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MARCH 2025

Idlib Escalation Is Slowly Pushing Turkey Towards Open Conflict With Russia

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Idlib Escalation Is Slowly Pushing Turkey Towards Open Conflict With Russia

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The February 27 incident in Syria’s Idlib, in which at least 33 Turkish soldiers were killed, caused a new wave of anti-Syrian and anti-Russian hysteria among Turkish media and top Turkish officials.

Mesut Hakki Casin, an adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, even claimed that Turkey had “fought Russia 16 times in the past, we will do it again.” Defense Minister Hulusi Akar also accused Russia of Turkish casualties claiming that strikes on Turkish troops continued even after the message to the Russian side:

“This attack occurred even though the locations of our troops had been coordinated with Russian officials in the field,” Defense Minister Akar said. “Despite warnings after the first strike, the Syrian regime unfortunately continued its attacks, even targeting ambulances.”

The Russian Defense Ministry emphasized that the killed Turkish soldiers were embedded with terrorists (members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda groups that Ankara supports) and that Turkish troops had not informed Russia about their deployement in the area.

Radical supporters of Erdogan actions in Syria are protesting in the front of the Russian Consultate:

Later, the Russian side once again emphasized:

  • No Turkish troops located at observation points were harmed;
  • Turkish troops hit by strikes were located in the combat zone, near terrorists;
  • Turkish observation posts had to prevent agression by militants, but failed to do so;
  • No Turkish troop should be outside observation posts and Ankara provided no data about its forces outside the established posts.

In other words, Moscow said that Turkey just faced consequences of its own actions. Furthermore, Turkey and Russia indirectly acknowledged fire contact between their forces in Syria’s Idlib. Earlier, Turkish personnel publicly used MANPADs against Russian and Syrian warplanes in the Greater Idlib zone.

An interesting fact is that depiste all the Turkish efforts and the active MANPAD usage, the Turks shot down no Russian or Syrian warplane. However, they were able to shoot down two Syrian helicopters.

All these come amid Turkish loud requests from the US and NATO support in the Erdogan government’s Idlib gamble. No surprise, NATO demonstrated only a morale support to Turkish actions and promised no real actions in support of the Turkish operation in Idlib.

The Turkish military illegally deployed in Syria, supplied al-Qaeda terrorists with weapons and equipment, embedded own troops with al-Qaeda and attacked the Syrian Army. However, when it got a real military response, it immidiately started complayining to the ‘international community’ and blaiming ‘the bloody Assad regime’ of agression.

Despite the irony of the situation, Russia is also not interested in further escalation. Foreign Minister Lavrov also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had held a phone call on Friday, during which they hashed over the implementation of the agreements on Syria’s Idlib,.

“Today, a phone call between presidents Putin and Erdogan has been held at the initiative of the Turkish leader. The talks were detailed. They discussed the need to do everything possible to implement the original agreements on the de-escalation zone [in Idlib],” he said.

According to the Kremlin press service, the phone call was initiated by the Turkish side. The Kremlin added that the parties “agreed to intensify relevant inter-agency consultations and explore the possibility of holding a top-level meeting in the immediate future.”

“The fight against international terrorist groups was highlighted as a priority,” the statement said adding that the two leaders may meet in the near future.

Therefore, it seems that Moscow and Ankara will try to avoid a direct military confrontation in Idlib. Furthermore, the Turkish Parliament, which according to Turkish and mainstream media was planning to vote on a bill declaring a war on Syria, appeared to be not planning to do so. According to official Turkish reports, at least 54 Turkish soldiers were already killed in recent incidents in Idlib and this number will grow drammatically if the real open war starts in the region. However, the problem with these de-escalation efforts is that Turkish troops are already embedded with their allied al-Qaeda-linked groups in Idlib. These groups have been excluded from the ceasefire by the Sochi agreements and are a legal target of any anti-terrorist efforts. Therefore, if the Erdogan government does not separate its own forces from terrorists, it risks to suffer even more casualties in the region. Such casualties will escalate the situation and further leading to the escalation.


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opet ja

Have two Russian frigates passed today Bosporus?

Lone Ranger

It seems so :)

Karen Bartlett

Any links showing this?

Lone Ranger


Terence Silvestre Jr.


Karen Bartlett

Thanks, Lone Ranger!

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I am sorry to inform you that the news is already confirmed, my friend : Turkey announced the blocking of Russian ships access to the Bosporus and Dardanelles Подробнее на: http://avia-pro.net/news/turciya-obyavila-o-blokirvoanii-rossiykim-korablyam-dosutpa-v-prolivy-bosfor-i-dardanelly

Lone Ranger

Russia will simply sink every Turkish ship or nuke Ankara. Problem solved.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

This will never happen no matter as much as you want and desire it, now and never. Because knowing so well my beloved so pacific Russia, what you say will only happen in your most utopian dreams, my friend.

Lone Ranger

Russia wont let Syria fall. And Russia wont get defeated. If there is no other solution they will take out Erdogan, or the whole army. Losing is not an option just like at Stalingrad. Russia doesnt start wars, they end it ;) Have a nice evening.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

But how will Russia do that, my friend? NATO already closed or is about to close the Syrian sky from any Russian or Syrian flight. Closed the Bosphorus maritime route, or the Strait of Istanbul by Turkey, there will be no way for Russia to resupply both by sea and by air. I love Russia and Syria too, but reality is reality, my friend, no matter how much we don’t like it.

Lone Ranger

Simply. Russia wont let it happen. NATO already told basically they wont move a finger. Greece also vetoed Turkish requests. Every enemy jet that enters Syrian airspace will be taken out by the S400.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Reality or fantasy base your comment, my friend? Be objective and support your comments with some links from some serious sources supporting your point of view. Reality please. ”NATO decided to get involved in the war in Syria against Russia”: http://avia-pro.net/news/nato-reshilo-vvyazatsya-v-voynu-v-sirii-protiv-rossii

Lone Ranger

Look at history… If you would know Russian mentality you would understand. Think for yourself sometimes, dont let others tell you whats possible and whats not. Dont be a trend follower, set the trend… Bye.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Proofs please, my friend. More proofs and less palaver and wordiness. Document your sayings a bit and I will gladly accept your comments being objective and wise.

Arch Bungle

Proofs are also required from your side. You also seem to be taking a position on faith …

Karen Bartlett

That’s not what Stoltenburg said, which is the source quoted in the article. I think the authors assume too much about comments made from their sources.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Invest a little time to investigate for yourself on the network using reliable sources which is not always so easy to find, and disappoint yourself, since the situation in Syria itself is being updated minutes after minutes.

Because I am prety sure that while you are writing your personel opinion about what ”Stoltenburg said or not”, many new events is happening or have already occurred in Syria supporting or refuting each of all our personal opinions about the events and facts unfolding in Syria.

Karen Bartlett

Thanks, Lone Ranger!

Terence Silvestre Jr.


Nop my friend, No more possibility of resupplying Russian forces along this route.

Lone Ranger

Wait for it… A few hypersonic missiles or a nuke may solve the problem ;)

Terence Silvestre Jr.

This will never happen no matter as much as you want and desire it, now and never. Because knowing so well my beloved so pacific Russia, what you say will only happen in your most utopian night dreams, my friend.


As we all know, Russia can hit with conventional weapons (Turkey ) Syria-Idlib from Caspian sea. All Buyan-M class missile corvettes can pass from Black sea to Caspian and join Caspian flotilla. Each of them can launch 8 Kalibr’s. That doesn’t of course include thousands of air to ground cruise missiles like Kh-101, 102, carried by strategic air force in the case of things getting out of hands. Kinzhal’s on MIG-31K Of course proximity of Syrian coast is advantage for cruise missiles specially for targets that can move around. There are Iskanedr’s in Syria and Bal and Bastion batteries in Tartus for that also. They hit land targets as well not only ships. 300 mm Smerch, Tornado(?)Multiple rocket launcher system. 2 Kilo subs with Kalibr missiles in Tartus as well



At least Turkish agitators can’t throw stones at Russian warships.. But they can fire manpads at them from the bridge + shore.


“manpads” are for launching anti aircraft missiles not used against people or ships. Who can “fire manpads”?

Or “fire” what missile and from where, from what distance? At Russian ships, Turks ..who? Make something articulate please.

Arch Bungle

Try to think about what Russia would do if one of it’s ships was sunk by Turkey in the Bosphorous Strait …

Friend of Russia

Your claims are laughable


OK lets hear it than so that we can have some fun and laugh I am listening…

Friend of Russia

Russians are terribly afraid of Turkish retaliation. As soon as the sy.AF bombing incident occurred, Russia denied it’s role and put all the blame on sy.AF. Instead of shooting down all Turkish combat drones over idlib, Russians are allowing those drones to freely engage SAA just as in the case of providing free hitting opportunities for Israel. Russia has proven time and again that it is not a dependable ally and it is afraid to protect not only its allies but own soldiers and citizens as well. But Syrian military is fighting valiantly in spite of the adverse conditions and hardships they are suffering from.


So everything is Russia fault? Is there are any SAA responsibility? Don’t they have air defenses? You belong to the people who want Russia to START to fight the war against Israel and Turkey for Syrian interests only? Why would I care to even talk to you? You are no “friend of Russia”. Nobody needs “friend” like you. Russia has limited resources and doesn’t have public support for starting wars against Turks or Israel. Any big war in Syria is very dangerous for survival of 4000 Russians in Syria.

But Russia is still there to support Assad. And if forced Russia will fight the war against anybody.

I do not see your country or any other country actively supporting Assad? So Russia is not good “allay” while Kurds, Iran and Hezbollah are great “allays” ? No point talking to hypocrite.

Friend of Russia

Is it? So Russia alone is afraid of WW3 and apocalypse whereas rogues like Erdogan and Netanyahu are not. Any way I hope you have had enough fun and laugh.


Russian’s didn’t start the war because of their own people in Donbas so why would they start war because of Syria?! First of all Erdogan and Netanyahu are fighting for their own countries ! Russian army and Putin do not have right to start even war against Turkey let alone to start WW3 because of Syria. That is against the will of the Russian people and they do not support that. Russia is not USA. Russia is not starting wars around the globe against the will of their own people. But also, Russia is not “afraid” of anybody and if attacked Russia will fight any war.

Wayne Nicholson

Don’t mistake equating the lack of retaliation with fear. Russia remains in control of the situation and will be the one who chooses if and when Russia escalates.

A full blown war benefits no one …. not the Syrian, not the Russians and not the Turks …. maybe the USA, Israel and their allies but none of the combatants in Syria.

“Russia has proven time and again that it is not a dependable ally and it is afraid to protect not only its allies but own soldiers and citizens as well.”

Please explain how inciting a full blown war with Israel, the USA or Turkey benefits Syria or Russia? Does avenging a soldiers death by causing hundreds or thousands of more Russian deaths sooth a grieving mother or create exponentially more sorrow? Does spending $billions on bombs, missiles and bullets put more food on the table for Russian taxpayers?

You seem to see vengeance as a form of bravery …. I’ll take discipline and intelligence over vengeance any day of the week and thank god the Russians show restraint and discipline or otherwise we’d be up to our necks in WW3 by now..

Karen Bartlett

That’s for sure.

Arch Bungle

Everyone thought the Russians were afraid of Georgian retaliation until they weren’t. The Georgians had the best of US and Israeli protection, some argued even NATO would back them. Until they got smashed. You see, Russia is very slow to react, but once the react it’s hard to stop them. Turkey is about to get a taste of this.

Friend of Russia

Let’s hope so


Turks have 300mm MLRS and Russians have Kalibr. Coming to a operations room near you. And if there are any Israeli or British or US assets in Idlib, there’s plausible deniability! Sure worked a treat in Aleppo!

Lone Ranger

It’s no use to negotiate with terrorists. Turks were shooting at Russian jets, they had isis Velcro patches on their uniforms but also the Turkish flag… Fuck them, kill them all ASAP, the faster the better. Shock doctrine. Feed them their own poison… Turkroaches will cry and rage :)


Roast them! And if those Turk guns fire at the Syrians again roast those as well. Turks only respect strength.

Karen Bartlett

I don’t think NATO wants to get into a war with Russia. Here is an article from Asia Times: Putin keen to cool Turkish hawk down – Asia Times https://asiatimes.com/2020/02/putin-keen-to-cool-turkish-hawk-down/

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You’re a bit wrong my friend. Read this: http://avia-pro.net/news/nato-reshilo-vvyazatsya-v-voynu-v-sirii-protiv-rossii

Hopping i’m wrong too.

Karen Bartlett

This article makes the statement that NATO will join in a fight against Russia by Turkey, but then the tweet by Stoltenburg doesn’t say that at all, just that NATO “supports” their ally Turkey, and that they’ll “strengthen air defenses” not that they will make any attacks on Turkey’s behalf. This is the second article from this publication which makes a claim in the title which doesn’t hold true in the article when actual statements of their sources are quoted.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Hopefully you can reread the article in its entirety and then search and research more about the same in another site my friend.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Turkey is certainly slowly pushing the Idlib militants into an open field of war, where the Su-25’s turn them into sausage meat.

Make of that what you will.


It will certainly enable Erdo from having to employ them, and to relocate them in Turkey :)


CIA Mossad apparently planned this all along: pull Russia into a regional conflict. Didn’t work with Ukraine, now they are forcing it with Turkey.


Even worse. Turks did that all by themselves since they are stupid enough.


seems like it will rain cruise missiles


Funny stuff. “Turkish soldiers should not be outside the observation posts.” ROFL! Aww gaad, the Russians are playing it so cool. We have no information about the positions of Turkish soldiers – LMAO! They know exactly where they are but they are bullshitting the Turks big time! This is what you get when you try to play hardball with the Russians! I wouldn’t want to try! Imagine Erdogan having to swallow this bs in public! Fffing hilarious!


Kind of like the scene in the movie “Unforgiven” where Clint Eastwood is going to shoot the bar owner with a shotgun and he tells the other guys “You fellas might not want to be standing next to him”.

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, Russia is a superpower that has defeated the mongol goat fucker Turkey retards 16 times plus and would flatten the Turkeys in a day. Russia’s best policy should be to arm Iran and Syria with modern weapons and keep bombing the Turkeys on Syrian soil as they are the aggressors and invaders and so country supports them. Russia should also increase its presence in Afghanistan and Iraq along with Yemen. The Americunts are reeling from defeats and simply not in position to challenge Russia, especially if it builds strong military alliances with Iran and China.

John Brown

Russia can pull the plug on the Turkish military by pulling the plug on the Turkish economy any time they want to.

This is a just a show for the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Turkey, Russia, Syria, China and Iran are playing the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, perfectly.

Erdogan will be sending many millions of Covid virus refugees to Europe at the request of China in retaliation for Israel ordering its USSA slaves to release it in China, and this will be to bring down and over throw the the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, occupation governments there. I bet we will see the zio collaborators, Merkel, Makaroni etc flee for their lives to the USSA or Israel. World war is breaking out started by Israel and its lord its lord Satan with their biological warfare attack on China.

Erdogan did go along with the overthrow of Syria until the Zio death squads came for him. All those in Turkey who still support the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, will now lose all credibility when they don’t come to Turkeys aid which will solidify Erdogan’s rule .

I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy. Facts:

If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.

Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.

Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil adn gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid. Putin is fighting fire with oil literally. I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!! Interesting perspective. I wonder if any of it is correct? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krag-4DDkqI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBS0OWGUidc

Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil and gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid. Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid.

Putin is fighting fire with oil literally.

I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!!

Interesting perspective. I wonder if any of it is correct?



Friend of Russia

Russians are terribly afraid of Turkish retaliation. As soon as the sy.AF bombing incident occurred, Russia denied it’s role and put all the blame on sy.AF. Instead of shooting down all Turkish combat drones over idlib, Russians are allowing those drones to freely engage SAA just as in the case of providing free hitting opportunities for Israel. Russia has proven time and again that it is not a dependable ally and it is afraid to protect not only its allies but own soldiers and citizens as well.

George King

You are no friend of a nations right to defend itself against transnational criminal cabals, you don’t understand much about history or even the recent last couple of decades. You hide behind a obvious joke of a handle while you prove the opposite of its claim. Or maybe you are dumber than a brick?


Or just a dumb brick in the British psyops brigade. :)

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Very unpopular your comment my friend no matter how objective and wise you can be. I add a link in support of a point in your comment:



There won’t be open war with Russia. Washington’s response to turkey was to basically go F yourself. There is an election going on in the US, there is no chance they’ll allow a rogue member of NATO to drag it into a major conflict. No chance. NATO defense charter does no apply unless a member nations home territory is attacked. Turkey may think it owns Idlib but it is Syrian territory

Joe Doe

Turkey military in SYria are legitimate target and should be hit without hisitation

Karen Bartlett

They are only legitimate targets if they are embedded with the terrorists, fighting with them. If they remain in their observation posts, Russia’s agreement was that they would not be attacked.

Rhodium 10

Turkey cannot retaliate and declare a war vs Syria…among other reasons have 45 outpost in Syria..it means that SAA air force and artillery can smash all of them!..just one have cause 33 Turkish soldiers dead!


Can not retaliate but they can escalate… Yes 45 outpost in Syria and some are literally SAA “hostages” like in Idlib. But than SAA and Russians are in similar positions in some areas. Those Turk hostages will become prisoners of war if war starts


I am curious to know what can possibly discuss Putin and Erdo that can be a solution to the Turkish aggression and illegitimate presence in Syria on one hand and the Syrias legitimate right to defend its sovereignty and defeat terrorists !!!

Karen Bartlett

According to the agreements made between Russia and Turkey, Turkey was supposed to disarm its terrorist proxies (HTS, etc.) which it didn’t do, and was supposed to stay inside its observation posts, which Turkey didn’t do, hence 33 Turkish soldiers fighting outside the posts, with the terrorists, were killed.


Lots of emotional comments here. Come on guys there will be no war between Russia and Turkey. Several reasons: 1. They don’t share a border. Even with misslies hitting each other’s mainland will trigger NATO self defense article. 2. Neither has enough economic power to sustain a lengthy confict with each other. And it will be lengthy, considering the size and military power levels 3. The issues they don’t agree with is not worth fighting directly 4. Turkey doesn’t have NATO support to go full in inside Syria if Russian bases are to be targeted 5. Russia depends on Turkey for large scale logistical support of the bases. They both are just flexing muslcles to get a better deal at the table.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

“”4. Turkey doesn’t have NATO support to go full in inside Syria if Russian bases are to be targeted””

I fear you are wrong on your point # 4 my friend:


Karen Bartlett

There’s “support” and there’s “support”. The article you link does not say that NATO is going to do any more than “strengthen air defenses” and is giving more or less moral support to Turkey.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Your optimism is prety laudable, but believe me that the situation for Russia and Syria can be much worse in the near future than we want it. Invest a little time to investigate for yourself on the network using reliable sources which is not always so easy to find, and disappoint yourself, since the situation in Syria itself is being updated minutes after minutes. Let time itself tell us if you or me are correct or not my friend.


I wouldn’t call that full support. Full support is when Syrian air defence downed Turkish F-16, Nato countries sent their Patriots, its when Nato countries we arming turkish proxies. Few statements doesn’t show full support, just solidarity

Assad must stay

they already are at war, its just rather one sided, with russia/SAA doing the killing lol

Terence Silvestre Jr.



That is what happens when a world power like Russia, loses its respect and deterrent capacity for being too passive and prudent, being more fearful of the consequences of defending its honor than of being respected and feared by its adversaries. We have the example of Iran who was the first country in modern history to directly bomb an American force with missiles without any fear for the consequences and in the end, Iran won the respect and fear of a global NATO military power and the respect and fear of all others american allies in the area including Israel, who would never dare to directly attack Irani territory. Then, until when will the great Russian ally of Syria learn from that Mexican saying: “The brave will always go as far as the coward allows it”

I love Russia, and I will continue to pray and wish always for a great Russian victory in Syria next to all its allies there, despite Russia being too passive, prudent and pacific, reasons why nobody fears and respects Russians, because everyone can abuse and do anything against russians, knowing very well that russians will do nothing serious about it in order to preserve “world peace” and avoid a “third world war”.

Karen Bartlett

Russia imo is right to be cautious and to go for diplomatic talks to try to reach agreements with the enemies of Syria rather than escalating war. Russia is not so much concerned with being “respected and feared” as with preventing the deaths of millions of innocent civilians in war.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I totally agree with you on this my friend but the matter is precisely on that. For this same form of Russia to treat things as you say, this ends up being its greatest weakness, well known to all its enemies and for the same reason, Russia is being trampled and mistreated and threatened by all its weak and strong enemies compared to other brave ones who gained their respect from the greatest power for their bravery like Iran, North Korea and even the Taliban in Afghanistan with whom the Americans are about to begin negotiating to end the war that the United States practically lost there. And what has Russia won by being peaceful, patient and worried about the death of crowds and a possible third world war? NOTHING my friend and more than Russia struggles to avoid conflict, more conflicts will follow him everywhere and all the time and from all sides as he is not feared and respected by anyone. Painful but it is the reality and tell me if I am wrong my friend, with facts of course.


Gather outside your own effing consulate!


I see too many people take a hot headed approach to the newest development. We saw how situation developed after Turkey had downed Russian plane back in 2016. Erdogan has put a lot of strain on Turkey and his foreign policy adventurism is about to backfire on him. He overextended Turkey’s resources and overestimated his importance and alienated Europe and the USA and now seems to be undermining his cooperation with Russia. The situation in Turkey may unravel very quickly.

Assad must stay

i really hope torki gets annihilated

Assad must stay

rossiya please launch kalibr cruise missiles, test your hypersonic missiles on rats, new bombs whatever you have, if torki troops die then oh well, they shouldnt be mingling with rats, thanks :))))


they have only 3 pieces of test version


Stock up on ballistic missiles and draw the turks into a huge kill zone. Inflict such heavy casualties on their forces that they have no choice but to sue for peace.

Panthera Pardus

March is coming, typically the period when one thinks about where to make his/her summer Holiday. I do not think Turkey is going to see again 6 Million (data of 2018) Russian tourists – even without a ban of travelling simply one is not going to put his/her Money on a risky place… has anyone a reliable data on total turnover due to Russian Tourism in Turkey?


Take out Erdogan and the rest of Turkey will be grateful. Regime change! Get Turks out of Syria or Bashar the Impaler will get you!

Constellation 2023

Turkey will not attack Russia, but the terrorist Asad regime is doomed to fall.

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