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In Maps: SDF Advances Against ISIS In Hajin Pocket

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Over the past few days, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have continued their low-intensity operation aganist ISIS in the Hajin pocket in eastern Syria.

According to reports, the SDF has been struggling to esablish control of the villages of Baghuz Fawqani and Hawi Susah. The SDF are already in control of parts of these villages, but ISIS terrorists still hold some positions there. Another direction of the SDF advance is Ash ShaFah.

In Maps: SDF Advances Against ISIS In Hajin Pocket

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In Maps: SDF Advances Against ISIS In Hajin Pocket

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Iraqi PMU and regular forces were holding/attacking this areas just a few weeks ago, now the SDF have moved in to take their places, mmmm, things must be looking up for the SDF, they no longer need the Iraqis there.

Jens Holm

You make check Your facts more then once.

Its artillery strike crossing the Eufrat into the ISIS pocket as support for SDFs but true its from the “SAA side” of the river.

Its not allowed for SAA to artilery strike across the Eufrat.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well if they did it’s for the second time, they also assisted the Iraqis a few weeks ago with artillery strikes against Isis and there were no complaints about it then either, I posted how strange it was that the US made no complaint about a SAA artillery strike on their sider of the river, and even suggested they may have been grateful for the assistance.

Bill Wilson

The SAA can and vica versa if the assistance is requested or when one side sees an opportunity to hit ISIS so informs the other side of their intentions first before proceeding. They do complain when shells start falling without prior warning.

Bill Wilson

I wonder how many of the ISIS elite have been crossing the Euphrates at night in order to make their way into Idlib?

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