and Islamicists that sought such conversions are despicable.

The reason they were vilified by Christians is Christian bigotry and Christian insecurity — coupled with their very tiny number making then unable to defend in any serious fashion.. Same reason they were vilified by the Muslims.

Daniel Castro

They were not vilified by muslims and in fact they would even get high positions among on islamic governments, as it happens everytime in history the jews have switched sides when christians won, but iberic people didn’t forget the jews helped muslims in enslaving themm they tried to give you a chance but it was pointless… but, you know, a leopard doesn’t change its spots…

Don Machiavelli

Truth to be told every God has His favorite people :)


calling Jewish Liberation supporters “beasts” is bigotry, no matter how you try and disguise it.


What is “Jewish Liberation”? Why did a German or Lithuanian Hungarian Jew come to Palestine for “liberation”. Why not fight for liberation back home in Europe?


because there was no way the teeny tiny Jewish Community in Germany — let alone the tiny few who survived the Holocaust — were going to be able to defeat any European Nation and establish an army there. Instead, they needed to band together with all other Jews, including the Jews of Arabia who were also severely persecuted and occasionally massacred — and the place to do so was in a portion of their homeland, where their collective history was, from which they had been ethnically cleansed, and at which the world community could be emotionally bonded to form the new army. As for “what is Jewish Liberation” — it was the necessary end to the community living solely as a tiny minority whose freedoms and opportunities were controlled by and dependent on the non-Jewish majorities in which they lived. THe history of living in that condition had proven that the community would even in the most progressive nations eventually suffer oppression and even murder. It was an ongoing cycle of being granted rights, having them taken away, being killed — over and over throughout Arabia and Europe. Although there was even a longer and sustained oppression in Arabia, it was in Europe that it erupted into the mechanized scale that created the Holocaust. So – the liberation movement was embraced – with the goal of establishing an army that would at core be dedicated to taking in and protecting any Jew of any race or background that found themselves in danger. It was born of necessity, and is a beautiful concept. There is plenty of land in the ME for Arabs to live in peace with a small Jewish State. The only obstacle is the ongoing bigotry and hatred in the Arab communities who can’t stomach the idea of a Jewish State anywhere in what they see as “Muslim” territory. They had no objection when the land was controlled by foreigners from Turkey and no objection when controlled by foreigners from Egypt or Jordan. That’s because it’s not about “Palestinian rights” as much as it is about the demand of there being no Jewish State in the region.



The holy-land is their homeland?



What is “European-Jewish”? We know what Middle Eastern or Asian or African or Iberian is, but we do not know exactly what “European-Jewish” is. Is it not not a code for Khazar? If not, please educate me what “European-Jewish” is.



Can you explain to me why the Middle East is totally blank but even African and Asia are highlighted to show his 0.1% ancestry. It does say that he is 99.9% European, does it not? How do Europeans claim ancestry to the Middle East at 0%?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why does everything you say sound so false and make bogus claims of liberation, you must be a denier of the real truth. Did you get taught the real truth and are fearful of being found out to be following fraudulent teachings by some very sick and twisted individuals?


And what gave you the idea that Finkelstein is not a Zionist?


Don Machiavelli

Funny accusation.


You are making ignorant statements, Abraham was chosen by God because of his faith, Abraham was not even considered a Jew at the time. Abraham is considered the father of faith, Abraham had Isaac, the son of promise from God when his wife was 90 years old. Isaac had Jacob and Esau, later Jacob was named Israel after an encounter with an angel; and Jacob had 12 sons, the patriarchs of the 12 tribes. The offspring of Jacob are considered Israelites/Jews, Esau’s descendants are not Jews. Judaism pertains to Torah, God’s, commandments governing the full range of human life within Jewish society defining right and wrong according to divine precepts.

God did not choose the Jews to be masters of the world, He wanted them to be a light to the world. God used Gentiles to judge the Jews many times to bring them to a point or repentance. The Jews that chose not to abide by the Torah became renegades aka zionists, placing emphasis on themselves, their greatness and goals, instead of God. The Jews that condemned Jesus Christ to die were not Khazars or some make believe Jews, they were Zionist jews that refused to accept divine direction, and wanted to continue according to their national agenda. They met their national demise a few decades later.

In the ensuing Diaspora the zionists ( the ungodly Jews) that made a good portion of the Jewish population engaged in vile practices against the gentiles that culminated with gentiles getting even by confiscating their ill gotten gains and killing them.


Your statements are very true and authentic


Well, religion is just a believing in whatever you want (or writer wants). The writer can tell you..”This book was written with the inspiration of God”, or “God said…..”, or “God appeared to me and….”. Ok, if you believe this, no problem. Religion is the best weapon to control and separate people. You are the good ones, the other are the bad ones. Your are the intelligent, the other are the fool ones. Your are the chosen, the other are garbage. Your are the masters, the other are your slaves, and so on.


God never made any such distinctions, since He is fair and just. God never made the Jews masters of the world, He chose them as a nation to be a light ( to express His reality and commandments) to the gentiles, the same way Christians are to express Jesus Christ in their daily lives to all the world.

Jews that rebelled against God and wanted their private religion imbued with wishful thinking are zionists, the same kind of mindset that condemned Jesus Christ.

Mollie Norris

“Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating.They don’t suffer from indigestion, and are not punished by heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe then the world will begin tofear us. Instead of feeling sorry, maybe they will start to tremble; to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble. Let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start WWIII just like that. Or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oilfields in the middle east. Even if you prove to me that the present war is a dirty, immoral war, I don’t care. We shall start another war, kill and destroy more, and more. And do you know why it’s all worth it? Because it seems that this war has made us more unpopular among the uncivilized world. We’ll hear no more about the unique Jewish morality. No more talk about a unique people being a light upon the nations. No more uniqueness, and no more sweetness and light. Good riddance.” Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon


Present day zionists are rebels before God, you are asking if evil men in this world have a bad time? Yes they do, in this life and the life thereafter. God is not slack in rendering judgement on those that disobey Him. It is irrelevant what Begin, or Ariel Sharon and others said, every person is responsible before God for their actions. You either keep the precepts of the Torah as Moses outlined in the Pentateuch, or make up your own rules and laws that contradict the Torah and suffer God’s judgement.

This is Isaiah’s summation of the Jews of his generation: Isaiah 28: [7] But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. [8] For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. [9] Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. [10] For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: [11] For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

Mollie Norris

‘Evil men’ was part of the Ariel Sharon quote, and I posted that quote as an example of the absurdity of equating Israeli aggression with anything to do with a mandate from YHWH to Abraham. Christian Zionists don’t read this stuff because their Zionist preachers teach them that Israel is a ‘holy land’ and because they’re brainwashed by the Illuminati Masonic Scofield bible and the indefensible belief in a pretribulation rapture, which they can hasten through their support for Arab genocide. Jews don’t know this because Judaism has been replaced by rabbinical self-worship; the Mishnah teaches that the rabbis’ authority is above God and above the bible, and the rabbis teach that, in any case, the am ha’aretz aren’t capable of understanding Torah; it requires 6, 7 ? layers of rabbinical Kabbalistic interpretation. Somehow this was left out of Deut., in which YHWH instructs Moses to READ his instructions to the people every year, but doesn’t mention the need for interpretation. So the rabbis discourage reading of Torah, in favor of the Mishnah, and the Torah they’re referring to isn’t the book you quoted and that Christian Zionists recognize, it’s the Babylonian Talmud and the related rabbinical writings that support Sharon’s warmongering genocidal racial supremacy. And, consistent with the non-biblical rabbinical master race anti-theology, the penalty for the goy who reads them is death. So, what we have here is a failure to communicate that’s cost millions of lives over the years and will continue to do so in the future, and the majority of both Jews, who don’t realize their religion has been hijacked, and the Zionist Christians who don’t know that their OT Jews don’t exist, scream anti-semitism whenever the truth makes it through Zionist censorship.


Isaiah 29: 13] Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: [14] Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. [15] Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?


Fuyll of bullshit. Don’t confound what you want something to be and what it is.


Maybe you need to read more reliable sources, like the Bible…..instead of revisionist history.


OK. So, you terrorist want to argue ?? XD.

Tell me about Deuteronomy 7 and 20. XD.

“Only in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. 17″But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you”

It that a genocide or what is it ?

I don’t try to argue that much with christians. Christians are just low life goyim.


“””I don’t try to argue that much with christians. Christians are just low life goyim.”

You do not have much of a point to argue, true Christians are not low life goyim, that is your misguided understanding. They stand for truth…..as Jesus Christ did.

God had promised Abraham the land of Canaan, the land was to be taken by armed conflict.


So, now, you agree with me. Abraham is the father of zionism, is a terrorist, a war criminal and a genocider because his imaginary friend tell him to do so. It’s written in your fairytale book.

I even don’t know what christendom is about. Christendom is judaism without judaism. XD.

You are lost because you are misguided by the terrorist Abraham.

So, try to see a psychologist. Abraham must have been locked up in a psychiatric hospital.


Since you are uninformed on Biblical matters, and cannot engage in a substantative dialogue, it would be best to qualify your statements as your imaginary thoughts.

FYO, Abraham lived in the city of Ur in Chaldea before God called him, there was nothing Jewish about him, he moved westward into the land of Canaan, Egypt and back into Canaan. This was happening around 19-20th century BC: God promised the land of Canaan to his seed/offspring when he had no children. As I stated in the previous posts, Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob who was a shyster who later in life was redeemed by God and given the name of Israel, Israel had 12 sons…..Israel along with some 70 household members moved to Egypt and stayed there for 4 centuries becoming slaves and multiplying accordingly.


My imaginary friend tell me that I own the earth and that your house is mine. So please move from your house, I’m coming. XD.


Grow up. Since you are not able or willing to get into deeper things to understand the matter, I will say this: God is real and not an imaginary friend; present day Israel is void of God’s understanding and His ways. Do not attribute to God the things are fully attributable to ungodly Jews, the Zionists.


The abrahamic god doesn’t exist. You are worshipping Satan. that’s why you are killing everybody.


The God of Abraham sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to be a witness to the world. John 8: [56] Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. [57] Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? [58] Jesus said unto them, Verily,verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.


[13] The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.


I don’t know what are you talking about.

Vince Dhimos

Hello J, the problem is that God kicked the Jews out of Canaan, twice, because they disobeyed Him. Remember the diasporas? There is no scripture to support the notion that non-believers calling themselves Jews have a right to any land at all. In fact, Rev. 3:9 talks about “false Jews”, saying they are of the synagogue of Satan. I only know of one single “Christian” sect or denomination that dares to mention this fact, and that is the Seventh Day Adventists (I am not one, just an observer). It seems to me that the vast majority of “Christians” choose to ignore the fact that the Jews have NO right to the land they brazenly call Israel. But while we are discussing the hope of peace between Israel and Palestine, if there can ever be hope, it will come from Putin. He is certifiably friendly to the Jews. Every time he meets Netanhyahu, he reminds him that the Russisans and Jews both suffered at the hands of the fascists. This is a sincere belief. In his bio he said he was led to join the KGB largely through a movie, Shield and Sword, set in Third Reich times. It is very sympathetic to the plight of the Jews at the time and shows a stark contrast between the Soviets and the cruel Germans. But at the same time, Putin has good relations with Iran and Syria. He is the only world leader who has made this commitment to seek real peace between both sides.


Yes I agree, Jews went into Assyrian and Babylonian captivity to return, and then went into a long term captivity to Rome. Non believing Jews, refusing to believe and live by the Torah have are renegades before God. God is not going to spare them. However, at the end times Jews worldwide are going to undergo a religious revival, bringing them back to God, all present day Zionists are going are going to be probably killed or removed from power. The religious revival is going to allienate them from present day allies and they will be by themselves against the entire world, suffering persecution ….again.

Mollie Norris

” the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you” – that pretty much excludes the rest of the world, no? On the other hand:

“We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is, however, better for you to help usso as to avoid our constructive powers that have turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.” Chaim Weitzman 1920



Dueteronomy has nothing to do with Abraham.


Judaism has nothing to do with Abraham. XD


you wish that were true to fit your bigoted narrative, but reality knows otherwise


Not my narrative that is bigoted, it’s Abraham narravite.


Gd did not choose Jews to be “masters” and Jews don’t believe they are supposed to be masters.

As you point out, Jews understand they are obligated to live moral lives so as to be a light for others to understand the ethics of the Lord.

Zionism encompasses more than religion – many Zionists are religious practitioners and others are not. Some bigots argue that Zionists are driven by religious doctrine and other bigots (like you) try to say Zionists are against religion.

Neither is accurate because Zionism is nothing more or less than Jewish Liberation in their former nation state — so it encompasses people who are religious and secular, Left wing and Right wing and everywhere in between. It is a very broad spectrum of people, joined by their shared belief in Jewish Liberation.

Finally – your claim that the “good Gentiles” who murdered innocent Jews did so because of “vile practices” Jews did to them is literally insane – and abject bigotry. Join the KKK, you’d fit right in.


Those that condemned Jesus Christ to die were religious people, being religious the way the zionists are points to their nationalist agenda, not God.

I said gentiles got even by killing Jews and confiscating their ill gotten gains in response to Jewish practices against the gentiles. That is an objective statement and has nothing to do with bigotry, if you need historical instances …..they are available.


1) by far, most Zionists are not religious at all.

2) those Zionists who are religious have a great diversity of viewpoint among them.

3) the New Testament story blaming “the Jews” for the Roman killing of Jesus was likely written by the Romans to exonerate themselves. The historical fact is that Pilate was such a viscious killer and had crucified so many thousands that even the bloody Romans thought it too much and took him out of power. Pilate would have needed zero encouragement to kill a Jew who was gathering a following and especially a Jew that some called King. So the entire story about him being “pushed” by Jews who would have been killed for even speaking to him to loudly is a little difficult to accept.

4) there are ZERO “Jewish practices against Gentiles.” None. Nada. This is 100% bigotry — and all bigots argue that they are being “objective”.


“””by far, most Zionists are not religious at all.””” That is obvious, no fear or regards for the Torah guidelines governing their actions.

“””those Zionists who are religious have a great diversity of viewpoint among them.””” Their religion is a covering, it has nothing to do with God.

“””3) the New Testament story blaming “the Jews” for the Roman killing of Jesus was likely written by the Romans to exonerate themselves…..etc.”””

The New Testament scriptures are inspired by God, not the romans. This is what Peter a Jewish apostle said To the Jews gathered at Jerusalem on the day of The Pentecost: Acts 2: 22] Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: [23] Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: [24] Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.

This is the account of the matter by another Jewish apostle, Matt 27: 19] When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. [20] But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. [21] The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. [22] Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. [23] And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. [24] When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. [25] Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

You do understand the implications for choosing a murderer instead of the Son of God, and having the audacity to boast saying His blood be on us and our children?

“””) there are ZERO “Jewish practices against Gentiles.” None. Nada. This is 100% bigotry — and all bigots argue that they are being “objective”.”””

Your own narrative shows your bigoted view of what the Jews did 2000 years ago to Jesus Christ and the subsequent judgments they suffered as a result of their actions. In the Diaspora the Jews remained Jews observing their traditions, their conduct being almost void of any observance of Torah, being led by rabbis that misrepresented the scriptures, always being on the short end of the stick because of their actions.


well Jesus – this will be my last response to your bigotry. I’ve learned that giving truth to bigots generally doesn’t open their eyes, and instead they just shift to new bigoted arguments — just as you have done in response to the true facts I have given to you. you admit here that you talk out of both sides of your mouth — first you falsely set forth Zionism as being driven by a religious messianic vision — and then when challenged on your “facts” you quickly admit that Zionism is mostly secular — but use that too as a tool to castigate the Jews. you also when challenged admit that the Jewish Community committed zero “crimes against Gentiles” and instead try to pretend they abandoned Torah – which is also false as a factual matter. You are consumed with bigotry. I can see you got some of your bigotry from your religion – which is a dark mark on your religion — but also not an excuse. Most Christians have learned to over come the bigotry in their text and have found ways to interpret it in less bigoted ways. I do hope for your own welfare that you can grow out of your bigotry. It must be a burden to carry around this view of the “evil cabal” manipulating your world.


Jerry you are pathetic, you would call God and His commandments bigoted because it does not fit your Zionist agenda. That is why Jews believe in themselves so much, because they are void of Divine understanding and guidance. Imagine, choosing a murderer a Jew, over the Son of God when Pilate gave them a choice.


I guess its no surprise that a person who calls himself “jesus” now argues that his bigotry is somehow related to “Gd and His commandments.” And your second sentence very much proves my point about your bigotry — characterizing “the Jews” as being “void” of understanding etc. I do hope you can grow out of it, for your own sake, and for the sake of others who are harmed by the spread of such bigoted concepts.


Your forefathers chose a murdering Jew over the Son of God, please tell me if that is not a Zionist bigotry void of understanding and common sense. And then have the audacity to claim His blood on the heads of subsequent generations. Your sufferings for the last 2000 years are a result of your lack of understanding and God being very displeased with you, and fulfilling your very foolish boast.

“I guess its no surprise that a person who calls himself “jesus” now argues that his bigotry is somehow related to “Gd and His commandments.”

It is the same God who gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai that is going to judge the Zionist iniquity by those commandments. You call that bigotry……you are still afflicted with the blindness that affected your forefathers Do you even know any Jewish history post Exodus? Can you name me some kings of the northern kingdom and what they did?


Ha. None of the Jews at the time of Jesus were Zionists. Zionism is the liberation movement that only came into being after the cycle of violence and oppression from Christians and Muslims.

Nice way to blame the murderous Christian and Muslim behavior on Gd being angry at Jews. You are responsible for your own behavior.

Your just a typical bigot – but trying to hide your bigotry behind a pretense of religion


The spirit of Zionism existed since the days of Exodus, do not give me your truncated view of what Zionism is;

This is what Caiaphas, the Zionist high priest had to say about Jesus:


[50] Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.

For the nation not to “perish” since Judaea was under Roman occupation, Caiaphas had to lie and falsely condemn Jesus Christ.

Zionism is all about Israel, regardless of divine commandments governing jewish conduct in the promised land. Why don’t you read Leviticus and Deuteronomy from the Torah and enlighten yourself? If Jews followed the precepts of Torah in the Diaspora, the gentiles would not have much to complain about, and a peaceful rapport would have existed.

“Nice way to blame the murderous Christian and Muslim behavior on Gd being angry at Jews. You are responsible for your own behavior.”

You are kind of clueless in regards to God ELOHIM, using Gentile nations to punish the Jews for their stiffnecked disobedience towards Him.

Have you heard of Nebuchadnezzar who sieged Jerusalem in 586 BC, destroyed it, carried the upper class Jews as prisoners to Babylon; and blinded king Zedekiah after killing his entire royal family and retinue before his eyes?

Or shall you consider Titus who in 70 AD destroyed Jerusalem and killing almost 2 million Jews and carried the remanant captive to Rome?

You think the gentiles picked on the Jewish nation for no reason, since you are historically clueless? The Jews had made an agreement with the Babylonians to be their vassals and pay a yearly tribute. The Zionist leaders chose to renege the agreement and enter into an alliance with Egypt since they refused to accept the Babylonian mastery over them. Prophet Jeremiah ( do you read the prophets?) told them it was God’s will for them to be subservient to the Babylonians, however, they tried to kill Jeremiah.

Same thing with the Romans, the Zionist Jews made of various groups concocted a rebellion against Rome……, we see a pattern of behavior that will be repetitive in the Diaspora.


The Gentiles did not have anything to complain about regarding the Jewish community.

Instead of taking responsibility for their own problems that they created, they chose bigotry and scapegoated the Jewish people.

That repeated cycle of uncalled for Gentile behavior create the need for Zionism.

You are simply supporting the need for Zionism with your continuing animisity against your innocent brothers and sisters.

Repent. Turn away from your hate


I do not hate anybody, Jews as a minority in various societies created problems, instead of living peacefully. Not all Jews, some did, accentuating the problem for the rest of the Jews. I am Armenian, Armenians like Jews had their Diaspora from the Ottomans, however, Armenians did not try to create problems within the societies they lived in.


your just a bigot pretending otherwise. I get it. even now you can’t help yourself from scapegoating the Jewish Community. No different if I started saying that the Turks tried to exterminate the Armenians because the Armenians were up to no good.


You are intellectually very shallow, you are hung up on the bigoted narrative, historical events regarding Jews trump your narrative. And God’s position on how He felt about Jews for the last 2000 years trumps your narrative as well.


you seriously have zero idea as to what Zionism is. I’ve given you the proper information. But you’d rather believe your bigoted ideas, so we’ll have to end it htere.


??? Jews being “masters of the world” is a concept only in the minds of non-Jewish bigots. Zero Jews hold such ideas.

“Zionists” are hardly “renegades” from Judaism. Indeed, although Zionism is a secular concept, many Zionists are Torah observant.

There is no such thing as “fake Khazar Jews” — that too is a concept that exists only in the minds of anti-Jewish bigots.

There were zero “vile practices” by the Jewish community against Gentiles. Quite the opposite, it was the Gentile society that ultimately treated the Jewish community with intense bigotry and oppression.

Zionism is a moral and progressive liberation movement. You should support it.


Abraham was not the Father of the zionism we have today, Abraham was looking for a heavenly Jerusalem, whose builder and maker is God. There is a difference between the physical and Spiritual and many “christians” stumble over this, as Christ said “my Kingdom is not of this world”


False. Abraham told hebrews to genocite Cananite, Hitites, … to take over the lands to make a home for his nomadic mesopotamian gang.


?there was no “genocide” by Abraham.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There was genocide by Abrahamics the mesopotamian gang as they saw the Hitites ,Canaanites and Philistines as enemies and used each to kill each other, all 15 tribes in the region not 12 as your Jewish myths teaches you. Your David came as a vassal to the Philistines so stop living in your world of Myths.


First you said Abraham gave instructions for genocide, which was a lie — so when caught you try and change it to his descendants. The only remotely relevant biblical history to any potential “genocide” is when the Jews came out of Egypt. Abraham was a long distant historical figure at that point. As far as your idea that the Jews were somehow capable of “using” other peoples to kill each other — that’s just your bigotry. People are responsible for their own actions. There is no secret super power Jew behind what you or your people choose to do, or anyone else.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do you lie any action to kill and continue to wipe out people is genocide no matter if it’s ongoing are not , they were mesopotamian bandits and nothing more. The were nomadic people who would where out their welcome by conspiring to topple regional people , they chose the wrong people in Egypt as they were asked to leave, seems a problem for them everywhere they went and why the wandering.

Your Bigoted and racist attitude is huge you don’t like fact which changes the narrative Jews have been taught and quite frankly is not my problem but yours.

That’s why AIPAC control congress in the US and every politician that speaks by using the old Jewish habit of saying shame even though it’s not true what they are shaming about. You can have your fantasies just don’t try to force them on others that’s when it violates their rights.


a) everything I have said is true.

b) there is no effort in Israel to “wipe out” anyone. You should know that the Palestinian population as more than quadrupled since Israel’s re-establishment, proving the opposite of your claim.

c) your belief that the Jews are secretly conspiring behind the scenes against everyone etc is simple bigotry, and the kind of hatefulness that has led to the deaths of millions of innocent Jews.

Such beliefs as you try to spread re-confirm exactly why Israel is so very much needed. Without Israel, innocent Jews would be forced to contend with lies like yours from a position of being a tiny minority — and we know from history how that ends — in cyclical violence and oppression of the Jews.

D) your are the racist here Terra, which is likely why you hide behind fake names. The KKK has a sheet with your real name on it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why do resort your truths which are nothing but untried scientific lies when they get exposed you cry and rant racist bigot and you are the one who is all that.Many Jews don’t share your views and fervor for Judaism under the Zions so keep your little fantasies and fables to yourself and ilk, shame Shame Shhaammeee!


haha. No one has “exposed” anything I have said as being anything but accurate. And certainly not from any KKK bigots like you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You keep doing a good job of showing your a fascist bigoted racist by trying to shutdown discourse, keep your rantings up this amuses me typical of streeters like you.


I have engaged in discourse by providing accurate facts – not tried to “shut it down”. You are just getting upset because the truth exposes your ideas for the bigotry that they are.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You use tactics calling bigotry KKK and racism when the truth exposes your fallacies , most of everything you referenced was an old untested fables, which when tested with the truth turned out to be a lies. With even your empty claims that Israel is not an Aparthied nation has turned out to be a lie it’s corroborated by Nelson Mandela Bishop Desmond Tutu and many others and all their claims of not are just by racists but by realists.

Maybe you should stop commenting with empty drivel and keep quiet before you unwittingly expose more truth by your comments.


You are the one repeatedly choosing to repeat KKK bigoted beliefs/conspiracy theories. And such bigotry should be called out whenever it occurs — even from people hiding behind fake names as yourself.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well let’s look at the comments of yours most a calling everyone a bigot , racist ,KKK member do you need to be reminded that defaming others and being deceitful is an old Ashkenazic tactic.


Your post proves my point:

your referencing my ethnicity, and claiming that certain ethnic groups have some sort of joint negative character, as well as some sort of shared “tactic” — is exactly the KKK view point I’m talking about.

It’s not my fault that you chose to express the same bigotry as expressed by the KKK. You are likely a member as far as I know.

If you’re going to express KKK views, you shouldn’t be upset that people notice

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just fact is all about it being referenced always being used originally by Karl Marx who was an Ashkenazic Jew those are just facts can’t deal with them then you have a perverted mind and are always trying to deflect and divert from fact again.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Now I show all your posts and rantings to my Jewish friends they are laughing at you , they are enjoying the laugh, ha haha ha ha hha you made their day thanks!!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Your getting boring with the drivel you spew , do you have some mental deficiency, I am curious about your mental problem as you proved nothing in your statements but shouted down and name called when confronted with the realities.

My name links back to real name unlike yours jerry if it’s your real name which is being deceptive me or you by drawing this conclusion. When faced with the truth you deflect you really need some help it can lead to a serious mental illness later on.


that’s not true either. Abe was about both creating a nation state AND about having the members of the State be spiritual people.


Zionism is primarily a secular movement, not a religious movement.


you half state it by leaving out the reason they were striving for a Jewish State.

It was a reaction to the cycle of oppression and massacres around the globe. It was not simply a desire for a home state — it was the necessity of a home state so as to provide self-determination and self-protection.

Mollie Norris

Zionism is globalism; colonialism. Hertzl was close friends with South Africa’s Jan Smuts and an admirer of Cecil Rhodes, not a religious Jew.


“sub-Saharan parts of Africa were taken into consideration – long before Palestine.”




Theodor Herzl Complete Diairies, vol 4, page 1471 April 24, London (1902) With Chamberlain yesterday noon. He received me amiably, like an old acquaintance. He struck me as having grown a great deal older and more care-worn, though still mentally alert. “Since we last met, I have seen quite a bit of the world,” he began. And in a moment we had got down to cases. “I spoke with Lord Cromer about your project when I was in Egypt. What have you done?” I told him, and referred to the Commission’s report which I had sent him the day before and which was in front of him. “That is not a favorable report,” he said. “Well,” I said, “it is a very poor country; but we will make some- thing out of it.” “I have seen a land for you on my travels,” said the great Chamberlain, “and that’s Uganda. It’s hot on the coast, but farther in- land the climate becomes excellent, even for Europeans. You can raise sugar and cotton there. And I thought to myself, that would be a land for Dr. Herzl. But of course he wants to go only to Palestine or its vicinity.” “Yes, I have to,” I replied. “Our base must be in or near Palestine. Later on we could also settle in Uganda, for we have masses of people ready to emigrate. But we have to build on a national foundation, and this is why we must have the political attraction offered by El-Arish. But they don’t understand that in Egypt. It is true that I wasn’t able to make myself as plain there as I was here.”




Yes Dan — your bigoted ideas of secret world wide conspiracies are for lunatics, not serious discussion.

Zionism was born in the late 1800s out of reaction to the cyclical oppression of Jews. It was born of the belief that no matter that some more progressive countries may from time to time treat them decently, eventually the time will come when the oppression returns. Thus, it was reasoned that Jews needed an army and homeland of their own rather than be dependent on non-Jewish majorities and their fickle grant of freedoms.

Daniel Castro

Because everytime a more “progressive” country accepts jews with open arms they soon start to infiltrate such country’s power structure slowly taking over and enslaving the people of that country.

It doesn’t matter how you call me, 3000 years of history is enough proof that such culture/religion/people/whatever is unfit to share the same space with the rest of humanity… indeed, you really should have your own country, but you should have gone to some desert area far far away instead of stealing the lanf of Palestine.

Mollie Norris

?? No other place has as much oil as Gaza.


so your defense of your bigotry is more bigotry.

It must be painful to be so focused on others in such negative ways.

poor Dan, thinking he is a “slave” to the invisible but all powerful super Jew.

Daniel Castro

Historical facts are historical facts.

I’m not a slave as I’m not in debt and I haven’t been brainwashed by zionist media or zionist academy.


jews and zionists are the same.

Don Machiavelli

Not every Jew is Zionist and not every Zionist is Jew. That’s a fact my friend.


jews and zionists are the same at 95%. Just like most sunnis are wahabbists.


However, they defend themselves each other.


that’s a wonderful thing


correct, but few Jews oppose their own liberation.

But every group has it’s foolish component, and Jews have some standing against their own interests.




for the most part true — because a Zionist is merely a person who believes in Jewish Liberation.

One would basically have to be an idiot to not support your own liberation


The problem is that jews are invented in a book and have no lands. Palestinians also want their liberation and Palestinians are real, they are not people invented in a book.


yeah. But they were liberated in 1948 and given their first state in their history — fully free and fully autonomous. Plus they got Jordan as well.

The problem is that they weren’t interested in freedom, which they had. They were more interested in stamping out a Jewish State in the neighborhood — that’s what they could not abide.

Notice they did not complain of “occupation” when it was the Muslim Turks that ruled the lands; nor did the complain of “occupation” when it was Muslim Jordan or Egypt that ruled the lands.

BUt JEWS — that’s where they drew the line. THey know that Jews in Arabia are supposed to be subjugated. Elevating believers in the “false” Torah instead of decent Muslims controlling everything was simply intolerable.


If Palestinians have Jordan, jews have Poland, Germany and USA.

jews have no homeland. They created themselfs from nowhere. So, now, they have to live with it. USA can give Florida.

Daniel Castro

Jews murdered them and stole their land, other occupators acted as classic imperialists and just demanded taxes.

It’s very convenient for you to ignored the way khazar fake jews came to palestine murdering everyone and taking the land for them.


“evil agenda” — “imposters” etc — all bigoted concepts


93% of American Jews supported the war on Gaza, 2% did not and 5% did not care. https://web.archive.org/web/20171006181738/http://news.gallup.com/poll/174266/religion-plays-large-role-americans-support-israelis.aspx

A survey by the Israel Democracy Institute found that 95% of Israeli Jews think the operation in Gaza is just https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/israelis-support-netanyahu-and-gaza-war-despite-rising-deaths-on-both-sides/2014/07/29/0d562c44-1748-11e4-9349-84d4a85be981_story.html


Pure Spanish/Catholic propaganda. Plenty of Catholics collaborated with Muslims and Protestants. Catholic Spain imploded from its own fanaticism, and its adherence to feudalism as Protestant Europe embraced capitalism.

Daniel Castro

As if protestants were not fanatics…

Capitalism actually started with Portugal and Spain my friend, by that time what you call protestant capitalism was nothing more than state sponsored piracy and sabotage.



Mollie Norris

Early 1900’s. In 1917 there were 56,000 Jews in Palestine and 644,000 Palestinian Arabs. In 1931 there were 174,616 Jews and 750,000 Arabs. Land ownership by Jews increased from 67,000 acres in 1929 to 280,000 acres in 1930. By 1931 20,000 Arab peasant families had been evicted by the Zionists. Ralph Schoenman, The hidden history of Zionism, 1988, Socialist Action, Chicago, IL; a witness.

Cheryl Brandon



Israel’s enemies existed long before any action by any Zionists and the enmity at core has little to do with any action by any Jews.

Jews were oppressed throughout Arabia long before Zionism was even an idea. Same in Europe.

Israel is surrounded by enemies because the formerly subjugated emancipated themselves and created a thriving and productive state of their own — centered on self protection for Jews of all races or backgrounds.

As such, it is an affront to Islam.

The idea that Israelis can end the enmity by ‘changing” their behavior is naive and untrue.

This is not a pass for all Israeli behavior, and Israel should strive to better its behavior as much as any other nation — but it won’t bring peace from those who simply want it to be destroyed.


Sure if Israel attacks these forces not these forces attack Israel so far.

The threats are from Israeli attacks actually.

“Israel is clearly superior ….” well if vs F35s/F16s maybe ….but face to face on the ground , don’t be too sure.


Israël is always using the same excuse they create themselves; playing victim, “defending” against enemies who surround them. Meanwhile they piss everybody off by stealing land and attack those same neighbours.

paul ( original )

Absolutely true, and it works every time.


Yeah cause Uncle Sam protects them no matter what

Don Machiavelli

There’s an old Polish proverb about the Jews but it doesn’t really fit Jews, only Zionists.

Jews are also the victims of Zionism.

” Jew cries in pain while he beats you ”.


Hahaha Watch out now u r anti semetic like all people who dare to criticize Israël. The most scary thing is they believe they are God’s chosen people and a large part of the Middle East is their Promised Land. More crazy to me then IS Caliphate!

Don Machiavelli

hehe yeah

It really is the Zionist intention to make anti-Zionism and anti-Israel speech into anti-Semitism but that strategy will fail if it didn’t fail already many years ago ;)

Even tho what they’ve done lasts longer and is of greater magnitude i would not say that it’s more crazy than IS Caliphate because the fanatics who are behind those groups have similar ideology and maybe they are orchestrated by the same master. IS is worst insult to Islam ever.

Vince Dhimos

The most dangerous cult is “Christian” zionism because it encoursges the most poweful nuke-armed nation to fight innnocents.


The most dangerous is zionism. as they’d created Christian zionist and Muslim zionism aka ISIS, bokoharamzadeh, Al Ciada and whatever they called themselves that only people of faith could recognized them. Peace

Vince Dhimos

Christian Zionism is more dangerous because it teaches that GOD wants the US to fight Israel’s wars. It is a Trojan horse that sneaks Israeli propaganda in through the back door — churches.


haha — Yes — all the evil Muslims are really the fault of the Jews.

how about cancer – jews must have created that too, right?

and the bad weather that happens from time to time – evil Jew scientists behind that too.


hahaha.. and the whole knows who created all these messes & chaos throughout the world..! Just follow the money.. you’ll get to the root of the problem the world are facing since then till now..!


you just keep making my point for me.

Mollie Norris

“And Zionist NWO globalism contradicts Torah, which acknowledges other people and other gods:

“while Yhwh had, by the dawn of the 6th century BCE, become “our” national god, he was still believed to be just one of many celestial beings, each protecting his own people and territory. This is reflected in the many biblical texts exhorting the Israelites not to follow other gods, a tacit acknowledgement of the existence of those deities, Romer explains. For example, in Judges 11:24, Jephtah tries to resolve a territorial dispute by telling the Ammonites that the land of Israel had been given to the Israelites by Yhwh, while their lands had been given to them by their god Chemosh (“Will you not take what your god Chemosh gives you? Likewise, whatever Yhwh our god has given us, we will possess.” https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/archaeology/.premium-1.723616d


It really is the bigots intention to pretend that when charged with bigotry it is simply about criticizing Israel. But they don’t actually get away with it except within their own circle of bigots and haters.


Nope, they’re not God’s chosen.. All these bastards thinks they’re Mini Gods


i’ve never seen a single person accused of bigotry just because of a criticism of Israel.

Every time I’ve seen that charge raised it was because the “critic” was also a bigot and used bigotry to try and justify the critique.


U ve never seen that? ? Where ve u been? Solitary in the nuthouse? ?

al quaida

This is the mindset of the psycho/sociopath. They are always the victim. Their aggression always justified.


it is the Muslims who claim false “victim” hood. Jews are done with being your victims and its driving you crazy.

they have honor.

al quaida

In much the same way as childhood trauma can create a sociopath, the historical persecutions of the Jews has created a similar mindset. Sociopaths consider themselves superior to others, therefore they are never at fault. The irony that this is a similar mindset to the Nazis is not lost on me.


Polish bigotry — amazing that someone is citing it as a positive.


IDF says, “To initiate and dare !” Damn thats sounds ALOT like PRE_EMPTIVE STRIKE ! Please, make sure, MORE war is the best answer !

paul ( original )

That is how the Six Days War of 67 was described- a pre-emptive strike. The term was kind of new then.


That’s not israel that is strong, its allies (USA and UE and Russia) are strong. israel “ennemies” are weaken by israel allies.


Be creative. Create another 9/11, another “daesh”, another conspiracy. XD.

Mollie Norris

Another Fukushima might do it.

leon mc pilibin

Superior to who exactly?women and children maybe,,but Hezbollah kicked your idf child killers a couple of times,,lol,,roll on the next humilation,and they wont stop at the illegal borders ,as the next war will be the end of israhell.

Promitheas Apollonious

may face? you provoking it to happen by drawing first blood MF, so I truly and fully wish you to get exactly what you wishing for. What goes around comes around usually with not very pleasant results for the recipient. Get your as-*s ready.

Lena Jones

Oh there’s no “may” if or but about it – war is coming to the Holy Land: Empire of Gunpowder and Glass: https://platosguns.com/2017/12/24/empire-of-gunpowder-and-glass/

Real Anti-Racist Action

Actually Jews are waging war on several fronts against Goyim’s. #1 They control the mainstream media to poison our minds and souls. #2 They spray all our food with poison. #3 They poison our air with their chem-trails. #4 They claim no tribe has the right to their ethnic homelands, except for the Jewish-master-race of course. #5 The pimp Goyim against Goyim just as they did in the First and Second World Wars and in today’s wars as well. #6 They murdered in cold blood Jesus who came to help save humanity. Jew’s cannot handle Goyim’s being saved, so they preferred to murder God instead. #7 They are behind the wars of starvation, such as in Yemen and African and against the Irish hundreds of years ago. And on and on this list would go if I kept typing about all of the fronts Jew’s wage war against Goyim’s.


Why are goyim goyim ?


Judaism needs to be outlawed to create a Jew free world. It’s a cult with a Satanism nexus written and taught about by Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jesus Christ and others to the present day. It is a root cause of many of humanity’s problems. With US and Israeli Jew neocons being prominent trouble makers. The Jews mass statutory rape 1,000 of their cult babies a week during oral copulation with a new born blood sucking rituals that infects them with venereal disease, brain damages and murders them. Their power of corruption enables them to go unprosecuted for these and many other crimes:

“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.

As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. … typically after a cult group has been involved with a criminal enterprise. These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”


Raptar Driver

You are confusing the Torah and the Talmud, one was Hebrew the other is purely Jewish, don’t dis Christ man, He was El Shaddai in the Torah (John.1).


The Jew Satanic cult Talmud is rabbinical Judaism, the Old Testament of the Bible is Christianity. Jews are evil pedophile rape cultlists bringing death, destruction and deprivation to humanity. Christians belong to a moral religion suffering from evil Jew infestation. We need to get rid of Jews to create a better planet.


95% of world Jewry converted in the 8th century, that is not 2,000 years, is it? 95% of world Jewry are the Ashkenazi whose origin is Europe and never the Middle East.


Are you refering to the Khazer theory, or something else?


It is not a theory. 23andme (owned by Jews) finally had the courage and sent out notices saying that what they had been calling “Ashkenazi-Jewish” was in fact Khazar DNA but in a matter of hours, they were forced to retract it and even apologize. If you take away their ancestral link to Abraham, they feel nothing about them could be the same, no more bragging about being “chosen” and they fear their legitimacy for holding onto Palestine would be threatened – therefore, they are scared.

Vince Dhimos

Revelation 3:9 warns of “false Jews.” The REAL Jews are in the minority and are not the problem.


“According to Martin B. Richards, presently available genetic studies, including his own study on Ashkenazi maternal lineages, all refute the Khazar theory.”



According to the “diaspora” myth of Israelite men marrying European women and producing hybrids, in a few generations, the Israelite gene will totally disappear and get replaced by European. Do you agree.

1st generation: Israelite marries European = 50% Israelite-50% European

2nd generation: 50% Israelite-50% European marries European = 25% Israelite-75% European

3rd generation: 25% Israelite-75% European marries European = 12.5% Israelite-87.5% European

4th generation: 12.5% Israelite-87.5% European marries European = 6.25% Israelite-93.75% European

5th generation: 6.25% Israelite-93.75% European marries European = 3.13% Israelite-96.87% European

6th generation: 3.13% Israelite-96.87% European marries European = 1.56% Israelite-98.43% European


Yes, very well said, I agree completely. The disease issues are probably from inbreeding. And it probably includes mental defects that combined with the evil Talmud ideology, exacerbates the problem to create people who truely are criminally insane.



“Genetic studies on Jews have found no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews, as opposed to evidence they have mixed Near Eastern/Mediterranean and Southern European origins.”

What is #22 “European-Jewish” if not Khazar?

We know what the rest are but what is “European-Jewish”?


Khazer is further east and south. Ashkenazi are inbred Europeans West and north of what was the Khazer kingdom.


1 Shlomo Sand: “It is clear that the fear is of an undermining of the historic right to the land. The revelation that the Jews are not from Judea would ostensibly knock the legitimacy for our being here out from under us. Since the beginning of the period of de colonization, settlers have no longer been able to say simply: ‘We came, we won and now we are here’ the way the Americans, the whites in South Africa and the Australians said. There is a very deep fear that doubt will be cast on our right to exist.”– Shlomo Sand interviewed by Haaretz Why do you think the idea of the Khazar origins is so threatening?”

2 Shlomo Sand: “Any mention of the Khazars in the public arena in Israel came to be tagged as eccentric, freakish, and even menacing…There was anxiety about the legitimacy of the Zionist project, should it become widely known that the settling Jewish masses were not the direct descendents of the “Children of Israel”- such de-legitimization might lead to a broad challenge against the State of Israel’s right to exist.”

3 Arthur Koestler: “The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.”

4 Ralph Schoenman: “Mr. Benjamin Natanayahu is descendant from people who have no relation to Palestine, historic or otherwise, because Ashkenazim or European Jews such as Mr. Natanyahu or ourselves for that matter are in fact descendants of the Khazars, an 8th and 9th century empire that converted to Judaism at that time from which European Jews are descended. Indeed, as I have often discussed, if one wanted scientific data which demonstrates the ethnic origin of European Jewry. Here is the point: European Jews are susceptible to a genetic condition known Tay-Sachs disease, it is analogous to what African Americans suffer, sickle cell anemia. What is interesting about this is that only European Jews are susceptible to this genetic trait. No Semitic people is. That means none of the Jews form the Arab East, Yemen or Iraq or North Africa or any of the areas of the region, because like their Arab brothers and sisters as are the Arab Jews.”



“Genetic studies on Jews have found no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews, as opposed to evidence they have mixed Near Eastern/Mediterranean and Southern European origins.”

Total rubbish! There is not one Ashkenazi who has even 1% Middle East DNA. Look at the map for Alan Dershowitz. There is a reason that Middle East is blank because it means they found nothing but they found 0.1% from Africa and Asia.

You need to study this link, the Ashkenazi has not even a drop of Middle East ancestry – zero!



Those are south eastern European areas, not the middle east. He didn’t say the middle east. Like France, Italy, etc.. If you read more of the study it clarifies that.


Counter-evidence exists to the Khazar hypothesis claiming that the male lineage of Ashkenazi Jews originates from an ancient (2000 BCE – 700 BCE) population of the Middle East who spread to Europe. -DNA studies of Ashkenazi Jews conclude that their male lineage was founded by ancestors from the Middle East.[108][109] and that they share this paternal ancestry with Sephardic Jewish populations

Several noted geneticists, among them Marcus Feldman, Harry Ostrer and Michael Hammer have maintained – and the view has gained widespread support among scientists – that the world-wide Jewish population is homogeneous and shares common roots in the Middle East,

If you take all of the careful genetic population analysis that has been done over the last 15 years… there’s no doubt about the common Middle Eastern origin __________ Here are samples of what the Ashkenazi DNA results look like: 1) Larry David…………. 97.8% Ashkenazi … 99% European 2) Bernie Sanders…… 97.7% Ashkenazi … 99% European 3) Alan Dershowitz….. 98.5% Ashkenazi … 99% European 4) Tony Kushner……… 97.5% Ashkenazi … 99% European 4) Tony Kushner……… 97.5% Ashkenazi … 99% European 5) Neil Gaiman……….. 99.6% Ashkenazi … 99% European Source: https://worldpeace365.wordpress.com/2017/12/27/ashkenazi-dna-99-european/


The owner of familytreedna is certainly a liar. He gave a new name for Ashkenazi DNA and called it “diaspora-Jewish” meaning that they came out of Palestine but he had no choice but to put the region for the Ashkenazi as Europe. No matter what they call it, such as

Jewish-Diaspora European-Jewish Ashkenazi-Jewish

at the end, they have no choice but to indicate Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Austria … as the origin of their ancestry.



I’m assuming that most of these genetic studies on Ashkenazi Jews are performed and or funded by Jews. Who are looking to establish a claim to Palestine. Whatever their claims may be, the Palestinians are far more descended from the original Jews than the Ashkenazi Jews are.

And the Jews are the ones raping their babies and committing all of the Jew crimes, not the Palestinians, who had almost completely eradicated Judaism from Palestine before Zionism.

https://www.worldatlas.com/img/areamap/continent/europe_map.gif https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/f2/Khazaria_map_from_600_till_850.jpg/688px-Khazaria_map_from_600_till_850.jpg


1) ” Palestinians are far more descended from the original Jews than the Ashkenazi Jews “. But there is no comparison since the Ashkenazi is at 0% Middle Eastern ancestry.

2) I have no idea what you mean Jews raping their children. You should not make such outrageous statements.

3) How did the Palestinians “eradicate Judaism” from Palestine? Do you even know what you speak of?


Oral copulation with a minor is felony statutory rape in the US. The Jews rape 1,000 of their cult babies every week during their vile blood sucking “Jewish circumcision” rituals.

There are genetic studies contradicting your 0% middle eastern ancestry for Ashkenazi Jews.

Jews were less than 1% of the population of Palestine 150 years ago.



Why is “European-Jewish” always in the heart of Europe and NEVER in the Middle East or Southern Europe?


Talmud=zionism/non Semites Torah /The Old Testament is written in Hebrew = Semite Jews

Zio Christianity=Slaves of zionist embraced Talmud

Authentic Christianity=who follows the teachings of the Jesus pbuh=Injil written in Aramaic Old Testament is always referred to Torah

If you care to read and comprehend ? http://www.justgivemethetruth.com/ founder_of_christianity.htm

Jesus was not the founder of Christianity as we know it today. Most of the New Testament doesn’t even concern the historical Jesus while the main influence is the Apostle Paul and a Greek convert named John. This is so because after the death/resurrection of Jesus, the Apostle Paul (who had never met or known Jesus) created Christianity in the image he believed it should be. Against the Apostle Paul where two of Jesus’s disciples (who knew Jesus), the Apostle Thomas (referred to as Didymus [meaning twin in both the Aramaic and Greek] in the Gospel of St. John) and Apostle Bartholomew.

I cried out to the Father, the Most High God, “Just Give Me The Truth!”and since then He has revealed many truths to me. When I asked Him what I should name  this website He said, “the same thing you said to Me several years ago, “Just give me the truth!”


The Apostle Paul Founder of Christianity

Jesus was not the founder of Christianity as we know it today. Most of the New Testament doesn’t even concern the historical Jesus while the main influence is the Apostle Paul and a Greek convert named John.

Paul never met Jesus in the flesh, he only claimed some strange vision and proceeded to paganize the teachings of Jesus (who preached an enlightened form of Judaism), until he created Pauline Christianity. Because there are no known writings from Jesus, the actual Apostles, or anyone that actually knew Him in the flesh (other then perhaps James), most of what He taught is lost forever.

The beginning of Christianity stands two figures: Jesus and Paul. Jesus is regarded by Christians as the founder of their religion, in that the events of his life comprise the foundation story of Christianity; but Paul is regarded as the great interpreter of Jesus’ mission, who explained, in a way that Jesus himself never did, how Jesus’ life and death fitted into a cosmic scheme of salvation, stretching from the creation of Adam to the end of time. The doctrines of Christianity come mostly from the teaching or influence of Paul, a Pharisee(?) who rejected his Pharisaic Judaism and converted to Christ. Paul would later be placed over his Jewish-Christian rivals by a Gnostic heretic named Marcion. See Marcion.

What is shown below is taken word for word from The Sierra Reference Encyclopedia.

Copyright 1996 P. F. Collier, L. P. All rights reserved.


PAUL, ST. (died c. A.D. 68), founder of Pauline Christianity. His name was originally Saul. He later claimed that he was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, from a long-established Pharisee family in Tarsus. According to Acts (though not according to Paul himself) he studied in Jerusalem under Gamaliel, the leader of the Pharisees and grandson of Hillel. This account of Paul’s youth, however, is subject to doubt, since the tribe of Benjamin had long ceased to exist, and Pharisee families are otherwise unknown in Tarsus. According to Paul’s opponents, the Ebionites, he came from a family of recent converts to Judaism. He learnt the trade of tent-making (or perhaps leather-working), by which he made his living.

While still a youth in Jerusalem, Saul became part of the opposition to the newly formed Jerusalem Church (the disciples of Jesus, who, believing that Jesus had been resurrected, continued to hope for his return to complete his messianic mission). Saul was present at the death of Stephen. Soon after, Saul was an active persecutor of the Jerusalem Church, entering its synagogues and arresting its members. Acts represents this as due to Saul’s zeal as a Pharisee, but this is doubtful, as the Pharisees, under Gamaliel, were friendly to the Jerusalem Church (see Acts 5).

Moreover, Saul was acting in concert with the high priest (Acts 9:2), who was a Sadducee opponent of the Pharisees. It seems likely that Saul was at this period an employee of the Roman-appointed high priest, playing a police role in suppressing movements regarded as a threat to the Roman occupation. Since Jesus had been crucified on a charge of sedition, his followers were under the same cloud.

The high priest then entrusted Saul with an important mission, which was to travel to Damascus to arrest prominent members of the Jerusalem Church. This must have been a clandestine kidnapping operation, since Damascus was not under Roman rule at the time but was in fact a place of refuge for the persecuted Nazarenes. On the way to Damascus, Paul experienced a vision of Jesus that converted him from persecutor to believer. Paul joined the Christians of Damascus, but soon he had to flee Damascus to escape the officers of King Aretas (II Corinthians 11:32-33), though a later, less authentic, account in Acts 9:22-25 changes his persecutors to “the Jews.”

After his vision, according to Paul’s own account (Galatians 1:17), he went into the desert of Arabia for a period, seeking no instruction. According to Acts, however, he sought instruction first from Ananias of Damascus and then from the apostles in Jerusalem. These contradictory accounts reflect a change in Paul’s status: in his own view, he had received a revelation that put him far higher than the apostles, while in later Church opinion he had experienced a conversion that was only the beginning of his development as a Christian.

Paul’s self-assessment is closer to the historical truth, which is that he was the founder of Christianity. Neither Jesus himself nor his disciples had any intention of founding a new religion. The need for a semblance of continuity between Christianity and Judaism, and between Gentile and Jewish Christianity, led to a playing-down of Paul’s creative role. The split that took place between Paul and the Jerusalem Church is minimized in the Paulinist book of Acts, which contrasts with Paul’s earlier and more authentic account in Galatians 2.

Paul’s originality lies in his conception of the death of Jesus as saving mankind from sin. Instead of seeing Jesus as a messiah of the Jewish type human saviour from political bondage he saw him as a salvation-deity whose atoning death by violence was necessary to release his devotees for immortal life. This view of Jesus’ death seems to have come to Paul in his Damascus vision. Its roots lie not in Judaism, but in mystery-religion, with which Paul was acquainted in Tarsus. The violent deaths of Osiris, Attis, Adonis, and Dionysus brought divinization to their initiates. Paul, as founder of the new Christian mystery, initiated the Eucharist, echoing the communion meal of the mystery religions. The awkward insertion of eucharistic material based on I Corinthians 11:23-26 into the Last Supper accounts in the Gospels cannot disguise this, especially as the evidence is that the Jerusalem Church did not practise the Eucharist.

Paul’s missionary campaign began c.44 in Antioch. He journeyed to Cyprus, where he converted Sergius Paulus, the governor of the island. It was probably at this point that he changed his name from Saul to Paul, in honor of his distinguished convert. After journeys in Asia Minor where he made many converts, Paul returned to Antioch. His second missionary tour (51-53) took him as far as Corinth; and his third (54-58) led to a three-year stay in Ephesus. It was during these missionary periods that he wrote his Epistles.

Paul’s new religion had the advantage over other salvation-cults of being attached to the Hebrew Scriptures, which Paul now reinterpreted as forecasting the salvation-death of Jesus. This gave Pauline Christianity an awesome authority that proved attractive to Gentiles thirsting for salvation. Paul’s new doctrine, however, met with disapproval from the Jewish-Christians of the Jerusalem Church, who regarded the substitution of Jesus’ atoning death for the observance of the Torah as a lapse into paganism. Paul was summoned to Jerusalem by the leaders James (Jesus’ brother), Peter, and John to explain his doctrine (c.50).

At the ensuing conference, agreement was reached that Paul’s Gentile converts did not need to observe the Torah. This was not a revolutionary decision, since Judaism had never insisted on full conversion to Judaism for Gentiles. But Paul on this occasion concealed his belief that the Torah was no longer valid for Jews either. He was thus confirmed in the role of “apostle to the Gentiles,” with full permission to enroll Gentiles in the messianic movement without requiring full conversion to Judaism.

It was when Peter visited him in Antioch and became aware of the full extent of Paul’s views that a serious rift began between Pauline and Jewish Christianity.At a second conference in Jerusalem (c.55), Paul was accused by James of teaching Jews “to turn their backs on Moses” (Acts 21:21). Again, however, Paul evaded the charge by concealing his views, and he agreed to undergo a test of his own observance of the Torah. His deception, however, was detected by a group of “Asian Jews” (probably Jewish Christians) who were aware of his real teaching. A stormy protest ensued in which Paul feared for his life and was rescued by the Roman police, to whom he declared for his protection that he was a Roman citizen. This surprising announcement was the end of Paul’s association with the Jerusalem Church, to whom the Romans were the chief enemy.

The Roman commandant, Claudius Lysias, decided to bring Paul before the Sanhedrin in order to discover the cause of the disturbance. With great presence of mind, Paul appealed to the Pharisee majority to acquit him, claiming to be a Pharisee like James. Paul was rescued by the Pharisees from the high priest, like Peter before him. However, the high priest, resenting this escape, appointed a body of men to assassinate Paul. Learning of the plot, Paul again placed himself under the protection of the Romans, who transported him by armed guard from Jerusalem to Caesarea. The High Priest Ananias was implacable, no doubt because of Paul’s defection from his police task in Damascus, and laid a charge of anti-Roman activity against him. Paul appealed for a trial in Rome before Caesar, his right as a Roman citizen. The assertion of Acts that the Jewish “elders” were also implicated in the charges against Paul is unhistorical, since these same elders had just acquitted him in his Sanhedrin trial. Paul was sent to Rome, and here our information ends. Legends speak of his eventual martyrdom in Rome.

Paul’s authentic voice is found in his Epistles. Here he appears as an eloquent writer, skilled in asserting his authority over his converts as their inspired teacher. The view often asserted, however, that Paul writes in the style of a rabbi is incorrect. His occasional attempts to argue in rabbinical style (e.g., Romans 7:1-6) reveal his lack of knowledge of rabbinic logic. Paul’s letters belong to Greek literature and have affinity to Stoic and Cynic literature. His knowledge of the Scriptures is confined to their Greek translation, the Septuagint. Paul was a religious genius, who invested Greek mystery-religion with the historical sweep and authority of the Jewish Bible.


All Jews follow the Talmud. Over 99% of them as the central text of rabbinical Judaism, the other less than 1% also follow the Talmud to varying degrees.

Why are you supporting an evil pedophile cult that should be outlawed that rapes 1,000 babies a week?


Hi, is there any of my statement/s saying I’m supporting those evil satanic cult..? I’m sorry if you got the wrong idea or can’t comprehend the truths..! Not all Jews are killers as there’re Jews protesting against zionism for the Palestinians and as a matter of fact they even claimed that Jews are not supposed to have land as written in Devine books.., it goes the same for Christians too as I’ve seen how the protests for humanity..! I can’t just pretend that I didn’t see it just bcoz some people disagree with or ignorant..! Peace


Are you implying that Judaism isn’t an evil pedophile cult, such as the 5% that don’t support Zionism? Because that’s the impression that I usually get from comments like yours. The bad Zionist Jews vs the “good” non Zionist Jews. That trys to make the case that Judaism is good and that Zionism is bad.

Also what is this non semetic Zionist Talmud Jew vs semetic Torah Jew? All Jews use the Torah old testement books written in Armenaic and Hebrew and the Talmud cult manual. Over 99% of them consider the evil Talmud cult manual to be the central text of rabbinical Judaism, regardless of whether they support Zionism.


They’re lots of other than Jews of the 5% @ 100% are evil & pedophile cult.. it’s all over the MSM & alternative news..! So, what do call those pedos from the churches to name one..? Should I just turned blind to what I witnessed..! And don’t consider every human to be in evil cult or pedos..! In every community there are good & bad apples regardless of their race.. As for you.. if youve seen or witnessed any of the activities done. be it cult or pedos.. then of course it needs to be condemned..! And what about man to man marriages..? Is a cult to be condemn.. of course I would..! Bottom line is.. on what perspective you have in mind or saw doesn’t mean others have to agree with..!


Also what is this non semetic Zionist Talmud Jew vs semetic Torah Jew? Coz you miss understood between Torah the Old Testament & Talmud which is written by some psychopath rabbai.. for the zionist.. hehehe


Copy and paste what I’ve written and try to explain what’s incorrect.


My suggestion is.. do some historical research..! When I wrote that, I was trying to explain your ignorance regarding The Real Sematic Jews and the Fake Jews of Khazars and what their faith is between Torah the Old Testament and Talmudic which is written by a psychopath rabbai, which I hopefully thought that you do some research or investigates my statements..! And I do not spoon fed others of my statements.. you just have to look harder yourself in order to understand like I use to do..! And as a matter of facts I don’t even anyone agree with my statements.. if you think my statement are incorrect in any way.. just ignored it..! So far you’re the only one that disagree.. so, proof it to me..! Re-read all the comments below again.. you’ll learned something..! Mostly all of us here doesn’t agree with the article above.. we can condemn as we like, but not all Jews are bad.. just like not all Americans, Russian name it.. are bad.. Peace to you brother.


That’s a dodge, you’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written.


I’m not sure whether you’re an ignorant or purposely trying to dragged this conversation..! Look at the comment above where someone was saying that you misunderstood between Talmud and Torah.. that’s where I follow up to show that I agree with his statement regarding ur comment..! I can’t have dialogs with some one who can’t even comprehend simple statement like that and take me for a ride of useless arguments and waste my precious time of readings ..! Tx. Peace Happy Holidays


You’re a truth hater evading what I’ve written because you can’t disprove any of it. The Talmud is the Judaism that Jews follow. It’s the central text of rabbinical Judaism and a twisted perversion of the old testament. You can’t follow contradictory teachings and claim to adhere to both. There’s nothing in the bible about raping your children like the Jews do 1,000 times every week.


Jews are huge trouble makers who’ve taken over the US government. Felony oral copulation with a minor is a central blood sucking ritual of Judaism.

The church officially condemns pedophilia and expels those who commit it. Judaism officially embraces it. The evil Jew cult should be outlawed for the criminal organization that it is.


Jews are huge trouble makers Yes, i do agree.. but which Jews are talking about..? Not only the churches are condemning pedos.. the whole humanity does..! So, what’s the argument/s..? I’m a muslim and fluent in Arabic spoken and written.. and I reads the old Testament and bible just for knowledge.. to do some comparisons of the Devine religions and prophets.. and i don’t see why can’t you..? Are you afraid of losing your faith if you do so..? Nobody can do that except you yourself.. Peace


You’re evading the fact that Talmud rabbinical Judaism is all Jews and they all use oral suction circumcision as an official ritual.


Which race in history doesn’t do that.. the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Ottoman (ottoman is worst than what we have seen of ISIS) to name a few.. and what about the forgotten white slavery of Ireland.. just Googled it..! It’s not my type to put the blamed on any race/s even if 99% of them do those things mentioned above… Regarding the oral suction stuff.. I don’t give a shit about it since Sodom and Gomorrah it’s already exist..!


Jacob are from the race of Israel and he has 12 children, one of them is Yehuda @ Yahudi @ Yahood clan who went to war with all other 11 clans.. do I need to educate you about the history..? ISRAEL means.. Isra=slave, el=God. Slaves of God.. so there’s nothing superior about it as we.. all humans are slaves of God.. Peace

Mollie Norris

Right! All Christians, but particularly bible-based Christian Zionists are brainwashed by their pastors and priests to believe that Judaism today is the Old Testament. There are no Christian leaders who teach the truth that the Hebrew bible has been replaced by the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah; the pagan satanic Babylonian religion that resulted in the exile of the Jews by God from Israel.

Mollie Norris

Oral Torah is the Talmud, put in writing around 700 AD. The written Torah is the Old Testament, according to Christians, but Orthodox Jews call the Talmud Torah. The Mishnah and Talmud have higher authority than the written Torah.


most of what you hear on the net about the Talmud is made up bull shit by Jew haters.


The Talmud cult manual teaches Jews to rape their children. Try proving that it doesn’t. They do it 1,000 times every week during oral copulation with a minor blood sucking rituals.

Raptar Driver

That is part of the circumcision ritual, not sure if all the Jewish Teachers do this.

Mollie Norris

Do you really think Jews are the only ones who read Hebrew? Most of the bullshit is lies made up by Talmudic rabbis who’ve made that mistake.

Raptar Driver

I’m sure some of it is, I know the Old Testament very well but the Talmud I only know bits & pieces and this can be taken out of context.


not just taken out of context Rapter — completely made up baloney by the bigots. There is a long history of anti-Jew bigotry being expressed by way of making up crap and claiming it was some “secret” statement by “the Jews” themselves. the Protocols of Zion is the most famous example — created by bigots under the guise of claiming to be a “discovered” secret document outlining the “Jews” plan to take over the world etc. and Torah by the way is also “completely Jewish”. The actual Talmud is primarily commentary on Torah and the Oral Law.

Mollie Norris

Orthodox Jews call the Talmud Torah.

Raptar Driver

That is strange, aren’t they two different books?

Mollie Norris

Talmud is oral Torah, first written in around 700 AD.

Mollie Norris

Oral Torah is called the Talmud, as far as I know.

Vince Dhimos

Actually, the most powerful opponents of Israel are Orthodox Jews. It is the atheistic Jews who defend Israel. Check out this site: http://www.dropisrael.org/


The issue is Judaism, the Orthodox baby rapers are criminals just like the 95% of Jews who support Israel.


That’s a diversion, they’re Talmud rabbinical Jew baby rapers just like the Zionists. Their evil cult should be outlawed.

Mollie Norris

They oppose a secular Israel and want a Talmudic fascist Israeli state ruled by Sabbatean Jews after the anti-Christ is installed.


Israel would disappear with a secular state with equal rights for everyone and Palestinian right of return. That’s why the Jews don’t want one.

Mollie Norris

The Chief Rabbi of Israel supports your statement, but comments at this link show that he definitely lacks unanimous support: http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/28620/Default.aspx?article=related_stories


The UN votes show Israel lacks almost any support. If the US wasn’t the most Jew infested nation on the planet, the US and our planet would be much better places. The Jew baby raper’s evil pedophile cult and their scofflaw crime state should be outlawed to create a Jew free planet.


false again. you are referring to a teeny tiny wacko sect of extreme fundamentalists. The Orthodox Jewish community as a whole are ardent supporters of Israel and ardent Zionists.

Vince Dhimos

It is certainly a temptation to think that, when a group is so uniformly negative, every single member is evil. Pigeon holing people is one of our flaws as humans. We’re all a little guilty. I had been pigeon holing Americans, thinking they were all blind supporters of Israel, but was surprised by the polls showing onlhy a third support the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Actually, Jerry, there are quite a few Jewish peace groups and if we all keep an open mind, we can work together with them to stop the persecution of the Palestinians. Many of them are opposed to the statehood of Israel. If we refuse to work with or friends toward peace, the chances of winning are diminished and the chances of war increase. I personally believe that Israel is not necessary to protect the Jews and can slowly be disbanded. They are safer in Europe and the US, AND what’s more Germany owes them a homeland. It is the true homeland of the Jews, whose common language had always been Yiddish, a Germany based dialect.


1) the largest Jewish Peace group are Zionists. THe Israeli public over the years has been the most dedicated and largest group to seek peace — even though doing so was a considerable risk to their children. They accepted the peace partition in 1948. After their victory in 1967, they again sought peace but oddly — the losers of the war demanded total surrender from Israel instead. And again and again Israel made offers of peace — but all were rejected due to the general Arab dream of taking it all for a Muslim dominated state.

Zionists even went so far as ARMING the Palestinians under Arafat in the futile hope that he actually sought peace and would use the arms to control the “extremists” within that community. Only to learn however that Arafat was as much an extremist as anyone else, and that it was the mainstream opinion not to accept any peace, rather than an extreme view. Zionists again went to extraordinary measures when Israel withdrew 100% from Gaza — and left an infrastructure and $$$ for the Gazans to build a peaceful society as a precursor to a larger ultimate peace — only to see the Gazans burn down the infrastructure and immediately elect and embrace Hamas with its “destroy the Jewish State” agenda.

It is difficult to imagine what Israel can do on its own to create peace when the Palestinian community believes and gets so much support for the dream of destroying the Jewish State. No sane person now would for example withdraw from the West Bank because it’s clear it would just become another Gaza bent on war.

2) some of the so-called “Jewish peace” groups are actually war mongerers. For example – the group that calls itself Jewish Voice for Peace has never to my knowledge made a single proposal that could lead to peace, and has instead made demands that would cause the deaths of both Israeli citizens (arab, muslim, jew alike) – such as their call to end the military equipment blockade on Gaza.

3) if you look within Israel itself, you will see very little “persecution” of any Palestinians — and you will see great strides have been made to reduce inequities even further. Within Israel we see Palestinians becoming doctors, lawyers, teachers – even sitting on the Supreme Court. They go to the same universities and receive the same public benefits etc etc. Indeed, some are even now representing Israel as their true nation and serving in the IDF. If you look at how Palestinians are treated in the surrounding Arab countries — you will see that those within Israel itself are treated far better and have far more rights in Israel than elsewhere. In Iraq for example, they just passed a law saying that Palestinians can’t even go to public school. The differences are shocking and deep — but no one cares because it’s at the hands of Muslims .

4) what you refer to as “persecution” occurs in the West Bank only — and a lot of what you refer to is simply reasonable security measures — such as check points and the like – and although they create a lot of problems, can hardly be listed under the term “persecution.”

— But, I agree with you that there are many areas in which Israel could improve its behavior in the West Bank. Given that it is a war zone and that the population is unwilling to seek peace with the Jewish State, it is a very difficult and volatile situation, but that doesn’t excuse Israeli excesses, nor the Settlement construction in my opinion. As difficult as it may be, and although it may not lead to any “peace” — Israel should still strive to provide better services and push back against it’s own extremist settlers in the West Bank.

Anyone actually interested in a true peace between the Jewish State and the Palestinians or other Arab entities has to take all of the above into account.

Vince Dhimos

Yes, there has been a lack of compromise on the part of Palestinian organizations, esp Hamas. On the other hand, all of the land on which Israel sits was stolen from the Palestinians. The West insists they should forget this, but they are not under any legal or moral obligation to forget this. Therein lies the problem. Check out this site: https://www.scoopnest.com/user/Partisangirl/945442797389152256


haha. Man o man what a load of idiotic bigotry here.


What’s idiotic or bigoted about it?


haha — not a single word is true; all of it is idiocy and because it is focused on a tiny minority of people – all of it is bigoted.


You’re lying like an evil Jew pedophile rape cultist: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NoGGtd37p-s/VMbyLZxIa1I/AAAAAAAAFl0/5M0kv6jyiTQ/s1600/bris.jpg


This evil blood sucking pedophile cult should be outlawed: https://saboteur365.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/feed-me-more-foreskins.jpg?w=584&h=389

chris chuba

That’s a rather vague statement, it didn’t even include the usual veiled threat to invade Lebanon or attack Iran unless one reads a lot into “to initiate and to dare”. Was this statement supposed to elicit sympathy? Poor Israel, why couldn’t they have it easy like Syria, oh wait, Syria has been fighting on multiple fronts for 5yrs while all of their neighbors have been twisting a knife in their back (except Lebanon and Iraq).

John Brown

All Hezbollah needs to do is rain down 50 to 100 missiles per day on all of Israel, to shut down the Israeli economy and bog Israel down in a very long war for years, which Israel can’t sustain, afford or win. Hezbollah is supposed to have over 30 k missiles, so they could do this for at least 2 plus years. Israel would be a commercial no fly zone, no tourism, with the rest of Israel’s economy disrupted by constant evacuations for missile alerts etc. Israel’s USSA slaves would have to give Israel trillions to maintain such a war indefinitely, which the bankrupt USSA can’t afford to do now, with the gold backed Petro Wan coming out to challenge the federal reserve Jewish dollar. Such massive expenditures by the empire in aid for its Israeli masters would cause the dollar and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire to collapse. With Hezbollah missiles crushing the Israeli economy the racist supremacist Zionist war machine will be forced to use its ground forces to try to take them out in Lebanon, so it will be easy for Hezbollah to inflict large casualties on the Israeli forces, so Israel would have to sue for peace on Hezbollah’s terms. Such a war started by Israel is good for Israel’s enemies (all of humanity) long term. It will be very similar to the Saudi war on Yemen bankrupting Saudi in financial terms, except bigger financial losses for Israel, but with much bigger military losses for Israel and much more direct damage to Israel’s infrastructure. All Israel can do in such a war is do what they usually do, except in much bigger numbers and that is to kill lots of innocent civilians, making an effective economic boycott of Israel much more likely to happen sooner rather than later. The longer such a war goes on the sooner there will be a collapse of the Federal reserve dollar which will kill the empire.



Ancestry calls it “European-Jewish” and 23andme calls it “Ashkenazi-Jewish”. What is it? Is it not a code for Khazar? If not, please help me understand what it is. You see, they do not have African-Jewish or Asian-Jewish or Middle Eastern-Jewish, therefore, one has to wonder why they came up with such weird sounding genetic names – unless they were just afraid to call it by its real name which is Khazar-genetic-group.


90% of Jews are inbred Europeans with some having some middle eastern ancestry. The Palestinians are the primary descendents of the original Hebrew tribes. And 99% of them have no interest in being Jews.


There are no Ashkenazi with even 1% Middle Eastern ancestry.

Here are samples of what the Ashkenazi DNA results look like: 1) Larry David…………. 97.8% Ashkenazi … 99% European 2) Bernie Sanders…… 97.7% Ashkenazi … 99% European 3) Alan Dershowitz….. 98.5% Ashkenazi … 99% European 4) Tony Kushner……… 97.5% Ashkenazi … 99% European 5) Neil Gaiman……….. 99.6% Ashkenazi … 99% European


That’s interesting. Do you have source links with more info?



Do you see the Middle East? Is it left totally blank because they found no trace of Middle East ancestry, not even 0.1%! Zero!


That’s very interesting. If accurate, they’ve been inbreeding for a long time to have a sequstered identifiable gene pool.


Click on the pictures to get the link address.

Alan Dershowitz https://www-tc.pbs.org/weta/finding-your-roots/files/2014/11/AlanDershowitzDNA.jpg

Tony Kushner https://www-tc.pbs.org/weta/finding-your-roots/files/2014/11/KushnerDNA.jpg

Neil Gaiman https://twitter.com/neilhimself/status/278035051210498048

Alex Feinberg https://twitter.com/strlen/status/287354859345281024

Larry David https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhU45VFd3Sk&feature=youtu.be

Bernie Sanders same as above


“38 Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases. The carrier rates for Arab Jews for these Ashkenazi diseases is the same as that of the general population, which is very rare. The Ashkenazi have zero genetic relation with Arab Jews. The numbers within parenthesis are the carrier rates for the Ashkenazi.

1 Bloom Syndrome ( 1/134 ) 2 Canavan Disease ( 1/55 ) 3 Cystic Fibrosis ( 1/24 ) 4 Familial Dysautonomia ( 1/31 ) 5 Familial Hyperinsulinism ( 1/68 ) 6 Fanconi Anemia C ( 1/100 ) 7 Gaucher Disease ( 1/15 ) 8 Glycogen Storage Disease 1A ( 1/64 ) 9 Joubert Syndrome 2 ( 1/110 ) 10 Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency (E3) ( 1/107 ) 11 Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B ( 1/97 ) 12 Mucolipidosis IV ( 1/89 ) 13 Nemaline Myopathy ( 1/168 ) 14 Niemann-Pick Disease ( 1/115 ) 15 Spinal Muscular Atrophy ( 1/41 ) 16 Tay-Sachs Disease ( 1/27 ) 17 Usher IF ( 1/147 ) 18 Usher III ( 1/120 ) 19 Walker Warburg ( 1/120 ) 20 3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency ( 1/280 ) 21 Abetalipoproteinemia ( 1/180 ) 22 Alport Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive ( 1/188 ) 23 Arthrogryposis, Mental Retardation and Seizures ( 1/373 ) 24 Bardet-Biedl Syndrome ( 1/107 ) 25 Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase ll Deficiency ( 1/51 ) 26 Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia ( 1/55 ) 27 Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation la ( 1/57 ) 28 Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive ( 1/203 ) 29 Ehlers-Danlos VllC ( 1/248 ) 30 Fragile X Syndrome ( 1/115 ) 31 Galactosemia ( 1/172 ) 32 Multiple Sulphatase Deficiency ( 1/320 ) 33 Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Recessive ( 1/107 ) 34 Retinitis Pigmentosa 59 ( 1/118 ) 35 Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome ( 1/36 ) 36 Tyrosinemia l ( 1/150 ) 37 Wilson Disease ( 1/70 ) 38 Zellweger Syndrome ( 1/172 )


The Ashkenazi and the Eskimos are at exactly the same level of Middle East ancestry which is 0% for both.


Ernie Gabo

south front is one of them!

Lazy Gamer

More than a millenia ago, Israelites moved into the area and put everyone to the sword. Today, jews are doing the same thing. Id have thought a millenia of persecution would have taught them not to oppress [all the time lol] but these guys do the exact same thing to others.


Ancestry calls it “European-Jewish” and 23andme calls it “Ashkenazi-Jewish”. What is it? Is it not a code for Khazar? If not, please help me understand what it is. You see, they do not have African-Jewish or Asian-Jewish or Middle Eastern-Jewish, therefore, one has to wonder why they came up with such weird sounding genetic names – unless they were just afraid to call it by its real name which is Khazar-genetic-group.

Icarus Tanović

Damn right! And you supposed to be scared.


One must translate this statement into proper common English. This statement means “Israel is preparing to attack in several fronts .” This makes sense. Which fronts ? Well, it seems to me that those are Gaza, Syria, Lebano, Iraq (?), and Iran.


Let us make this as simple as possible. So, let us define a Jew to that who follows the Torah and Talmud. Let us define a Christian (Catolic or Protestant) to that who follows the New Testament. Let us define a muslim to that who follows the Koran. In reality these three religions were created by the same type of people..JEWS. One of the main statement of these religions is YOU MUST NOT KILL. However, all of them fail to satisfy this statement…Therefore, non of them really deserve to be what they claim to be.


Israel has four fronts: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Neither Egypt or Jordan have any territorial claims on Israel/Palestine. However, Israel occupies both Syrian and Lebanese territories (Syrian Golan Heights and the Lebanese Sheba Farms). Therefore the only fronts Israel faces are the fronts that Israel created by the occupation. The nature of occupation creates hostile fronts by definition.


Israel supported the Al Qaeda terrorists as proxies to overthrow the Syrian Government. It is only just that Bashar Assad return the favor by supporting the Palestinian anti occupation movement in Israel.

Cheryl Brandon

Cast your minds back to 1983 during Yitzak Shamir’s visit to U$A. Reagan was in power. It was his shake down visit to drain off more money and deals in favour of Israhell. “The DOD/USA assured Israhell that, in exchange for weapons they supplied to the CONTRAS in Nicaragua, the U$A government would as flexible as possible in it’s approach to israhelli military and economic needs, and that it would find a way to COMPENSATE Israhell for (selling arms against International Law) with restraints of the LAW? and US policy”. Reagan is undermining Congre$$ and American voters to do favours. COCKBURN, Andrew, Leslie ;Dangerous Laisons; The Inside story of the US /Israeli covert relationship; Harper NY 1992.



“Coming back” to their ancestral homeland?

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