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Improvised Chemical Mines Used By Militants To Shell Syria’s Aleppo: Russian NBC Troops

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Improvised Chemical Mines Used By Militants To Shell Syria’s Aleppo: Russian NBC Troops


The news agency TASS reports (source):

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist group outlawed in Russia) militants used improvised 120mm chemical mines to shell the Syrian city of Aleppo, Konstantin Potemkin, a spokesman for Russia’s nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) protection troops, said on Sunday.

“Primary analysis of munitions fragments makes it possible to say that terrorists used improvised 120mm mines that had been stuffed with toxic agents in an improvised manner,” he said.

On Saturday evening, Aleppo’s dwelling quarters came under shelling by militants from the Idlib de-escalation zone who used shells stuffed with a toxic substance, presumably, chlorine. According to Syrian medics, more than 70 people were hospitalized after the attack. SANA news agency put the number of those hospitalized at 107. Terrorists were subsequently destroyed by Russian warplanes.

Сhemical contamination

Specialists of NBC protection troops have confirmed the fact of chemical contamination of Aleppo’s quarters.

On Saturday evening, Aleppo’s dwelling quarters came under shelling by militants from the Idlib de-escalation zone who used shells stuffed with a toxic substance, presumably, chlorine. According to Syrian medics, more than 70 people were hospitalized after the attack. SANA news agency put the number of those hospitalized at 107. Terrorists were subsequently destroyed by Russian warplanes.

“Thanks to the use of gas sensors, NBC protection troops specialists have confirmed that the area is contaminated with chemical substance,” he said.

According to Potemkin, the composition of the toxic agents used in Aleppo will be identified by experts.

“We took samples of the soil, fragments of buildings and pieces of shells to be further studied at the laboratory at the Hmeymim airbase. It will make it possible to identify the toxic agent,” he added.

Monitoring of Aleppo

Russian specialists are also monitoring the situation in Aleppo’s dwelling quarters following chemical attack.

On Saturday evening, Aleppo’s dwelling quarters came under shelling by militants from the Idlib de-escalation zone who used shells stuffed with a toxic substance, presumably, chlorine. According to Syrian medics, more than 70 people were hospitalized after the attack. SANA news agency put the number of those hospitalized at 107. Terrorists were subsequently destroyed by Russian warplanes.

“Within several hours after the attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist group outlawed in Russia) militants who used munitions stuffed with toxic agents in Syria’s Aleppo, Russian transport aviation airlifted a mobile diagnostic group from the chemical laboratory system at the Hmeymim airbase. Currently, a special radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance system is deployed in Aleppo’s dwelling quarters to monitor the chemical situation,” Potemkin said.

He said that the work of Russian NBC protection specialists will help promptly expose contamination of the area in case terrorists use toxic agents again. “It will make it possible to avoid casualties among civilians,” he said.

According to Potemkin, Russian servicemen have repeatedly reported that the White Helmets organization was delivering toxic agents to the Idlib de-escalation zone to stage provocations in order to subsequently accuse Syrian government troops of the use of chemical weapons against civilians.

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i wrote about it about 5 hours before it happend…..about the folks that prepared them chemical “warheads”, …all i really did was quote a russian military officer were the russians said they had information that french experts, of dark skin colour came to idlib, to adjust the “chemical explosives” with the delivery system.

and ofcourse here at southfront as usualy i got ridiculed…..ofcourse 5 hours later…when it happened…bammm……..so again..let me ask a simple fucking question…if their information is so accurate, so extremely accurate as to time and place and even who, why the fuck not drop a couple of MOABS on these pricks so that this bs chemical bs false flag attacks bs gets stopped once and for all??? and dont give me some bs answer as too “the west will then blame the poisnous gases from this explsion on SAA again and attack……… no… russia should do the bombing with video that they have,and nobody could blane russia s to using chemical weapons, because they do not have any as of SEPTEMBER 2017 verified by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

The problem with bombing chemical weapons is that thats how they mainly works; being vapourised through an explosion, meaning that when you bomb chemical weapon storage, you are de facto using chemical weapons no matter if they are yourself not.

Take a look at the Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear reactor back in the 80s, they faced the same problem, the solution was a different one though.


Off Topic…. IsraHelli warplanes have just re-started their incursions into Lebanese airspace along with flying close to Syrian border…… https://www.almasdarnews.com

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US, Israel and the MSM aren’t screaming “Assad gassed his own people”, gee I wonder why. HTS doesn’t want to stay in southern Idlib all alone, they’re scared the nasty SAA and Russians will come in and do unspeakable things to them after Erdogan’s boys leave, they want to start a party before they do leave, that way the Russians, SAA, NFL, FSA and Turks, can all party together. But Erdogan’s being a real party pooper, he’s making his boys come home early, after all there’s an even better party about to start just up the road, and his boys need a rest before they can attend that one. Erdogan would prefer his boys to go to this other party, the people throwing the new party are much richer than the other miserably poor mob was, his boys will have something they can at least steal there, there was nothing at the other place. Erdogan is separating his forces from HTS, he’s leaving the south of Idlib to the mercy of the SAA and Russia, and he’s heading east. HTS know it and are desperate to stop him, this gas attack was a way they thought they could, but because neither Assad or Putin are chimps, they didn’t fall for a simple chimp tactic .Go have a good meal of bananas HTS, it will be your last meal here on earth so enjoy it. I don’t think the White helmets had anything to do with supplying HTS with the gas just recently, they may have given it to the FSA ages ago but not in the last few weeks. It may also be that HTS has stolen some from the FSA just recently and used it independently, they are fighting each other now after all. The white helmets work for the Brits and Israel, and atm, Israel is relying on Putin to work out a favourable security deal with the Iranians, that will also involve, Syria, Lebanon, the US and Turkey, and possibly France, and the last thing they want right now is to throw a spanner in the works, I think the white helmets are all heading north with the FSA and SFL, not prepping bombs that could start a SAA/Russian incursion, at least not until they were out of harm’s way.

Brother Ma

Sounds plausible but i want some fried chimp meat. When can we start torching them ? I am sick of them shitting and making a mess all over the place there!

Willing Conscience (The Truths



White Helmets earning their keep.

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