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Idlib MIlitants Continue ‘Tactical Retreat’. Army Liberated 4 More Villages (Map)

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Idlib MIlitants Continue 'Tactical Retreat'. Army Liberated 4 More Villages (Map)

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As all mainstream media known from “opposition sources”, there is no real Syrian Army advance in southern Idlib. Moderate al-Qaeda-linked rebels are just conducting a tactical retreat in order to draw “regime forces” into an ambush and deliver a devastating blow to them.

However, it seems that the ‘tactical retreat’ went a bit too far. After liberating over 20 villages during the past few days, on December 23 government forces liberated the villages of Khirbat Marata, Faul, Abu Dafna and Hadithi.

Idlib MIlitants Continue 'Tactical Retreat'. Army Liberated 4 More Villages (Map)

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Cashes between militants and the Syrian Army are ongoing in Taqana, Kafr Basin and Babulin. According to pro-government sources, soon, they will be liberated.


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They are also “tactical retreating” by Negotiating a surrender of Maarat Al Numan, already they lost all hope to stop the SAA.

Marvin Joel Zavala López

Allah followers think it’s wiser to die inside Idleb City or get a free ticket to Europe than die in a ghost hamlet or olive tree plantation.


LOL ??

Derek Johnson

Assad is an “Allah follower” so are Iranians as are Hezbollah….. what are you trying to say?

I enjoyed the comment by Andrei the other week where he called Muhammed a paedo but it got deleted – it was a real eye opener how many here up voted his comment. I am sure if he said anything like that to the face of an Iranian, Hezbollah or the “Tigers” fighting in Syria he would get his sorry ass broken.


Lots of people like that. There are people that claim to love HezbAllah and yet hate the Iranian leaders, calling them “idiot mullahs” and other such derogatory terms. Even though HezbAllah have great respect and love for their Iranian brothers and the Iranian government and religious authority. Lets you know who’s legit and who is full of shit. Who is supporting this struggle for the right reasons and who is just discriminatory.


Yea This is about right and wrong not so much about religion like in venuzuala i don’t like socialist that much but i will support they’re government simply because they haven’t let the evil fucks that run western governments into they’re country


SAA is steamrolling Idlib with similar speed to the Wehrmacht Blitzkreig of France and Red Army blitzkrieg of Eastern Poland.


It is quite apparent that the fleeing cowardly headchoppers will continue a “tactical retreat” to Istanbul and then to western Europe. Good luck to their NATO sponsors when they show up in Paris, Berlin and Brussels via Greece and Balkans.


Perhaps the zio airforce will come to their aid!


Stealth is the act or action of proceeding with imperceptibly. They are “stealth” therefore their help is “stealth”. They are helping already, it just doesn’t show.


So stealthy even the IAF doesn’t know they’re doing it

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha one of best and one of the most funny comments

Azriel Herskowitz

Smart move by the rebels! Make the butcher regime think they are winning and then counterattack on the unfortified towns. I am expecting more IDF strikes to help the rebels out a bit.


“Tactical retreat” to Turkey and jihad vacations in Israel are part of their plan offered by their Jew employers.

If questions asked they will blame Putin (who else but him ?!) for their failed jihad. That’s what West does all the time. They simply blame, Putin for everything.

Concrete Mike

We are also blaming the goose shit on our lawns on Putin.


Way to go! Bloody Putin could have arranged that they unload their shit in composter instead of …all over the place. Yak !

Concrete Mike

Thanks for the intel bitch!

John Wallace

Good joke Azriel but not as funny as who is the most famous Jewish cook in the world.. Give you one guess. …Mind you that one about how to fit 100 Zionists into a car was pretty damn funny as well. 3 in the back , two in the front and the rest …. Come on you must admit they were funny …. where is your sense of humor or do you only smile when you suc coc


ok fat nose face why dont you ask Harry Potter for some advice with escaping the Gas Chambers of Secrets? XD

Valerianus Maximus

Hey Azi! Did you hear the one about the IDF’s renowned intelligence directorate? It was Yom Kippur 1973 and only three radio intelligence reservists were on duty in the Big Bunker on the Bar-Lev Line. All of a sudden their radio interception alarms were ringing off the hook.

“Hey, Bennie,” one of the reservists said to another. “I think we’re under attack. This isn’t a nice way to celebrate Yom Kippur.”

“You’re right, Ari,” Bennie replied. “Who could do such a thing in the face of our vaunted omniscience and omnipotence?”

The third reservist then chimed in, “Maybe its the Americans getting revenge for our attack on their ship in the last war.”

Ari replied, “Well, it certainly isn’t the Egyptians, Shmuel. They only attack us in our propaganda to the goyim. Anyway, I’ll call my cousin Izzy in New York and have him make a call to the White House and get this thing shut down.”

Bennie, looking through the Big Bunker’s view port, then said in genuine fear, “Better hurry up, Ari! The Americans are using water jets to erode our barrier!”

Ari fumbled for the scrambler phone, but as he turned the crank to power it up, an artillery barrage crashed down on the Big Bunker and destroyed the wires. “Holy mazel tov! We’re cut off!” he cried in despair.

Shmuel in desperation said, “Maybe if I try to go out and talk with them about the good old days, I can get them to stop.”

“It’s worth a try,” Ari said. But before Shmuel could get to the door, an explosion blew it inward, flattening Shmuel against the opposite wall, killing him instantly. A squad of Egyptian commandos entered and sprayed the bunker with automatic rifle fire, killing Ari and Bennie.

Um, you’re supposed to laugh, Azi. The rest of us are.

J Ramirez

How do you kill 1000 Jews at once? Throw a dollar off a cliff.

John Wallace

I don’t think he is reading replies anymore or he has blocked mine so he never sees what I say. No reaction to me for days now. I did laugh at most of your jokes yesterday which seemed to upset him.. I was very close years ago to people who had tattooed numbers on their forearm which they got as children so his calling me anti-Semitic doesn’t wash with me..

J Ramirez

Just tired of his constant gloating, with every victory the SAA accomplishes it’s followed with Israeli airstrikes.


I wouldn’t care much about these trolls… he is are gloating about meaningless air strikes. What have they done with these air strikes for all these years if not to expose their real faces to the world? Hezbollah is even stronger than it has ever been and now they are Iranian / Pakistanis / Afghan / Iraqis in Syria on their doorstep. And they’re shitting themself knowing that Iran is working on building a second Hezbollah in Syria (Islamic resistance in Syria or simply the Syrian Hezbollah), can you possibly imagine what this mean for the future of this Illegal apartheid state who can’t handle Hezbollah in lebanon or even the besieged Hamas? And In addition to that Iran is working day and night to rebuild the Syrian army to the highest levels… and the list goes on, you have to see the big picture my friend, Their time is closer by the day.


Man…I had to google the “the most famous Jewish cook in the world” joke as i was reading your comment, that honestly made me laugh. Thank you!

John Wallace

It was funny but not me It was J Ramirez yesterday telling lots of jokes which upset Troll Azriel which prompted him to say “get this antisemitic crap out of here” on ” IN VIDEOS: SYRIAN ARMY IS ADVANCING IN SOUTHERN IDLIB ” click on Azriels name and go through his comments until you find get this antisemitic crap comment . Click and that and you will find lots of funny jokes by J Ramirez. They upset the troll so I used a couple to wind him up. I think he has blocked me so he can’t see what I write as he hasn’t come back at me for days. Must have upset him ,. :-)) Have a good one Issam wherever you are.


Why is it jewish men won’t go down on a woman? Too close to the gas chamber.

Liberal guy

Am expecting u to have tactical withdrawal from here u insane fool


Put the fear in their bones Tigers, let them pigs, hear your roar !

Lazy Gamer

A counter attack is expected as can be seen before. However, they have been spread thin to the North and East. I dont think they can muster a heavy counter attack. If they did, and they fail, the SAA will get the opportunity to roll further.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahahhaha yea keep “tactically retreating” rats all the way back to erdodogs house hahahahah

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