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MARCH 2025

In Maps: Military Situation East Of Golan Heights Following Syrian Army’s Recent Advances

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In Maps: Military Situation East Of Golan Heights Following Syrian Army's Recent Advances

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated the areas of Jamlah, Nafiah, Sahm Al-Jawlan Dam and other points from ISIS east of the Golan Heights, in southern Syria. Government troops have also entered the village of Shajarah. MORE HERE

On the same time, members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army continued handing over their weapons to the SAA in the nearby area. MORE HERE

In Maps: Military Situation East Of Golan Heights Following Syrian Army's Recent Advances

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Before and After Reconciliation Brudda: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fecc4079886eee957a1405b4fc6035b24165bfeb416d80e5e05d0284950b0800.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/06bd191e9c0557b6104e6a4eeade3a621070ba5751e0e7404d033adce66c7363.png


What’s the meaning of the arab inscription?


Southern Front.


So, now the southern front is SAA.

You can call me Al

Top = Die you Fucking Bottom = Zio-Yank POS


Go, cut your heads, dumb zombies of Bashar. But leave the sane muslims in north (Idlib) alone. https://youtu.be/4e6QzkLFJkc?t=9m58s


They are not real shia Muslims. People will think that ISIS are also Muslims but in reality they are US and UK army atheist commandos. In the world any religious book you pick and show any verse in which it is written to punish yourself or punish another one for religion or colour etc.


I have nothing against real shia muslims who reject shirk, but this is so dumb. While our faith produces sane, smart and nice people, theirs is producing mindless zombies who hurt themselves. And when our people call for eradication of this you call them radicalized. Even when reciting Qur’an properly people today call us radicalized by IS. https://youtu.be/-FvRFr947Yc?t=5m35s


There are many groups in Shia and Sunni they call themselves Muslims but they are not. I have studied several religions. I have studied Christianity, Islam Hinduism and Sikh. I have founded all books similar. All say pray to one God and follow his prophets or messengers etc. The excess of every thing is bad. If I need one glass of water and I drink 5 glasses then its not good.


Yes i know, the prophet(peace be upon him) said: This religion is ease. And no one will make the religion more difficult except that the religion will win over him.

There is no need to pray more than 5 times a day, people should never become overly-religious beyond what the Shari’ah wants from them. Nobody should think he can do more than what the Prophet (peace be upon him) did, that fanaticism will destroy him.


Nobody has any right to kill or wound himself or other person. Anybody that kill any person without any judicial process then it is like he killed the whole humanity.


This is in times of peace on islamic territory, not in war.


In war or out of war nobody is allowed to kill himself or any other body without the permission of the judiciary of the government.

Hind Abyad

ISIS Islamic Jihadists are Israel proxies https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4900e90b5cddea022b7c4efce6351667cae332b32ab7388296241c1b2b7c2598.jpg


ISIS killers are now being swept clean from Syria. GO TIGERS GO :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


Time to eradicate the ISIS pocket and leave Israel without any proxy at its border.

leon mc pilibin

Golan Heights is Syrian land.


Yes I know, however, after the 1973 war Golan Heights became occupied territory, in 1974 mutual agreement was to recognize the Golan Heights border as a separating border between Israel and Syria. It is rather disappointing how the 1973 war ended when Egypt and Syria had achieved complete surprise and could not exploit their early gains.

King Tudor777

But when Israel destroyed the Egyptian Air Force and easily overran the Jordanians in the West Bank, any chance of victory for the Arab Coalition disappeared.


Egyptians inflicted heavy casualties on jewish armor using primarily Sagger wire guided missiles, the Syrians had several armored divisions just north of Israel and their adavance was pecuiliarly slow or none existent, had they advanced 40-50 kms into Israel they could have held up that territory, albeit suffering heavy losses.

Pave Way IV

Nassar lost the war for Egypt, Jordan and Syria the second he closed the Straits of Tiran blocking Israel’s Eilat port, Jesus. He did this even though his exhausted, undersupplied, poorly-led troops in the Sinai. They had just got back from a costly, failed Yemen war and were in no condition to fight anybody effectively. The Israelis knew that and took advantage of it.

At the time, Israel was kind of secretly importing most of its oil through the Red Sea and Eilat from Iran (via the NIOC) at the time with the Shah’s consent. Closing the straits cut off Israel from most of it’s oil supply, absolutely guaranteeing a war. Nassar knew this, he just didn’t expect Israel to act so quickly and decisively.

Israel, for its part, had been practicing for this exact war for years, especially the initial attack on Egyptian air defenses and airfields. A bit of good luck on the Israeli side and bad luck on the Egyptian side had the Egyptian Air Force/air defenses mostly destroyed in a couple of days. Egypt did bloody the Israeli tank force’s nose with the surprisingly effective Saggars – but no way were Egyptian troops going to hold the Sinai.

Likewise, neither Syrian nor Jordanian army were in any state of military readiness to attack Israel (or anybody else, for that matter). Nassar’s blockade and Israel’s predictable response forced the issue. Nassar convinced them it would be a cakewalk with his initial lies about successfully repelling the Israelis. Both Syria and Jordan reacted in a way that almost guaranteed their attacks were going to be a failure.

I’m no big fan of Israel, but Egypt, Syria and Jordan seriouslyt f’ked up in 1967. If the war would have lasted another month or two, it may have turned out differently. Israel knew that, grabbed what they could, and started negotiating truces to cement their war booty gains.


I am talking about the 1973 war, your details refer to the 1967 war.

Pave Way IV



The separating border between Israel and Syria is the west border of the occupied Golan Heights. You are making confusion between the lines of the demilitarized zone and the border line. no one in the world recognizes the occupied Golan as israeli territory, everybody recognizes the occupied Golan as syrian territory. Any doubt?


No, I am not confusing the demilitarized zone and actual border. Ok, so the whole world does not recognize Golan Heights as Israeli territory, I don’t either.

Tom Tom

Jorge, please do some more reading on the Golan Heights.


Read Kenneth Hammond’s comments.


Don’t create confusion. Jawlan Heights is a land of Syria and Syrian will take it without any doubt. If Palestinians can fight with Israel without weapons for own rights so then Syrian can also fight with Israel for own rights and Syria has huge piles of weapons. God will protect Syrians and Palestinians from evils. ——————————————————————————————————


How am I creating confusion? The 1974 agreement recognized a cease fire of the war of attrition between Israel and Syria along the border of Golan Heights. Yes Syria has weapons, however to have a dominant presence in the area it needs an Air Force with well trained pilots, let’s say 50 Suk 30M and 35 Suk 35S along with some 4-5 battalions of S300, significant replenishments of BukM2 missiles, 100 Pantsir units, and a meaningful EW capability. We’re just speaking hypothetically, as long as Russia has a presence in Syria, there will be no war between Syria and Israel. Russia will bleed Israel in a more subtle way.

Kenneth Hammond

The ’74 Agreement did not create a border between Syria and Israel, it created an agreed upon line of demarcation that troops could not cross, nor was it a peace treaty, by using the term “border” you create confusion, both 338 and 242 are tied to the ’74 agreement, Israel is to “withdraw from territory it invaded in the recent (67) conflict.


Israel never cared of that agreement and repeatedly attacked Syrian land. So the value of that agreement has vanish or you can say that that was a UN conspiracy plot to take land from Syrian nation by tricks. Any agreement with US, UK and Israel is just self punishment and wastage of time.

Kenneth Hammond

Right Bob, Israel’s current interest in the ’74 Agreement is to do with maintaining its so-called buffer zone, having said that, the Agreement that references 338 and 242 remains in force, with its requirement for Israel to “withdraw from territory acquired in the recent conflict”


Neither Jawlan Hights belong to Israel nor Palestine. Israel is a fake state like ISIS.

Kenneth Hammond

The recognised borders between Israel and its neighbours remain as declared by Israel 14 May 1948 in accord with the Partition plan Nov ’47.


These agreements of borders and partitions slammed by Palestine and surrounding countries. Now the European migrants Israel have no right to stay in Palestine.

Kenneth Hammond

Israel declared its borders in accord with the ’47 Partition plan, the nations of the world recognised them as such, everything outside those declared borders is NOT Israel.

December 2016

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 446 (1979), 452 (1979), 465 (1980), 476 (1980), 478 (1980), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003), and 1850 (2008),

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirming, inter alia, the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force.


The unwanted and uninvited illegal Israeli migrants have no authority to divide somebody home country. Palestinians have slammed that partition and borders on first place.

Hind Abyad

Israel respects no LAW.


Israel is a fake state of illegal migrants. Palestinians have not invited them.

Hind Abyad

It belongs to Syria.

Hind Abyad

I think it was the 1967 Green Line. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/962bf180da8858e0b8695e27c51feb08416058dcbafb3fcd413c44f5b34b326b.jpg

Kenneth Hammond

Not sure what you are trying to get at with your comment? you dont give much information. From an international legal perspective the’67 greenline, given that name because it was marked on the map in green, was the 1948 armistice line, likewise with the UNSCOP line in the Golan are not borders, they are ceasefire lines over which the respective forces are prohibited to cross.Perhaps you would like to expand on your comment?

Tom Tom



The only semantic here it’s you, so, blocked.

Kenneth Hammond

Semantics is the study of the meaning of language, yes? it does not nullify the requirements of States acting outside its recognised territory.

Hind Abyad



Don’t be despair, Syria has enough weapons, manpower and EW capabilities.

Afghani Taliban fight without fighter jets, helicopters and tanks and still everyday they kill 5 US commandos.

Syrian army has all types of weapons by which they can destroy all important points in Israeli fake state. Syrian army have decided that either they will live in this world or the US proxies Israel and ISIS.


To inflict pain on the jews you need to neutralize their gonads ( IAF). The Talibans fight an insurgency war in their own country….not against Pakistan or Iran. You neutralize the IAF, and you have the same scenario like you have with US troops.

Kenneth Hammond

Not quite,the UNCOP ceasefire line agreed to between Israel and Syria in the ’74 Agreement. It has nothing to do with borders, which reain the same as they were prior to 1967, a Un member state cannot legal invade a fellow members territory without UN permission.The Agreement is relative to both UNSC 338 and UNSC 242: 338 AND uNSC 242

Separation of Forces Agreement Between Israel and Syria; May 31, 1974:

H. This agreement is not a peace agreement. It is a step toward a just and durable peace on the basis of Security Council Resolution 338 dated October 22, 1973.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 338

The Security Council,

Calls upon all parties to present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately, no later than 12 hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they now occupy; Calls upon all parties concerned to start immediately after the cease-fire the implementation of:

Security Council Resolution 242 (1967) in all of its parts;

Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.

Hind Abyad

What “mutual agreement”? Golan are on the 1967 Green Line.

King Tudor777

Destroy them all! Exterminate the rats at the virtual Israeli border!

Hind Abyad

Hahha! ISIS are Israel’s proxies


excellentes news bravo SAA!!


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj0HVR3-yLA Native American confronts the illegal US migrants protest

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eyiYdFhG5v0 Native Americans March in Washington to Protest Pipeline.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol, what’s the bet Israel and Jordan didn’t intend for the government to end up with all these weapons and vehicles? :) Next stop, Idlib!


Why? Is there any reason to kill another thousands of muslims? Only bloodthirsty muderers thinks this way which Assad clearly is. There is peace everywhere, no beheadings or execution but a beautiful muslim state established and people are happy. (Don’t be scared of the ISIS song Ya Junud Al Haqq Hayya, O soldiers of truth…): https://youtu.be/78qMIv5HbfE?t=28s

Once officialy accepted and stable, there are huge investments planned by rich muslims around the world, including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Great Britain… https://youtu.be/xt760OW5Jrc?t=23s


Send all remnants of ISIS to Idlib. And then you see muslim on muslim bloodshed. :/

Bill Wilson

The Idlib extremists don’t want anything to do with those ISIS wannabes in SW Dara’a since they never accomplished anything except to irritate their neighbors by moving into abandoned ruined villages then declaring that their little caliphate was ever expanding.

Bobby Twoshoes

Why What? I am not scared of ISIS or any other Amero-Zionist proxies because I don’t live in a country with enough religious crazies to exploit. You guys are just as bad as the Yanks, it is what you do not what you say that matters.

Why do you need money from rich Muslims? Won’t God provide for his faithful? Why concern yourselves with such earthly and unclean desires as money and political power? If God is great then why do I need you to interpret his word for me, surely he is better placed to say what he actually means? Do you claim to be a prophet with privy knowledge and understanding of the divine will of the creator of the universe? You can talk about peace and unity all you want but your actions demonstrate you think intolerance, sectarianism and bigotry is the only way to get there, again, just like the Yanks trying to bomb and poison the world into peace.

It doesn’t matter what you or I believe, because nobody knows and nobody can confirm or deny so argument is futile. The only thing I am sure of is that evil men and women will use whatever system and say whatever words that give them authority to abuse others whether that system is secular or religious.


No i mean people get very angry sometimes when they hear ISIS nasheed, for various reasons, even if its beautiful with no violence so i warned those ahead to not watch it.

Because nobody else is going to help them, to repair and improve the infrastructure, since the dictator Assad cared only about himself and the families of families of his sect in few towns. You need to buy goods, build houses and repair roads and other things so muslim families can live in this paradise. This does not mean that it is about money, no muslims view money only as tool to establish their religion and build an succesfull muslim state. Also to support the poor muslims.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes we notice and they have a very good system doing this for the poor muslims and not only. They kill them to save them.

Bobby Twoshoes

Again mate, actions not words. Making non Muslims pay an additional tax belies your false piety. Muslims are people just like everyone else, some of them are ok and most of them are not.


And the example of those who spend their wealth seeking means to the approval of Allah and assuring [reward for] themselves is like a garden on high ground which is hit by a downpour – so it yields its fruits in double. And [even] if it is not hit by a downpour, then a drizzle [is sufficient]. And Allah, of what you do, is Seeing. Quran 2:265

Bobby Twoshoes

WTF? A garden on high ground that is hit by a downpour is washed away and all the fruits rot in the mud.

“Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.” ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick


I don’t care how peaceful they are in Idlib at the moment. THEY STOLE IDLIB FROM SYRIANS! They are thieves and robbers and murderers. They have ethnically cleansed Idlib and enslaved those who stayed. I don’t know how you can defend them and greet yourself in the mirror in the morning. If they open Idlib for Government troops to enter peacefully and submit to Syrian law, I will welcome their decision. Anything less, they deserve to be taken out by force!


Are you complete moron? How can Syrians steal Idlib from Syrians? I correct you, the imperialists stole Syria form MUSLIMS. You are thieves and robbers and murderers. You English colonial imperium set whole middle east on fire. You together with other greedy European powers supported and created the state of Israel. You are living at expanse of others, you are living out of suffering of others in Africa. Abusing the negroid race as your cheap labor force and source of cheap goods. Disbelievers left Idlib on their own, they offered them chance to convert or pay the non-muslim tax. Assad lured them and provided them free homes in exchange for leaving Idlib so violence is avoided. You exported and enforced your man made laws upon the muslims by force and genocides in the past. And hell is your destination.


LOL! Glad you brought up Israel, because Idlib is just like a fake muslim israel, same MO, same justification, next you’ll tell us it’s the only democracy in the ME. LOOOL! Man-made laws – wahhabi laws are the bullshittiest man-made laws ever invented, and a sure way to hell.

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