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MARCH 2025

In Maps: Saudi-backed Forces Are On Retreat In Northwestern Yemen

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Saudi-led forces are retreating in norhwestern Yemen under pressure from Ansar Allah (the Houthis).

According to pro-Yemeni sources, Ansar Allah have delivered a major blow to Saudi-backed forces on the frontline in the areas of Nihm, Hazm and Marib.

If the defense of pro-Saudi forces continue collapsing, Ansar Allah will be able to develop its advance even further and deploy in a striking distance from the town of Hazm.

In Maps: Saudi-backed Forces Are On Retreat In Northwestern Yemen

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In Maps: Saudi-backed Forces Are On Retreat In Northwestern Yemen

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In Maps: Saudi-backed Forces Are On Retreat In Northwestern Yemen

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In Maps: Saudi-backed Forces Are On Retreat In Northwestern Yemen

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Zionism = EVIL

I wrote 3 days ago that the Saudi scums front south of Sanaa has collapsed and the Ansarallah control almost all the Red Sea coast and are moving liberate Aden and eastern provinces. The Sudanese have either ran off or surrendered. No mercenary is willing to fight and die for the al-Saud house of whores.


Assad must stay

reminds me of the neimodians in star wars episode 1 saying “ah, victory!” hahahaha

Zionism = EVIL


Arch Bungle

Down with the House of Harkonnen! Hooray for the Fremen!

Harry Smith

Ahahaha! Big plus for the Dune! Hurray for house of Artreidis!


Arch Bungle

Muad ‘Dib!!


The sudanese quit last year. this time, it looks like they won’t be re-entering. The saudis only control a few key cities, but mostly sparsely populated and unimportant agricultural land. The houthis have the dense and industrial areas + mountains. The saudis have been loosing massive ground since last year and I hope 2020 will be their breaking point, though the nato mercenaries from rump selling out his own army may stall that.

Zionism = EVIL

Even by the NATO stats I posted in Arabic the Saudi dumbasses have lost 650 tanks and APC and their cowardly back is broken. That is why they are kissing Zionist arse and selling out the Palestinians, as if they count.


That’s not even counting the air craft and transport vehicles. Please link any good infographics or sources!

Arch Bungle

Now the question is when do they show up in Tel Aviv …

Zionism = EVIL

lol, no kidding, they will as they will be bored without a war to fight. They are natural born warriors and they hate the fucking Jews as their flag states.

Assad must stay

Truly excellent I hope the war ends soon, at least this year, with a decisive houthi victory :))))


As much as I would like it to be over, it could drag on for more years because of the nato mercenaries that are going to be pouring in. Have you heard about tRump selling our his own military as pmcs? That’s what could drag this on.

Assad must stay

yes, and that alone should warrant his removal from office, among many other illegal activities that far outweigh withdrawing some military assistance to ukraine. but not to worry, houthis are ready to defend yemen forever, and whatever mercs nato has i doubt will be any match for the battle hardened, well-equipped houthi warriors :)


I just think nato mercs won’t help do anything besides drag it on because of their field proven incompetence in countless battles in nicaragua, vietnam, afghanistan etc.

Assad must stay

what would dragging it on do to benefit anyone? the saudis/US will still lose no matter what


It’s more so that they can protect their hubris a little longer and inflict pain on their enemies. When it all comes down, the bigger the number of years the harder it will fall.

Assad must stay

Hahahaha, I don’t think anyone can or wants to inflict any more pain on the houthis, the tables have turned now if you havent noticed, the houthis are the ones snapping necks and cashing checks :)


The starvation is very damaging. The civilian casualties are horrid. The saudis are targeting the weak to inflict pain, but they can’t win.

Assad must stay

no, they cannot and will not win, and everyone needs to understand this


I never said they could win, but they can target the weak and inflict pain though.

Assad must stay

those days are over, now houthis are the one inflicting the pain, get it?


It always confuses me how the Saudi flag is almost whole green while they’re represented as red in the maps, while the Yemen flag actually has red yet they are represented as green. :/ Oh and I don’t count the pro-Saudi Yemeni “government”, they should be green too.

Arch Bungle

The propaganda department has a color-blind graphics artist …

Zionism = EVIL


Hide Behind

Military victories mean little unless you have plans and abilities to not just to sustain but consolidate the gains by a population at its politica/economic base. Now that is something that after years of military warfare with a huge cost of death destruction and miseries by civilians including yheir educated leadership can turn a military victory into political/ economic stability. The Houthi leadership when last in power showed no real capacity of how to rule over a diverse peoples area. They may well end up with a small manageable nation but there is little possability of them being a power within a unified Yemen. Accepting control over a small portion with no fear of aggressors at least bring relief of past few years of misery. The Houthi home area is not wealthy in natural resources, only as a trade route for African trade with Saudi. Warrior cults never make for lasting peace or in todays world peacefully stability of people living under them

Assad must stay

they are fighting to defend their country, they dont care what you think, the last thing they want is to be ruled by the saudi house of whores

Hide Behind

Yup, fighting valiently, cannot deny it, as to fighting for their country, what country is that? They are but a portion of Yemen and what they are gaining is no more than what they had as base of support from before their short rule, while 2/3 of Yemen is under other factions of Yemenis that were not exactly buddy buddy with them even before Saudi and UAE invaded. Of course they don’t give a fl’ n pigs butt about what I think and nor do I other than as an interesting topic of portions of mans self destructive nature. My interest in Yemen has always been of history, language, culture and its wonderfully poetry, including the poetic way they formally address each other in politics and buisness dealongs. The war interrupted discourse between Yemen and other nationals Scholars and myself. Yemen has a very old culture and with its , compared to rest of ME and Africa Horn nations, its educational institutions were highest in the area with written and oral traditions going way way back in time. At one time it was a strong sea and land trading nation. Some say know your enemies but my preferences are to know and understand friends views on life a more worthy cause. Now the Houthi portion were surely not some liberalized but a strong anti modern ultra conservative group, that most assuredly were notvery open and friendly to those outside their tight community. I romantasize none, what is is, until it changes. I hope to be alive when once again it finds its old cultural roots, but in todays world that may well be an impossibility, wars tend to change cultures of those who engage in them.

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