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MARCH 2025

Import Of Russian Fossil Fuels By Countries Since Launch Of Military Operation In Ukraine – CREA

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The Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) has published an interesting graphic showing the dynamics of imports of fossil energy resources from the Russian Federation by different countries over 100 days of the Russian special operation in Ukraine.


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The German “Green Party ” –in the pocket of the USA is against Russian gas yet is for importing US -FRACKED gas that is produced by hydrologically pumping cancerous chemicals into the ground causing widespread contamination of the ground water and Cancer to local US citizens .

EU f** Liars !

Greta THUNBERG told von der LEYEN that US fracked gas is green. Thus von der LEYEN obeys… As she obeys in front of ERDOGAN. In fact, she is a very docile girl when she wants…


Greta is not stupid enough to make that claim.


The sanctions are working out so well :)

Rouble hits fresh highs against dollar, euro http://reut.rs/3NXwjN2

Strengthening Russian economy and peak energy prices boost the Rouble as a world currency as Russia trades in its own tender. Russian energy exports earn $139 billion since the operation in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by James

You think?

Work AT Home

Get $194 per h from Google!… Indeed this can be best since I basically got my underlying finance check of $24412 and this was simply of one week…I am aslo purchased Range Rover Velar right after this payment… it is really best job I have even had and you will not for give yourself if you not check it……. 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home
jens holm

Clean Your toilet paper and read again.


Greens should be impaled in public and left to rot in the wind, as Vlad of Transylvania would have done….

AMY Jcsk

Cash making job for evey american to earn and work online. earns more than $15k every month with this home based job.bvg i made $18521 from this job in my spare time afte my college. easy to do job and its regular income are awesome. no skills needed to do this job all you need to know is how to copy and paste stuff online. Open This Website >>>>>>>>>> 𝑪𝐚𝐬𝐡𝑩𝐨𝐱𝟏.𝐭𝐤

Last edited 2 years ago by AMY Jcsk
Miki Miric

Bolje na kurac

Muie, țiganule …


Last edited 2 years ago by Muie, țiganule …
Work AT Home

Get $194 per h from Google!… Indeed this can be best since I basically got my underlying finance check of $24412 and this was simply of one week…I am aslo purchased Range Rover Velar right after this payment… it is really best job I have even had and you will not for give yourself if you not check it……. 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home
Porc halal ft DJ Bobo

Vlad Tepes was not “Vlad of Transylvania”. He was born in the Romanian province of Transylvania (Transilvania in Romanian) and was ruler of another Romanian province at that time, namely Țara Românească, known in the West as “Wallachia”. His father, Vlad Dracul, was a member of the Order of the Dragon, a religious military order similar to the Teutonic Knights or Knights of Malta.

Porc halal ft DJ Bobo


The symbol of the order to which his father belonged was a dragon and the purpose of the order was to defend Christianity against the turkish (ottoman) islamic barbarian hordes. In turn, Vlad Tepes will be ennobled in the ranks of this order in 1431. The coat of arms of the Order of the Dragon represented a dragon (the devil) symbolizing the ottoman turks, and a cross, symbol of Christianity and the fight against the evil empire, i.e. the ottoman (islamic) empire.


I agree to everything you said except the ottoman barbarian hordes part. The ottomans were much more sophisticated and civilised than our Romanian countries.

jens holm

No way. The reasons for those greens – some fanatics – should be removed or reduced. Thats the whole point.

We saw the same for Russia. A very bad Tzar system was replaced by the Proletars taken over. But it was not the the proletars ruling it. Insted of socialisme partly in the the spirit of Marx and Engels, they got a nepotistic paranoia group ruling and even in Stalinisme.

It forgot the proletars should be educated and make more needs to have a better life. If socialisme cant produce (much) better, there will not be more to share.

You only can striptease the (too rich thives) once. That was what happens in new Russia by the Stalin, Trotsky and Lenin.

They took the money from the uppercclass and its mighty Church(no supported well by Putin). But when those money was used there was no difference to the country incompetence.

Tzar Peter, Ivan, Katarina 2 and others were able to establish big armies. By that they could take Ukraine and even Alaska with or without Vitus Bering.

That was not green. They plundered the whole Sibiria ands important lakes are totally polluted or even gone as the Aral lake.

In Russia green is only paint.

jens mom

Sibiria, Aral lake lol? stop sucking dick and learn ENGLISH, you dumb imbecile.PS get the hell out of my basement too….

Miki Miric

Odlično,više ih mrtvih


The Green Party is Controlled and financed by Globalists like all neo Liberals they toe the Globalist line.

jens holm

If so it was spread out much more.

Hard to see those simplified dummy comments like Yours. Green is many kind of lines and people.

jens mom

Get out of my basement you retardo bastard, I am sick of selling my ass to feed a loser like you. I hoped your English sugar daddy would teach you some English, but he just banged you and my headboard.


The article is about the “import of RUSSIAN FOSSIL FUELS by countries since the launch of military operations in Ukraine.”. The US and GB coerced the EU to not purchase “Russian Fossil Fuels” as a Russian sanction but it appears that sanction didn’t last very long.

jens holm

The sanctions mainly are about Ukraine.

They are in all levels and not only fossiles and grains.

We systematicly expell Russia from thje rest of the world. They dont follow rules, so why should they be in any any agrements.

Sanctions are both ways. I can only say we are determinat to support Ukraine and Ourself. By that we do Our best to be less dependent. Russia try to show how dependent we are. Thye have some limited succes.

The sanctions for the rest are long term ones. It hopefylle will be like having a car and You more and more cqan buy or make spareparts to it.

Retired Troll

The Jew agenda is failing but they will not give up that easy as Russian OIL and GAS will become more important for the world in this century and the next as there is no alternative. The corrupt and devious American losers are forcing their Eurotrash vassals to shun Russian oil, gas and other products while deadbeat buys Russian fertilizers. The hypocrisy of these Jew scum is beyond belief.

The problem is that the most evil Jews like Blinken and the corrupt gay clown Zelensky have pathological hatred of Russia and the Slavs and the Ukrainian idiots have become their patsies and cannon fodder. They aim to bog Russia in Ukraine and try to bleed it to oblivion. But they will fail as Russia is fighting on home ground in an existential battle for its soul, land and people.


Ex-President Dmitri Medvedev who is taking a more hardline than even President Putin told western media that “grandpa Joe’s lame sanctions are proving deadly for the bankrupt west, as it can not live without Russian riches”. No fertilizer, no food, no minerals, no oil, no gas, not even baby formula and the list goes on a and on for the beggars in the west. The “sanctions” have boomeranged on the Bilderberg cabal of total losers.

Dmitri Pavlov

Here is a full text of Dmitry Medvedev tweet on Telegram, which he later sarcastically posted with a cute cat and a caption:

In the following post on his Telegram channel, Medvedev posted this picture of a cat and the phrase “Awaiting the next package of sanctions”

He mocked the Russophobic west as a bunch of hypocrites and losers who can live without Russian natural resources. He mocked senile old Joe Biden as “Grandpa Joe” who forgets time and days.

It turns out that the pathetic western characters can not live without the bounty of our beloved Motherland Russia. The west can not survive without the riches of Mother Russia.

Otherwise they can’t get :

-food for citizens -fertilizers to produce food for their starving citizens -can’t heat their homes or cook without Russian gas -their industry will shut down without Russian oil and gas -they can’t produce cars, machines or tools without Russian metals -20%-30% of their nuclear power comes from Russian uranium and minerals

The list could go on a on , grandpa Joe’s sanctions are only hurting the impoverished western consumer and causing pain to the authors of this idiocy.


Last edited 2 years ago by Dmitri Pavlov

American ships go to Yamal fill up call gas freedom sell it to Poland

Ashok Varma

The Bilderberg Jews are making billions by buying and selling Russia gas and oil to their European patsies. Russia is earning $7 billion extra a day and can continue the operation in Ukraine till the holy cows come home.

Hank from troll farm

EU shamed: Russia rakes in £79.4bn in energy exports since start of war: ‘Support Ukraine’​ THE EU has been shamed as Russia made £79.4billion during the first 100 days of the Ukraine war from the sale of oil and gas according to a new report.​


Vergüenza de partido, seguro son intimos de Von der leyen

Bozo the Clown

That helps with the demise of the United Snakes, does’t it?

azov bunch of emo rejects

Germany is paying, and in ruble?

EU f** Liars !

Da !


No, they are paying in the currency that was agreed to in the last contract but, when the next contract is due………..Russia can then require payment in Rubles.


They are paying in rubles, Russia can demand whatever it want whenever it wants. A contract is not valid from the moment one size blocked your money. Everyone with 2 neurons understand this and Germany open accounts un rubles to pay


There is 2-step scheme: german companies put their money in “GP-bank”, GPB converts foreign currency (euro/dollar/tugrik) to domestic one (ruble) and pays to “Gasprom”. The contract is valid after the second step. Companies from Finland lost their gas supplies, because they gave foreign currency to “Gasprom”, this is not kosher.

azov bunch of emo rejects

Got it, and thank you.

Retired Troll

American losers are buying Russian fertilizer and phosphates in Rubles too. The sanctions are proving to be a joke. The Russian version of MacDonalds is Simply Delicious is even better and will soon go global. The Jew agenda of Russophobia driven by the evil Zionist Blinken is not working out well.

jens holm

Sanctions are as well as it goes.

Its typical for here, that the many working well are not even mentioned.

azov bunch of emo rejects

Yeah, Russia has outsmarted & outplayed the zionist world on it’s own in every domain..

L’Otan sure made Russia stronger in just 3 months.

Retired Troll

As I said, Russia is not unarmed Iraq, it is a SUPERPOWER and the largest country on earth. Its population is uber nationalistic and as President Putin wisely said, ” a country as powerful as Russia can not be sanctioned”. The Ruble is hitting parity with the deadbeat dollar and Euro and the biggest winners are Russian people whose standard of living will go up dramatically as imports via China and Iran become cheaper and cheaper. Iran has specially opened the Chah Bahar port to Russia to enable India to ship directly while China just opened the friendship bridge. The Iranians are supplying auto parts for large resurgent Russian companies like Moskvitch (re-introduced) and LADA. Even the Russian MacDonalds is a success and branches are soon opening in Iran, India, China, Africa and as far as Latin America. What these idiotic sanctions did was to reignite Russian industry, business and manufacturing. The western morons has yet again scored a home goal.

PS: the Iranians even secured the release of al 19 Russian crew that were illegally detailed when they were on an Iranian tanker impounded by the spineless Greek backstabbers. Iran told the Greeks if they harmed Russia, they will capture hundreds of Greek seamen and ships an put them on trail. The Greeks quickly released the Russians who are now safe in Iran on their way home.

Iran says tanker seized by Greece has been released and all Russian crew in good health

The reported move comes after the ship was impounded in April by US in an act of piracy, with Athens linking the seizure to EU sanctions on Russia. The ship was crewed by an all Russian crew flying Iranian flag. It is also a symbol of the close alliance between the two nations. The Iranian special forces in the Persian Gulf boarded two Greek tankers and seized them at Hormuz and put the Greek government, a US NATO vassal, on notice that if any Russian was harmed the captured Greeks will suffer the same fate. Within 24 hours the Greeks released the Russian crew, the tanker and the Russian oil, which Iran sold to some unspecified European nation and transferred the money to its ally Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Retired Troll

Something is wrong with this shit……The invasion began February 24 and the graph is labeled = Until February 25………graphic showing the dynamics of imports of fossil energy resources from the Russian Federation by different countries over 100 days of the Russian special operation in Ukraine ???????????


and the millions barrels of INDIA ?


Yes, Russia is starting to pivot its trading partners from the EU to the 2/3rds of the world’s population that isn’t supporting the under international law illegal sanctions.

Retired Troll

90% of the world supports Russia and the sanctions are only working on western populations by pushing up inflation and poverty.


the graph goes from february 24 to june 3

EU f** Liars !

This shit ? What shit ? Don’t get excited, man. If you have good glasses, you will see that the date shown is changing “…until”. Got it ?

jens holm

You might try it as a video. India is there.

You have to learn and understand that Russia in India is very small compared to others.

You can see it in India export/import.


This is how much Germany needs Russian fuel and Germany carry the EU on their backs. What happens if the German economy goes bad? Well…


just tell Hans and Frans “aufweiderschen”


or put another way… “adios motherf^^^^rs”

jens holm

Its not like that at all. The important parts will be repaired and new constructed. Thats expensive. By that they have to lower from a very high level.

jens holm

Thats highly incorrect. Its an expected 0 growth or some smaller declining.

As we see Germany has been hesitating in some of the sanctions. The and also Holland and Belgium are very depended to fuel and maybee partly food for upgrading and sales.


We’ll see soon I think….


“What happens if the German economy goes bad?”

It’s not a bug, it’s the main feature. Like the previous two world wars, collapse of German industry is the whole point of this hybrid/economic world war we are in right now.

jens holm

Bot at all. Germany is in the Western Economics and we are dependent both ways. By that they will be helped as well as they help others.

The world is quite different. The EU is not a forced organisation by fear and propaganda. It pays off for most parts of everyone. It also has big affiliates. They are dependent too.

There are problems. There always has been. As any other organisations You have to look for updates and also vital changes.

For my own I wish as bigger EU but in a more light version. When thing becomes too big, they sometimes slow down too much by themself.

jens holm

They and we are determonant in this. By that we also are determainat to pay the price abnd handle it.

I willremind You that bad is form a very high level. So bad most like will be some declining only.

That of course is bad.

Christian J. Chuba

Where’s India? I would think they import more Russian oil (and coal) than Togo.


They are currently setting up supply lines and trade agreements to do just that. They will probably become the country that makes up for the EU loss .


And India will become the new middle man, selling “Non-Russian” Russian oil to all the western virtue-signalling countries sanctioning Russia. At a higher price of course.


Western idiots noticed that and said that India shouldn’t make profits from the poor state of things in EU. I was laughing after reading this childish complaint mixed with hypocrisy.

jens holm

I dont think we are idioat because of that.

When prices goes up and even by some companies taling too much profit, there will be a too big gap between old and new price.

Its very normal You then find a market between those prices. To me its a matter of delay. It is very needed poor countries and inhabitants also can efford food and energy.

I will say its a temporary reaction form EU as well as India. Next summer there most liely will be more stability.

EU fx has shown they(we) can grow all needed food. Its a little more expensive then now. Others but not all can do the same. By that at least some of the problems for fuel as well as food is solved.

The nightmare might be some starving. So for me India in this is to understand even I dont like their attitude at all. It makes no sense they let them self into crashlanding with no money for expensive food compensation.

jens holm

We will see. There always are ways if they are needed and even with high risk.

India just as Pakistan has big internal problems. They have not solved to be their own semicontinent in so many things.

The main populations are still crowded poor ones living not so many ears each. They also has very big social problems. Those Problems are made by Hindu Modi. But they have no replacements for Modi in the whole India.

The Congress party as alternative has nepotisted itself almost away.

So India need a lot from the outside.

They now suddenly love Denmark again. Thats the same. They have needed Our expertice and also investments for many years. But a polical matter made them boycut us.

hye have lack of so many things of important. The only thing they have extra are people. Their real problem is too many people. Its hard to solve.

If You do have succes by much better healtcare and almost enough food, You also gets more people alive to feed. But they are not needed. They just simply can get a job and support their old ones and own children.

So they have to make many kinds of changes to be more balanced.


It’s an animated graph. You need to press play.

jens holm

Yerrrh India is there.



I can’t think that one reason this war was pushed in Europe was the desire of the green parties in Europe is reduced fossil fuel consumption at gunpoint.

The only positive I can see is that the cost of energy will make the conversion to a green economy much more desirable. I doubt the price Ukraine or Europe pays will be worth it in the long run. I might be wrong.

EU f** Liars !

If you knew LAVOISIER’s principle, you would not say that. If you are still thinking that green energy is “green”, you are totally missing the point. Sorry to say you that ! To produce 1Kw, you need 1 Kw !!!! This is the basis !

jens holm

None assumptions are correct. If You put electricity to a radiator a give it 1000 W You get 1000 W. If You put those 1000 Watt into a heat pump, which is the needed lowered level, You in my house gets 2500 W. Even when its about 10 degrees mins outiside You still gets about 2000 W.

By that even relative expensive electricity pays off and dont pollute. In my climate warming up is a very important part of my energy bill. Its exact the same for the hot climate and summertime. Your lowering temperature is same thing.

Yiu are right about green is not always green. Those definitions was to compare with dirty coal and oil filled up with fx HSO4.

You are right. It makes no sense to produce electricity for cars by coal in a big power facility.

So now green is replaced by really clean, acceptable because of improvements and bad.

There also are other kind of levels. When I lived in Copenhagen there were many indidual users all making their own kind of pollution by firewood, coal, gas, electrity a.s.o.

But they made one centralized heating system where they could take the worst parts of the pollution out(not the CO2). It was a big improvement. It was much more effective for economy and by that also in fx Tuberculoses.

Above that there ever since has been an isolation program.

We have the same where I live now. The prices are kept down and the air is cleaner for us and the rest of the nature.

jens holm

I agree. Its very much about the whole inviroment and the parts based on using to much fossils making pollution.

Here too many greens are fanatics. I dont want to live like them.

I want to replace as much fossils as possible because its cheeper and cleaner. I also want to recycle many more things and as minimum where it pays off.

By local production of fx wind and solar power we also save money in the private economy, save import in dollars and are less vouneruble to lacks and world market prices.

We also burn or fertilize what cant be reused. It makes heat and electricity as a supplement.

So I see no total replacement in anything else. I see we sholuld invest in those parts, which pays off. Its more making quataty use into qúality use.

As child I lived 12 years in smog in Copenhagen. There is no smog there even there are more people and cars then ever. We bought special TV antennas because of the HSO4 and many has breathing problems. So we also has got people lives longer and in better conditions.

When I turn on the light it use 1,5 W in stead of 60 W. Thats a big difference and many things use less power.

We have parties here in Denmark trying to be green. They are more like lobbyist. We do listen. Some of their ideas makes sense, so we adapt them.

People here wont turn Denmark upside down. By that we are in delay for changes but there are viral changes.

We are behind according to the rest of EU in recycling burt we are number one in fossile free energy production. So far we 200 days a year produce all electricity by windpower. But we can save a lot of energy by better warn and cool systems as wel, as we have to have a lot more lecrtricity for the cars, trains and ships.


I don’t see the absence of nato countries, quite the opposite,you can see the historical movements given the events at the time but the public rhetoric and reality are very much opposite, and where were they buying from before?its almost like a pyramid scheme I mean Russia is quids in, but what gives? they supply weapons on the one hand and buy up fuels the next its great for Russia but i think the people of europe should be looking for answers and particularly those in Donetsk.

jens holm

I have tryed that argimentation for mny times here and on other sites.

When Denmark lost against Preussia in 1864 we lost a lot of land. It was about the same as in Ukraine. We had Germans in it. We had Germans in it very loyal to the danish Kings(The danish kings started as being almost germans). And the rest was danes.

After WW1 we could take anything back we ´wanted and more to is(France would have loved it).

BUT we decided to vote about a new border added culturel exchange in a boardning crossing mode.

By that we only took half back. Now we have the finist relations in the whole Region. The border is almost not there. People work at one side and live at the other side. They share hospitals, firebrigades and You cant escape as criminal crossin to the other country. The german police can folow and arrest the criminals unless we catch the criminals first.

We have different school systems. Danes somatimes facilitate the German ones and the Germans use Ours.

They also keep the nature in great shape and do tourisme in the same way. And Why. Well they and we acutally has beeen there both of us as long as we can some back.

jens holm

You only learn the dirtbag creation. Things are well descriebd by many sources and even on free Youtubes.

One very relavant could be Peter the Great only had Rostov.


Time to cut Sweden off since they are supplying Finland after they were cut off.

EU f** Liars !

I agree but this is one of the thousands points that need to be clarified…

jens holm

The swedes compensate. They again will be in full speed with their nuke power plants(mainly Forsmark).


Pooland and UK surprisingly high on the list.


ROFL so much for their sanctions EVERYONE of those countries have INCREASED THEIR BUYING of Russian oil ROFL even the so called USA have increased their buying of Russian oil. The days of the USA are OVER let the FREE world rejoice that the WEST has fallen LONG LIVE RUSSIA – Z –

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba
Peter Jennings

Are we wrong to refer to oil as a fossil fuel? So far, to my knowledge, no fossils have ever been found amongst the oil.

It’s also strange that the rogue gov’ts of the world are hell bent on securing their supply of oil, yet they tell the public they can no longer have it. Are they saving up supplies for war? Wars that the public doesn’t want, yet have to go without to facilitate the engineered chaos they never wanted. Let’s face it, the military wouldn’t get far with electric vehicles.

It seems ‘global warming’ doesn’t get a look in, when warmongering shysters want more.


Should be more properly called HYDROCARBONS. Petroleum and Methane are most likely Abiotic.

Peter Jennings

I agree. Abiotic oil would account for the fact that some empty wells are refilling. If Abiotic oil is a reality and this fact got out to the wider public, that oil was a renewable resource, and cheap, the ruse would end tomorrow. Can’t have that. The bourgeoisie want insane profits from their cash cows.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Jennings
Bozo the Clown

I like the idea of electric vehicles for the army. It might make wars less destructive.


senile jens will ask lgbt social worker to keep him warm w battery powered dildo


This article hides the fact that the oil and gas sold to these countries was not paid in petrodollars. They are paid for in rubles. These countries are forced to dump the petrodollar for rubles.

Fred Dozer

For sure they missed India

no nonsense

Why was the US left out of the above image; they are also importing Russian crude and diesel.


Your right both the UK and the USA are importing Russian oil but the ships delivering it belong to other countries so they are not obliged to call it “Russian “-they lie of course but that is normal.


Don’t let the comedian of Kyiv see this. It’s really bad for his health 😂😂😂

Bozo the Clown

The comedian might trip and break one of his heels. That would be a shame, would it not?

kogda mi byli na voinye

hypocrit and parasit


The western countries are pathetic.


The so-called west is a hologram and all illusions, it is corrupt, Jew infested and weak to the rotten core. This fiasco in Ukraine is the last straw for the Anglo-Zionist trash.


I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $190 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 15k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…, <(") :) AND GOOD LUCK.:) HERE →→ W­w­w.w­o­r­k­s­c­l­i­c­k.C­o­m

Last edited 2 years ago by wigej95072

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Turkey has lots of fossil fuel reserves which they can export but the Turkey regime like other states are slave of NATO.


If any country has natural reserves then the NATO thugs are their enemy.


Forgot India!?…


Gazpron as of today has cut North Stream gas by -60 %.

Alan Z

The dumb bastards are meeting behind closed doors , trying to come up with ways to get around their own sanctions. It’s hilarious !

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