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Idlib Militants Violate Ceasefire Agreed By Turkey And Russia On March 5: Russian Military

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Idlib Militants Violate Ceasefire Agreed By Turkey And Russia On March 5: Russian Military

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Idlib armed groups are violating the ceasefire agreed by Turkey and Russia during the March 5 talks in Moscow, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Bulletin of the Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and Refugee Migration Monitoring in Syrian Arab Republic (March 7, 2020):

Ceasefire observation

As part of the implementation of the Memorandum on the establishment of de-escalation zones in the Syrian Arab Republic, signed by the Russian Federation, the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran on may 4, 2017, monitoring groups continue to monitor compliance with the ceasefire.

According to the agreement of the Russian and Turkish sides, from 00.01 on March 6, 2020, a cessation of hostilities is in effect on the territory of the Idlib de-escalation zone.

Over the last 24 hours, the Russian party of the Russia-Turkey Commission on violations of the Joint Agreement has registered 19 cases of firing in the provinces of: Idlib-3, Latakia-7, Aleppo-9.

The Turkish side has registered 1 cases of ceasefire violations in in the provinces of Idlib-1.

Humanitarian aid provided for the Syrian population

Over the last 24 hours the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides and Refugee Migration Monitoring has held no humanitarian actions.

A total of 2398 humanitarian actions were carried out, and the total weight of the delivered humanitarian cargo was 3992.267 tons.


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The Turks ignore the violations while the Russians record them. The Turks are paying the terrorists to commit these crimes and have been for years. So it shouldn’t be surprising that they’re trying to cover them up.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes Richard thanks for the information

Ice Icegold

You lost the war

Mustafa Mehmet

No 1 is winer in Syrian war except Turkey

Ice Icegold

You are loosers

Ceasar Polar

Roach detected!


US,Turkish forces illegally occupy Syrian territory, a state of war will exist. Jihadists forces acting as their proxies only exacerbates the situation.

jhon malakiat

Putin-Assad’s tactics so far to retake Idlieb:

1. Bombarding an area that is wanted to be captured. Eventhough there is a turkey army on those area

2. Turkey is asking for a truce because they are suffer

3. Putin receives cease fire with Requirements: create a buffer zone area that is free from terrorists and it binds Turkey to expel terrorists from those buffer zone.

4. Putin knows the spark that the truce will fail. its okay. Instead, Putin purpose in syria is exterminate all terrorists. Refer to point to number 3, Putin will eliminated terrorists, and at the same time forced Turkey to not intervene

5. When the buffer zone area was captured succesfully, SAA will continue military action outside the buffer zone area in Idlieb. There will be bombardement, and SAA continue to attack. No matter there is turkey or not, because this area is outside the ceasefire agreement.

6. Turkey is screaming for a truce again.

And then point 1-6 process above is repeated until the idlieb area is free of terrorists

Saif Imam



D’accord. That sounds pretty plausible…. And we all (should) know: Mr. Putin and his staff are not idiots…

Saif Imam

Ceasefire won’t last long I’ve said it before….It seems entire Syria will be liberated soon.


I predicted this actual ceasefire-agreement being violated within 24 hours…Nothing new under the sun, we all have witnessed such incidents the past nearly 10 ys in Syria. And it’s always the same usual suspects: Powergreedy religious entities who use fanatic beheaders and other shock&awe gangsters to intimidate the civilians.Nowadays powered by the Turkeys, their brothers in arms and brutality. Thus the show will go on, the audience shouldn’t leave the theatre before the last scene…:)

Saif Imam

The difference this time is, SAA has covered lot of ground now which was unimaginable 6/7 years ago.


US wants Syria transformed into a vassal state and Erdogan wants to annexed portions of Syria, endless war without resolution is the likely outcome.

For the past nine years it has been the same, nothing has changed. Nothing suggests a dramatic turnaround toward conflict resolution concerning Thursday talks in Moscow with Erdogan. The agreement between Russia and Turkey in Moscow will likely dissolve and violated like many times before and falsely blaming Damascus like countless earlier times.

Assad must stay

Well when you have a guy like putin who always gives into ceasefire deals, you cant expect much else

Saif Imam

Guys read what jhon malakiat wrote bellow. Putin is not just a simple man.


Damn it! our territory has been divided!!! – cockroaches

Assad must stay

I am sure turkey will be on the case, I have read they have sent a strongly worded letter to the rats warning them to behave hahahaha just kidding was this a surprise to anyone?

Samuel Vanguard

Erdogan is waiting for NATO

Ice Icegold

Turkey and erdodog lost https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d854017f1e2f21d0ecdb654b28c1a0a6e86e9f88ea61a05f01ad8b4f24eb96de.jpg the war .

Joe Doe

Russia better rearm SAA with better military hardware, includin Air Defence System and modern plane such as MIG-29, SU-30, attack helicopter

Ceasar Polar

Time to physically violate for roach-backed militants. Go SAA, let the rapping start!

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