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Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

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SouthFront faces systematic ‘false flagging’ on YouTube from people that seek to oppress the freedom of speech on the platform and to damage SouthFront’s capabilities to provide an independent look at the geo-political and military issues of our time.


1. On February 15, 2016, YouTube deleted our old video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” released on April 30, 2015, because it allegedly includes some content “violating YouTube Community Guidelines”. (LINK)

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

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2. SouthFront immediately appealed the decision. This video, like all of our content, was made with informational purpose in mind and was aimed to provide independent coverage of the threats of international terrorism.

On Feburary 18, 2016, the “YouTube Community Guidelines strike” was removed. (LINK)

However, the video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” remained deleted. SouthFront did not attempt to re-upload it.

3. On August 17, 2017, “The Battle for Mosul: Concept Versus Reality” released on December 12, 2016 was deleted because it allegedly included some content violating “YouTube Community Guidelines”. (LINK)

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Click to see the full-size image

4. SouthFront immediately appealed the decision. The “Community Guidelines strike” was removed and the video was restored on August 18. (LINK)

5. On September 6, 2017, SouthFront’s YouTube channel received another “Community Guidelines strike”. YouTube once again removed our old video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” and assigned a Community Guidelines strike to the channel.

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

September 6, 2017. Click to see the full-size image

6. However, the video was not restored after the February 15, 2016 incident and SouthFront did not attempt to re-upload it. The video was recently restored by YouTube without any notification to SouthFront Team. A low number of likes and views confirms this.

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

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7.  On September 8, 2017, SouthFront’s video “Syrian War Report – September 8, 2017: US-led Coalition Rescues ISIS Commanders From Deir Ezzor?” was removed because it allegedly violated “YouTube Community Guidelines”. Our channel received another one more “Community Guidelines strike”. (LINK)

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Click to see the full-size image

8. With two community guidelines strikes, SouthFront was not able upload new videos and to to host live streams on YouTube. Work on YouTube was blocked. (LINK)

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

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Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

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9. SouthFront appealed the both strikes. Late on September 8, YouTube removed the strike assigned for “Syrian War Report – September 8, 2017: US-led Coalition Rescues ISIS Commanders From Deir Ezzor?” and restored the video. However, the strike assigned for the video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” remained. (LINK)

The project re-gained ability to upload new videos on Youtube. The live streams option remained blocked.

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Click to see the full-size image

10. On September 13, YouTube officially rejected SouthFront’s appeal to remove the last remaining “Community Guidelines strike” for the video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” from the project’s channel. (LINK)

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

The appeal is rejected. Click to see the full-size image

11. The decision ignored the mysterious situation with the video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” and did not explain how it had been restored. The remaining “Community Guidelines strike” impacts SouthFront’s ability to provide exclusive content. The project is not able to host live streams on Youtube until December 6, 2017.

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Click to see the full-size image

12. Summing up the described events, it becomes clear that SouthFront has faced a preplanned illegal campaign launched by some persons from the YouTube internal team.

SouthFront is waiting results of the investigation of this case by the YouTube staff. We want to know who was responsible for re-uploading/restoration of the video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]”. How was the video restored?

This series of hostile and disingenuous actions, as well as prejudicial treatment of some members of the YouTube staff against SouthFront poses a real threat that SouthFront’s YouTube channel might soon be closed down or frozen. In this case, SouthFront informs that you can watch all SouthFront videos at the project’s website, http://southfront.org

Support our work. This will allow SouthFront to have resources to keep the broadcasting if the channel is downed:


Account: southfront@list.ru

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Tinypass (Piano)

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Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

If you have technical problems with making donation, please, write to info@southfront.org to get detailed help.

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Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

Important Details About Situation With SouthFront’s YouTube Channel

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Try adding a warning in the beginning about there may be graphic content not suitable for some viewers..

DJ Double D

I have seen such warning in Southfront’s videos whenever they contain graphic contents, but don’t know since when it started appearing in their videos. However, I don’t think the issue is about that. Unfortunately, politics is encroaching in YouTube’s business.


Dear friend, videos produced by SF don’t include graphic content. You could be able to see some warnings on the website when SF posted videos from other sources.

DJ Double D

Yes, that’s right SouthFront. Keep up the good work.


Dear friend, videos produced by SF don’t include graphic content. SF doesn’t violate YouTube rules. The problem is in mass flagging and related issues.


False Flagging by the security agents of the USA is most likely.

Truth is the greatest and most dangerous adversary that the USA has today.

DJ Double D

Just kick their a…s, Southfront – LOL.


USE ANOTHER PLATFORM AS WELL. At least then we can still see the videos. Thank you.


I fully agree with you .


@South Front :) The for-profit YouTube are Money-Servant. Not Content Creator-Servant. In other words, YouTube serve advertisers first. And you last.

You’re not alone increasing NOT feeling the love from YouTube. Have you considered using Minds at https://www.minds.com/register;referrer=Francewhoa

Benefits with Minds • Free • Owned and supported by a friendly community. Not owned by a corporation like Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter ;) So Minds first priority is to serve people. Not serve money. • Really free speech. Zero censorship. One of the co-founder Bill Ottman is an information activist. • Various monetizing options. Such as monthly financial support, pay wall, display ads, ad sharing, peer-to-peer advertising, accept payments via Stripe.com, BitCoin or cash • Earn points or exchange money for shares with other users. It’s peer-to-peer advertising. • Blogs, Groups, Videos, Status • More secure because Minds software code is publicly available for review and contribution at https://www.minds.org • Global hacktivist collective Anonymous showed initial support for Minds • Free support at https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/100000000000000681/activity

Video introduction to Minds at https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/701890394673127437

More tutorials at https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/701885430655623180/activity

Wikipedia page at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minds


Have you considered STEEMIT or BITCHUTE ?

Robin Morritt

RIP freedom on the internet. Keep up the good work. We will find you and support you, Southfront.

Robin Morritt

Southfront, please put a statement under every SF video on Youtube like this:

“This video is protected by Article 19 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

By coincidence, I clicked on a link to a video entitled “A Generation of Idiots …” by someone called Paul Nielsen. That’s what he does, and it seemed a pretty fair idea to me.

Paul Rain

Dude, it won’t make any difference. The nonsense of ‘Human Rights’ was created by the enemy as a cudgel to attack homogenous nations which formed actual systems of rights, appropriate to their own people, to defend their own people.

The enemy is not going to care about violations of their own nonsense system of ‘human rights’.

Robin Morritt

Yes, but I think it’s worth reminding ourselves from time to time that we used to aspire to such things. I’m quite fond of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Paul Rain

We used to have real rights.. the Magna Carta, the Constitution and the first 10 Amendments, etc etc. The idea that these things which certain peoples evolved can be universalised though? That’s insane.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x