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MARCH 2025

In Maps: Possible Scenario Of Ansar Allah’s Push Towards Aden

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Amid the developing advance by Ansar Allah and its allies on positions of Saudi-led forces in the province of Dhale, more and more speculations appear suggesting that in the event of success the Yemeni resistance may launch a push towards the southern port city of Aden.

Aden serves the de-facto capital for the puppet government, which is being used by Saudi Arabia and its allies as a justification for a military intervention in Yemen.

In Maps: Possible Scenario Of Ansar Allah's Push Towards Aden

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In Maps: Possible Scenario Of Ansar Allah's Push Towards Aden

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klove and light

The last I heard/read is that several large Sudanese mercenary Groups laid down their weapons, because they were and are beiing treated very bad by UAE/Saudi Forces and commanders…….1 Group of Sudanese which wanted to go back to Sudan were prevented by Saudi/UAE troops by force. lol..

over a year ago i wrote here, when Picture didnt look that good for the houthis, that this war will be a war of Attrition, not like the “Blitzkrieg” in iraq where the iraqi Forces and Population were “softend” up by 20 years of harsh sanctions and add the Rough Terrain in jemen compared to the vastly flat Terrain in iraq…

and in a war of Attrition, lol, the mercenary fights for Money……. the defenders for the imminent Survival of his Brothers and Sisters…… the longer the battle continues, the better for the houthis………the reason for the houthi withdrawl of hudeya port is simple…… it has no strategic importance… but it makes the Evil Forces of Saudi and UAE now look even more Evil through out the world due to their NOT withdrawl that was agreeed in Stockholm……..LOLLOLLOLOLOLOLOL i bet american Brains are now working Overtime in the Pentagon, what to do…lolololol

lol and the awesome Thing is…. there aint Nothing the americans, british or jew Zionist bastards can do any more to Change the Outcome in jemen.It cost them loads of Money, and they lost their faces worldwide as seen in the latest retreat of the Saudi Merchant ship that COULD not load up French and british weapons due to a large French Demonstration in a French Harbour.

great Job american,british,jew/Zionist and Saudi scum…… and if their plan for Iran works just remotley like their plan for jemen… LOLOLOLOLOLOL

it will be the end for american/british and jew/Zionist Leadership in the world, cause they will get bitchslapped!!!

S Melanson

The war of attrition has changed to Ansar Allah taking on the Coalition directly and defeating them while taking ground and towns and holding them.

The Hodeidah port is limited value to Ansar Allah but very important to Coalition as a sea based supply jump off point for offensives deep in Ansar Allah territory. The withdrawal suggests that the. Coalition are now unable to take advantage and seize the port or, any attempt by Coalition will take troops away from the front protecting Aden.

Let us see how this plays out. This is one incredible show to watch. For the Coalition, more like Aliens where the Coalition are the marines…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

it will be like return of the jedi, where the empire finally falls


Except Return of the Jedi was a tragedy. Seeing the forces of Order, the Empire, fall to the forces of Chaos, the extremist Rebellion.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes but the empire was evil, rebels were good, although in this galaxy, syrian rebels are evil, assad govt is good


I think Houthis will try to cover much of the mountainous area cause this terrain makes the most causalities among the mercs but they will not push for Aden or any other plain zone.

Icarus Tanović

I think,they will. Why? To show strenght to Saudis. As simple as that.


That’s because you think over simplistic

Icarus Tanović

No, your theory is no more no less but utterly stupid. This isn’t a insult, I didn’t ment to. Future will show that I’m right one. Best regards ✌


Dude, I would hope you are right but attacking in plain terrain to demonstrate something is childish.

Icarus Tanović

The thing depends on tactics and will. With good lead and skillful archery they can take on this, because nor isil, nor mercenaries are nothing but bunch of child molesters, rapers and looters. Also, do not forget about Somalis pitates, who can deliver prerry nasty strike against saudis warships.


Well if the mercenaries form a testudo formation, they will lose like Crassus. And yeah isis are just pussies that’s why they fought Americans, NATO, Russians, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis at the same time, and they lost…

Icarus Tanović

You serious?


no but you started joking first

Icarus Tanović

Well, screw you, Obama care litlle dick prick.


still bigger dick than Putin’s

Icarus Tanović

Johnny Be Good. And behave! Cheers ✌


*Johnny B. Goode. Uneducated midget

Icarus Tanović

It’s a joke, you master degree muppet.


You are a joke, don’t need to explain yourself

Icarus Tanović

No, I’m a fuckker, and you’re a little Hasbara Zionistic fuckk all the way. Have you pick up your social welfare, you ragtag?


Ouchh that burns


Strategically Houties should apply the lessons learned from Vietnam war. Attack the bases of the invaders, but don’t try to divert your forces to capture large junks of land. If all bases of Saudis and UAE are not save anymore at any time, it will be very difficult for them to maintain their presence. In Dubai the martyrdom is already taking its toll. The population there is not in favor of their army being entangled in this mess. Public opinion is already expressed to Sheikh Mohammed. It is not that long untill 2020 EXPO, therefore a solution will come before that.

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