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Idlib Militants Execute Three Civilians Over Witchcraft, Heresy Accusations

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Idlib Militants Execute Three Civilians Over Witchcraft, Heresy Accusations

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Security forces of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) have executed three Syrian civilians after accusing them of practicing “witchcraft” and committing “heresy”, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on November 28.

According to the London-based monitoring group, the execution took place near the town of Anjara in the opposition-held part of the western Aleppo countryside.

“The Hirabah [Islamic term for the death sentence] sentence was implemented on these people for several reasons, including magic, witchcraft and one of them claimed to be a prophet,” a source familiar with the matter told the SOHR.

SOHR had reported that HTS security forces are using torture to force captives into confessing to crimes they didn’t committee. The monitoring group also revealed that a Saudi commander of the terrorist group known as Abu Azzam al-Jazrawi is behind the execution orders.

Earlier this year, the terrorist group executed many civilians in the Greater Idlib region accusing them of being “spies” for the Syrian or Russian intelligence services. In one incident, the group tortured an opposition activist to death on similar charges.

HTS is publicly following the footsteps of ISIS, which has become infamous for executing civilians. Just like ISIS, HTS is likely trying to intimidate and terrorize people in Greater Idlib in order to secure its own power.

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Concrete Mike

Witchcraft??? Olé fuck , i cant wait for the day these al nusrah rats get exterminated, one rat a time i suppose.

Jens Holm

AndYou dont wonder if its true or not. I do.

John Wallace

Who cares if is true or not. What does it matter if you are going to kill them anyway. They are still evil scum that need to die.

Jens Holm

Definitions for fx witchcrafts are many. Many accusarions for that is man made.

When people here declare themselves as prophets or se Jesus Christ burning on a cross, they always has menthal illness. Those should be in menthal hospitals or homes – not being executed.

John Wallace

fx ??? I thought that was stuff they do in movies .. I can;t remember seeing one person on here declaring themselves as Jesus , new or the old one back again , or Mohammed or any other prophet or similar so obviously the one suffering mental or whatever menthal is or even menthol problems is yourself.

I think I have solved your problem Jens. You are reading to much of Nostradamus and now everything you say is in a riddle that maybe someone in a few hundred years can spend years trying to decipher because none of us have a fucking clue what you are trying to say . May I add to that none of us fucking care anyway..

Oh why oh why couldn’t you just be like Caroline…

Jens Holm

I forgot. Menthel illness for most muslims is a darkzone only not even have a voculariby for it.

They come to our doctors only have language for, something is wrong with their stomacs. When the firt of Your kind came here, they did not speak danish and their children tranlated as well as they could in latin and greek.

And the doctors gave the sick ones advice for more tomatoes, less bread to take a rest now and them.

So You dont understand some menthal ill ones hallusinate and actually see Jesus burning on a cross, even we dont see it. They dont believe us even we shout and put cold water in their faces.

We also have the same for that kind suddenly hjaving spiders or snakes crawling all over the floor, where those people desperatly try to escape by climbing the walls even there is not even a nail for a picture there.

Thats what I tell is not witchcraft but menthal illness and thats what I meant.


Moderate rebels armed and organized by the large planetary sewer, Us- Israel.

Jens Holm

The ususal suspects. They even invented Islam and made Muhammed Economics.

USA took away the last Khalifat in 1258 making Bagdad to a ruin and Moses drowned Egyptians for fun too.

Best regards from Miss Foster.


You are Jewish, I don’t have nothing with you because of your faith, it’s the Jewish nation you feel a part of that today, together with the USA, is the most criminal thing on the face of the planet. For this you have no justification, you can be Nazi-fascist in favor of Netanyahu and Trump, with the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), the most important pro-Israeli US lobby, which has solid support in the US Congress, which influences US foreign policy or being against, like the New York rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a member of the Neturei Karta organization or the Israeli party Hadash. AIPAC with the same neo-conservative Zionist lobbies dragged the United States into the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and that today are pushing for a clash with Syria and Iran. As a Jew you can choose how your ancestors did, the German Zionists were with Hitler, others like the communist Jews opposed him. Today you are with the Hitler USA of coups and genocides, of the fake September 11th, of the false chemical weapons of Saddam, of the false Russian hakers. Hitler and Trump are your Prophets, not Moses, you are a false Jew.

Jens Holm

Most of the fatal errors in Your belowed Region has nothing to do with USA as well as Israel and Jews there. NOTHING.

And if You cant change those – hrrrm bad – relations, its because You deny to change the ones, which are made by Yourself in religion and Culture.

I now has been writing here more then a Year. I never get any answers for solutions to improve the area from the Region. NONE.

And its all over even a lot easy can be taken in and copied for free from the whole world inusefull parts, where the rest can be ignored.

Your structures and debate here also is, You dont understand, what progress is.

I take a good example. Many here tells China will take over from USA and be dominant. By thats You see China getting rich and USA getting poor – and enjoy it.

But thats not whats happening. China make the production and therefore the cake to eat for the world much bigger feeding their own population much better. I am not new, so I do remember we sended food to stavinbg chinese. We also sended food to starving ones in India and Bangla Desh.

But the main thing is, that USA might decline a little BUT the Chinese(and fx India) oriduce much more and might reach the levels of USA and fx EU.

You MEs dont understand making the cake to share better. Well Turks soth their locums do as the only ones. All by religion and traditions is Sunni and here saying stay as it is and was.

You forget a part of Sunni. Thats part says, that parents should raise and help their children to have a good life, where they are. By that they have to take new thigs in, when its very much needed.

BUT YOU DONT. Primitive farming sometimes 2000 years old low productive. Ancient oil and gas production.

Thats because You are not even allowed to prpose vital tools for improvements. The only ones in the whole Syria, which understand that and even have some not complicated answers everybody can understand – are the PYD/SDFs .

But You all fight them hard and even deny them a local try, even they are among the most poor in the whole Syria.

Like USA and Israel, they are Your scapegoat and excuse for sitting on Your ears pretending You are so clever and even has patents of the best kind. But we and many others see You as are compared to us.

You have so many unimployed even most of You – if You are from Syria, Iraq, Iran or Eastern Anatolia(Turkey) not even has a job.

So where do soldiers of any kind from: Well the cheepest ones are the ones which are forced to have any job and by that get some small education, clothe, food, friends and even can send some money to their families – of they are alive.

And whats more: They are against Govermenets not helpong them and many hardly care what they join to make those Govermenets go away.

Thats why its so easy for USA and Israel to divide and rule so much as well as being spoilers.

I see it right away in Your comment. I am jewish and there we go. You are the kind, which let Your own people down in selfmade quaqmires of the worst kind.

Instead You should learn what some few million jews can do compared to, what some 20 million Syrians, millions of Iraqians and Iranians can.

I see no sign of that here but people like You telling about nazis, aionist and any excuse for Your self made missery.

People of Israel ceratainly would behave different, if You were an affiliated part of the rest of the world.

The good thing about that – if the Chines takes over – is that You will remain as Yiu are – but blame the Chinese for Your missery.

If so many of us also has the hope, that the un usefull of You emmigrate to China instead of here.


I tell you one thing Jewish friend, I am a European and a Christian, and I have been this before your Khazar ancestors, a thousand years ago, came to us from the steppes of Asia. Are you who have become Europeans and then Americans, not us Jews. The problem for us Europeans, today is that we are subjected to American political and military hegemony and their Jewish dollar lords and we cannot go back to Stalin or Hitler, so we have to think about a future. In any case we will never become Zion christians, not even with the III Temple of the prophet Zion evangelist Trump.

Jens Holm

Its You teeling me I am jewish. I am not. Its me being sober, You are not.

Your picture about jews is barking madness of the worst kind and based in nothing swept in evil phrases.

You are not European at all. Maybee You iive there.


Do you see that we live in separate air bubbles? The West is not one like Washington and Tel Aviv believe, and besides anglosion there is not only Islam. Today, China and Russia have inaugurated the power of Siberia pipeline, they don’t care about us.


Complete idiots, manipulatable but zombies, but what simple minds could Erdogan caught to fight to dead as illeterate turkoeloes.

David Parker

You got that right. They might not be paid by Erdogan, but he regards the head-choppers as his Muslim brothers to be protected.

Derek Johnson

Bah, SOHR! the satellite guy R.T went to great lengths to discredit and now you use him to back your narrative?

Proof please SouthFront, where’s the link? …… no link? Then FAKE NEWS

John Wallace

True he was anti Assad and the MSM loved him but the war has changed and maybe , just maybe he has seen which side of the bread the butter is on. Maybe he is the only source of news ?? on that side as I doubt any MSM reporters are prepared to take the risk of going there even though they support their story. Or maybe he is supplying both sides as he can make a better living that way. Who knows. Can anyone trust what he says ?? maybe some of has a kernel of truth ? . Southfront are publishing what stories they like and the MSM the same. As long as we know where it comes from then we can take it with the grain of salt it requires.

David Parker

The thing of it is that SOHR is one guy in a basement in London. Oh, I was corrected, he is on the second floor now. For sure, he is not on the ground in Syria actually observing anything.

John Wallace

I know as he has been there since the start , 2014 was it ? , and he says he gets his info direct from people on the ground in Syria. That was anti Assad groups so of course anything he said had to be taken with more than a grain of salt. The MSM loved him as it gave them “proof” of what they were saying as they didn’t care if it was true or b/s . Seems funny recently he is being quoted as the knowledgeable reporter of what is happening in rebel/terrorist areas. As I said maybe he is the only one with lots of access ( rebels/terrorists ) on the ground. So no matter anything he says has to be taken for what it is … Maybe it is true and maybe it is not.. All that l matters is that the SAA add some more land under their control and remove these things from Idlib.

Jens Holm

There we go again. Thats not one man in London and also in Coventry famous for being bombarded hard by the nazis.

As yersterday You dont see he is and information collector and gets mails, videos and phonecalls from most of Syria every day.

I know just as much as You do but maybee not the same thing about Syria then You do – or even more.

You are just like some rosk with no learning hababilities. I can see the newssites and newspapers as Yoiu can. I cant see all, because only 24/6 is possible.

I can see many TV channelse from the area and as I reacall it, I even gave You a link list for the many high censures Turkisk TV channels.

Even so You are a no learner parrot of the worst kind seing some fanatic in a dark basement getting a mail or two a week being some stamp cllector and friend with the nice mailman.

But His and my world has not been like that. Even slow I could send and recieve letters and pictures 20 years ago . Pictures took up to 1 minut, so if I could effort the connection I could take in or out 1440 picture witin 25 hours.

I also today can phone You and You by that automatic are on my computer screen live as video. Befoe that it was a small cam, which only could show my room, my dog, my cat, my canary, my children…

So forget the crap You write about that very good source even its wromgnow and then. The world is not like You insist at all.

David Parker

How do you know?


No he hasn’t changed sides or anything like that he has links to British intelligence which means he would not be able to change sides once your connected to those people you can’t have a mind of your own because they own you


They are just reporting what the other side is saying if you want fake news turn your tv on or if your saying these rebels don’t execute civilians then go to Idlib and publicly show support for the Syrian government then your head will be liberated from your body

Jens Holm

Its first class propaganda, of it is. FIRST FIRST FIRST.

Thats why I am sceptic.

I dont say – as You assume – that those dont execute like that. How bad do You think my memory is.

I only say, that You eat anything raw and muslims and jews even would eat pigs served like that.

Jens Holm

I am like that too. Its very diffucult to feed people, which only can divide in Halal, Harma and tobacco as mukra.


HERE is the link http://www.syriahr.com/en/?p=148903

Hasbara Hunter

Muslimbrotherhood-ISIS-Al-Qaeda-Wahhabi-Devilworshippers should be burned at the stake….

David Parker

Head-chopping CIA-funded and armed terrorists have murdered three civilians of a competing ideology is the way this should read. “Security forces”? Invading murdering Muslims following their religious tradition of invasion, murder, robbery, and rape.

Jens Holm

Hard ro murder anybody else, if only muslims are there. You probatly prefare Your illusion kills chines next time.

David Parker

Dimwit the article is about terrorists murdering three people. I did not make that up.

Jens Holm

Its seemes as bad as it vcan be, but its also first class propaganda

Karen Bartlett

Lord have mercy. SOHR, if he is telling the truth, would know, since he is in regular contact with the head-choppers.

J Roderet

The West’s “moderate rebels” have struck again.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi Satanists showing theirs true faith and face.

Icarus Tanović

How mentaly retarded they must be…

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