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Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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In early September, SouthFront’s YouTube channel became a target of another attack.

The project work was blocked when the project’s channel received two community guidelines strikes. With two community guidelines strikes, SouthFront was not able to upload new videos on YouTube.

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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This was a clear violation of the freedom of speech and an attempt to eliminate the independent media.

On September 8, 2017, SouthFront’s war report video “Syrian War Report – September 8, 2017: US-led Coalition Rescues ISIS Commanders From Deir Ezzor?” was removed because it allegedly violated “YouTube Community Guidelines”. The video included no graphic content, but was nevertheless flagged and deleted.

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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 On September 6, 2017, SouthFront’s channel received another community guidelines strike when Youtube deleted our video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]”.

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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However, this video was already reviewed by YouTube in 2016!

On February 15, 2016, YouTube deleted the video and the project channel received a community guidelines strike. However, the strike was removed after SouthFront’s appeal. (You can find more about this HERE [strike added] and HERE [strike removed])

The video remained deleted and SouthFront did not attempt to re-upload it.

The video “Foreign Policy Diary ‘War on Terror’ [remastered]” was somehow restored by YouTube and deleted again because it allegedly violated “YouTube Community Guidelines”.

Thus, our channel received a new community guidelines strike.

SouthFront immediately appealed the both “Community Guidelines” strikes.

All SouthFront content is produced with informational purpose in mind and is aimed to provide an independent coverage of the threats of international terrorism as well as the geo-political, military and security issues of our time.

The only thing that SouthFront violated is the mainstream media’s exclusive right to provide informational coverage of world events.

SouthFront faces systematic ‘false flagging’ on YouTube from the project’s ill-wishers that seeks to oppress the freedom of speech on the platform.

Late on September 8, Youtube removed one of the two “Community Guidelines strikes” from SouthFront’s channel and restored our video “Syrian War Report – September 8, 2017: US-led Coalition Rescues ISIS Commanders From Deir Ezzor?” SouthFront became able again to upload new videos to our Youtube channel.

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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However, the Community Guidelines strike that was added to the channel on September 6 remained.

The remaining strike directly impacts SouthFront’s ability to provide exclusive content. We cannot more host live streams because our Youtube channel has a Community Guidelines strike.

Furthermore, a threat that SouthFront’s YouTube channel might be closed down or once again frozen (as a result of further ‘false flagging’) remains while the channel still has one Community Guidelines strike.

Support our work. This will allow SouthFront to have resources to keep the broadcasting if the channel is downed:


Account: southfront@list.ru

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Tinypass (Piano)

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You can subscribe for a monthly donation of $15 (or any another amount) OR make one time donation by clicking buttons below

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube


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Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

If you have technical problems with making donation, please, write to info@southfront.org to get detailed help.

P.S. How to donate via Tinypass (Piano):

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Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On YoutubeImportant Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

2) Monthly subscription

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

Important Message: SouthFront Is Censored On Youtube

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Nigel Maund

You Tube is run by the US equivalent of the GEheimSTaatsPOlizie (GESTAPO) as the US rapidly morphs into a fully fledged fascist dictatorship. Freedom of speech in the US is dying at an alarming rate and everyone should be highly concerned!


Again, with the “Freedom”. Freedom for whom, to say, or do what? YOu think you’re “free” to shout whatever you want. Lol, you don’t got both oars in the water.


You seem to be completely rudderless Stringball whilst you wail at the wave of reality that will drown Libtards such as you.

Nigel Maund

“Cryballie” would be better. Mental age about 10 and educational age 6. I suggest you return to your Marvel comic books and leave SF to the adults?


There is no respect of freedom of speech in the world. South front grow up. We are with you.


Fuck that shit. There’s no “Freedom” to spread slander. You shout: Incinerate the Jews or Cage all the Niggers; you’re gonna be shut down.

Nigel Maund

Who is the hell said anything about that on this site. No article published by SF has ever said any such thing! From your vulgar and uneducated language you have to be an archetypal US “Libtard”. Have you actually been to school?… or did you learn your English from 6 year old comic books?


F….ck you fake freedom. Keep it in the west and don’t try to spread your shit.


I support Jews but not the terror group fake Israeli refugee Jews that killing thousands of Palestinians and stealing their home land under the pretext of holocaust.


Ahhh..Where did SF say any of these??


Slander? ‘Niggers’? Wtf?! Nothing to do with SF or youtube anti-truth totalitarian censorship in this case.


I wonder (((who))) could be behind this recent wave of mass censorship on Jewtube?


Pave Way IV

If you’re important enough to be censored by YouTube, you’re doing something right, SouthFront. The U.S. government and U.S. military PAY trolls to file complaints – they’ll never go away and YouTube doesn’t care. No amount of complaining by anyone is going to change their policies. YouTube monetizes videos it gets for free. It’s a greedy business. Expect nothing more from them.


And to hell with Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. They will disappear at the whim of the U.S.


The west = Pravda to the power of 1 million.


Youtube/Google serve their masters, just like almost all american/british controlled media.

Rodney Loder

Coming last in Capitalism means being swallowed, second last is ok, YouTube is now a monopoly so second is last and not able to start, but there is a bigger race that this little race is lending support to at this particular time. If the big race fails to feature or does go off but fails to deliver for new US hegemony YouTube will back off or risk losing their rank alongside Trump, when the Dems come in with pseudo Liberalism. He’s being pilloried by his jew mind controllers to take on China in a trade war, I think the IMF and WB don’t want to go there but the Democrats hatched the plan and threw the election to enable it, I am sure the Dems are going to see it through if they can. If Trump becomes aware of his inability to think or feel outside of the shackles he could ride it out, probably not, it could be Trump from hero to zero, or Trump from hero to setting a new paradigm for the next century, the Treasury is testing the waters of public opinion so they could also switch it off. All YouTubers not cheering for israel will now get hammered.


Hehe Hot potato, congrats, SF.

Yeah, whats freedom of speech, huh, I never use words like what some “yankike” troll is whining about, and of course the “eternal victim(tm)” cant be spoken of, because they are the chosen ones, right and Christ was an jew, huh, how bloody stupid is it possible to be, Jews is an new word, like Israel, never existed before 1948, and since then they have faked everything they call history, where nothing they claim is true, absolutely nothing, and instead of drooling something about me been an “racist/nazi) I recommend you to read another site where they state the same, and is of course by the rats claimed to be Jew haters, or even better, self hating Jooos, the Israel National Archeological society, whom are anti-semits to. Yeah, beat that. hehe Debate what. Everything I watch this days has been there for decades, the facts are glaringly obvious and yet this issues comes as an surpice, huh, are you sleeping. Nothing this days, incl the bonkers banana republic is an suprice, Trump is just another bitch like the total rotten Obamalama the Childslayer. Nothing, I can back track everything, incl Syria, and what Russia eventually will do, run home. And throw of some lame excuse but never the less, I warn you, Syria is the beginning of the end.

I will give you something I know will warp your tiny Prozac soaked minds, or send it to an screeching halt and probably melt to liquefied manure, namely The greatest story never told, and I hope that this days we are been given the truth, because I know they lie about everything, all the time and in that sense, even Russia have some black holes to fill.


My own humble and long due past apologize to the German people, wake up or die. We need you, Germans.


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