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If Neither U.S. Nor Russia Accept Defeat In Ukraine, There Will Be WW III — Nuclear War

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If Neither U.S. Nor Russia Accept Defeat In Ukraine, There Will Be WW III — Nuclear War

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On Tuesday, May 31st, U.S. President Joe Biden headlined an op-ed in the New York Times“What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine”, and announced “I’ve decided that we will provide the Ukrainians with more advanced rocket systems and munitions that will enable them to more precisely strike key targets on the battlefield in Ukraine.” He didn’t say that these weapons would enable Ukraine to invade Russia, but they would, and Russia knew it.

Later on May 31st, Politico headlined “Biden: U.S. will provide precision rockets to Ukraine: The rockets are to be used solely in Ukraine, not against targets within Russia”, and reported that “Kyiv has given the United States assurances that the new weapons will be used in Ukraine and not against targets in Russia, senior administration officials told reporters after Biden’s op-ed was published.”

These weapons had not previously been specified to be included in the $40.1 billion of additional U.S. aid to Ukraine that Congress had authorized on May 19th, to help Ukraine to defeat Russia in Ukraine. These were instead weapons that, unlike the ones which had been specified, will enable Ukraine’s Government to invade Russia effectively. Even prior to that Politico article, Ukraine’s Government had publicly been promising not to do that — not to invade Russia. But now, Biden was publicly adding these weapons (implicitly relying upon Ukraine’s public promise not to invade Russia, and thereby empowering Ukraine’s Government to start a hot war between America and Russia, if they want that — giving Ukraine that power, to start a WW III).

Russia’s Government then announced that it won’t allow America’s Government to send those especially dangerous weapons to Ukraine, and that there will be WW III if America does supply them to Ukraine. Russia immediately started military preparations for a nuclear attack, in case Washington follows through on Biden’s promise to supply those weapons to Ukraine.

On June 1st, Russia’s RT News headlined “Russia sounds alarm on risk of direct conflict with US”, and reported that,

Washington’s arming of Ukraine with heavier weapons increases the risk of direct US-Russia confrontation regardless of American statements about mitigating such a possibility, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Wednesday.

The diplomat was commenting on the news that the US has decided to supply HIMARS multiple rocket launchers to Ukraine. Washington has insisted that the weapons system will not allow Ukrainian forces to attack Russia and argues it prevents a scenario in which Moscow would consider the US a party to the conflict.

“We’re not providing any weapons that will allow the Ukrainians to attack Russia from inside of Ukraine, and President [Joe] Biden has been very clear on that,” US representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said of the deliveries. “We’re not going to become [a] party to the war.”

Ryabkov disagreed with the rationale, saying the US was making the conflict more dangerous.

“Any arms supplies, which continue and escalate, increase the risk of such a development,” Ryabkov told journalists, referring to the possibility of a direct confrontation between Russia and the US.

Read more US won’t give Ukraine weapons to attack Russia – ambassador

A few hours after that, RT headlined on June 1st, “Kremlin responds to Ukraine’s pledge on US arms: President Zelensky cannot be trusted not to use weapons to attack targets in Russia, Moscow says”, and reported that,

Ukraine cannot be trusted to abide by Washington’s wishes and not use US-supplied rocket launchers against targets in Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday. Kiev has a poor record on keeping its word, the official claimed.

Peskov was commenting on the US decision to provide Ukraine with HIMRAS multiple rocket launchers. US officials stated that the weapon systems would not be used against targets in Russia, arguing that this made Washington not a party to the Ukraine conflict.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky pledged to honor the US assurances when he spoke to Newsmax.

“We’re not interested in what’s happening in Russia,” he said in an interview published on Wednesday. “We’re only interested in our own territory in Ukraine.”

When asked about the promise, Peskov said Russia didn’t trust Zelensky to keep his word.

“Unfortunately, such a thing is not what our experience suggests,” he said. Zelensky has been breaking his word throughout his relatively short political career, “starting with his main election campaign promise to put an end to the war in southeastern Ukraine,” Peskov said.

Yet later in the day on June 1st, Reuters headlined “U.S. to send precision rockets to Ukraine”, and reported that,

A senior Biden administration official said the new supplies – which comes on top of billions of dollars worth of equipment such as drones and anti-aircraft missiles – included the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), which Kyiv has said is “crucial” to counter Russian missile attacks.

Addressing concerns that weapons such as HIMARS could draw the United States into direct conflict, Jonathan Finer, deputy White House national security adviser, said Washington had asked Ukraine for assurances the missiles would not strike inside Russia.

Russia, however, warned of an increased risk of direct confrontation with the United States. read more

“We believe that the United States is purposefully and diligently adding fuel to the fire,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters, adding that such supplies would not encourage Ukraine’s leadership to resume stalled peace talks.


Shortly after the U.S. decision was announced, the Russian defence ministry said Russia’s nuclear forces were holding drills in the Ivanovo province, northeast of Moscow, the Interfax news agency reported.

Some 1,000 servicemen were exercising in intense manoeuvres using more than 100 vehicles including Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launchers, it cited the ministry as saying. The report did not mention the U.S. decision.

As regards the question of what will be following from here, that will depend primarily upon what Washington’s actual objective is.


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then start arming the hystorical american enemies around the world

the ME is the starting point, after all the zionists are making everything they can to start a new war, so just make them happy and arm Hezbollah to the teeth

Vietnam and Korea

Taiwan, where a big part of the population is pro-China

stir up trouble in Africa, by arming countries and groups with antiamerican views

it is really that simple

let them feel the pain and pay a very heavy price for their arrogance and bestiality

John Tosh

World War 3 is Inevitable. The only solution to World War 3 is the collapse of the Western Control of the Globe. The West will never allow this to happen. Hence the only solution is unacceptable to the West.

The West will try all kinds of tricks up its arms. Timing is critical.

Russia got strong at the appropriate time. China got what it needed at the appropriate time. Even North Korea and Iran got what they need (Nukes).

Africa and most of Asia are inconsequential.


At the end there will be survivors. NEW MOSCOW…. will be born out of the ashes of the old world. The USA will cease to exist. I repeat the USA will cease to exist. It would be like 400 years ago when the USA was run over by Buffalos and wild animals. Only this time most of the North American continent would be radioactive.

The future is horrible…. I am at peace with the outcome now. It took me years to come to terms with what is about to happen. Nothing can be done about it.

Even if the West pulls out of Ukraine and Russia wipes out Zelenskyy…. there would be something else to trigger World War 3. Its a go.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
Elohim Kosher Bar

Unfortunately, I agree with John Tosh that WW3 is inevitable for the following reasons:

1) The Globalist Bankers need a war to wash away their derivative time bomb sins.

2) The current dying powers are losing everywhere and will refuse to surrender their power without a total beat down.

3) The Covid and future Scamdemics and Ukraine War will not achieve their objectives.

The results and timing of said war will be unpredictable. I can not predict where and how things will go nuclear. However, I feel positive about humanity on the other side of this madness once the old world powers are dead and gone.


RIP apocalyptic idiot.. just kill yourself if you wanna die.

John Tosh

I am sorry you feel this way. I have been cursed to see bad things. All I have ever wanted to see was Lottery numbers which I do not see. Instead I see death and destruction. As a child I used to visit meetings where Caucasian men in suits sat down at a table about 6 to 11 people discussing killing people, crashing planes etc… I never understood what I was seeing in my dreams until I found out I was actually visiting an active session of the Central Intelligence Agency (the men were discussing in English) where they plan to kill innocent people or sometimes guilty people. I became an adult before I realized what those dark grey meetings were all about.

I have had problems with my own family for telling them bad things coming their way.

So believe me this ability has given me nothing but bad luck. Plus I have not won a significant lottery yet, hence only see bad evil things. Not sure why.

The USA will cease to exist…. there would be American children walking around with bowls begging for food. Caucasian children. The rest of the world will make fun of Americans. I guess its payback for showing the world how much wealth America has.

This is the future it will come to pass.

You do not have to believe me. Just remember. Also go to Russia Insider and look up my predictions and the dates I posted those predictions. Look up especially the new weapons Russia invented. The sea based nuclear drone etc. Look at the date. It was months and years before Russia told the world they had it. I had already seen the nuclear drone used off the coast of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

You do not have to believe. Just read it for your own entertainment then decide if the future may come out exactly as I predicted.

Good luck to us all.. And Yes the CIA is watching me 24/7 for some of my writings about the IMF and third world countries.


yep, you hear the call of the asylum… can you tell me now how many fingers do I show to you? take your guess ;) luckily Putin is not an emo suicidal retard like most of you…..

Last edited 2 years ago by antonov
John Tosh

The CIA watched when I ran out of New York city two weeks before September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.


The CIA investigated me nonstop to know how I knew. They did not find any terror links because there was none.

My actions speak for themselves. And yes I know about Haldol and atypical antipsychotics needed to treat Schizophrenia.

I understand your fear of what is about to happen. I had hoped it was all bad dreams but its going according to my dream.

With time you too will come to terms with the end.

I know the fear… I dealt with it for years.


I have no fears. But there are many muppets who troll the shiet out of nothing only to spread it… As for your so called “visions”…. be sure the only finger you ‘ve been shown was the middle one. Cheers!


Hey antonov, you’re probably a stupid and coward Russian. You’re still living in your dream of good humanity. If you realize the predicament that your people are in, you would be very afraid.

I’m not Russian. I’m just a third person looking in but I can feel the danger your country is in and I know the future of your country if it won’t change course. You should research about what they’ve been doing to your country and you will guess the future.


I’m not Russian either but you’re very dumb. I don’t care about Russia.


Israel will not nuke Russia even if the USA insists on it , they will allow Russia & the USA to nuke each other allowing for a “Greater Israel ” in parts of Russia ( its a very big country ) .


Israel is nothing,they have not even the infastructure to dig their stolen golan gas,fkn drr!


Or Rather if those weapons are used then kill the Ukraine President with a tactical nuclear strike, overkill yes but a strong message to the west. Enough playing around


Russia has no brain or balls to do that.

Muhammad your Prophet

You know what they say. People without nothing lose are the most dangerous. As Vladimir Putin keeps losing more and more, the more deranged and dangerous he’ll get. Especially since he’s the one who escalated into a full scale war by invading a neighboring country without any provocation. Everybody’s aware about the type of deranged terrorist lunatic we’re dealing with.


Dude, you’re the worst troll to exist. When will you accept Russia ain’t losing? When your apartment gets nuked?


his *basement.

and it’s already nuked.

Muhammad your Prophet

They ain’t losing they ain’t losing. Something tell this idiot they ain’t losing. Not as badly.


Of course they ain’t. How do you lose and conquer territory at the same time? Why is the world so confused that almost everything is upside down? No wonder men marry men, this is crazy


It’s probably an automated CIA troll. Don’t waste your time


He is a bot. IQ1 Gay Eagle Drone (but quite broken)


Certainly you not your lieing libby mental midgets in kiev ain’t winning anything(period)


U projecting..Dumb Fuck American

Muhammad your Prophet

Let me go ahead and check with my source at the FSB to see if I’m projecting. I’ll get back to you.


Something is wrong with you man. But again why would it only be you seeing as you prolly come from such an environment? This is a societal problem, you’re the quintessential fruit.

Muhammad your Prophet

Let me describe her to you and see if it rings a bell. Black hair. Hazel eyes. Smoking hot in that Kremlin uniform. I’d bang her a hundred times just wearing that uniform. No, I don’t think I’m projecting. I’m pretty sure of that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

You’re sick.


Shed knacker you in the balls,then again got none,tap to the throat best be it: can’t see any woman,unless its a tranny or rather vile fugly fat bushpig go you, too many lies,you end only with dogs,seriously diseased fascist dogs utter filth


Correction your a new gen homosexual nazi which means your source is strictly SBU,fkn drr delusional assflogged mental midget:


“You know what they say. People without nothing lose are the most dangerous.” Wrong as always bitch. You lame retard have nothing to lose: no life, no friends, no family, no brain, you are a total loser and utter failure but you are also completely harmless (as much as worthless)… expect to little spiders and roaches you abuse and eat in your basement daily along with turds from your diapers.

you tried to abduct and abuse cats and dogs, but they destroyed your pathetic ass. literally lol

Last edited 2 years ago by OccupyBacon
Muhammad your Prophet

Too bad she’s probably as deranged as this lunatic.

Joe Biden

Your mother? Yeah she is, crazy old hag


Thats my mother sadly.If shim had tolerated anything close,it suicide decades ago?


No matter what you post here,you cannot and shall not ever stop the reason (period)

Edgar Zetar

Hahaha lol! great description of Muhammad


Stop using the prophets name you are insulting my prophet ( PBUH)

flush goes the nation

Muhammad, Biden’s Puppet.


Yous won in moldova yet? Deranged sodomite mentally ill facebook poofs!Thought not gimp:Begone!


Nuclear war has to happen at some point right? Me thinks this is it.


Why have all these tactical nukes if you aren’t going to use them! Added to that a Russian doctrine that sees the use of nuclear weapons to de-escalate. Put those two together and we will see tactical nuclear weapons used if escalatory trajectories are not controlled or are neglected by mistake. Russia will see to it that NATO is not in Ukraine, and if that takes tactical nukes, that is what it takes!


Nah, they’ll make a deal eventually. Zelensky repeatedly said he is ready to negotiate, he just wait for enough Ukros to die until people are ready to accept anything.

Russians will settle for Russian areas of Ukraine, Poland/NATO will get the rest with some symbolic neutrality. Everyone declares victory, Zelensky get a Nobel peace prize, most sanctions lifted. Dead buried, cities rebuilt, the show goes on….

Last edited 2 years ago by NLM

NLM The fact is Russia will grind out the win and it will be costly to them. The truth is their air force has proven to be a joke. UAF have huge columns driving the roads in Adivka which is 5km over the border after 90 days still there. The arty is so inaccurate it will take months. One shell hits 700 meters from target Ukies dive in holes next ten hit 100s of meters away. Look at all the videos of UAF dug into corner hedge row and look at the markings around them. 700 missed rounds for every one on target. Russia still allows the west to send weapons over the river as Russia is either too stupid to bomb a bridge or they simply can not do it. Look at the stories around the MLRS the US sends Russian news and fan boys think its some grand victory that the US is sending them but says”they can be used to attack Russia” ya big win. The sixth round of sanctions was not passed! Ya big win you got punched in the face five times but hurt their hand on the sixth. The whole thing is a scam. Russian oil is being sold by third parties to the EU so they can claim embargo who do you think owns those third party trades???

M from Romania

lol are you copy- pasting the same comments? so sad…




There can be a nuclear war, but it won’t involve a direct exchange between nuclear powers. Indeed this is exactly what they proclaimed before the Ukrainian conflict, to the surprise of many. However, that is the truth of it. What does that mean, well nuclear war is possible in non nuclear states. Indeed that is the scenario we are looking at here. Even the US aims do not foresee an inclusion of Russian territory with the Ukraine conflict. Additionally the US and west in general has made it clear that they would like to contain things to Ukraine and a defeat of Russia there. This is where we come to the real parameters of escalation. If Russia starts to win big in Ukraine – then the US will need to gamble NATO eastern flank to stay in the game. If Russia starts to lose, then it will have to gamble taking on NATO’s eastern flank to stay in the game. That starts another ball rolling in which both sides would use tactical nuclear weapons in the eastern European theatre to avoid defeat. However, what would that give in the end – either a nuclear created buffer area or political discussions on de-escalation. In either case NATO will have lost, for once war starts in Europe – the NATO experiment and worth fails. It becomes a creator of War and not a preventer of it. This is why the US and NATO have to think carefully what they can really lose in the bigger picture, just to maintain a fight over a paltry trinket like Ukraine. The US will have lost perspective!


RealityOfWar The reality is that Russia will grind out the win and it will be costly to them. The truth is their air force has proven to be a joke. UAF have huge columns driving the roads in Adivka which is 5km over the border after 90 days still there. The arty is so inaccurate it will take months. One shell hits 700 meters from target Ukies dive in holes next ten hit 100s of meters away. Look at all the videos of UAF dug into corner hedge row and look at the markings around them. 700 missed rounds for every one on target. Russia still allows the west to send weapons over the river as Russia is either too stupid to bomb a bridge or they simply can not do it. Look at the stories around the MLRS the US sends Russian news and fan boys think its some grand victory that the US is sending them but says”they can be used to attack Russia” ya big win. The sixth round of sanctions was not passed! Ya big win you got punched in the face five times but hurt their hand on the sixth. The whole thing is a scam. Russian oil is being sold by third parties to the EU so they can claim embargo who do you think owns those third party trades???


Russia is winning on all fronts (period) Like it or limp it they are doing it for the reason not soros!


Hi kamrat


Honestly – now? The US is supplying 4 Himars launchers. And from Europe they speculate about another 8 which may be added. That is 12 launchers – which are going to change nothing in this war.

Johannes Ekhman

Likely true.


These long range missiles from the US are no more than the fireworks they’ve supplied earlier, the real threat would be the US-made combat drones deployed by hundreds targeting Russian army and equipments that will be operated remotely by US personnel indeed and not by Ukrainians as being claimed by the yanks. WW III well on its way since Moscow is well aware of how dirty Americans play.


They are going to be shot down very quickly. Drones cannot really work in an area with established, quality AA systems and air superiority to the extent that Russia is enjoying here..


What is interesting is Russia has the capability to escalate this quick. Take out Kiev and every remaining city in a barrage of thousands of missiles non-stop. This could get ugly quick. Somebody shouldn’t even try.


Exactly the whole western rippoff milita complex is no match to superpower Russian science (period) So they try to play the we may do this game except russia has now also s500s in service too!


Russia better be ultra ready for first strike. A nuclear war is an absolute certainty !

Steve C.

Russia has guaranteed second strike capability, and shelters for it’s people.


Naahh this second strike thing is b.s. Russia should go for first strike


Russia activated the dead hand,not gonna happen,russia has the whole world covered from north pole!

Edgar Zetar

The time of the Great War isnt yet. In order to establish the unknown, to chart the false knowledge of humans, to teach them how to achieve the highest heavens and to defeat the undefeatable army of infinity mask and colors that was never been defeated before… the maze appeared…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

I am being blocked from providing intelligence information –for some reason.

hunter bidé lab pork !

so….. ?? the ilumineted faggots that want to have russia for thenselfs or have a clown in moskov should put a suastica in the anus, dress a unicorn democratic lgtb parazite and go F thenselfs !!!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

but nuclear is to climate change !!!! and greta can make an abortion !!! so its better one big stone in the head of Parazites democratic nice psico pedos !!!!


No more wars in Europe. Fight somewhere else.


if these are deployed and there are reports that these weapons have already been sent to Ukraine 3 weeks BEFORE the discussion and actually have been in Ukraine these past 3 weeks awaiting the official decision from USA and have been training the Ukraine NAZIS in using them, if this is so and are used AT ALL even if not in Russian territory Russia is fully within it’s right to destroy these weapons in TRANSIT from the USA anywhere in the world OR by Russia escalating the Liberation Operation by declaring WAR against Ukraine and sending the 3 full armies waiting at the border into battle instead of the very small force of under 200,000 being used at the moment and end this quickly before these weapons can be used effectively against Russia OR 3rd option and truly TERRIFYING is Russia then decides enough is enough and uses TACTICAL NUKES to destroy these systems and KIEV or larger Ukraine forces in total. BEWARE what you sow USA and Ukraine and NATO as Russia’s patience is fast running out with you USA and NATO soon you may be facing weapons for which NONE of the world can resist. long live Russia and Donbass forces in Liberating Ukraine from the NAZIS. – Z –


I don’t think that it’s possible for us to imagine what a war between Russia and the US would look like. The US demonstrated their nuclear capabilities in World War 2 because they had no choice (or they needed to test them), and as a result other countries learned the technology and the US lost their nuclear advantage. Since World War 2, they have never been in a position where they were forced to reveal their best weapons to the rest of the world. That was over 75 years ago, and considering how far technology has advanced in that time, there probably now exists weapons that are much more powerful than the most powerful currently known weapons. That goes for Russia and China as well, it won’t be until the War begins that we will see what these countries are truly capable of, when their survival is at stake.


Well, these “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” believe that they can cheat and make believe any other people of their lies. USA-OTAN want an open war with Russia, and they are trying hard to provoke Russia to make believe to the World that the bad country is Russia and the good (beautiful people) is Occident. Poor USA-NATO, they do not have any idea what will happen to them (just remember France, Germany and Japan).


Dmitry Medvedev: “The riders of the apocalypse are already on their way

What did he mean?

Today, June 2, Dmitry Medvedev made a strange statement. He said that “the riders of the apocalypse are on their way

“These are not forecasts. That’s what’s already happened. This can be treated in different ways, but it can be considered that the “leaders of the Apocalypse” are already on the way and all hope is only in the Lord God, in the Almighty,” Medvedev said.

Perhaps it has something to do with Ukraine. After all, now a large supply of weapons from the United States is expected


Load of Biden crap Like Gunter never lost his laptop . Sounds good to sucker s Nil truth .Usual gameplan Stay out till everyone’s exhausted ,then come in as the heroes But pulled that trick twice before .Third time lucky or 3 strikes and your out ?


If they want to fight between themselves, let them do it through Alaska. The rest of the world wants no part in it.


The US’s sayings are never in tandem with their doings. Their words have only one purpose is to fool their enemies so they can easier succeed with their plans. We all know how much they hate Russians and their plans are only obvious.


Trust might work in a family’s relationships but not in politics. When you come to US promises Putin isn’t a foolish person & knows who keeps promise..lol 🙄


Revelation 6:7-8 ESV [7] When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” [8] And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth. The third seal is inflated food prices that would require a average man’s daily wages to eat for a day. See any of this on the horizon?


a few Hiroshima’s could gift Israel with even more influence and authority world wide, after all 911 worked out so very well.


Russia still has the power to end he us ,they should use it. I was taking to a friend in Africa and even people over there are like russia is on the chopping block

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