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IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia’s Kerch (Photos)

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UPDATE 5: The gunman was identified as 18-yo Vladislav Roslyakov. He commited a suicide after the attack. One of the key questions surrounding the incident is that how and where Roslyakov has obtained an IED, which caused the explosion.

Some Russian experts suggested that the IED may have been provided to Roslyakov by Ukrainian intelligence services. One of the main reasons behind this version is that over the past few years, Russian security forces have detained a number of persons preparing terrorist attacks in the Republic of Crimea upon orders from the Ukrainian side.

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

Click to see the full-size image

UPDATE 4: After additional detains appeared, authorities started describing the incident as a mass murder, but not a terrorist attack.

UPDATE 3: The death toll grew to 18 people.

UPDATE 2: An alleged photo of the gunman.

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

UPDATE: According to authorities, the incident could be a terrorist attack.


On October 17, at least 10 people were killed and up to 50 others were injured in an explosion, which targeted a college facility in the city of Kerch, the Russian Republic of Crimea.

Initially the Russian media was reporting that the incident was caused by a gas explosion. Nonetheless, later the National Counterterrorism Committee clarified that an unidetified improvised explosive device (IED) was involved.

According to eyewitnesses quoted by the Russian media, a gunman was also involved in the incident. He had been in the building until police arrived the scene.

Security forces already surrounded the site. The security operation is ongoing.

Photos from the scene:

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

Source: kerch.fm

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

Source: kerch.fm

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

Source: kerch.fm

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

Source: kerch.fm

IED Explosion Kills Over Dozen Of People, Injures Up To 50 In Russia's Kerch (Photos)

Source: kerch.fm

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Zo Fu

Bad guys with guns always attacks in schools, hospitals, shopping centers, railways stations… And do you know why ? Because they don’t expect good guys with guns there. I don’t like Israel very much but this attack will probably not be possible in Israel as suspicious gunman would be shot dead on spot by Israeli armed citizens. Owning a gun is not a privilege. It is a basic human right for every fair man in every polite society. But Russia is not the case.


Totally agree with that one, even the politicians and the oligarchs would be more careful spending peoples money if the people are allowed to own weapons. Automatic rifles, nor revolvers and hunting rifles. Yeah I know the school shooting argument pushed by MSM, that’s a small price to pay comparing to the children killed by the governments.


You are wrong. A gun is a weapon that should only be possessed by people who have the training, morality, composure , objectivity and indeed mental strength to use the weapon accurately.


You described an educated civilian. People that are trained only to take orders commit genocides. Think about riot police, they are illiterates paid to beat their own people and protect the corrupt politicians.


I agree 100% with you there. :)


I’m glad we can have some agreements :)



Concrete Mike

Once in a blue moon they say lol

Jens Holm

I am sure educated is meant as raised into a peacefull person feeling for all other people and to talk about things.


Since in the red neck communities are less crimes than in black neighborhoods I don’t think you need a college but rather a family, a house, a job and very important: to not work for the government.

Jens Holm

I am aware fx USA has 325 mio inhabitants and 52 states, so I cant say all is the same.

I have taken my knowledge level by wide statistics. So when its as You say – very low crime some places – You also have to add the lacking crime to places, where its already high.

You can be educated in many ways. One problem here is no education, so You cant take available jobs and make an income. By no jobs, You also are more home and get no input.


Still in USA can find a job faster than in EU. Food, gas, cars, alcohol are cheaper. You can have a decent life without expensive education. You can also have a job and college at the same time if motivated. Most people that don’t have a job is because they don’t want to work.

Jens Holm

I disagree in most of that.


There is also an argument that a licence to own a firearm should be reviewed every year or earlier if the owner has suffered intense stress such as bankruptcy or divorce.

Peter Moy

I agree. Gun ownership should (but isn’t) only be allowed for mentally stable, law abiding, knowledgeable individuals. Society does not need mentally sick, physically sick, suicidal, drug addicted, alcohol addicted and downright dumb people near firearms. Just read US news websites and you will see the daily mayhem, madness, insanity and idiocy related to gun deaths and injuries. When I periodically go to my local shooting range, I can only cringe at some of the suspect (to be extremely polite) people to my left and right while shooting. With my old World War II-era bolt action rifle, I feel totally naked and unarmed compared to these bumbling fools and their high priced weaponry. (I remember one Einstein without any military experience, told me that he paid over $1,200 dollars (USD) for his semi-auto FAL and didn’t know how to field strip it. This is typical of Shoot-Em-Up USA.) Unfortunately, if people are hell bent on killing and maiming, there is little to stop them.


I was in Poland a few years ago and the person next to me on the range was using a Makarov pistol of the type with no safety catch. His weapon jammed and he turned bodily toward the range officer with the weapon as well.

I put my weapon down and slowly placed my hand on his arm and eased the weapon toward the targets. The firer had no malice of forethought, he just did not think.

I did have an idea to deter those caught red handed with illegal working firearms. Strap them with to a frame with their own weapon mounted to automatically shoot them in the back of the head as soon as their heads slumped.

Karma indeed :)

Jens Holm

I am sure You forget most of the world in You many lines about it.


“morality, composure , objectivity and indeed mental strength to use the weapon accurately.” According to who’s standards?


The standards of people who do not rape, plunder, commit usuary ,take ANY mind altering drugs, heavy alcohol users, religious zealots, political prostitutes et al :)


LOL! You didn’t include murder. Which just goes to show how blanket criteria doesn’t work and only serves those who create the criteria. It’s a little convoluted.


The word ‘murder ‘is much simplified description of these alternative descriptions:- assassination bloodshed crime destruction felony homicide lynching manslaughter massacre shooting slaying terrorism annihilation blood butchery carnage death dispatching hit knifing liquidation off offing foul play one-way ticket rub out slaughter taking out the business the works

I prefer the word ‘dispatch’ for the punishment of those who selfishly slaughter others with venal and /or depraved intent.


Uh. The conversation is about gun control and who gets to create the criteria for ownership. But I’m glad you can come up with so many synonyms for killing. I prefer “sanction” myself. Let me know if you care to continue the discussion about the convoluted process of creating a criteria for gun ownership, aka right to self defense.


I would think that all the criteria would preclude you from having a water pistol, let alone a firearm :)


LOL. funny.

Jens Holm

I agree. And even tests cant find most of the ones, which by reasons go beserk.


It was not a gun attack. it was IED. by other words someone has hidden a bomb in a school. it was done by covert means. Armed population would not help in this case.

Zo Fu

Well, IED explosion is bad but there is not any data about how many people were killed by blast and how many by shooting in the report. The biggest problem is the time factor. It takes police some 20 minutes to be present on the scene. I can guarantee you, that average bad guy with average gun bought on black market for couple of dollars can kill dozens of people without any problems and escape. At least in Russia. Trying the same in Israel is totally different story. He will not survive 30 seconds.


That makes sense (and i am a gun right for citizens supporter) but for gun attack only…….


What you’re actually saying is:

“I don’t like Israel very much but I like it very much.”

What does this have to do with Israel? Or did you have in mind the decade-long terror campaign lead by Jewish-Zionists in Palestine – blowing up markets full of people using children, railroads, bridges, buildings, attacking civilians and the British army – after they rejected the 1937 Peel Commission (which envisioned 20% of the land to the Jews)?


Israelis are constantly being attacked in their own country by Arabs with knives, despite all their weapons and shoot to kill “privileges” they get from their leaders.

Giving weapons to civilians is a recipe for disaster, just look at the US.

Even a soldier does not keep weapons around them. Weapons are in stores, soldiers sign them out for duties, and sign them back in after duties are over.

Jens Holm

It would be nice, but facts are the opposite. Like in other crimes 2/3 is done among family and slose related.

Arming more people then You kill one stranger everytime You kill a related. So the solution is de-escalating, where You can in solving problems by talk, therapy, lawyers and more openess about whats going on.

Its almost the same for any crime all over the world, but You can lower the level very much.

We also trust the Govermentel system very much being much more neutral. Therefore many conflicts are given to them and they solve many of them – but of course we have too much crime.

I dont think You schould compare with Israel at all. Those are very sgregated having much possible fear comming just outisde the door. We normally feel safe there.


Condolences to the families of the victims and the people of Crimea and Russia. May they rest in peace.

I hope this insane trend of targeting civilians and cowardly terror attacks stops.


It won’t stop. Ever.

Zionism = EVIL

Not as long as the Porky Zionist regime in Kiev is around. US, Zionists and NATO are turning Ukraine into another Pakistan like failed terrorist state.

Zionism = EVIL

I posted yesterday that US and Zionist agenda is to use Ukraine as a terrorist central to destabilize Russia. It is time Putin take the threat from his “western partners” seriously. The days for kow towing and not retaliating are over. Time to turn up the heat on Kiev Zio-nazis. The headchoppers are using Kiev as a training and transit camp.

Wolfgang Wolf

some Kalibrs into Rada and SBU office in kiev. game over, nazi fuckers

Jens Holm

I would add moscow too.


As soon as you see yellow-purple yellow-red or Orange vehicles just sitting around the place with possibly injured victims just laying around not being whisked off to hospital think HOAX. Don’t figure America is only place with fake news.

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