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In Map: Israeli Strikes On At Contact Line With Lebanon

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In Map: Israeli Strikes On At Contact Line With Lebanon

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On August 30, artillery and aircraft of the Israeli military carried out a series of strikes on southern Lebanon. The strikes were carried in the framework of the ongoing escalation at the contact line between Israeli and Lebanese forces. MORE HERE


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Patriot Patrol

Turns out Hezbollah hit the same dummy targets they were photographing earlier


No casualties on the Israeli side


The Zionists never admit that the victims are on their side.

Patriot Patrol

Yes they do lol


they are not your friends, they hate you and spit on your churhes

Free man

There are no casualties on either side. So many shells and bombs and no casualties. Looks like a Hollywood production.

Kell McBanned

Maybe you should nip down the road to Rambam hospital and take a look https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7030b288512f7a66b57f715003df4c7a26390ef09534dca20dc232b42a907095.png

Free man

You’re busy uploading staged photos. Do you also have pictures from a Rambo movie? Something weird about the whole event.

Kell McBanned

LOLOL You zionists cant take the slightest hit can you?

Free man

Nasi and Bibi Productions. You fool.


If so fake then why is SF posting a map of idf strikes? Is that fake too? lol

Free man

Both sides seem to have done everything so that no one is hurt. To me this is strange.

Kell McBanned

So lets go over the events –

* Hezbollah announces it hit an armoured vehclle in israel killing or wounding occupants. * Israel hysterically begins shelling Lebanoin with White Phospherous (Chemicle weapons) * Israel is silent for several hours * Israel claims Hezbollah hit an ambulance not a tank * Video taken showing wounded being airlifted into Rambam hospital in Haifa * Israel retracts prior claim of ambulance being hit and is now stating no casualties occured * Israel now claims dummys were hit and plastic tanks * Video of casualties becomes public now israel claims its dummies being medivaced for errr reasons. * Hazbara operatives given new narrative and begin claiming no casulties

Lol – who else here thinks Hezbollah is far far more trustworthy :D

Zionism = EVIL


Free man

1 Hezbollah said they hit a military vehicle. I believe them. 2. Israel says there are no casualties on its side. I believe them because such things can’t be concealed in Israel. There are reporters everywhere as in the US and Western Europe. 3. This event is strange to me because it looks like a big show. How did so much ammunition explode without casualties? It fits the regular pattern of passionate speeches without real fighting.

Kell McBanned


Patriot Patrol

That’s the dummy idiot ?


Kell McBanned

Oh so plastic tanks and now dummy casualties – wow, you think Netanyahoos election prospects will be saved by absurd lies? Lol

Patriot Patrol

Hezbollah was posting pictures of dummies on the Israeli side then are surprised when they hit those same dummies


Kell McBanned

They had photos of the dummies and decoys very close ones actually, thats why they went around the back and hit the tank park :D Now your suggesting israel is medivacing dummies lolol Or could it be israels realising it cant fk with the Hez without bleeding and this absurd claim is a feble attempt to save Netanyahoo.

Patriot Patrol

There’s no photos of any tank ?

Why do you think Hezbollah hasn’t released any statement?

They failed hard and are embarrassed

Israel will probably now release video showing the Hezbollah failure and elimination of the squad that launched an attack against a fucking decoy


Kell McBanned

Lol photos of BBQ’d kippas streaming into hospital ohh no they are dummies – buddy your the dummy :D

Patriot Patrol

Why would Israel post pics of their own casualties then deny it? ?

They were mannequins targets and Hezbollah got trolled hard


Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist entity is a draconian police state there is complete ban on any photos or statements. They are sulking for the time being and will do FUCKALL!

Patriot Patrol

0 casualties

Oh you sad dicksucker ?

You can pretend those pathetic ATGM’s did anything I’m still laughing at the 2 dead hezbofags that have yet to be avenged



Patriot Patrol


Last week you were correctly pointing out how Israel has been slaughtering Iranian pussies for years, one fake attack with 0 casualties and now you’re going to pretend it never happened

Haha pathetic

Zionism = EVIL

Well, Hezbollah and Iranians kept their word and hit back. This is not a game for trolling kids, like I explained yesterday. It is a scenario of deterrence and Hezbollah came out on top.


How can Israel fight the Hezbollah? Dummies can not fight Party of God. Video: Soldier of the Israeli army can not climb the walls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F9SmA6qmr4&feature=youtu.be


whistle with two fingers lol!

Zionism = EVIL


Ashok Varma



Yes. All IDF is dummy, Just fighting woman and children. Video: Israeli soldier refuses go to the Gaza border, he is afraid of dead. https://twitter.com/jamlyyyyy/status/1033366765353545734

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, the Zionists got whacked, pure and simple. You hasbara idiots are quite embarrassed eh…



Denying a military’s casualties or injuries is a direct insult to that military. You are being more disrespectful towards your own side than the insults from your opponents.

Zionism = EVIL

You pussy Zionists have been caught out this time. Now let me tell you pathetic embarassed trolls a few FACTS on yesterdays Hezbollah calcualted and well executed strike:

1. Hezbollah true to its word, did strike back and destroyed a Zionist tank, killing 3 and may have hit a humvee too.

2. This pathetic display by Zionist cowards in imposing complete censorship to hide their casualties does not auger well in future conflicts.

3. The pathetic loudmouth coward Nutter Yahoo looks very stupid as he has no options left, either escalate and get hammered by Hezbollah and Iranian missiles or just tell lies. My bet is on telling more total lies to cover up IDF child killers failures.

4. There will be no escalation as the Zionist cowardly arseholes know the consequences as Sheikh Naim Qassem very consequently and clearly explained today.

5. This only strengthens Iranian, Hezbollah and SAA position as they are now willing to hit back at any Zionist aggression. Russia has already told the Zionist scum to tone it down.

Now you kids can go back to trolling each other with BS…

Patriot Patrol

1. There are no Israeli casualties 2. You have 0 evidence 3. The only dead are the 2 Hezbofaggots Nasrallah admitted 4. Israel set Lebanon on fire since the fake attacks 5. Hezbofag got bit in the ass by the same dummy photos they were posting earlier in this weak

Zionism = EVIL

BS, you are a liar and a FUCKWIT. I give most trolling morons the benefit of the doubt, but are a pathetic loser even by hasbara troll low standards.If the Zionist scum are so strong, WHY DON’T THEY ATTACK LEBANON and FIND OUT eh?

Patriot Patrol


And those hezbopussies just bark on social media and stage fake attacks

Why won’t hezbopussies fire missiles into Tel Aviv?

Why does Iran get raped and Scientist killed without retaliation?

Because their military is bullshit and weaker than piss


Not true. Russian media which is generally sympathetic to Israel confirmed casualties and displayed videos of IDF medi-vac.

Patriot Patrol

Russian media is a fucking joke lol




If you take the phrase: ‘The khazarians’

You can make from the letters: ashkenazi


The Hebrews are descendants of Shem, The AshkeNAZIS are descendants of Japheth, but Noah did say someday that Japheth would sit in Shem’s tent.


I guarantee you these jews are NOT HEBREWS. There is a difference between night and day.


the Khazars, an empire from the south of modern Russia, adopted Judaism, were defeated by the Mongols and scattered somewhere near Poland. They still exist as the modern Ashkenazi component of Jews.


As an ex-Soviet citizen, I would not call the assorted Ashkenazi as “Khazars”. They are just mostly eastern European opportunists who grabbed Palestine after Europe’s collective guilt in World War 2. Israel has been able to sustain itself in Palestine, thanks to lavish western financial aid and weaponry, but as this backdown clearly showed, its military edge has eroded rapidly since 1967.



The European Jew who is completely of European origin faked his identity as a descendant of Abraham and inserted his European ass in our region against the wishes of the people of the region.Look at these European aliens.

Zionism = EVIL

There is no point showing the origins of the Zionist gutter trash that the devious Brits created and planted in Palestine. The whole idea was to create a permanent cancer in Palestine and endless conflict in Arab world and loot its natural resources. Most educated Europeans understand the nature of Zionist evil. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d2a00e1108eaefabbb63b4fe600a600a24fbb069a6e42b71a9d0cd9ee1c9843c.png

Ashok Varma

They are European settlers in occupied lands.


Armed uninvited settlers with a penchant for arrogant brutality. Israel is over-reaching and undermining its own future in a region that is fast changing.


Death to israeli antisemites

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, death to all ghetto trash Zionists as Arabs are the only real SEMITES, children of Abraham and all.

Uncle Meat (meet john doe)

Precisely! They are the true anti-Semites.

Rhodium 10

IDF lies : on late sep 2016 Syrian air defense claimed that one IAF F-16 have been shot down while was flying over Quneitra province…IDF denied it!…5 octubre 2016 an Israeli F-16 Block 52 serial number 00-1021 of the IDAF 119 SQN had a crash landed at Ramon AFB..Pilot Maj Ohad Cohen-Nov ( Sephardic) didnt survive.!…on Octubre 2018 Syrian air defense claimed that they hit one IAF F-16 over Golan heights….on 30 octubre 2018 IDFA serial number 00-1047 IDAF 119 SQN F-16 Block 52 ran off a taxi way in an emergency landing and hit a pole light…suffered minor damage on its nose!….of course Israel for security reasons always denied losses!….

Patriot Patrol

Only 1 IAF plane was lost in the past 10 years

Russians lost multiple fighter bombers and Israel shot down the IL20 mere miles away from an S400 battery

Rhodium 10

yeah..but put your glasses and read my coment


That’s because they were told to stay out of Syrian airspace and they did as they were told.


Another Zionist fanboy who loves the evil things they do. If you were truly a patriot you’d understand what sovereignty means. Wake up fool.

Icarus Tanović

Some f35 being hit by birds etc….

Zionism = EVIL

Kudos to Hezbollah, a well calculated and calibrated commensurate response to Zionist cowards who have no been put on notice. The loudmouth flathead ugly Zionist arsehole Nutter Yahoo now has to eat shit as there are no good options. If the Zionists commit collective suicide and bomb Lebanon, Hezbollah will raze Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Haifa and Dimona. The first strike will be on Ben Gurion shithole which is bolthole for dual passport holding Zionist cowards who will flee.

Patriot Patrol

Hitting plastic humvees doesn’t impress anyone boy

It’s 2-0 for Israel

Maybe you shiite faggots should stop crying over your failed attack and get back to work ;)

Zionism = EVIL

You are embarrassed and resorting to profanities. The reality is the the Zionists got whacked and chickened out and it is all over for now. Go get some shekels and settle down moron.

Patriot Patrol

Then prove it lol

Why would Israel post pics of their own casualties then deny it?

Hezbollah failed the mannequin challenge bwahaha

Zionism = EVIL

Time to deal with the real world, enough trolling for the day eh… It is all over and the Zionists got whacked again. What happened to the F-35 super duper jets….ROFLMAO…anyway keep trolling

Patriot Patrol

Haha you just keep spamming the same shit

Israel incinerates two Hezbofags and their “retaliation” after a fucking week is blowing up a plastic Humvee and crying on social media over their failure

0 casualties LOL

Tiresia Branding



Israel did suffer casualties but prudently chose to backdown as Hezbollah was willing and able to escalate with devastating consequences.


What’s there to prove, that you’re sick in the head shilling for an evil blood sucking Jew pedophile mass rape cult?

Ashok Varma

Israel not looking that strong.This entire incident wound down under a cloud of uncertainty and unanswered questions. Israel backed away from a major conflict showing signs of weakening? Let’s hope rational heads prevail and Israel stops its provocations.


There needs to be a deployment of regional coalition special operations forces into the West Bank and Gaza in preparation for clearing operations to remove the IDF and Israeli government from the occupied territories.


MI 24s https://cdn2.img.sputniknews.com/images/102813/90/1028139083.jpg


Death to ZioniNazi Isisrathell!

Jimmy Jim

pfffffffffffffffffffft kikers chickenhawks…I’z want me tax dollars back….what a fizzler…fooking kikes got no scrotum sack…hezbos got some big melons…….


It is quite apparent that Israel’s military capability has been eroded and Iran is on the ascendancy. Iran is trying to build an effective deterrence against Israelis, in Lebanon and Syria – this is the main part – and to a much lesser extent in Iraq, where its influence is supreme. The recent Israeli quick deescalation after the successful and well advertised Hezbollah strike puts Iran in an advantageous position regarding Israel, because Iranian forces and allies– if you want to use the term – are close to Israel’s border, but the Israelis are far away from Iranian borders.

So naturally, it was very clear that Israel wanted to prevent a rampant Iran, but by overestimating its capacity to deter Iran or a much stronger and battle hardened Hezbollah which was willing to initiate a major conflict that would have imposed a very heavy cost on Israel and created a much wider and unpredictable regional war.

The IDF which has been basically involved in repression of unarmed Palestinians would have fared very poorly against Hezbollah and Iran and even a blustering warmonger like Nethanyahu had no choice but to back down and eat crow at a crucial time before elections. The IDF and Israeli intelligence agencies urged caution and absorb the Hezbollah strike before the situation got out hand. It is very clear that Israel has lost its deterrent edge and that has not been lost on its enemies after the latest quick de-escalation from a previously strutting bully. The future looks uncertain for Israel in the new regional dynamics.


Ah…but in faith their future looks quite clear to me…Home Sweet Home Palestinians! SUMUD!


Lebanese, Palestinian and the other occupied territory airspace needs to be closed to the IAF and IDF.


According the picture even Islam has pigs. Ok they ware dresses, but still.

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