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MARCH 2025

Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses As “Moderate Opposition” Groups Hurry Up To Help Their Al-Qaeda-Linked Counterparts

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On January 11, “moderate opposition” groups of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) released an official statement announcing a large coutner-offensive against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies in the Abu al-Duhur area in southern Idlib where the “regime forces” were battling their allied terrorist group – Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda).

Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses As "Moderate Opposition" Groups Hurry Up To Help Their Al-Qaeda-Linked Counterparts

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According to avavilable info, Faylaq al-Sham, Nour al-Din al-Zenki, Jaish al-Nasr, Jaish al-Nukhba, Ahrar al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party, the FSA’s 2nd Army declared their readiness to assist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and some of them already joined the battle.

Clashes between militants and government troops were reported in Tell Salmo, Atshan, Jaish al-Ahrar, Khuwayn al-Kabir, Zarzour, Umm al-Khalakhi and near the Abu al-Duhur Airbase. Pro-opposition sources also claimed that militants had already killed at least 15 SAA troops and destroyed a BMP vehicle.

Furthermore, Faylaq al-Sham uses vehicles supplied to it by Turkey:

Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses As "Moderate Opposition" Groups Hurry Up To Help Their Al-Qaeda-Linked Counterparts

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Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses As "Moderate Opposition" Groups Hurry Up To Help Their Al-Qaeda-Linked Counterparts

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Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses As "Moderate Opposition" Groups Hurry Up To Help Their Al-Qaeda-Linked Counterparts

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The Idlib de-escalation zone was agreed within the Astana talks on Syria by Turkey, Iran, Russia. Under the agreement, a ceasefire should be established in the area between the SAA and “moderate opposition” groups. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other internationally-recongized terrorist groups are excluded from the ceasefire.

A large-scale operation launched by the so-called “moderate opposition” in support of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham shows that the de-escalation zone de-facto collapsed.

Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses As "Moderate Opposition" Groups Hurry Up To Help Their Al-Qaeda-Linked Counterparts

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Ok. It is time for the SAA to smoke these head choppers.

Simon Gould

This is obviously the end game and if they’re breaking cover like this, things must be desperate. I wonder if we’ll hear from the state department now that their boys have formally declared their support for terrorists?


Things are very desperate. SAA drive into Idlib and al Duhur base has upset the apple cart big time. All the insurgents need each other, their occasional squabbles don’t change that fact.

Wolfgang Wolf

kill them all. there are no moderate terrorists.


True indeed! Unleash hellfire on them!

Tarciso Ribeiro

Spot on.

Michał Hunicz

I don’t know what Erdogan smokes. He has great relations with Russia regarding agreements in Sochi and Astana and then he supplies terrorists. Turkey is definitely playing its own game, but I hope they will invade SDF dogs one day.


Looks like Turkey wants a piece of Syria just as US wants a large chunk ….

Time for big battle … no choice actually as no country in its right mind would allow fragmentation of their country.

Langaniso Mhlobo

This is Erdogans Turkeys terrorists stream which he so dearly wants Putin to join.


Guess he smokes human souls..!!


Now it’s game on SAA must go on and liberate the whole Idlib province…


Looks like Turkey is giving their proxies the go ahead after SAA ignored their calls … to stop SAA to control the area.

Well let’s see if the Russians give those new rebels the bombs.

Getting very complicated.


Complicated? Russia will bomb any one in Idlib attacking the Syrian army. The agreement failed if Turkish backed forces join the fight.


Problem is will Russia bomb Turkey’s proxies ? Russia has a lot of economic and strategic relationships with Turkey.

So very complicated and many “ifs”


My guess is that they will bomb any one attacking the Syrian army, except for SDF due to the US support. These same proxies also send drones to the Russian military base in Latakia, so I assume Russia is done with these proxies.

You can call me Al

HTS is a Turkish proxy as are the other scum.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russia doesn’t gain anything from that intifada weak economy.The strategy relationship just suddenly exploded after Russia was demonized by Turkey with lots of strategy lies and hidden agendas.


Russia has a lot of economic and strategic relationships with Turkey.

And kurds too.. both are turds..!

You can call me Al

I think the US has manipulated this, to get Turkey back on side.

Langaniso Mhlobo

I think that will be better.Because of you see Trump or Erdogan you just see a terrorist with sword behind his back.If you see one of them just run away for your life.

Man Dagang

These areas only taken by russian bombings counter attack immediately will eliminates iranian & iraqi shiites trolls

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA and allies are slaughtering these forces as they have set up multiple ambushes and hundreds of dead terrorists will be their reward, inshallah as God has decided to help the Syrians and their allies and will ensure most of the anti humanitarians die without reward.


You mean no virgins ? How can!!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are takfiri so they are impure and no reward but banishment to non existence is the other end in life.


They got burn here and later will rot in hell with the hellfire..!

You can call me Al

1 x 72 year old each terrorist.


What virgin..? not even whore will they get.. maybe they’ll get gay devils to keep them accompanied ..!


Fact is that it seems SAA was – again – taken by surprise by this attack on their flanks. Rebels captured already 7 villages in the first hour or two (that is acc to pro rebel tweeters)

Well, maybe IS will come to the rescue of SAA there. At the minimum they are guarding one flank of SAA.

Tudor Miron

” Fact is that it seems SAA was – again – taken by surprise by this attack on their flanks. Rebels captured already 7 villages in the first hour or two (that is acc to pro rebel tweeters)”(c) – like this one?: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/pointless-jihadist-offensive-idlib-sees-4-militant-commanders-killed-one-day-among-huge-losses/ https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-jihadist-counter-offensive-idlib-plays-right-syrian-army-trap-massacre-results/


Interesting. Pro rebel sources paint another picture. They tweet many SAA forces are drawn back from the airbase to defend against the counterattack.

Likely there is propaganda at both sides. Reality will only become clear tomorrow or even later.

Tudor Miron

Pro rebel sources only paint the initial phase of events . Pro government forces report that there was indeed a large scale offensive but that was expected and led to high losses on jihadi side. I can safely predict that airbase will be in SAA hands in a day or two.


This was not a surprise. Everyone knew there would be a counter offensive at some point. But the fact is, they are not able to reverse SAA gains.

The villages will be recaptured.

They are jihadists, by that I mean they do not have same intelligence that others do.


The fact that some people are jihadists is imo an indication of lack of clear thinking. However, this sadly does not mean they are stupid altogether nor that they cannot fight bravely.

On the other hand, being intelligent does not mean being a brave or good fighter. Furthermore, being intelligent does not mean having strategic insight.

Lastly, it has always been a mistake to think that those in command are always the smartest officers with the best grasp of command and strategy. There are to many examples of the opposite. The REMF.


Intelligence and bravery are two different things.

By intelligence I meant “basic intelligence”. Who – with a partial brain – would in 21st century follow the ideology they are following?

I do not question about their bravery. It’s all they have.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well what has happened is not as the pro Jihadi twitter accounts assume as there hasn’t been any real collapse but a carefully laid slaughter of the Islamists created by the SAA.Try never to believe all posted on those twitter accounts until it’s confirmed by those on the ground.

ISIS is fighting alongside their Wahhabi brothers just you believe they are attacking HTS , not true since many cells are actually ISIS within these factions and will return if called upon. One can never trust the US as they sent the marching orders themselves, trying to create another stronger faction to fight the SAA. Most of the other ones have crippled themselves due to infighting earlier.

Remember war has a fog on battle fields and things can change in an instant the French and Dutch found that out early on in war, just they forget it now.


The game is over when SAA capture the air base today. Yesterday’s report about already capturing it are false. The SAA and allied forces stormed the base this morning after controlling and liberating all the villages south to it. There are thousands of SAA troops on this front and “moderate rebels” helping their HTS friends is actually a good thing. More food for the Russian bombers as it won’t stop the inevitable result of the SAA liberating the air base.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA have set up ambushes at Khuwayn and Ahtsan the two towns ISIS and Al Qaeda groups were attacking over 50 dead in Ahtsan and would believe the number is just as high at the other town.


Huge counteroffensive seems repelled already. It will slow down eventually. No one can survive that many airstrikes on this huge front.


in the 2011 year, every capitalist newspapers and and televisión chanels said that “FSA” was fighting for the democracy and the liberty. Now, in the 2017, they are fighting for help their TERRORIST allyes. The Siryan War was created and supported by every capitalist nations of europe, north amercica and Israel!


but still the western media only recognises ISIS as terrorists. FSA is moderate opposition


Because they want that work classes of europe dont know nothing about it

You can call me Al

It is not just the working classes, it is everyone that get their information from the MSM. I went home at x-mas and talked to my Dad about it, an ex-professor; he was exactly the same and he actually stated “I hate Assad and I hope he rots in hell for the murder and destruction he has done to Syria” …… absolutely unbelievable and of course it started one hell of an argument between us; you just cannot get the truth through to them.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

His mind is to easily controlled and manipulated , even many academics like him lied about the Islamists being secular ,guess he would also lie for money. Elisabeth Hagy lied about being an expert on Syria and that she was contracted by the MBS to paint them in a good light. Max Abrams has no illusions about them nor does Fabrice Balanche wrote a study published in Washington Institute on how everybody missed the boat on the Islamists.


Join the club! The propaganda/psyops has gone in deep. The media operation is so wide, large and long-standing that it really is a crime against humanity. Could revamp a famous quote:

“Never in the field of human conflict did so many owe so much to so few.” NEVER IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN CONFLICT WERE SO MANY DECEIVED SO MUCH BY SO FEW!!!

You can call me Al

Excellent cheers


Very well put .


I’ve had the same sort of thing with my family in London. Best of luck!


The same goes with my mom here.. lol..!

You can call me Al

I have tied showing evidence to my Dad time and time again – nope.


Turkish backed forces launched an attack on the Russian airbase. It was a big provocation !What did they expect?No its iblids time for cleaning from warms….

Richard M

Hey, Sultan. Don’t poke the bear!


He is paying lots of money to the bear S400 , Turkish oil streams etc ….

So Putin has a big headache actually…… ie. the Bear now scratching its head. Aiyoooooyo .. what to do?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US doesn’t want Turkey to have them so Turkey won’t have anything.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA and Allies will get some new armored vehicles that’s nice of Turkey to send them and fewer terrorists to deal with in other regions, since there never have been any secular or moderate nor rebels, JUST ISLAMIST TERRORISTS!!!

Looks like it’s going bad for all US led and backed forces everywhere.


One can hardly, from a tactical point of view, blame rebel groups pitching in when it is SAA and other Iranian proxies attacking the de-escalation zone, executing unrestricted bombing on civilians and diverse opposition groups.

Their only chance for survival is fending off the SAA advance.

What is best for Syria is dubious. A year ago I would have said it would be best when they fight eachother into oblivion. I think this point has been passed now. Imo it would have been best if Assad had respected the zone and had tried to come to a political solution.

SAA will have to bear the consequences of Assad’s political inactions that are in fact the political decision to fight it out to the finish. The blood of all the casualties and victims are on Assad’s hands.

That Guy

There was no cease-fire agreement with Al-Nusra (aka HTS), and your beloved FSA were not attacked by the SAA. So, the FSA are the ones violating the cease-fire agreement first. Thus, they should be eliminated as well.


In fact, I am not in favor of the FSA, not that it really matters.

RuAF has been bombing civillians unrestricted and has specifically targeted some groups that accepted the de-eascalation zones. East Ghouta was targeted even though it was mainly AAS. There are many other examples including markets, schools, hospitals.

From the point of view of a rebel group, I can imagine them thinking “we will be attacked anyhow, so let us not wait but choose the moment of combat ourselves.”.

Whether they are correct or not can only be said in hindsight.

It seems though that the initial phase of the counterattack near Abu Dali, ongoing as of two hours ago, is successfull.

George King

But didn’t HTS complain that the civilian population drove them out and was co-operating with SSA. You are either confused or bloating for forces of destruction, you just can’t have it both ways.

That Guy

After getting done with green and black, it is time to bomb yellow to ashes, alongside with their “freedom loving eagles” that back them.


Another “great success” for Lavrov and Putin’s “ceasefire diplomacy”.

Deo Cass

Erdogan the snake which changes skin. He should never have been trusted by the Russians. That is the reason why the Turkish dictator illegally deployed anti-aircraft missile systems to Syria’s Idleb. It is important to note that the drone attack which hit the Russian Hmeimen airbase and the Tartus naval base all came from the areas controlled by Turkish backed Turkman terrorists, the same who murdered the Russian pilot of the SU24, and just two days after the Turkish missile defence systems were deployed to Syria. It’s more than obvious that the Turkish regime was behind that pre-meditated attack and they deployed the air defense system to deter the Russians from taking retaliatory action for their vile pre-meditated drone attack on the Russian bases.


Mentioned last week that Turkey could only have meant the missiles for either Ru or Syrian airforce.

Langaniso Mhlobo

The boss flight the reconnaissance jet to give co-ordinate and monitoring how devastating the attack would be.He shows halal teeth and when Putin turns stab him in the back.

Wal-Mart big blonde doll ask only one foolish question for Putin to silence him.Did you interfere in my elections.

Jim Prendergast

Time to re-escalate.


Well that means a full clean up them. Finish them Syria, Russia and Iran.

Ahmad Derikvand

The armored vehicles are UAE based and named Panthera, (special edition for faylaq alsham tg)

John Mason

Now that the terrorists have exposed there true self the Syrians and allies should exterminate the lot.

Feudalism Victory

Jeez an attack on the flanks after making that salient. Lots of pocket talk but that cuts both ways. I hope the saa did more than planning their victory march(im sure they did but well see)

Toni Liu

Dont forget 2 besieged goverment town at north that already besieged long before deir ez zour

Langaniso Mhlobo

De -escalation zone means violation zone for arming and training terrorists by USA and Turkey. So re-escalation will be good to defend and prevent USA and Turkey terrorists breeding.This people with dish washing cloth on the head and table cloth around the body are seriously dangerous.


Putin knew the agreement would not be upheld, the point was to have turkish forces inside rebel territory and to fracture the groups between camps. Meanwhile the SAA attacked and is making serious gains!

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