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MARCH 2025

In Maps: Syrian Government Forces Crushing Militants In Eastern Ghouta

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Following previous advances of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies, government forces have liberated the villages of Beit Nayem and Al-Shifuniyah and enterd the village of Hawsh al-Ashari in the central part of the Eastern Ghouta pocket. According to reports, a kind of negotiations is now also ongoing in the area of Mesraba. The SAA is now in only few km away from separating the militant-held pocket into two separate parts. The situation is developing.

In Maps: Syrian Government Forces Crushing Militants In Eastern Ghouta

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In Maps: Syrian Government Forces Crushing Militants In Eastern Ghouta

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roberto silveira

Go Syria! Is time to clean Ghouta…


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VERY CRUSHING INDEED. It is a good news morning :) GO TIGERS GO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg


The US Media will be full of babies and starving pregnant women next week I am sure.


Why waste an old image that can be recycled in Syria and blamed on Russia :) TRUTH is the USA is what the muppets in the State Dept want it to be.

Ariel Cohen

Don’t forget the unplugged baby incubators . .


And the SAA tossing babies onto their bayonets. Sorry, that was the wrong war propaganda.

Electrocuting a thousand at a time in a swimming pool disguised as a large room? Sorry that’s another silly WW2 Jew story.

Infecting thousands of civilians with biological agents. Ah ha, that’s true. Oh bugger, it was the USA that did that during the Korean War in 1953.

Nothing to see here move on :)

Ariel Cohen

LOL. The one that used to give me nightmares (being of Jewish extraction on my mother’s side), was of the skin being peeled off the prisoners in Treblinka to make lampshades for the wives of the SS camp commanders. Then there was the one that almost left me unshowered for 3 weeks: the melting down of fat Jews for their body fat, which was then unceremoniously turned into holocaust soap bars . .ugh. As someone we all are familiar with from the annals of history once said: “If you are going to tell a lie, then tell a big one, because the people would not imagine you possibly could lie about something so outlandish . . .unless it was true”


The history written by jews.


Yes, the Jewish skin lamp shade lie has been exposed as a fraud and DNA testing on some of the exhibits has proven the skin to be from pigs. In the 1920’s and 30’s such lampshades were fashionable. I have one in my house now.

There was also the Jewish ‘shrunken head ‘ lie that has now been debunked. The head in question was actually taken from a museum in Germany and is in fact a head from a South American tribesman sometime in the 19th century.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You forgot the shower heads pouring out gas but the rooms had windows wouldn’t have anyone tried to escape? There was the fumigation for clothes to kill the lice which carried Typhus only product known back then was used for delousing which it it still used today for that purpose. Most people don’t realize cyanide is one of the most effective against combating 99% of most bacteria and used in water treatment facilities still to this day.


There are many photos from Mosul to post.


Bice comment, bat the tiger on picture is afraid of something


Tigers do not care for heavy urban area and tunnels in SW of pocket. Not enough room to run around. :)

Pave Way IV

Drop a few 6-story buildings on top of their tunnel entrances and any surviving tunnel rodents will scurry for their lives out of the remaining rat-hole escapes. The head-choppers won’t know which exits have a tiger waiting just outside for them. When the tiger gets bored, he can just drop a few 50 kg drums of ANFO down the hole for final pest extermination and instant rodent self-burial.

Ariel Cohen



Nope, it is aggressing against intruders on its territory.


The forthcoming UN Aid convoy will be an ideal way to extract NATO advisers I would think.


muuuuuahaha! I don’t trust the intentions of the of those screaming for a pause. They said nothing about Ghouta for a long time, until the party was announced to be over. A good day to you Florian.


And to you as well John.


They should be allowed to leave peacefully…in their underwear.

Richard M



Thank you for that Richard. In 2001 I was not so informed as I am now of the US complicity in causing complete chaos.

Richard M

Yes. Once you have chosen the Red Pill you find that the rabbit hole is very deep indeed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ1_IbFFbzA


Quick. A ceasefire !!!

andy l

Hurry up lads get the fake gas attack ready we’re running out of time!!


Ivanka Trump must be worried about arab children. She can ask his father to bomb SAA.


Quickly! Declare Jaish al Islam a truly moderate group and airdrop TOW missiles and… and… porn!

Richard M

Ramp up captagon distribution to improve Orc morale! :D




Push them south-west and level the ground. South west is too damage already.


The government has made huge progress in a short amount of time. They had this operation well planned out and prepared for. Almost the entire pocket is now within sniper range. Civilians aren’t the only ones leaving under the cover of darkness. The rats are also fleeing a sinking ship. Which is a contributing factor to the speed of the collapse. The rest of the regime change forces in other pockets are watching this debacle and realizing that they’re next and their Jew world order sponsors have abandoned them to death or desertion.

And at the rate that eastern Idlib was cleared. A lot of the mercenary jihadists are looking to the borders and realizing that they’re in deep trouble. And with the Turks on the roll, the Kurds have got to be thinking twice about their allegiance to their Jew overlords.


Russian special forces in Syria.


Trustin Judeau

This is how it is done.When you have competent units like Tiger Forces and good planning EG can be broken easily.The key was always attacking from the eastern side and not from the most fortified areas in Syria Jobar


Jobar is in ruins. Push them to Jobart and level the ground.

People prefers to save the terrorists rather than their house. How stupid they are.


No civilian can leave. 3 fled but 2 where killed. Don’t buy into media. The terrorists shoots at leaving civilians.

Richard M

The Orcs have invested so much effort fortifying Jobar that it may be the last Orc held town in East Ghouta! :D


Like I said elsewhere, whoever was in charge in the EG area of operations until now was a Muppet, the Syrian counterpart to General Melchett.



Icarus Tanović

The same one. They didnt attack them until several days ago seriously.

Richard M

Defeat can often be the pillar of success. In American Revolution there were few Colonial victories in the early years of that eight year war. In WW2 there were few Allied victories before 1942, a full three years after the war began. Would it be fair to call Washington and Churchill “muppets”?


Trying to conflate Washington and Churchill, (((Kirk)))? Washington is true American hero. Churchill was a zio agent who betrayed his people and got Britain into the war and in so doing cooperated with the zio virus running the USA to get the USA into the war against the Germans. Hitler tried to warn us about the jews and communist and their NWO plans.

Richard M

My post is about military success, not about political agendas. You needn’t like Alexander or Napoleon or Hannibal to recognize their battlefield greatness.


Yeah, so Churchill was a general!! Bull Sh*T ! He knew squat about battlefield tactics. He was a zio traitor and criminal murderer who got the whole world into World War II for the jews.

Richard M

Yah, yah. Whatever. Did I say he was a General? I said he was a leader. …Was Adolf a General?


There’s a huge difference between trying to hold the line and launching one failed attack after the other. And when the Syrian army attacks EG at its strongest points in Jobar, time after time after time, with next to nothing to show for it, in poorly coordinated attacks, then yes, whoever is in charge of that the term muppet applies.

As for defeats being the pillar of success, that applies more to fighting to remain in the field, as Jihadis often do, then to launching one failed attack after the other. Washington had to attack the British to show to France that the Colonies were worth going to war with the UK for. Had he lost his army in doing so however the war would have been over before the French could do so. That’s what happened to the Confederates when they tried the same thing in 1862 and 1863 and got beaten at Antietam and Gettysburg. Similarly Churchill had to show that the UK was still in the war. But in this case the SAA is Cornwallis and the Jihadis Washington. They had to show that they were still in the war and therefore attacked at the Armored Vehicle Base. The SAA on the other hand has to destroy the Jihadis before their foreign backers can come to their aid. Attacking them where they are at their strongest and most advantegeous is not smart. Even worse if you do it again and again, like a General Haig or worse Cadorna, who attacked the Austrians a whopping 11 times at the Isonzo river. For no gain whatsoever. So yeah, muppets!

Richard M

Washington was defeated repeatedly. Losing Brooklyn, then Manhattan and later Philadelphia, but at Princeton and Trenton he was victorious, unlike the Orcs at the armored vehicle base. I don’t see SAA as Cornwallis. Cornwallis was in enemy territory and acted as an invader and plunderer before being cornered at Yorktown, just as Sherman did 80 + years later. SAA is defending their country, not invading an enemy land. As for Butcher Haig, he was presented with a War of Attrition and with the technologies available at the time had few viable options. As for Al Haig, he was “in control here”! :D …Cadorna seems to fit the Muppet category well.

In chess, a bishop on the correct diagonal can pin a pawn in place when it’s movement would expose the rook to capture. So the various stalling and delaying battles around Jobor and Ayn tarma were still important parts of the overall winning strategy. In football many fans just watch the quarterback, running back and receiver, but the task performed by the offensive lineman is equally as important to the winning strategy.


Well, was Cornwallis really in enemy territory? The Colonies were after all British territory. He was trying to restore order in an insurrection.

In the end no historical analogy is ever the same, and if history has taught me anything it is that you can never truly make a historical analogy, as every historical situation is unique. Its often the amateurs that make them, never historians. Basically though the Jihadis are like the Colonials, trying to hold on long enough, evade defeat, show that they are relevant in order for foreign help to arrive. The SAA is like the British, trying to restore the insurrection quick enough to dissuade foreign powers from intervening.

I don’t think that the various attempts to take Jobar were holding and delaying actions. If they were they were extremely poorly conceived and executed. Again, attacking the enemy repeatedly at its strongest point, with poor coordination between the various units and allies of the SAA is the sign of a muppet being in charge. Especially if you consider that the EG did not enjoy the highest priority until now and manpower in the SAA has to be conserved, not wasted away in piss poor attacks. Haig had to learn the hard way that in a contest between British soldier lives and German bullets he would run out first. And the SAA does not have the luxury of being able to piss away hundreds of thousands of men.

To me the idea of stalling Jihadis in EG would have been to execute limited attacks. Not so much meant to capture ground as well to draw them out and kill more of them they you lose yourself. Like take a small village in a quiet sector, await for the Jihadi counter attack, if necessary withdraw while inflicting maximum punishment on the Jihadis. And maybe more important tighten that goddamn siege so that finally they can’t get resupplied. Without resupply the Jihadis can’t launch offensives and are therefore only a minor nuisance, and not a major problem. It’s a goddamn disgrace that after years of siege Jihadis are still able to launch full scale attacks that can threaten Damascus. That alone qualifies whoever is in charge of the EG as a Muppet.

Richard M

I very much enjoy reading your well thought out analogies. Most people cannot understand analogies and concoct tangential diversionary responses, like attacking a commander’s personal or political beliefs instead of addressing the battlefield tactics.

You may be right about SAA lacking competent command during the EG western front battles. No war is a linear progression of victories, in the midst of Afrika Korps being rolled up after 2nd El Alamein and the US Operation Torch invasion via Morocco and Algeria from the west, the Germans had a smashing victory at Kasserine Pass. In any war, the enemy gets a vote.

One point about foreign support is that it has been there for the terrorists from the onset. This whole war would not exist were it not for foreign interference. So the terrorists want continued support and increased support. Last year, Trump announced the cessation of US support for FSA. He seems to have backtracked on that promise. Still, at some point the terrorist supporters will have to recognize a fait accompli and cease their futile attempts to drag this war on forever.


I think u have a very narrow and naive point of view! EG is a HUGE battle front! They were pressuring the west of EG to stop it from expanding as the opposition had done last year! Many other forces had to be taken from other front lines to help re-contain them! EG has been waiting for reinforcements for a long time! Palmyra, Aleppo, DZ and securing road to Aleppo were higher priorities! If u understood this then maybe u would show some respect! The SAA was decimated before Russia came to the rescue and only have regional militants to fight this war! EG was CONTAINED for many years SUCCESSFULLY! When u finally wake up to this fact maybe u will show more respect! U really think they put dumb ass generals in charge of defending the Capital city? Really? Why dont u wake up and smell the utter BULLSHIT that u peddle! You are just a keyboard warrior with his dick in his left hand and a cookie in his right! Show some respect! they are taking on the Western world and winning yet what are u doing whilst u sit in ur padded chair? Pulling ur dick!


why are u so mad?


Its a war! A foreign made proxy war and people are dying! But a moron sitting on his computer wants to say that the SAA leaders around Damascus are idiots as if he knows whats going on! He doesn’t know because he proved it in what he said about attacking the East of EG! They already did a long time a go! like 18 months a go! he doesn’t know this! Fools must be educated!


Considering that A: the SAA launched one failed offensive after the other at Jobar, and B: those attacks weren’t even coordinated between the various units, then yeah, then I do think whoever was put in charge of this was a muppet. Units of the elite 4th Armored Division where thrown into a well prepared Jihadi meatgrinder for no results whatsoever. That is not holding the line, that is just SHEER INCOMPETENCE! And guess what, so did Assad, because he did place a new commander in overal charge after the Jihadi offensive to take the Armored Vehicle Base. So yeah, the term muppet applies. And so to you for writing such a stellar post worthy of an immature 12 year old.


If u just had some extra brain power u might stop to consider the external powers involved in this war! I mean, u do understand there are outside forces right? Ure not going to tell me that its purely a civil war and not a proxy war are u? OK, im going to assume ure not dumb and u know its a proxy war! So….. how are the EG rebels / terrorists getting their arms? How? Dont they run out of bullets? Who is commanding them? Why suddenly when the SAA makes ground and looks like they will liberate the pocket that suddenly there is a call for cease fires? Why not ask for cease fires a long time a go? They did the same thing in Aleppo! Many foreign agents are inside these pockets! Mossad, CIA, u name it! They are leading these groups and they are also making sure their weapons are supplied! As for the leadership! I dont know how long use been following this war but I remember when the SAA did attack from the east and ALMOST took Hazrama! They actually did take it but held it only for a day or 2! Now this was the same first city that the recent forces took! It all came down to manpower! So they have attempted and failed! Not long after that failure the rebels / terrorists broke through the SAA defences via tunnels and took other areas west of Jobar! So from this time onwards, containment was the order of the day! Damascus ay in fact be the most important city in the war! Lose Damascus and u could easily lose the war! So trust me when I say that a lot of foreign assets are placed here! Why do u think Israel constantly bombs around this pocket? This pocket has foreign intelligence assets assisting them and now that the SAA if moving fast and taking ground the UN has got involved asking for ceasefires! And anyone who watched and researched on the Aleppo offensive KNOWS that this means a chance to re-arm, re-group and pull out foreign agents! So EG Generals are not contending with mindless terrorists, they are up against foreign military intelligence assets! do understand this right? Do u think external forces involved in a proxy war would simply leave the most important pocket which could change the war up to a bunch of jihadi locals? Are u fucking serious? Why is this so hard for u to understand? Why cant u think outside of ur bubble? 1. they did try and if u know anything about this war u would already know they did! 2. hey are containing since they broke out last time and nearly invaded all of Damascus! 3. they are not battling dumb ass local jihadis they are battling foreign military intelligence assets that are on the ground. e.g Mossad and CIA 4. Look at Aleppo and what happened there. Its following the same story! 5. If the SAA is incompetent then how are they defeating USA, Israel, Coalition forces, FSA, HTS, AASHAM, ISIS? Huh? Because of russia? Because of Tiger forces? THINK!!! But. cant can u! because u know better! You know better than a Syrian general who has spent his life studying war! U just cant understand why they dont do a, b or c even though they have and u just dont remember or u only just jumped into this war recently!

Tell me the date the SAA took Hazrama the first time! Not the recent offensive which succeeded. im talking about the one that happened before the tiger forces got involved! Tell me the date! Tell me the areas in which the Rebels took in Damascus outside of its current pocket! You cant because u dont know! know u dont know because if u did know you wouldnt have made ur stupid comment! Go research it! and remember this is a proxy war not a civil war! Dumb ass!

Rakean Jaya

Agree with you and lol, why you go in detail to describe his hobby. Thank you for lol.


attacking from the West was really about putting pressure on the West! Stop it from expanding as it has done before! This pocket was always waiting for reinforcements! Priority front lines were fought in other areas! it was just time to put this front to the top of the list of priorities!

Richard M

Good point. Not that long ago, 4th Armored Division was repurposed from Daraa Front to East Ghouta Front. Results were not nearly as good as recent successes.


There will be work for Syrians after the war in construction, architecture, weapon construction, oil and gas companies, …. After the dark comes the light.

It worths it.


Very nice SAA and Russia look how fast they cleaning them up, so when you really want to crush a terror group you can crush it when ever you like it. Keep it going SAA make them cry

Rüdiger Preiss

matt and dutchnational are so silent lately … I wonder why?


Also Mountains and Bulgarian dog are MIA. Seems they are to depressed to do any typing. LOL

Ariel Cohen

Velocirapist is still dribbling out his verbal diarrhea though . .

Ariel Cohen

Too busy photographing little girls in parks . . ?


because i am getting tired of all those childish comments here


Perhaps you should go visit Liveuamap discussion. :D SAA advance in E Ghouta is doing rather well, don’t you think.


Yes its unfortunatly the least bad option, assad taking over. But this reamains a filthy war and the civilians suffer badly, so there is nothing to celebrate here, this is very childish. Antother infantile comment is the accusation to be a zionist supporter, its just soo stupid, so yes i am getting fed up with the mayority of people here


Billions of dollars has been invested by other counties to wreck Syria. And the damage has been done. I respect Assad for not fleeing his country, and fighting the Jihadist.


Wel, i don’t respect him…..He remains a bloody dictator. Saddam did not flee his country either Hitler did not, many others did not, so what??


Hey, you’re like a Genie say your name and you suddenly appear.

Rodney Loder

Salman is on his way to get help from Egypt, UK & US I don’t think he’s going to Macron probably he has already been knocked back, Macron was making noises last week and now he’s not, it’s an old trick that works for some, Macron is a dealer and ended up like his counterpart who sold Jack his bean stalk, so the dealer got dudded with a hungry cow, same as Macron, nothing to do with his wife.


Egypt? President al-Sisi is anti Muslim Brotherhood and anti-jihadi Orcs. No dice there.

Richard M

Not anti-money or anti discount oil though.

Rodney Loder

There is some old Muslim Brotherhood activists and committed combat factions supporting al-Qa’ed, (Observatory of Human Rights) because the emir of al-Qa’ed Ayman al-Zawahi’s blood brother Mohammed al-Zawahi of al-Gama’a al-Islamiya was the leader of the Brotherhood in Egypt before Morsi, I heard he’s signed up with MbS of Saudi Arabia the same as al-Sisi.

However early last year when Salman demanded Qarta hand over everything to him the Brotherhood signed exclusively with Erdogan whoes now supporting Qatar Russia Hezbollah and Iran and Sisi is with MbS of Saudi Arabia.

We lost Sisi in 2016 who won’t really help MbS very much, and we gained Turkey and Qatar in 2017.

Religion is becoming much more significant Sisi is anti-Islam, Salman is overtly israel and becoming known around the World as a jew minion.

Also the Islamic factions opposed to Assad are closely resembling the Mujahideen of Afghanistan in the early 1990’s who were tied in with Western crusader types and couldn’t recruit, that’s what is happening in Syria, the committed al-Qa’ed fighters are not being replaced the old guard Brotherhood is almost a spent force, and the New Brotherhood are not fighting Assad.

Robert Duran

According to Western media..East Ghouta had 393000 people trapped there before the operation began.The SAA has now liberated a third of East Ghouta..Number of people trapped now???….393000..

Are there even people in East Ghouta?..Seriously


How many hostipals have the hatchet faced regime zealots destroyed in the pocket, 110% or 150%?


Lol. It is a number pulled out of a jihadist’s arse. Eventually they will count about 50,000 people there and claim that the SAA offensive killed the rest. 343,000 dead sounds like a good soundbite to the brain-wash corporate media. But not a word about the mass destruction in Mosul and Raqqa.


Great job, unfortunately the real tough terrain still lay ahead


General Suheil al Hassan is a brilliant tactician and there is exactly zero fear in him. Since he first headed for Aleppo I knew he was unstoppable. It seems so long ago he liberated the prison and Kuweires airbase. Now here he is doing the long thought impossible deed. God bless him and his tigers. RIP general Issam Zahreddin.

Icarus Tanović

Wax all wahhabi maggots!!!


The terrorists hope to get air support from their allies (USA-NATO-israel-Turkey). However, they have not realized yet that they are already lost.

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