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MARCH 2025

Idlib Militants Attack Syrian Army Near Saraqib Following Israeli Strike On Shayrat Airbase

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Idlib Militants Attack Syrian Army Near Saraqib Following Israeli Strike On Shayrat Airbase

Late on March 31, the Israeli Air Force carried out a new round of airstrikes on Syria. Israeli warplanes launched over 12 missiles from Lebanese airspace targeting Shayrat Airbase in the Syrian province of Homs. At least 8 of them were intercepted by the Syrian Air Defense Forces. The damage caused to the airbase by the Israeli strike remains unclear.

Pro-Israeli sources claimed that the attack was aimed at weapon depots and positions of Iranian and Hezbollah forces.

Shayrat Airbase is well known as the point used by the Syrian Air Force to provide air cover for the government forces’ operations against al-Qaeda terrorists in Idlib. Russian attack helicopters also use it as a prestrike staging base. Over the past years, Israeli forces have repeatedly assisted al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria by striking the country’s armed forces during ongoing important military developments. Syrian sources say that the timing of the new attack indicates an imminent escalation in Greater Idlib, where the Turkish-Russian de-escalation agreement is slowly crumbling.

Early on April 1, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its supposedly moderate counterparts shelled positions of the Syrian Army near the town of Saraqib, which is located on the crossroad of the M4 and M5 highways. In response, Syrian artillery delivered several strikes on militants’ positions near Afis and Sarmin.

Emboldened by the ceasefire regime and the increasing Turkish military presence in the region, Idlib armed groups are now regularly attacking Syrian Army units in eastern Idlib. Last week, they claimed that they destroyed 3 pieces of military equipment, including a battle tank, with anti-tank guided missiles. Such actions highlight apparent gains from the current format of de-escalation efforts in the region.

ISIS released a video report on its campaign against government forces in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert during 2019-2020. According to the video, ISIS units continue ambushes of civilian and military vehicles, as well as separate army units, moving along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor road. Terrorists stage fake check points, loot civilian properties and kill those that they capture. ISIS members demonstrate the mindset of common criminals. The video also shows a few pieces of destroyed military equipment belonging to  the Syrian Army.

While the video is designed to serve as a promotion piece of supposed ‘successes’ of the terrorist group, it in fact reveals the current poor state of ISIS cells, which are barely surviving in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. If there is no more US-occupied al-Tanf zone where they can hide from Syrian Army security operations, they will have little chance of surviving in this part of Syria for another year.

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ISRAEL Defending ISIS Militants as USUAL


You are lucky we still have Bibi after Gantz’s betrayal and joined him, otherwise Syria will have airstrike each day. Sadly, a true patriotic Israelis is a rare thing these days and the money has blinded them.

Azriel Herskowitz

IDF has the capability to annihilate the Regime is ways nobody has ever seen. And you are right, Netanyahu is weak and isn’t calling the right shots.


The problem is the PM has the last word to decide about a military operation. I have never fled a battle during my 4 years of active service + 11 as reserve, I always did what the commanders told me even when it risked me life. I would do it again, but only for Israel and not for some old dirty corrupted man. Unlike that fat bastard, they don’t buy me with money.

Azriel Herskowitz

Thank you for your service!

El Mashi

That is Israel’s dilemma. As all of Israel’s contradiction impact the Zionist dream, the Zionist oligarchy lives in splendor having sex with poor underage girls, drinking the finest champagne, smoking the finest cigars. The vast majority of Israeli struggle to survive, and thinking to get the hell out. Israel lives in the most dystopic place in the planet which it help create, and Israel will soon be as dystopic.


LOL…only in your delusional wet dreams.


You are clearly a fool.

El Mashi

If Israel tries to “annihilate” Iran, the favor will be returned in kind. Remember the Iranian missile attack on the US military base in Iraq in response to Suleimani murder? Well, a surprise present delivered by first class mail in the form of 1,000 pinpoint accurate missiles to Dimona. All of Israel’s enemies have their nuclear weapons stored in Dimona, Negev. Ever wonder no one is complaining about Israel’s nuclear weapons?


Hey dodo. If Israel feels compelled to annihilate Islamist Iran, Iran won’t have the time or means to do much in return. And the first indication of an attack on Dimona will mean the glow in the dark end to Iran as a functioning country and society. Even the Murdering Mullahs are not as stupid and suicidal as you, kid.

El Mashi

Israel is already “compelled” and ready to annihilate Islamist Iran. This is a known fact. Using Zionist Israeli logic and history, Iran has the right to attack in self defense. Now, why did the US attack Iraq for being suspected to have weapons of mass destruction, and did not attack North Korea that had detonated a nuclear bomb. Well, Israel plays with fire with Iran. If you massively attack Iran, Iran will fight back just as it bombed the American military base in Iraq. If Iran really wanted to end the US/Nato flagship,aka, Zionist Israel, it can, but it won’t. Israel has already sown the seeds of its destruction at the Demora Nuclear bomb storage depot. Every country with a descent anti aircraft/missile defense can use it to bomb Demora. May cooler head prevail. Shalom.

Jens Holm

If You become cannbals, it will take some time.


I don’t think he’s thinking of slowly eating them but more like instantaneously turning them into pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor.

Jens Holm

Maybee. “instantaneously turning them into pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor” is almost a poem :)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

if they couldda, they wouldda.


Israel treats her wounded Syrian Al-Qaeda/ISIS collaborators/ allies while bombing Syrian Christians on Christmas days!



Anti-Christ, collaborates with ISIS/Al-Qaeda, bombs Syrian Christians on Christmas days!



Israel Aiding SaudiArabia=ISIS In Developing Nuclear Weapons:



So, Gantz is preparing to become president of the parliament, his followers split and gone, his base gone, the opposition to Netanyahu demoralised and damaged. Seems he once again won and Israel will have a second decade under Benjamin?


Nah, if the votes won’t win him then the age will. He is 70 years old and I don’t see him staying the PM after 2024, the opposition will get stronger when he is gone.

Jens Holm

I see no replacements in the opposition. The moderates are almost gone. Their wishes dont count.

Jens Holm

They have their problemes there.

The mainprobpems seemes to be, they dont have anything better then Netanayuh.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

why have jews been kicked out of over 100 countries?

Jens Holm

They raise their children to ask questions, they pay hard for their pupils learn usefull things in school, they pay for education, they find their skills, they by that produce a lot and make You feel as You are – Some lazy bums making the best excuses for doing nothing.

A pity there is no Nobel price for bad excuses. If so You could get millions for doing nothing.

Hard times for 100 countries having no more excuses for people doing nothing and even insisting.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

LOL. you didnt answer the question

El Mashi

Those airstrike will end soon.


It will end when we decide it.


Of course, gotta keep up the murder or the desert war God is not appeased.. And here I thought the Azteks went extinct.


Yes, we like killing for our God. An Israeli kind of thing, we enjoy it.


“Monks, these two are fools. Which two? The one who doesn’t see his transgression as a transgression, and the one who doesn’t rightfully pardon another who has confessed his transgression. These two are fools.

“These two are wise people. Which two? The one who sees his transgression as a transgression, and the one who rightfully pardons another who has confessed his transgression. These two are wise people.”

Anguttara Nikaya 2.21


And which one are you? I’d rather be the fool one but stay alive.


Neither (nice chat)


Do you really believe you are living? Do you like the life you have? You probably will answer both with an affirmative. But you have a doubt.

Jens Holm

Most of those verses are crap and can be used, as You wish.

Here I see some loud shouting bodybuilders only.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Israel is a godless land. And is besieged on all sides by enemies of faith who wish to see it destroyed. israel will not survive. It is written


I beg to differ, as long as there are people like me – then we are not going anywhere.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

people like you? lmao some unhealthy little soy shitter with food stained clothes who doesnt bathe for over a week at a time … sure mate


I actually took a shower many times in Palis homes during the operations, we ate their food too.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

it has been that long since you showered?


Yeah, if you only knew how many times i peed into a bottle too.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

what happens to those who steal, murder and rape in your religion then? they go to heaven? or hell?


That is up to God to decide, we will all meet him someday. I’d say I did what I had to do for my country and people.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you did it because you liked it.

Jens Holm

The Israelians has made several elections making no result for good Governess by a wast majority.

I can only admire both finaly has made some kind of peace. You cant have a Goverment, whoch cant decide things.

It seemes You prefare that…

Its not their fault You send them much money.


Well, that is a good thing then. Because, if there were airstrikes everyday, I guess the IAF would be losing planes almost everyday. Not always negative you know.


And they would be losing alot more than planes John, not a negative thing you know.


Sure, losing targets to hit after they wipe them out. :)

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Netanyahu’s Long History of Lying About Fake ‘WMDs’ in Iran and Iraq



Unlike, the Anti-Christ, U$, Israel, Nato and Saudi Arabia who are all encouraging, arming and funding religious genocide against Christians and other minorities in Syria, Hezbollah protects Christian shrines in Syria from the US, Israeli, Nato and Saudi-backed terrorist head-choppers! Watch the photos of Hezbollah fighters just doing that on link below:



Like the U$, Saudi Arabia and Nato, Israel is always in the arse of Takfiri/Salafi savage terrorists. Israel is even arming and collaborating with (get this) neo-nazis in Ukraine! See it below:


Jens Holm

They help any against Assad whenever they can.


Well, that was expected, of course.



El Mashi

Nine eleven dancing the road to Damascus soon the dawn comes


What? Snakes working together?? Straaaange..


The biggest snakes are the Ruskis, never trust one even in the grave.


Veneti, as per the Romans – ‘friendly ones’.


Valar Morghulis or “all men must die” in High Valyrian. You know who they are.


I prefer LOTR or His Dark Materials..


Wrong, the biggest snakes are jews, never trust one even in the grave.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes



Just stating a fact, never trust one and you won’t get stabbed. Ask Erdogan.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are not stating a fact. you are lying. and sorry for calling you a racist. ignorant bigot is much more accurate

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

you are stating opinion. facts escape you

Icarus Tanović

Go SAA. Stomp on Wahhabi roaches…

Jens Holm

ISIS is not in the Al Tanf zone at all. Some few FSAs are there and in the US/GB version.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

if you divide three toilets by 157 genders, how much climate change do you get?


Let me point out something. Russia intelligence saw when Israel planes took off, and also saw the direction taken by these planes, and also saw the moment and where these planes lunched their missiles. In other words, Russia intelligence love th watch these movies.


Why not? They like other Russians, even if Jews, blowing away Muslims, Arab or not, who they never have liked much. Kind of cheering for the home team, I guess.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Do you think Russia should violate other sovereign nations airspace to directly hit israeli faggots aircraft then?

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