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IED Attack Kills, Injures Several Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Raqqa

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IED Attack Kills, Injures Several Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Raqqa

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On May 2, a vehicle of Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiyah was attacked near the occupied town of Tell Abyad in the northern Raqqa countryside.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), an improvised explosive device (IED) ripped through the vehicle as it was mobbing on a road between the towns of Suluk and Hamam al-Turkman.

“Three [fighters] of Ahrar al-Sharqiyah were killed and two others were injured as a result,” the London-based monitoring group said in a report.

The attack may have been carried out by Kurdish forces, which used to control the region, or ISIS. The terrorist group’s cells are still active in different parts of Raqqa.

Another possibility is that the attack was an inside job. Ahrar al-Sharqiyah, which is known to be a hub for radicals, has many conflicts with other Turkish-backed groups. In the last few months only, the group’s militants were engaged in internal clashes on several occasions. Most recently, in the town of Jarabulus in northern Aleppo.

Turkish-occupied areas in northern and northeastern Syria are highly-unstable. Attacks as well as internal conflicts are taking place there on regular basis, with Turkish forces turning the blind eye on most cases.


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Liberal guy


Arch Bungle

Score! I called it last month! I predicted IEDs would make their appearance against foreign forces in Syria.

It’s all pain from here on down, USA …


Wow, how insightful to think that IEDs which have been used throughout the Middle East would be used in the Middle East. You are SOOOOOOOO smart !!!!!

Arch Bungle

Yeah, didn’t take much did it? Just needed to join two dots. SOMETHING YOU CAN’T DO.


Sure I can. I connected your head to your ass

Arch Bungle

And here’s my next prediction, something way beyond the capacity of your joo-fucked peanut brain:

The emergence of non-state affiliated resistance movements near the Golan, patterned after Hezbollah, who will begin launching rockets into Israel.


The people in the Golan are thrilled to be part of Israel you dolt. And any resistance will be eliminated. You are an idiot of epic proportions. But please move there yourself so you can fight for your convictions. Vittorio Arrigoni is waiting for you

Captain Pugwash

The only people in Golan who are thrilled by the Zionist occupation are Hasbara trolls. The vast majority of the population see themselves are Syrian. You deluded idiots are simply embarrassing.


Sorry, Captain Clueless, the tide is turning – The vast majority of the Israel’s Golan Druze retain Syrian nationality and have family ties to Druze in Syrian government-controlled territory. However, a growing number of younger Druze are opting into Israeli citizenship and are less supportive of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s actions in the country’s civil war.

What should he embarrassing is all you Jew haters being trolled, defeated, Humiliated and shamed by a JOOOOOOO. Sucker

Captain Pugwash

You poor deluded soul.


We’ll see. Well, I’ll see – you won’t be able to through your tears.

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