The actions of armies on the battlefield must be humane, the Geneva Convention suggests. However, not all soldiers adhere to valiant principles of warfare. The Ukrainian Army, as a representative of a country that has been subjected to aggression, feels permissive. The whole world ignores the unlawful actions of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine), justifying the blindness with the claims that Ukraine is a victim country.
The atrocities of the AFU are shared and glorified by the soldiers of the Ukrainian Army themselves.
Ukrainian neo-Nazis killed six political activists, accusing them of working for Russian special services. The victims were activists of the Patriots for Life party from the city of Severodonetsk. They went missing in Kiev in March.
On May 18, the murder was confirmed by Yevgeny Zhorin, one of the leaders of the political wing of the neo-Nazi regiment of Azov leaders, the National Corps. He published photos of the dead, glorifying the deliberate murder without any investigation.

this is how the “Patriots for Life” from Severodonetsk look like now. On March 7, they disappeared, and now their new photos have appeared. They look so-so
The politician later deleted his message. However, the criminal patriotism was glorified by various Ukrainian militants.
The fact that Ukrainian neo-Nazis are engaged in extrajudicial killings was also stated by another militant who recorded a video on this topic.
“… who were headed by Kiva, remember such Ilya, a deputy who has now fled to Moscow. And these “Kivaras” (Kiva’s followers) were doing bad things, they left for Kiev and fit trackers in Kiev (for Russian servicemen), they were waiting for the Russian world, and therefore just a few days ago a group of these Kivaras from Severdonetsk, there were about 10-21 people. In total, 6 people, 6 corpses were found in a forest near Kiev. They were shot without trial, they were executed, and so it will be with every asshole and freak who encroached on the territorial integrity of our country.”
On May 19, leaflets with threats to the deputy civil-military administration of the Kherson region, Kirill Stremousov, were distributed in the Kherson region. The cruel images threatened the local official as well as his wife and children.
On May 22, the AFU attempted to kill the mayor of the city of Energodar, Andrei Shevchuk. The explosion thundered at the moment when Shevchik entered the house where hi mother lives. As a result of the incident, the building was damaged, the mayor and his bodyguards were wounded.
In early May, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti provided information that SBU punitive units entered Stary Saltov in the Kharkiv Region under the cover of the Ukrainian army and began taking away residents who disagreed with the position of the Kiev regime in an unknown direction. It is also known that along with the units of the Security Service of Ukraine, the notorious Kraken battalion was spotted in the region. The nationalist battalion is famous for punitive actions against the pro-Russian activists in Ukraine carried out in last years.
Demyan Ganul, a member of the AFU army, asked his subscribers to send the addresses and names of separatists (people who disagree with the Kyiv regime), so that Ukrainian militants could “visit them and explain what the real Ukrainian patriotism is”.
” Good evening. I have a small request for you. I need addresses and confirmation of any separatist activity in Odessa. Please write all this in the comments, the administrator will contact you and you will provide full information. It is very necessary today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Because it is necessary to work out and there are hints that these scoundrels are planning something in Odessa, so we will come to visit them first. Glory to Ukraine. We will win.”
In April, Ukrainian militants killed a local pro-Russian blogger Valery Kuleshov.
Also in Odessa, Ukrainian police arrested a girl who had published a video of a hit on AFU positions. Now she faces 8 to 12 years in prison for discrediting the Ukrainian army.
Such cases occur because of the lack of normal functioning of Ukrainian internal security agencies and the anarchy that increased amid the military operations. All unscrupulous AFU soldiers hope that they will get away with their actions, but all those who fall into the hands of the Russian army are brought to trial to the fullest extent of the law. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky also promised to punish all soldiers who exceed their authority and commit inhumane acts. However, any of his promises are yet to be fulfilled.
From the Halls of Abu Ghraib (… To the Shores of Crimea…
What else needs to be said. Paid for Angl0-Zi0Nazi$ Made in the U.S.A. that will do ANYTHING for a paycheck!
This is why Vlad Putin better find a way to put these two ( ( and those under their command on display either by execution (with that bashed in head in the last photo) or a war crimes trial in Moscow!… If he’s traded them he is a “traitor” to the men and women dying for their Country and “him”!…
Yes this is the western way, shear unadulterated violence and crimes against political and other opponents, glossed over with a ‘Disney like’ propaganda veneer of a controlled and managed western media. The American dream became the western dream as westerners are prevented INVCREASINGLY form seeing different news under the guise that anything different to the western cooked propaganda and narrative is disinformation! The west treat their people as machines, which need the right programming, otherwise the alternate programme is disinformation!
Indeed. The corporate mainstream media in USA/EU/UK has gone into total propaganda overdrive, unlike anything seen before. ABC, CBS, MSNBC, WaPo, NY Times, CNN, NPR–even Democracy Now! has become pseudo left psy-op propaganda (she actually promoted ‘Bloodlands’, that revisionist propaganda shit written by Timothy Snyder, good gawd what a total @sshole). Everything straight from the U.S. State Dept or CIA. The American ‘news’ reporters casually, openly stage ‘Russian mortar attacks on kindergartens’ having some Ukrainian military shoot the mortar at the kindergarten. Western corporate media has never, ever been as bad as it is now. NO objectivity; NO actual journalism; ONLY deceitful lies to brainwash ignorant Americans sitting on their asses eating Funyons while they watch Rachel Maddow blather on about Russians raping 1 year old babies, blowing up maternity wards, bomb shelters etc. USA=shit country.
You all condone Soviet atrocities and believe Russian propaganda without further question. You cannot understand Russia is friendly with Israel and that America, Russia, and most other countries are controlled by Jewish supremacists for over a century or two.
Komitet 300
You are “Nazis” and “Banderists” in your own right. Only that you believe in lies about both of them and do not realize those were Soviet atrocities blamed on those they planned to invade before they were beaten to the punch.
When you say, ‘western way’ you should specify that it means ‘Western Europe’ rather than ‘North America’. They have been an asset to the EU Bankers just like the UK has been since about 1815. North America owes the same Bankers about $40T. When is the last time ‘your Employer’ was in the debt of ‘the Workers’?
Mongol sergeant slaps junior Russian officer
Update from Ukraine | Endless ruzzian blitzkrieg | Can they Win it?
Ancient Zionism Part 1
The Fake History of Ancient Israel Part 1
The Visigoths and The Jews: Part One—Visigoths-Part-1-(1080p):a
You like to ignore Russia’s war crimes they deny, or blame on Ukraine. Such as the swastikas they burned into the skin of a women they raped, then proceeded to blame on Ukraine.
Meanwhile you are whining about Russia’s own casualties as consequence for having invading the country.
And you are either too stupid, or conceited to the extent where you blame jewish behaviour on the “Anglos” who can literally mean anything from your own definition, it can even be an Italian or Ashkenazi jew living in any English speaking country besides Singapore.
The very fact many of you on here call them Khazars refutes your “Anglo” hypothesis, saying nothing of the Sephardi jews that inherited European blood through intermixing with their white female slaves under the Muslims and Roman times before.
Jews always seek to earn favours of society’s rulers to ally with them and stab them in the back when no longer needed. They seek to establish dominance over others, they infiltrate and subvert from within to takeover and undermine society.
Would you be surprised to know the training the US provides comes from manuals written by Mossad?(Rothschild World Bank Secret Police, if you will, for this post) As you pointed out, somebody is paying them to be like they have been since 1913 and the creation of the FED. In a War Crimes Trial at the ICC the US would be wise to turn into a ‘star witness’ against the Banksters than pretending they are where ‘the buck stops’. When you miss an important point like that, it is almost as if you are an Mossad asset yourself, who is helping promote the US has been giving all the ‘marching orders’ when the Israeli schools for Police and Military operates from manuals written in Brussels, Belgium. Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel Complete Exposure- The Balfour Declartion.
Maidan psychopaths and terrorists even worse than ISIS.
Probably equal as they are supported and trained by the same people
Joe, you’re only half right. Both of them are US proxy army. Period.
Russia was exposed for making a photo op to make it seem they trained with Azov. In reality Russia is far closer to ISIS, 40% of ISIS members came from Russia. You believe their black propaganda, despite their Bolshevik savagery.
The battlefield blinds them with hate and fear so they voluntarily give up their soul.
They started with atrocities long time before there was battlefields. Actually, we have now battlefields in Ukraine because of their atrocities.
Agree,The first atrocities were paid for by the CIA to start this war and some are calculated for other reasons and some people are just bad.
The atrocities are calculated actions. This is part of the counter-insurgency programs of the imperialist power honed by Lansdale, Kitson and Galula in the Phillipines, Kenya, Algeria, Vietnam, Malaya, Indonesia, Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan and Latin America. It’s both an art and a science, and the US empire still runs the old school.
BLDM – banderaLivesDon’t Matter – fresh corpses of Ukrainian soldiers, as well as those who surrendered. Soldiers of Ukraine DEATH IS COMING FOR YOU
Soon we will hang the first “eagles”, the rest will have a chill, and then we will hang Zelensky as the most important rooster.
This is pure terrorism nothing else these people are terrorists subjecting the Ukrainian civilian population and ethnic Russian population in southern and Eastern Ukraine to a campaign of murder and terror. If ever there is justice then the individuals responsible for the atrocities above should be brought to an international court and subjected themselves to the full force of the law. The Kiev regime is fully aware of this and who are responsible. And it is obvious that the Kiev regime themselves are also involved at the highest levels and that includes zelensky himself
Bastards deserve what’s coming for them, Russia must not stop at the Dnepir, it must go all the way….
I agree.
Russia will have to control all of Ukraine. Most of the UKIE population will welcome their release from US / UK proxi violence.
The hardline Zionazi extremists will have to be routed out. It took the Soviet Union 10 years to pacify the Lvov region where Bandera was strongest.
If Russia Fails to pacify all of Ukraine, the US/UK could sponsor long term conflict in Ukraine.
If Russia Does pacify all of Ukraine, it would force the remnants of AZOV and their fellow travelers to take sanctuary in the EU and UK. This being the case, the EU and UK will have a Massive internal security problem of their own making that would easily create Ukie gang violence using Manpads and other shoulder-fired projectiles supplied by NATO, LOL.
Ucranians neonazis must be trialed in Russia and sent to Siberia to acomplish their sentences until the very last day. I suggest the penal colony No. 6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Orenburg Oblast or a hardest one if possible.
I find it interesting that there is basically no discussion of the spree of assassinations in the Donbas, particulary that of Zakharchenko, but also high-profile fighters like Givi and Motorola. The standard Anglosphere propaganda said the Russians killed them all, but it seems very odd
The hypocrisy and the lies of the west are vile. People here frustrate me because they don’t care about looking about what’s going on instead of just listening to what “journalists” repeat. Unfortunately people are selfish and as long as it doesn’t directly affect them, they have better things to do. Relatives and friends have told me that… That’s NA for you.
So they just naively take for facts anything a journalist is repeating in the news… all they do is just read a script, and show some random replay for footage because they don’t actually go there…
Murad Gazdiev from RT has been covering the conflict throughout it’s difference phases since 2014… in the front. He follows troops at the front and shows the mess Ukrainians left behind… all the heavy drugs they shoot in themselves…
That’s why they are so fucking stupid and living in denial, they are on heavy drugs, disconnected from reality. Imagine what a lowlife neo-nazi does when he’s been abusing amphetamine for sometime, armed with a bunch of weapons… Even that dumb ashkenazi is an hardcore cocaine user;
REMEMBER THIS RUSSIA AND THEN PUNISH EACH AND EVERY CRIME! Eye for an eye, Russia must completely erase these neo-nazi terrorists from existence!
Yes, whoever in Ukraina cooperates with the aggressor army of dictator Putin, can expect to be killed. The Russians should stay in Russia and everything will be ok.
But millions of ethnic Russians were in eastern Ukraine way before Ukraine was established as a country. So should they all move to Russia and give up the land that their grandfathers died protecting it from the Germany Nazis?
You’re a fucking piece of shit who lacks of knowledge. You think you can genocide an ethnic but it’s wrong if they fight back? You’re the evil that need to be put down. After all, we human can live with each others as equals OR let’s turn this planet into a battlefield. No one will put up with your evil bullshit.
Ukraine is Russia you dumbass
the UK-NAZI are worse than mad dogs…. they are hatred without a leash
The whole point of hiring a foreign army to do your fighting is they can be as brutal as possible, as their future does not include being in parades back in the Nation that hired them. Belgium hires Muslim and Blacks as hired guns to fight against others of their own group if possible. Money is the difference between a patriot and a terrorist. A patriot fights best in defence, hired guns are better at ‘aggression and wanton slaughter of innocents’ as a sign of what happens to ‘ future rebels’. The ‘bad news’ is they may turn into a witness against the group who hired them as war crimes, take into account ‘the planning group’ and the ‘execution group’ as both being ‘war criminals’. When the ones that hired them are the EU World Bankers, they lose that position and have most of their wealth taken away and given to the people of the Nations that were ‘robbed’ by said bankers. They can always take up religious studies as they need to review if they are currently heading for a dressing down like GOD did when He had Neb exile them from the land of Israel, and how to head that off if that turns out to be more fact than fiction.
It’s up to Russia to bring these criminals to justice.
This world is finished. Posting pictures like that to prove one side is less evil than the other proves that humans as a species are beyond redemption at this time. The days of good guys and bad guys is only for movies. In reality, there are nothing but bad people running this world. Jesus just left Chicago and everywhere else on planet earth. Only Satan remains.
War is hell.
This is why Putin should never have said he was coming to sign a peace treaty.
No one will help you if they think you could be gone the next day. They wouldn’t want their heads chopped off.
The correct goal is the safety of Russians within Greater Russia by permanently taking territory from Ukraine.
Degenerates. Completely lost in time and space.
“The actions of armies on the battlefield must be humane, the Geneva Convention suggests.” WTF
Fighting humanely is like fucking for virginity, a nice idae but obvious BS. Let’s be honest all gubermints are evil and all their wars are brutal, some are however, obviously more brutal than others. The Ukrop war is as amerikan as rotten apple pie and as such must be fought to the last Ukropper if necessary or at least until every Pentacon thug is bagged and burned or runs back to Slumville for the fast approaching civil war reloaded.
These individuals are their own judge and jury presenting the material evidence against themselves in trial for war crimes. No court will find you “not guilty”, not only that you don’t feel guilty for the crimes you’ve committed you are actually so proud of it that you will share it with rest of the world. Darwin Awards contestants galore.