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MARCH 2025

In Photo: Russia’s MiG-31 Jet Armed With Kinzhal (Dagger) Hypersonic Nuclear Missile

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In Photo: Russia's MiG-31 Jet Armed With Kinzhal (Dagger) Hypersonic Nuclear Missile

Photo by Alexandr Uhakov (vk.com/chkala_crew)

This Russia’s MiG-31 interceptor fighter armed with a Kinzhal (Dagger) hypersonic nuclear missile will reportedly particiapte in a military parade on May 9 [Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War].

It is known that Kinzhal’s top speed is in the neighborhood of Mach 10, or over 12,000 km/h, its combat range is about 2000 km, while flight trajectory carries it to altitudes of 50-80km above the Earth’s surface.

At the moment Kinzhal’s carrier is the MiG-31 all-weather interceptor fighter, in the future that role could also be undertaken by the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter.

Aerodynamic control surfaces allow the missile to maneuver throughout its trajectory and thus evade air- and missile-defense zones. It is the ability to maneuver at hypersonic speeds that gives the missile its invulnerability which increases its likelihood of striking the target.

In order to intercept the Kinzhal, the Patriot PAC-3 anti-missile would have to reach the speed of Mach 15, and at the moment there is no such missile in US arsenal. The best the PAC-3 can do is Mach 4.5. Kinzhal can strike not only stationary but also mobile targets, such as warships.

Most information about this missile is currently classified, though it is known it could carry conventional or nuclear payloads.

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Kell McBanned

Wild bit of gear!

Floyd Hazzard

Lmao…nope, just great propaganda tools and machinations from No-show Russia……rotfl.


Haha you mean the 71 dud cruise missiles that missed – Russia warned them not to strike Russian forces & Mattis backed down lol


You’re living in a parallel universe

Tudor Miron

No, unlike you zio’s we’re watching LIVE feed from Syrian airbases and other installations which successfully defended against your main weapons. How does it feel to find out that even ancient Soviet era hardware is enough to repel you? In your universe (MSM and transgender toilets) it is different, I know but that your own choice.


The buildings that US, UK and French morons have targeted if truly that there were chemical weapons produced or stored so then this is a henous crime because that would be a disaster for the whole Middle East region because bombing it would spread poisonous and toxic chemicals in the whole environment which would kill thousands and could cause cancer in hundreds of thousands but fortunately there were no chemical weapons.


re: “The buildings that US, UK and French morons have targeted if truly that there were chemical weapons produced or stored so then this is a henous crime ”

Correct. In fact, if you the U.$.U.K.Frogs had ‘hit any chemical weapons’ then they would have been responsible for ‘discharging chemical weapons in ‘civilian areas.’ Scumbags… the lot of them. Why would they risk exposing or killing civilians with chemical weapons residue. That is a war crime. They need to be locked up. All of them.


You look pretty desperate, Putin looks smaller and upset this days.

Tudor Miron

Desperate because US cruise rockets are proved to be ineffective even against ancient AD tech?


Look, sometimes Assad is right, sometimes he has to say what is politically correct, this remembers me of the war against Serbia, in 1999, when poor Serbs were saying the Tomahawks don’t hit the targets and I bet you will come with: “They proved that American airplanes are not Invisible”.

Tudor Miron

https://southfront.org/pentagon-is-concerned-about-results-of-syria-strike-prepares-to-launch-internal-probe-sources/ https://southfront.org/trumps-hybrid-plan-wsj-attempts-to-explain-questionable-results-and-targets-of-us-led-strike-on-syria/


Actually i read every article on this site i don’t need your useless help


It’s getting so you can identify a hasbara troll the first time they open their mouth.


Google is offering every one 99 dollars every hour,, besides, offering every week payroll .. You can also apply this career!!last Thursday I purchased a gorgeous Fiat Panda after just earning $14523 this past month .it’s really the best work however you could no longer forgive yourself if you don’t hop over to it.!nx792a:∬∬∬ http://GoogleMobiWorkAtHomeBusinesses/getpaid/98$/eachhour… ★★v★★h★★w★★★p★u★★g★★q★★★f★★k★★★b★f★★q★★★x★★t★★m★l★★w★★q★★★a★★★w★★j★★★u★a★★w★★★k::::!lw672g:jg


Assad, Putin, Ruhanni and all other Muslim leaders must know Israelis are their main enemy. Coordinating, cooperating and allowing them in your countries is like butchering your own nations and destroying your own countries yourselves.

US+UK+France+ISIS+Al-Qaeds+Boko Haram+SDF+YPG = Israel

Make nuclear and chemical weapons and ballistic missiles for Israelis morons because without Israel this world will be a true paradise.

Tudor Miron

Get lost creature. For show and drama – welcome to US/UK gang. Half a billion spent to nock out some empty buildings and provide combat training to Syrian AD (which they passed in bright colors). At this point our ally Syria is capable to defend itself without Russia even having to show its hand. Get used to it – US/UK is a gang anf now it is known that this gang is toothless :)


old soviet propagand, fsb agent. you should be at least so intelligent, that chnge the side A to side B on commie lies LP. :)))


Poor Zio lovers crying ‘cos US can’t take out Iran and Russia from Syria. Land thieving baby killer Zionists have to pack up and go home to Europe now.


Remember that answer of Pentagon about that 2000% increase in “russian propaganda” dear troll?Go tell ur masters its not about propaganda its just the american “tea” thrown over board.


You need to come out of your reality distortion field, the Soviet Union no longer exists. Any country that is a free sovereign state is an enemy of the American hegemony.




Nice try Solomon

J Ramirez

Might have been cheaper to hire demo experts to take out the empty buildings :}


Maybe they could have ‘flown a passenger jet loaded with innocent passengers into a building instead.’ They would have got a better result.


This Russia’s MiG-31 interceptor fighter armed with a Kinzhal (Dagger) hypersonic nuclear missile is a good combination for kicking out Israeli morons from Middle East.


Better used against ‘large ships’ that carry military aircraft. Such a better target… so hard to miss. Such a great result.


The MiG-31 is no ‘propaganda tool’ it is a staggeringly fast supersonic interceptor that can reach max speed of 3500 km/h – it can catch up to cruise missiles and it’s speed effectively rendered the US SR-71 Cold War Blackbird spy plane obsolete.

Tom Tom

what’s coming will be hard for you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Ya Habibi Hasbara troll !!


You are going to see a LOT more of this type of ‘willy waving’ Russian propaganda to DISTRACT russian supporting fools from Putin’s preparations to evacuate Syria before the West’s invasion.

After the sickening statement by Russian that it obeys its masters in Washington, and thus refuses to sell the s-300 to Syria and Iran (yes, IRAN- it was kremlim FAKE NEWS that they finally allowed s-300 sales there months ago), we learn today that Putin is kneeling at the feet of the Arab League (the same AL that kicked out Syria), to arrange ‘peacekeeping’ as the fig leaf excuse for Russia’s retreat from Syria.

PS where’s Southfront’s coverage of the BZ reveal- oh yeah, that would embarass Putin’s self stated “Western Partners”.


Dreary paid anti-Putinista troll.

Concrete Mike

Hey anytbing about the bright flash/ beam weapon you talked about saturday?

Michał Hunicz

When will the purge of Yarmouk ZioWahhabis start? Military said that it will start after a potential airstrike, why nothing is happening?!

jerry hamilton

WW3 is not something to be rushed into. Would you like to live a few more days?

Michał Hunicz

What do you mean? The airstrikes have gone, for the next one we will wait one year.

jerry hamilton

Sorry, I don’t understand you.

Michał Hunicz

The Syrian Army claimed that it will start its actions after potential Western airstrikes which could weaken an operation.

Tudor Miron

Good, you found it on your own :) Being impulsive doesn help during the war. It is not nit-picking,

Promitheas Apollonious

are you in a rush to die kid?




Could do with flying a few of these around the Med., to welcome the Harry S Truman Strike Force, which is supposedly arriving sometime today

Promitheas Apollonious

you think we go for round 2?

jerry hamilton

No, just a close fly by to say hello.


For Harry S. Truman is antiship system K-300P Bastion deployed near coast enough. Remember USS Donald Cook at Black sea. ;)

leon mc pilibin

Do another Donald Cook on the pirates,lol


Remember what?


Exactly – hard to remember anything when you don’t know what hit you :-D


HAHAHA, chrvatsky agent lied again :DDD


It’s Hrvatski – without C – you Polish knobhead… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/62540c1ac3848c38642327e8346ab1a9a4e0c27e0a872b2876ad1a3253d38bdc.jpg


VelociCraptor is a Polish Ghetto rat?


…I can smell his stale klobassa breath miles away…


Am I Donald Cook now?


Nope, you’re still a moron. Don’t worry…


K-300P Bastion targeted USS Donald Cook at Black Sea, after that incident DC went back to port in Romania and then 27 sailors requested to be relieved from active service. It wasn´t Su-24 with Khibiny system, but antiship missile system K-300P Bastion deployed near Crymea coast.




If Iran can commandeer a sentinel drone from US years ago, then who gave this tech to Persians? US missile attack just an expensive fireworks display. Macron warned Putin in advance. NATO are the P*ssies


It was actually hit by Novichock

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nah the stupid navy mishandled the BZ nerve gas and became incapacitated by it ,lol.

David Pryce

The day Donald got cooked, Russia deployed two Sukhoi jet fighter’s with a small box on there underbelly, which disabled all communications, steering and defensive weapons which left it floating in the Balkans sea as the two Sukhoi jet fighter’s simulated a bombing raid in theory on the Donald Cook. After refusing a Russian tow to there base, on reaching land upto 30 navy sailors retired as Quality over quantity wins all the time. Check it on YouTube


I know the story told by some obscure Russian blogger but never found any evidence.


Actually these babies can reach US fleet stationed off Cyprus launched from within Russian airspace. Just flying them few miles off Crimea would be enough…


Why waste a Kinzhal on a piece of floating shit like Harry Truman when 15 year old mach 2.5 Yakhonts from Hizbollah can sink the entire fleet and they wont even see it coming. Ask the stupid Israelis if they saw the older C802 knock thecrap outta them waaaay back in 2006.

John Whitehot

i thought they say it would arrive in may.


Russia needs to acumulate an arsenal of a few hundred missiles, possibly 1000, along with the ship to ship Zircon hypersonic missile, to treat NATO carrier strike forces with weapons they cannot defend against.

jerry hamilton

Yes Jesus. Do you mean kill the ba$tard5 ?


The idea is to convey to the deluded they are dead meat, if the delusion persists a few ships can taste hypersonic kinetic impact. How boastful would NATO be if their conventional weapons are outclassed,….are they going to raise the threshold to nuclear? Even their nuclear weapons are being outclassed and their effectiveness is questionable, especially the land based led of the triad.

In a few years Russia will be in position to deliver conventional warheads on US soil, giving them a clear advantage in the global strike capability. Maybe some of these conventional warheads would be directed at locations manned and frequented by the swamp honchos, industrial and technological centers, bursting the bubble that US is free from ravages of conventional war.

jerry hamilton

Hmmm… You bloody their nose and they will back off but to make them feel good about themselves, they will take it out on someone else. They are not reasonable people.


Being militarily inferior would not make NATO feel good, their role of a bully diminishes, in if they try to push the envelope, their military inferiority will teach them again, it’s like hitting your head against a brick wall repeatedly.

Russia needs 3-5 years to develop their new generation weapons in quantity whereby Russia becomes the primary superpower able to constrain the bullies and wanna be bullies.

jerry hamilton

I think that Russia are closer to being up to the task than we are aware. I also think America are aware of that. Otherwise they would be threatening Russia directly. I understand NATO have spent years on the Bears doorstep but flies are at best an irritant.


They are not in the position or have the mindset to threaten Russia militarily, given their aversion to casualties; they would rather see a regime change or some other type of political coup, where their stooges somehow get control of Russia.

jerry hamilton

Totally agree.

paul ( original )

I think everything your are writing is correct. However, I have a strong suspicion that the west just lacks the mental machinery to comprehend their own military weakness . They just can not conceptualize it so in their minds it can not exist. Its was like in the Vietnam war the usa just had no way of imagining that they would no be victorious. That is until the very end when disintegration of the us army was upon them. So I fear here it will be the same. Only if the west experiences actual, extensive and obvious loss will they become aware of even an approximate reality .

Just in passing I would add that a few million dead does not really both the political class. Remember you get a nice monument.


The west is allergic to casualties, they have the mindset that war is a computer game, if they get entangled with the Russians and suffer heavy casualties they might think of acting irrationally and impulsively by escalating the conflict to a more destructive level, Russia should be ready to have deployed the S500 and the Nudol ABM system, just in case the neocons feel suicidal.

It is hard to bluff when the other side knows you have a loosing hand.

paul ( original )

The S-500 is something I have been waiting to see for years. Each year I hope to see it at the victory parade. So far no show but may be this year. As for what else you say , my feeling has nothing more that opinion to back it up but I think the political elite can pressurize and browbeat the population to accept anything they want. This includes their own destruction.


Haha, i was surprized, that jesus does not react. now i see, i blocked this liar.:DDD

hamilton, haminlton, you little hater, you got nice slam in face. i was right, ruskies are cowards and did nothing! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

jerry hamilton

Thanks. You just reminded me to block you.




Russians do not need any new Tech for Carrier killing – it had that years ago. No-one in their right minds would continue building Aircraft carriers for force projection against supersonic Russian anti-ship missiles like Sunburn/Oniks. Carriers are now obsolete and the US is sitting with the most. what a bunch or morons. Russian missile tech 20 years ahead of US/NATO. Was so in early 2000’s and even more so now.


The Ageis air defense network can “handle” (untested) swarms of Oniks and Kalibers, eventually it would succumb if enough Oniks and Kalibers are fired. With hypersonic missiles, the response time is reduced significantly and a squadron of T22 or MiG 31 equipped with Kinzahls and surface ships with Zircon would overwhelm a carrier task force and sink it.

Ivan Freely

Carriers importance have been diminished, but there’s still a place for them in the fleet.

Baudouin Jérusalem

Russia should test Kinzhal in Syria about USS Monterey for example ;-)

leon mc pilibin

Let the zionist warmongers see what will be waiting for them if they dare attack Russians in Syria or beyond.


Please Russia, use this on DC and/or Tel Aviv. Thanks, The World

Dušan Mirić

So what! Keep them for parades instead to knock out ships from that nazi nato terrorist mob of aggressors, invaders, looters and murderers

paul ( original )

Good point.

Promitheas Apollonious

Basic intelligence is the answer to your question and common sense. Are you in a rush to go back to the stone ages ? Because this is what will happen and the areas who will hit the most will be balkans, europe and ME. Judging from your name you come form the areas that are first to go into this new global war.

If history did not teach you anything yet is time to learn that when you start a WW3 you chose the place and the time you initiate it and not follow a bunch of errand NWO boys you dont know where their ass from second base is. And definitely not in Syria where you reaching your targets uniting them and turning them into a very good war machine, destroying everything you build for emotional reasons or because some of you have a death wish and can not wait when it happen.

The only way for Russia to achieve this is when she react the blow to the west to be so shocking to their population that will rise against the errand boys of NWO and lynch them. So dont make questions or statements that a 2 year old would not do, because he knows the answer.

Dušan Mirić

Honestly, I wish all those brave airmen in their magnificent machines show their skills only in air shows not killing each others. Yet, we don’t have our heads to get bumps from some bully. Very often it ends with kinzhal in chests.

Promitheas Apollonious

No we dont and is the reason we are fighting against and when I say fighting I dont mean from a keyboard.

Dušan Mirić

Listen, I was ironical about Russian position in this crisis. I just heard analyst who asked TV presenter to imagine situation Russia for example threaten to bomb a country where the usa have their base and tweet to Trump-et they are not going to hit American assets, what do you think what Trump-et would do? Some expert says that even the kinetic energy of a hit on speed Kinzhal is traveling before the impact would inflict heavy damage to a ship. Russian sustained attitude and following statements are the sign of weakness that makes this warmongers to add more pressure. In 1992 I was arrested by Serbian paramilitary forces and in a police wan taken to a front line. Now I am using keyboard at least to say ain’t did a thing.

Dušan Mirić



Don’t forget to fire off a few Kalibr’s as well at some mudhut after Russia’s impotence has been exposed. That’s really turned the tide in previous crises.

Tudor Miron

Kinjal’s launching platform should be noted separately. Mig31BM is a unique interceptor fighter. NATO has nothing with this speed and altitude. With cruise speed of 2500km and max speed well over 3000km it can bring its payload up to launching point in a matter of minutes. I love this machine, with renewed avionics it’s a deadly weapon system who’s main role was air defense of Russian territory. With dagger onboard it became an extremely dangerous anti ship system allowing strike distance over 3000km.


Go and fuck your bear mother, ugly russian fsb agent! Dont spamt this forum!


This sounds like Tomahawk missile specs. Zajimavy.


Potyemkin missile.


Yea, and VA-111 Shkval torpedo too, right ? Cry me a river.


did you see to hit any enemy ship? ruskies are big liars masters of dummies building.


I suppose Russian nukes dont work either because they havent bombed a city


Damn this Dagger promises a lot though.


Showing the boundaries


NATO’s armada in ME, say 1500 simultaneous missiles, were not shot at Syria saturday morning 14-04-2018!

After 48 hours of negotiation, only a 100 or so. Despite Bolton and Pompeo!!!!

Why? The Russian threat to retaliate.

The Kinzhal and Russian EW radars.

If the US generals still cannot tell upfront they will be defeated the next time, Russia needs to sink some vessals and upgrade Syrian airdefense.

So all shouting about WWIII is definitively over! The US/NATO complete armada STOPPPED!


Unless one thinks Putin will start WWIII. :D


Another Vietnam moment for the US: the sinking of an aircraftcarrier!

It has worked before!


– VETERANS TODAY – US Defeat by Syria, Huge Media Cover-up : https://bit.ly/2IZNADl


– VETERANS TODAY – Censored Deep State Analysis: Syrian Crisis Deepens, Who Wants Nuclear War or World War III ?

José Xavier

Patriot systems doesnt intercept even the Houthis “missiles”, what has already been showed in Saudi Arabia… Americans waste a lot of money and became blinded by foolness of “invencibility”. I wonder when will be the first combat experience of Kinzhal (not nuclear armed please)… Idlib or Daraa pocket in Syria will be a good one…

José Xavier

Its “funny” that Israeli strikes in Syria against the T4 base caused more damage than the “Massive” Western Strike… +100 precision missiles either intercepted or just targeting nothing… Very poor coordination between US-UK-FR. Russia probably has more reason to fear Israel than Nato.

Kenneth Hall



If I were the Russians, I’d be looking over my shoulder on victory parade day. Wouldn’t want to be surprised by a pre-emptive strike…….

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